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Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: aquilegia on August 17, 2004, 12:21:55

Title: Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: aquilegia on August 17, 2004, 12:21:55
Had a major blitz on my tomato plants (all 40-odd of them) over the weekend - tying up, cutting off sideshoots and yellow leaves, etc.

But after all that work, I cannot get my hands clean. There are still black bits (have no idea how the yellow stuff off the leaves turns black, but it does) on the cracks on my fingers and around my cuticles.

How can I get them clean?

I've washed with soap and water - scrubbed my hands with the nail brush and washing up liquid - they are still filthy.

And to make matters worse, I'm allergic to tomato plants and washing up liquid! (I know I should wear gloves, but then I can't do anything with them on!)
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: Dorothy on August 17, 2004, 12:30:22
Hi aquilegia,

I find that the only way to get my hands clean after gardening is to soak them in biotex solution. I don't know if you will be able to though if you are allegic to washing up liquids.

Good luck.
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: Mrs Ava on August 17, 2004, 13:52:45
I'm afraid, I am as naughty as our lovely Ina.....if I need clean hands I use a touch of bleach!  Hands come back lovely clean, pink and soft!
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: aquilegia on August 17, 2004, 13:56:28
Bleach :o I think my skin would fall off!
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: Ceri on August 17, 2004, 14:06:11
granulated sugar with enough lemon juice and olive oil to make a damp paste rubbed all over works well - careful though, if you've any cuts on your hands this will sting!   Works without the olive oil as well, but a bit drying on the skin
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: Pixie on August 17, 2004, 14:19:44
best thing is either swarfega - used by many a machanic/engineer (lover has some) or Lemon juice - natures bleach - but for those of you with nails this will weaken them.

Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: aquilegia on August 17, 2004, 14:25:16
I'll give Ceri's suggestion a go tonight, as I happen to have all the ingredients at home!
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: Jill on August 17, 2004, 14:44:52
Have you tried those thin latex gloves you can get from supermarkets?  I've found them very good (when I've remembered to put them on).  Jill
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: tim on August 17, 2004, 15:52:13
Use a barrier cream (Rozalex type thing) before you do it? = Tim
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: derbex on August 17, 2004, 16:03:48
Or disposable gloves fron garages.

Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: Wicker on August 17, 2004, 19:21:12
Along the same line's as Pixie's Swarfega I use the "Spotless" (JML) stuff for quickest results- I expect it's basically the same.  Or two lemon halves (1 each hand) or bleach followed by lashings of handcream.  I've always had hopeless nails anyway so all I hope for is them to be clean  :(
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: ina on August 19, 2004, 13:22:30
So far bleach has been the only full proof way for me and I tried most of the suggestions mentioned.

Actually, bleach seems to make my hands softer too, I think it takes off all dead skin cells that make your hands feel rough.

Just a little thick bleach in a small dish and rub a bit on the stained area's of your hands, as soon as the stains are gone, wash several times with soap, dry, put some hand cream on and voila........ rough, stained gardeners paws changed into dainty, delicate hands, soft as a baby's bottom hehehe.
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: aquilegia on August 19, 2004, 14:34:08
still daren't use the bleach - I have very sensitive skin!

don't like wearing gloves, and don't like the idea of throwing them away.

And I still have stains because I have a few too many hangnails to risk getting lemon juice into. ouch.
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: john_miller on August 20, 2004, 01:32:36
When I worked in a monocrop tomato greenhouse we would religiously sprinkle citric acid crystals (Boots brand, from the home brewing section- 30 years on, do they still have one?) on our palms every morning, and after every break, and wet them slightly. This would dissolve the crystals and then we would rub the paste over our hands (scrupulously avoiding any cuts!). Come break time we would just wash the paste, and the green tomato stain, off. Almost completely effective, more than anything else, and certainly avoided hard scrubbing!
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: Spurdie on August 20, 2004, 15:26:27
Hi all
I have given up trying to have lily white hands. I've scraped soap under my fingernails and put on lashings of handcream before I start, and I find it makes no difference whatsoever.
I think the worst stain to come out is from plums. I got a large boxful of Victoria plums from a neighbour last year, whose tree was bent over with the amount of fruit it had on it, and I decided to make chutney with them. Well, I peeled and stoned plums all afternoon and by the end of it my hands were brown, and they stayed brown despite scrubbings with washing up liquid, lemon, AND bleach FOR DAYS.  :(
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: ina on August 20, 2004, 16:21:14
Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Bleach didn't work? Pure bleach?
I better watch out, we'll be getting plums soon so I better wear gloves to de-stone them. I really do need clean hands for work.
Thanks for the warning.
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: Sarah V Bertram on August 24, 2004, 21:32:46
Plums and damsons stained my hands brown too, in the cracks and cuts, as mentioned above. I was very surprised by it at the time!
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: piglit on September 01, 2004, 10:29:21
For anyone who has too much money(!) I can recommend foxgloves, special gloves from the states which I was given as a gift (I would not spend that much on a pair of gloves).  But they are so thin that I can do all but plant the tiniest of seeds with them on which is great.  They are not waterproof but don't hold the water that much either and they dry very fast on the windowsill.
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: Doris_Pinks on September 02, 2004, 12:05:49
Piglet, I have a pair of Foxgloves, given to my by my American friend....when I have them pulled up it looks as if I am gardening in evening gloves ;D I can recommend them though, but not for rose pruning!! :o
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: aquilegia on September 02, 2004, 12:46:20
$25  :o I stick with my dirty hands.

I now have tomato feed stained hands and I have to go to a meeting later.  :-[
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: Doris_Pinks on September 02, 2004, 15:11:57
Aqui I buy jumbo boxes of plastic surgeon type gloves from "trading for you", only trouble is at this time of year, they do make your hands sweat!
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: Spurdie on November 02, 2004, 19:07:27
AQUILEGIA! WAKE UP!  ;D Have just been reading through a pile of old copies of "Garden News" (casts offs from relatives!) and Top Tipster Nan Greenshields says:
"To remove the stubborn stains from your hands after working with tomato plants, cut a GREEN tomato and rub it on your hands before you wash. When you wash your hands, the stains will just vanish."
Now you know!
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 03, 2004, 22:25:17
That has reminded me of another possible old wives tale Spurdie.  When you get sunburnt, rub the flesh of a ripe tomato over the affected areas and it will sooth the pain.  The only memory I have of my next door neighbour when I was a ickly bitty girl it seeing him strutting around his back garden, red raw, and covered in tomato pips!  :D  Wonder if it worked?
Title: Re:Tomato leaves-stained hands
Post by: Spurdie on November 04, 2004, 20:49:45
Never heard of rubbing a tomato on sunburn!!!  ;D Maybe someone told him that for a laugh!!! I always was told to put yoghurt on sunburn. Either way the wasps will start landing on you, but at least it will take your mind off the sunburn!
Got a cracker of a tip (more like a lifesaver up here!) from a neighbour re midge bites - put on vinegar. You might smell like a chip, but at least it stops the itching!  :P (this tip really DOES work!)
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