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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: paulinems on July 03, 2008, 20:39:20

Title: melon,or cucumber
Post by: paulinems on July 03, 2008, 20:39:20

this is suposed to be cucumber, hubby says melon!! or large courgette seeds came from real seed company :D :D any idears please
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: manicscousers on July 03, 2008, 20:45:39
looks a bit like my courgette, bit darker though  ;D
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: betula on July 03, 2008, 20:48:51
The leaves on my cucumber are a lot bigger than those. :)

Davyw 1 will know.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: manicscousers on July 03, 2008, 20:50:14
 that's true, courgette leaves are lots bigger, too
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: paulinems on July 03, 2008, 22:16:54
leaves might be big as been growing in greenhouse with all other cucumbers,but they dont climb like cucumbers though
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Deb P on July 04, 2008, 15:54:39
I vote courgette too... ;D
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: amphibian on July 04, 2008, 21:40:55
email realseeds, they are very helpful in matters like this.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: paulinems on July 04, 2008, 21:53:57
Thankyou, i have emailed them with pic
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: calendula on July 04, 2008, 22:05:37
looks like a winter squash to me  :-\
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: betula on July 05, 2008, 20:18:42
Any other thoughts?
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: sawfish on July 06, 2008, 10:48:02
kabocha squash?

perhaps a bit too smooth.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Paulines7 on July 06, 2008, 17:32:18
It could even be a pumpkin.  They are green before they turn red. 

Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: davyw1 on July 06, 2008, 18:07:56
One thing for sure it is not a cucumber, the only round one you get is Crystal Lemon and Crystal Apple.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Baccy Man on July 07, 2008, 02:47:48
'Tondo di Piacenza' courgette?
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: allaboutliverpool on July 07, 2008, 08:35:02

It's a courmelcupump!

I can afford to sound frivolous as I have just woken up for a first morning in Nice.

Temperature at present 31C.

Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: GrannieAnnie on July 07, 2008, 10:36:14

It's a courmelcupump!

I can afford to sound frivolous as I have just woken up for a first morning in Nice.

Temperature at present 31C.

Into the Vin de Pays already, allaboutliverpool??
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: allaboutliverpool on July 07, 2008, 11:55:16
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: paulinems on July 07, 2008, 16:03:30
real seeds have replyed and said its a courgette , i emailed them back and told them it should have been cucumber,was in cucumber pkt, not buying from them anymore, huby still thinks its a melon he will not let me cut it will it be ok to still cook
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: amphibian on July 07, 2008, 21:16:35
real seeds have replyed and said its a courgette , i emailed them back and told them it should have been cucumber,was in cucumber pkt, not buying from them anymore, huby still thinks its a melon he will not let me cut it will it be ok to still cook

Why would one mistake cause you to abandon realseeds? They're a fantastic company, with much to offer.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: betula on July 07, 2008, 22:08:42
It really looks like Rolet winter squash ;D
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: redimp on July 07, 2008, 22:20:50
I think I have just been smacked in the face by a flying dummy! :-X :'(
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on July 08, 2008, 17:52:47
All seed companies make the occasional mistake. This sounds like a case of a single seed ending up in the wrong bin, I don't think you can complain too much about that. It'll be perfectly OK to cook; if it gets big, treat it as a marrow rather than a courgette.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: betula on July 08, 2008, 22:40:38
I think I have just been smacked in the face by a flying dummy! :-X :'(

Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: infohutt on July 09, 2008, 18:48:30
Hi Pauline,

That looks to me like a Gem squash. I'm from South Africa and I grow about 30 plants of these a year as it was part of our staple diet and you cant buy them here in the UK.

The skin should be fairly firm and the plant should be trailing. From your photo it looks mature already (should be slightly bigger than a tennis ball)
It shouldn't get much bigger than that.

