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General => Top Tips => Topic started by: GrannieAnnie on September 16, 2008, 20:41:44

Title: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: GrannieAnnie on September 16, 2008, 20:41:44
I'm thinking ahead to a Christmas present for my sister and wondering
what you'd like most for your gardening or what was a special one you've rec'd.
(FYI=Greenhouses are out of my pocketbook range!)
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: manicscousers on September 16, 2008, 20:45:55
I've had a ladybird box, mason bee box, fancy wellies with spots all over, thermal socks and gloves, soap that cleans my hands and cream to soothe cuts and grazes..even my own penknife,
we have 'wish lists' for Christmas so we all get something we want  ;D
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: betula on September 16, 2008, 20:46:51
A propagator would be nice.

Many garden centres do gift vouchers :)
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: Borlotti on September 16, 2008, 20:47:09
I had a mini greenhouse (if you can call it that) from Argos for my birthday.  Self assembly and plastic cover, cost under £20, very good for small garden and for starting seeds.  I also asked for slug pellets, not very exciting but useful.  For Christmas I got a chest freezer for my produce from the allotment.  People buy me gardening books but I don't need them because I have Allot. 4 all or the internet.
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: Deb P on September 16, 2008, 20:48:06
Best things would be stuff you would like, but can't justify the cost in my case, something like really good gardening gloves (Gold Leaf for example), or a voucher to buy a special fruit tree or two!
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: angle shades on September 16, 2008, 20:51:35
manure, I'm very easy to please ;)
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: thifasmom on September 16, 2008, 20:53:29
vouchers for sites i want things from such as fruit trees, seed potatatoes, and so on.
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: flossy on September 16, 2008, 20:57:55
  Please - please, someone buy me a petrol strimmer for Christmas ,  the one thing I can't cope with
  is the grass around my plot, it knows no bounds - and the faster I cut it the faster it grows  :'(

  It's OK, I'm over it know  :-[  be alright in a minute,  :'( ]

  erm, maybe Alan Titmarsh may fit the bill -  ;)

  Floss xxx
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: Baaaaaaaa on September 16, 2008, 21:03:21
What would you like the most for a present ?

 - At the moment, a day off. :-X
 - For next year, a self weeding flower bed. ::)

 Failing that -

 A day in a health spa to recover from all that digging.
 A subscription to a magazine that I've already got a pile of that are still unread, so I can have an even bigger pile of unread stuff.
 Any RHS gardening book that I hadn't already got, so I can hide down the lottie and read them (along with the magazines above).
 Secateurs are always handy for when the last pair disappeared into the compost heap.
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: Borlotti on September 16, 2008, 21:03:52
A gardener, preferably young, strong, male and handsome.
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: asbean on September 16, 2008, 21:10:55
My OH once gave me a shredder for Christmas.  It was one of his favourite toys.  I trimmed the hedges and he sat on a chair, wineglass in one hand, feeding the shredder with the other.
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: Baaaaaaaa on September 16, 2008, 21:12:43
A gardener, preferably young, strong, male and handsome.

Clothed ?
With or without his own tools ?
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: gwynleg on September 16, 2008, 21:17:46
Wow, I'm enjoying this thread. Keep going!
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: Borlotti on September 16, 2008, 21:33:28
Wasn't there a gardener on a TV advert.  He was lovely.  I want one with his trousers on and his shirt off.  I don't fancy Alan Titchmarsh, although I think he is a nice man, but don't find him sexy.  I suppose an allotment make over would be good but I expect they would muck it up, I would have to be there to supervise.
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: Baaaaaaaa on September 16, 2008, 21:47:57
Wasn't there a gardener on a TV advert.  He was lovely.  I want one with his trousers on and his shirt off.  I don't fancy Alan Titchmarsh, although I think he is a nice man, but don't find him sexy.  I suppose an allotment make over would be good but I expect they would muck it up, I would have to be there to supervise.

