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General => The Shed => Topic started by: Emagggie on July 03, 2008, 18:07:03

Title: Griping!
Post by: Emagggie on July 03, 2008, 18:07:03
I recently had cause to make an appointment by 'phone. The very pleasant young lady asked my full name so I gave it. She then called me by my first name which was a bit of a jolt as I haven't used it for over 50 years! I did explain, but It occurred to me that I wasn't happy with such familiarity from someone I have never met, but to say anything would have no doubt embarrased her.
Is it me just being old fashioned? What happened to the days when people who didn't know you addressed you as Mrs or Miss? gripe, gripe.....

Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: manicscousers on July 03, 2008, 18:29:02
don't know which would be worse, I was called MADAM !!!!!
last time I heard myself called that was when my mum called me a little madam  ;D
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: Georgie on July 03, 2008, 20:48:11
I don't like being called Mrs/Ms and avoid it at all costs.  I much prefer people to use my first name and I'm not exactly a spring chicken.  Just a matter of preference I think.

But it was funny last night.  I went out for a meal and a drink with a friend.  When I was at the bar someone said: excuse me young lady. Naturally I didn't think for one moment the remark was addressed at me so I took no notice.  Then the person who was serving me said excuse me, I think that man over there is talking to you!  Made my evening.   ;D

G x

Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: GrannieAnnie on July 03, 2008, 20:57:18
I'd rather be called by my first name also.  Now, if you had introduced yourself as Elizabeth and she began calling you let's say, "Lizzie, Doll" that would have been disrespectful. ;D

PS- what about in the 1800s when wives would refer to their own husbands as Mr. ___ whatever their last name was. That seems very strange in todays world.
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: Hyacinth on July 03, 2008, 21:24:01
Cor Georgie! My garage man calls me "young lady"....I tell him I love it when he talks dirty ;)

I'm with Emaggie about address....sorted my new GP out when he used my Christian name....yet I was supposed to call him "Doctor"? Cheeky whippersnapper. Told him I'd prefer to keep our relationship professional while we were in his Surgery ;D
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: betula on July 03, 2008, 21:29:14
Guy in our village calls me Young Lady. :)

I really do not mind if people use my christian name,pet hate is Love.
That winds me up a bit.
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: posie on July 03, 2008, 21:33:00
Guy on my plot comes past and says "That'll do lass, that'll do"  ;D  Feel like the pig in Babe rofl
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: Hyacinth on July 03, 2008, 21:33:20
In Birmingham they call you "bab".

'Cept the Olden Ones....they call you "wench" :D
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: Uncle Joshua on July 03, 2008, 21:45:01
I hate being called Mr Wall.
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: Georgie on July 03, 2008, 21:56:21
I hate being called Mr Wall.

Do you prefer 'Wonder'? ;)

G x
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: manicscousers on July 03, 2008, 21:59:30
ray calls people 'lovely' and 'young lady', usually 'cos he can't remember their names, men it's 'big fella'  ;D
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: Uncle Joshua on July 03, 2008, 22:01:43
I hate being called Mr Wall.

Do you prefer 'Wonder'? ;)

G x

I've heard worse.

I like to be called Mick, my Mum was the only person that got away with calling me michael.
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: Chilipepper on July 03, 2008, 22:03:12
dont mind my first name what really gripes me is when you hear men calling there partners/wifes our lass GRRRRR
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: debster on July 03, 2008, 22:16:00
where i work in the hospital we ask people what they would like us to call them have only ever had one person say call me Mr such and such did have a lord once who wanted to be called lord whatever,
my name is Deborah but only a few older people call me that or me mum when im in trouble its debbie or debs to everyone else deborah makes me think im in trouble
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: GrannieAnnie on July 03, 2008, 22:23:08
In Birmingham they call you "bab".

'Cept the Olden Ones....they call you "wench" :D
Wench? Really!  LOL  That sounds cute!

The old geezers at work could get away with calling women Honey, Doll, Dear etc. despite being told it was not politically correct. I can't see taking offense because they meant no harm and usually you can't teach an ol' dog new tricks.
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: Emagggie on July 03, 2008, 22:30:51
I don't have a problem with people I know and have been introduced to socially-they can call me whatever they like ;D, it's people obviously younger than me and/or in a business situation. It makes me feel as if they are humouring the old dear. BW is not like me, he is John to the world, but I do remember a situation on a caravan site in France a few years ago when he was complaining to the student-in-charge(!) about the filthiness of it and the very young man made the mistake of calling him 'mate'. The roar came back "mate? I'm not your mate, "  and a lecture about respecting one's elders followed. I bet he does now.
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: lorna on July 03, 2008, 22:46:08
If a gentleman holds a door open for me I do have a habit of saying  "Thank you young man" The young ones usually say "Your welcome love!!" and the older ones usually smile and say "Oh I wish!!"
I don't like being called Mrs, I usually ask people to use my Christian name. At our Doctor's surgery all the nurses are called by their Christian names.
The people I really object to are the people who telephone me and say "Hell Lorna, how are you today?" then give me some sales rubbish!!
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: Doris_Pinks on July 03, 2008, 23:01:56
my name is Deborah but only a few older people call me that or me mum when im in trouble its debbie or debs to everyone else deborah makes me think im in trouble
Hahahaha that made me LOL, cos being a "Deborah" myself, if that is used, it is usually by my Mum and I have done something BAD!
I really HATE that I introduce myself as Deb, and they then say Debbie, I am not a Debbie, I do not look like a Debbie and I DID NOT introduce myself as Debbie!