They are excellent eating and easy to prepare - slice it in half around the equator (the flesh should be orange) and scoop the pips out with a spoon. Steam or boil it in the skin for about 15mins - until the flesh is soft. I eat it with a bit of pepper and butter (mmm - my mouth is watering)

Who knows how you got a seed as they don't sell these in the UK
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: manicscousers on July 09, 2008, 19:27:47
hiya, infohutt, welcome to the site  ;D
good information there,
wow, paulinems, you've got a real rarity  ;D
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Baccy Man on July 09, 2008, 22:02:24
I am still going with my original guess as I know realseeds sell that variety of courgette whereas they don't sell gem squash so are unlikely to have seeds lying around. I guess we will find out when it is picked.

Gem squash look like this.
'Tondo di Piacenza' courgettes look like this.

Gem squash seeds are readily available in the UK. here are 2 suppliers.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: thegreatgardener on July 10, 2008, 13:49:27
it is a zucchini not a courgette due the size and shape.
Since a courgette is an immature zucchini.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Jeannine on July 10, 2008, 21:15:43
   Piffle great gardener!!
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Tyke on July 10, 2008, 21:25:02
why the comedy gardener all of a sudden?
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: asbean on July 10, 2008, 21:26:10
it is a zucchini not a courgette due the size and shape.
Since a courgette is an immature zucchini.

Zucca is the italian for marrow. In their language when they want to make something smaller they add the suffix -ino.  Therefore a courgette (which is the French word) is a zucchina or zucchino, plural is zucchini.

Interestingly enough, to make something bigger they add the suffix - one (pronounced ownay).  A zucchone translates as a dunce or blockhead.

There you have it - one is zucchina or zucchino - more than one is zucchini.

Lesson over.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on July 10, 2008, 22:34:03
why the comedy gardener all of a sudden?

It's not the first time he's appeared. I don't know whether the 'great gardener' bit is a joke or delusions of grandeur, but he knows nothing about gardening.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: thegreatgardener on July 11, 2008, 01:07:09
Robert_Brenchley  Jeannine,  asbean,sound like challenge to me.
So claim you I don't know don't anything about veg gardening.
I suggest you put your money where you big mouth is.
I suggest  a wager 1 oz silver.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on July 11, 2008, 13:49:55
How is this challenge to be judged? Are you anticipating a dawn meeting, with spuds at ten paces, or what? Traditionally, the challenged party gets to pick the weapons. It's also traditional that one only fights a gentleman. If we're talking about a wager, then that also requires a gentleman, whose word is his bond. Are you a gentleman?
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: asbean on July 11, 2008, 16:06:25
I'm not a gentleman ... and neither is Jeannine  :-\ :-\ :-\
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Jeannine on July 12, 2008, 12:45:21
I am sometimes not  a lady either!!

 A4A ers we have a fool in our midst.  he knows that and so do we, he is also an idiot because it would seem that his only source of amusement is making crazy statements out of reach of those who would take him on face to face....  not very confident as a person.

It seems he is seasonal as well as he only seem to come out from under his rock in the growing season..  reclusive by nature.

He changes his cover frequently...insecure and and lacks social skills

 Hide under cover as to location, age etc  all hidden from view so perhaps...suggestive of one who is a coward or bully.

Not very educated, and certainly not a scholar...learning impaired perhaps

Has the need for many aliases... a low self esteem.

Needs to boast about his large plants and larger early yeilds...we all know what that suggests!!

 Seems to put a lot of importance on winning.....probably has a gambling addiction.

Throws punches from afar, then hides  while.....  lacks stature, scares easily

All in all it would seem he leads a pretty sad life with many difficulties. I see clearly his need to get negative attention.

A4A ers... I think we should treat this poor poster sweetly  and not add to his obviuisly sad life, and in order to be kind I have made several spelling and grammer mistakes so as not to intimidate him.