Probably end up covered in decking and weed suppressant cloth, with a bubble fountain water feature in the corner and a 4ft*4ft shed/greenhouse.
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: tricia on September 16, 2008, 21:55:42
How about the promise of a decent summer next year? Pretty please  :D. (Sorry, but that is all I want!)

Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: Emagggie on September 16, 2008, 21:57:22
I would like a kelly kettle. Not because I need one, they just look like fun and I was never a Girl Guide. ;D
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: GrannieAnnie on September 17, 2008, 04:25:31
I shouldn't care how he looks as long as he can dig post holes and transplant shrubbery.
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: caroline7758 on September 17, 2008, 08:04:03
A proper greenhouse to replace my two wonkylean-to ones. But I know there's no chance, so secateurs, a border spade and some garden vouchers would do!
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: kt. on September 17, 2008, 08:19:44
A gardener, preferably young, strong, male and handsome.
Sorry but I am already spoken for 8)

A 4 Stroke Mantis Tiller Rotovator.   As they are so expensive I would settle for:
1.  One of them wooden paper-pot makers
2.  A new pair of wellies
3.  Packets of seeds for the varieties I will be growing next year
4.  Bag of Hen feed (Layers pellets or mixed corn)

Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: Barnowl on September 17, 2008, 09:06:06
Root trainers -  but be warned, they're addictive.
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: rosebud on September 17, 2008, 11:42:28
This has really put a smile on my face, i would like Monty Don shirt off to do my very large garden Mmmm, Mmmmm.  WOW ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: betula on September 17, 2008, 11:47:33
 I have met him and he is to my mind a bit weedy,I like them big and chunky,more beef than chicken ,if you know what I mean :)
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: markfield rover on September 17, 2008, 14:14:11
An Orangey,please.
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: oakmore2 on September 17, 2008, 15:04:44
A small victoria plum tree, or a couple of blueberry bushes or some enviromesh to keep the cabbage whites off my brassicas!!
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: keef on September 17, 2008, 16:07:11
A trailer load of manure ;D every year i have a nightmare getting hold of some...
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: Baaaaaaaa on September 18, 2008, 00:31:11
This has really put a smile on my face, i would like Monty Don shirt off to do my very large garden Mmmm, Mmmmm.  WOW ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

You'd have to be carefull - he could have a stroke at anytime   ...   but I'm not sure he'd let YOU have a stroke.
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: cambourne7 on September 18, 2008, 09:02:50
what about an all terain seat, someone recomended it last year and i picked it up and i use it every time i am on the lotty. I use it for weeding it saves my back and i also use it as a spare chair when people pop over for a coffee :)

I got mine on ebay cheaper than this and did not bother with the cushion so i can quite happily forget it in the lotty and dont have to worry about weather i put the cushion in the shed :)
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: flowerofshona2007 on September 18, 2008, 10:06:46
A box of seeeds   ;D  i would be such a happy bunny witha box full of seeds to sort out (simple little soul i am  ;D)
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: woppa30 on September 19, 2008, 08:52:30
Apart from some of the items already mentioned a new wheelbarrow would be nice. I am also looking for a new souce of a three pronged fork. I broke the shaft on teh old oen I found on my plot when I took it over and I managed to repalce it but its look slike its on its alst leggs...
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: alfie on September 19, 2008, 18:55:31

 i would like a huge length ( 8 x 6 ) of horticultural ground cover fabric to cover my little lottie for the winter to keep it snug and weed free ready for the spring.  ::)