Having gone to the Dr's with me Mum for too much in the past month, it is VERY weird to me to hear someone younger than me call her Margaret.............I guess I am just old fashioned, but I likes a bit of respect for her!

And my niece calls her Mum by her first name, what is that???? There is only one person in this life you can call Mum, so enjoy the priviledge! ;D ;D
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: GrannieAnnie on July 03, 2008, 23:11:28

The people I really object to are the people who telephone me and say "Hell Lorna, how are you today?" then give me some sales rubbish!!

"HELL, Lorna" could never be a correct business opener!  LOL  had to read that twice
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: Carol on July 03, 2008, 23:31:47
I do not like strangers in business calling me by my first name because it is not the name I use.  My first name is my middle name and I am Carol to folk who do know me.  I like respect and some salesman on the end of the phone who don't know me and call me Carol, gets my back up.  I do tell them I am Mrs T. to you.   Theres too much informality about nowadays and look how society in general has gone to the dogs.   I am old fashioned but don't care, I like respect.

Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: lorna on July 04, 2008, 08:46:50
LOL Grannie Annie!! Well it was late in the evening and my bed was calling ;D
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: Barnowl on July 04, 2008, 10:50:24
When I was in Bristol in the Seventies, female shop assistants used to address you as "my lover"  - took a bit of getting used to :)
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: Emagggie on July 04, 2008, 10:57:42
I think I'd prefer that to 'you a'right then?' which is the standard greeting in Estuaryland  ::) ;D
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: twinkletoes on July 04, 2008, 12:45:03 me what you like but don't call me late for my dinner! 
Not really fussed about what I'm called really but find that a lot of people have trouble spelling my name is fairly simple I think Valerie.  I remember when I started school and my teacher insisted it was spelled Valarie.....wrong!
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: tilts on July 04, 2008, 12:50:53
I was Lynne so that noone could shorten it, they lengthen it instead Lynnnnneeeeee, what I really dislike is being called Linda, i am a real Lynne and i hate DEAR!!!
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: Deb P on July 04, 2008, 16:02:44
my name is Deborah but only a few older people call me that or me mum when im in trouble its debbie or debs to everyone else deborah makes me think im in trouble
Hahahaha that made me LOL, cos being a "Deborah" myself, if that is used, it is usually by my Mum and I have done something BAD!
I really HATE that I introduce myself as Deb, and they then say Debbie, I am not a Debbie, I do not look like a Debbie and I DID NOT introduce myself as Debbie!

My experience too....must be a common thing when you are a Deborah!  ;D ;D ;D
What peeves me is when people spell it Debra..."how can it have an 'h' in it?"........ grrrrr! ::)
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: manicscousers on July 04, 2008, 18:23:57
dont mind my first name what really gripes me is when you hear men calling there partners/wifes our lass GRRRRR
or 'the missus', 'the wife'  bit like 'the dog', really
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: tonybloke on July 05, 2008, 19:14:02
Call me what you like, as long as it's not late for dinner!! ;D ;D
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: Froglegs on July 06, 2008, 11:59:17
Ay-up yooth
Now then cocker
Ay-up midduck
Owya goinonn then serri
Are phrases i use to greet people but then i was born and raised in a small village in Nottinghamshire. :)
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: Si D on July 06, 2008, 12:22:12
Have to say that it does nothingfor potential sales when I walk into a shop and someone, should they bother looking up at all, mumbles something like "alright mate?".  If I get a nice cheary "May I help you sir?"  oreven just a "Good morning, how may I halp you?" I'm much more likely to spend my money there.

For instance I went into a well known branch of electrical stores recently with a view to spending a fair bit of money.  When someone finally got around to coming to serve me I just got an "alright?".  He then proceeded to mumble his way through explanations of things that I was interested in while chewing on his gum at the same time and trying to continue another conversation with his friend.  I decided to go elsewhere. 

I guess it's just that you get used to what you are brought up with. 
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: Emagggie on July 06, 2008, 12:55:30
We went to a well know electrical store too, to buy a tele. All the assistants were standing in a group chatting. My husband asked if he could join in as no-one wanted to serve us! Eventually a yoof thought he might help us but he was no help at all, nor was the manager. We complained by email and got a voucher for £25  and an apology :o.
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: GREENWIZARD on July 06, 2008, 16:22:12
Guy on my plot comes past and says "That'll do lass, that'll do"  ;D  Feel like the pig in Babe rofl

pmsl ;D
1st name for me too  ;D
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: theothermarg on July 06, 2008, 16:45:52
If someone calls me mrs p******* I look behind me for M-I-L would get a awfull shock if I saw her,she,s been dead 20 years ;D I prefer being calles margaret or anynickname for it (and there are a lot but how do they get peggy?)
I have got a young voice and people on the phone don,t know I,m 61 so how are they to know I,m a "older" person if fact it,s quite enjoyable to be chatted up
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: lorna on July 06, 2008, 17:30:02
Nice for you other marg. Me? I have a deep voice and OFTEN get called SIR on the telephone. It does make me giggle when I inform them that I am female and then they apologize and blame it on a bad line :)
Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: Ishard on July 06, 2008, 20:09:07
I often reply that "If I was a 'madam' I would be very rich"!!! lol

Title: Re: Griping!
Post by: Emagggie on July 06, 2008, 20:29:16
 ;D ;D ;D
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