XX Jeannine

Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on July 12, 2008, 13:07:09
Yes, you're right. It's wicked to mock the afflicted.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: thegreatgardener on July 12, 2008, 13:19:14
Jeannine it is not my fault you and other posters choose to act the fool and deal in personal acts but what can one expect of posters who a only interested in causing trouble.
Since you have not even bothered to post answer to original question we can surely assume you are a  troll Jeannine.

As for challenging others to a wager.  Talks cheap but you have to be willing to prove that you are right.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: thegreatgardener on July 12, 2008, 14:14:30
 Zucca translates as pumpkin, squash or gourd.
The definition I was referring is the agricultural definition of the difference between
a courgette, and a zucchini. though they may come from same plant.
Also neither  a courgette or zucchini are marrows by classification. 
Even if they may look that way after cursory glance.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: redimp on July 12, 2008, 18:24:34
Jeannine it is not my fault you and other posters choose to act the fool and deal in personal acts but what can one expect of posters who a only interested in causing trouble.
Since you have not even bothered to post answer to original question we can surely assume you are a  troll Jeannine.

As for challenging others to a wager.  Talks cheap but you have to be willing to prove that you are right.

You are a very paranoid person.  On the Beeb boards everyone was out to get you.  On here, everybody is out to get you.  You also have a superego.  On the Beeb boards, everybody but you is wrong.  On here, everybody but you is wrong.  Why are you not world leader - not that I am suggesting it for one moment.  In fact sectioning under the mental health act would be my preferred option for you (that is certifying if you are indeed American)
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: thegreatgardener on July 12, 2008, 18:40:31
redclanger the evidence of personal attacks against me is quite evedent and in very poor taste. I think. I will submit your and others stupid and imcompident posts the for publication in the magazine "Modern Jackass"
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: asbean on July 12, 2008, 18:49:13
Of which you are the editor, of course  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: redimp on July 12, 2008, 19:02:06
redclanger the evidence of personal attacks against me is quite evedent and in very poor taste. I think. I will submit your and others stupid and imcompident posts the for publication in the magazine "Modern Jackass"
A poster's history can be very easily browsed on this website and every rude and insulting comment made by a poster can be clicked on so that its context and position in a thread can be made clear.  You are rude, arrogant and insulting before anybody else (who just respond to your insulting rudeness and arrogance) in just about every thread you have posted in.  Case closed!  And I speak as someone who is not whiter than white!
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Jeannine on July 12, 2008, 19:23:12
Oh my goodness, how sweet...a troll no less, they fetch quite a bit of money on e bay these days.I remember them well from the sixties, cute little things with long green hair and bulgy cute eyes. I used to love them..made my day being compared to one.

?? Personal attacks... I mentioned no names, I guess   no one knows someone as well as they know themselves..

 But what does imcompident mean please?

XX  Jeannine

Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Kea on July 12, 2008, 20:33:19
He did this stupid Zucchini v's Courgette argument on the BBC you say Jeannine during the last growing season! was boringly wrong then as it is now, as it is simply different names for the same thing, one French and the other Italian.

I tried treating him nicely there but it didn't work. I got fed up with people I liked being driven off the forum.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: thegreatgardener on July 12, 2008, 20:57:43

kea so you claim I wrong prove you point instead attacking me.

The correct answer which I previous stated can be found can found on page 143 of book
"the compleat squash".
Aka zucchini's and marrows are not same thing.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on July 12, 2008, 21:43:54
If my wife, who is a psychiatric social worker, saw this guy she'd probably get him a Section 3, which is six months in hospital for treatment. Meanwhile, let's all use the 'ignore' button and deny him any more of the attention he obviously craves. I'm going to. 'Compleat' is an archaic 17th-Century spelling of 'Complete', and in Izaak Walton's 'Compleat Angler'. Does he really have a book that ancient? Even in the US, the money he could get for it would probably pay for the psychiatric care he so obviously needs.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Jeannine on July 12, 2008, 23:51:49
 Just for interest!!