 I took the day off work and spent a happy day clearing it today- its so  loooovely and neat and im all excited thinking about what to grow next spring  :)
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: daileg on September 19, 2008, 19:00:51
some sunshine and a little smile from all the lovely ladies as they go by my plot
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: debster on September 19, 2008, 20:10:54
i would like someone to make me up a little hamper with some nice gardening soap, gloves (not expensive poundland would do cos i lose em) some nice hand cream, a nice jar of coffee, a cake, a few packets of seeds and other little sundries, nothing expensive just a few little things in a box or tray would be lovely (one of those blue veg trays would do then i could re use it)  ;D
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: posie on September 19, 2008, 20:20:55
A voucher from one of my family promising me a days worth of digging - with no moaning!  ;D
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: KathrynH on September 19, 2008, 20:24:20
A manicure, to pamper my gardeners hands. I treat myself occasionally and it is a really good tonic.
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: lolabelle on September 20, 2008, 08:07:54
Professional Winged Weeder - Burgon & Ball

 Product Description
Winged Weeder - virtually eliminates back ache and gets jobs done in half the time of a conventional hoe. Described by The Independent as a ÒmagicalÓ tool. Perfect for maintaining clear soil once established weeds have been removed. Unique four bladed head shuffles nimbly under the surface of the soil Ð chopping young weeds off in their prime. Compact 11cm head is perfect for work in closely planted areas. 130cm handle.

Seems ideal for backache suffers

Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on October 15, 2008, 21:02:49
a nymphomaniac with her own rotavator
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: Looby Loo on November 08, 2008, 18:03:13
A nice young man who likes to spend a lot of time on his knees...(for weeding of course).  Failing that, manure would be appreciated - Dad and OH take note.
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: dc2 on November 19, 2008, 16:47:25
Winning lottery ticket then I can take my time choosing  :)
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: hellohelenhere on November 19, 2008, 17:15:01
Someone to do my dayjob for me so I can spend my time on the garden instead. A greenhouse. A willing team of assistants. Someone to break up the concrete path and take it away. Fruit bushes. A bit more room for a pond. A hammock to lie in one day when it's all done - hahahaha!
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: Kea on November 19, 2008, 17:20:22
I would like a garden big enough to grow all the stuff I now grow at the allotment plus the flower garden i have at home so I can pop out and work in it when ever i have some free time and don't have to worry anymore about missing time at the allotment while I wait home for someone's delivery to arrive etc  I'd also like my SI joint dysfunction to magically go away forever.
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: flowerofshona2007 on November 19, 2008, 17:33:23
a nymphomaniac with her own rotavator

You called  ;D
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: Flighty on November 19, 2008, 17:44:56
A garden!
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: purple sprouting on December 05, 2008, 10:19:51
A couple of tons of topsoil and a quantity of manure............. failing that a set of those handsome post things with line between them so you can get straight rows (I've been using two bits of old bamboo and whatever string I can find for years)

Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: Fork on December 05, 2008, 10:22:50
Someone to come along next year and winter dig for me!
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: Bionic Wellies on December 05, 2008, 15:36:10
A Scythe. 
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: star on December 09, 2008, 17:46:22
a nymphomaniac with her own rotavator

You called  ;D

Oh........I say 8)
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: gardentg44 on December 24, 2008, 07:52:00
Wouldnt mind "charlies dimmocks"
no need to wrap um ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: saddad on December 24, 2008, 08:15:32
I'm with Shades, Keef etcetera... can't have too much muck... unless some one has contaminated it!  ::)
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: Alexihen on December 26, 2008, 19:11:36
Talking about those wooden paper pot makers, does anyone know exactly what they look like?  Surely it must be possible to make one yourself without a great deal of effort, but they never show you the whole thing in the adverts.
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: grannyjanny on December 26, 2008, 20:15:31
We were recently allocated an allotment & while watching GW Christmas special Carol was in her garden with a lovely wooden trug. I thought to myself I would love one of those. Guess what our lovely eldest daughter bought for us + some slate markers & a journal. We are so lucky. Oh & a friend gave us a GC gift voucher.
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: debster on December 26, 2008, 20:30:03
alexihen if you use the search option on here someone showed us how to make the paper pots using a bean tin its brilliant
Title: Re: As a gardener, what would you like the most for a present ?
Post by: Alexihen on December 30, 2008, 22:02:02
Thanks, Debster.  I found the link - it looks good.

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