Page 143 of the Compleat Squash does in fact talk about the differences between a marrow and a zucchinni however...when Amy wrote this book she wrote it with an American slant  much like your "friends" Carolyn and  Craig did with their tomato books, the book quoted is one of about 30 books I personally own on squash and each reflect the views of their authors. I doubt if anyone least of all Amy  Goldman would  insist that every word she wrote could not be interpretated slightly different by readers other than those from America. To argue is folly. to keep an open mind shows the ability to learn and grow , this is something I believe Amy would agree with especially as she refers to size as being the deciding factor, not maturity, and as she states on the same page and I quote " everybody botches it".

 The book quoted by the way is one which I frequently suggest to folks who have a love of all things squash, it is an excellent read with wonderful photography but from a gardeners point of view it is lacking in hands on  info for the beginner outside of America and the views and instructions contained in it's lovely pages are without a doubt better suited to a warmer climate than the UK. Amy is undoubtedly a leading authority on squash as she is on melons but being realistic the book  is better suited to the American market and not all the facts threrin are accepted worldwide as the definitive view.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: thegreatgardener on July 13, 2008, 04:46:53
the difference in question in amy's book was a direct definition of squash classifications. So it
does not matter who's  perspective  an American or British the book was written from since biological classification do not vary by country and Amy did not write the definition. she got believe when she consulted with  Dr Harry Paris, who I believe is Israeli.
I sent Harry Paris email  about the classifications in the subject area 2 years ago. If you are confused on the subject,I  suggest you ask him yourself.  Since, He is an expert on the subject
of squash.
Common usage is another matter.  Since small marrows may be used the same as courgettes in cooking but by the same manner when small you could use luffa gourds the same way. But when fully grown, a   luffa is not fit for eating at all.  Also People the USA may use a pumpkin to make pumpkin pie but if you bought canned pumpkin to make pie you would not be eating  pumpkin but a Hubbard squash.

Appearance is often confusing if don't know what you are looking for.

here is example that proves my point  in pictures in the book. 
Example 1
picture 106 on page 140 , picture 85 on page 110, picture 85 on page 142.
Without looking at the notes next to the pictures, which of the pictures is zucchini, which is marrow and which is neither.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Admin aka Dan on July 13, 2008, 09:28:23
I'm not sure what is going on in this thread, or between the posters in the thread.

However, if everyone does not step back and act in a responsible manner, that I will take action.


Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Jeannine on July 13, 2008, 10:04:26
Thank you Dan, I have sent you a personal PM.

 XX Jeannine
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: thegreatgardener on July 13, 2008, 10:20:50
dan I also post a pm to you.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Admin aka Dan on July 13, 2008, 10:22:32
I have received PM's from several people, I have posted a general response in this thread.

Please read it, if you have any questions let me know.

Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: thegreatgardener on July 13, 2008, 11:19:27
jeanie as for you statement about growing squash in uk being different from that where amy grows. I find that to be very funny.
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Trixiebelle on July 13, 2008, 14:40:05
Who's this then?
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: asbean on July 13, 2008, 21:15:10
Hi Trix, good to see you back  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Do you really need an answer to that question  ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Jeannine on July 14, 2008, 18:43:04
Hi Trixie, me too  for a welcome back,LOL as I have been gone for a while too. Hope you are well and that super kid of yours is still super... way off being a teenager so bet he is still a darling. I am paddling along, a bit at a loss this year without my beloved field full of assorted squash but   still healing and hanging in. More time to work on the books etc.

Pm me sometime when you have a mo..we have some catching up to do.

 Hugs to the rugrat.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: melon,or cucumber
Post by: Trixiebelle on July 14, 2008, 18:56:25
Hi Asbean & Jeannine :D

Lots of love to you both XXXX

PS: Jeannine having an opinion on squashes TGG? It's the equivalent of Sir Richard Attenborough having an opinion on ABSOLUTLEY EVERYTHING in the animal world!  EXPERT!
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