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Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: Les_Woof on November 18, 2003, 15:47:11

Title: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Les_Woof on November 18, 2003, 15:47:11
Hi to all you Lottie folks :)

I have just had a quick look around the site for some tips and there are far to many to take in all at once, so I was wondering if you folks could give me some pointers.

PS.. well done for the site it is fantastic :D :D :D

I just found out yesterday that I am to get my first allotment...since then I have been over the moon ;D ;D

The allotment is in a bad state at the moment and has not been tended for at least 18 months (I know this cos the lottie backs on to our house and I have been trying for 18 months to get the d**n thing) with weeds everywhere (don't even know what kinds of weeds I am so new to this...but I just can't wait to get stuck in)

So far all that is in the lottie is:
1. 2 sheds...that must be a good start.
2. Weeds...lots of the little beggars.
3.  Brambles...which you all have by the sounds of it. I want to keep some of these as they remind me of my youth back in Cumbria....aaghh them hills!!
4.  A huge pile of rubbish...consisting of the plastic bumper off the front of  a car,  old rusty wheelbarrows and heaps of other rusting metallic objects.

My first question is what do I do first. Apart from a couple of trips to the local tip with the rubbish.

I have read that you all started with strimming then weeding those roots out....I know this will take a while so do i fully weed the whole lottie or do i concentrate on getting say one whole area completely weeded then move on to the next.

I also need to start a composting area, how do I do this so that it will provide the best environment for my compost?

I have had a look into some of the other lotties nearby and some have what looks like tarpaulins covering up areas...what is this for? And should I be doing it also?

I realise that I have just jibbered on for an age an you probably wont read it this far but if anyone can point me in the right direction it will be greatly appreciated.....

Hear from you all soon..

fellow lottie

Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: clare on November 18, 2003, 16:26:52
Hi Les, welcome to lotties4all .... and congratulations on finally getting the lottie you wanted!  must be great to have it right next to your house :)  It really is a great feeling when you get your lottie - I'm still on cloud nine and have even started eyeing up the plot next door  ::)

I'm fairly new to the lottie world myself - had my plot for about 2 months now.

In terms of what to do first and how much to do .... I'd advise you to take it at your own pace.  Little and often seems to be the best approach.. you don't want to do so much digging at the beginning that you ache too much to do anymore!  It's also better for your motivation if you set yourself smallish manageable chunks of work to do!

I think the tarpaulins on other lotties are probably being used to suppress weeds.

hope this helps - I'm sure some of the other members can answer your other questions... never be afraid of asking questions, someone will always have an answer!

Oh, and don't worry about jibbering away.... there's always plenty of jibbering going on here!!  :)
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 18, 2003, 16:32:30
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!  (on finding us, and your lottie!  ;D)  it is addictive, and knackering and you will have good and bad days, but take it all in your stride, don't try to do toooo much at once otherwise it will become a chore and not a joy.

I am no expert, there are lots of them here, but for what it's worth, I think I would get rid of all the rubbish first.  The tarps that you said other lottie holders have down are to keep the weeds down, I don't do this myself, prefer to let the weather do the business.  As for compost heaps, well there are a few postings about where is best.  Mine is in partial shade, is as big as we had enough pallets to build, and is full and covered with carpet to keep it snug!  You are so lucky - 2 sheds!!  We don't yet have one, and I refuse to buy one so we are keeping an eye out currently.  When I first started, I just started in one corner and slowely but surely worked my way up the plot - took weeks and weeks and hours and hours and my hands were sore, I had stinging nettle rash EVERYWHERE  :o, but now it is done!

I am sure you will be bombarded with advice from every corner - listen to what other lottie holders on your site say, if they have been there for years, they will know the soil and growing conditions and can help.

All the best
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: campanula on November 18, 2003, 20:20:25
quick welcome but must go now - teenagers demanding use of computer. will post later. Well done! cheers, Suzy
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Doris_Pinks on November 18, 2003, 20:52:14
Welcome Les, I have found that the best way to clear is little and often. Set yourself a small area each time you go up and get them weeds out! (when I took mine on I had dock roots the size of large parsnips!! :o) It is so disheartening if you launch in all over the place as it never looks like you are getting anywhere! On my newly aquired addition to my plot, I have hacked back about 5 feet of brambles, and clearing that area in blocks.( covering it up afterwards, so it does not get too waterlogged so I can work on it whenever I want) Saves me back and hopefully will be able to get some potatoes in that area at least in the Spring.
lucky you on backing onto your lottie!! tea on tap,& no getting caught short!! And 2 sheds, I can only dream of not having a car full of tools!! BLISS!!  Dottie P.
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: teresa on November 18, 2003, 22:11:36
Hi Les and welcome,
What luck to get it next to the house and two sheds realy good.
The wheelbarrow rusty it may be but if it works greese it and being rusty no one will pinch it?
Check other rusty items they may be tools for the lottie hoe's etc with a sharpen good as new. No idea about the car bumper what it could be used for.
Tarpaulins will supress weeds also keep moisture in the soil you also see them over compost heeps to keep the heat in to rot down.
You might even find the last ocupants compost heap if your lucky.
But start digging one end and work your way back slowly this way you can see what you have done. Also check to see if they have any manure delivered. Do you have waterbutts with having two sheds?
Keep an eye out for rhubarb crowns which would have died down now if your not sure as a fellow lottie holder.
but most of all have fun.
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Hot_Potato on November 18, 2003, 23:10:33
Hi Les....welcome from me too......I've had my lottie about 4 weeks's completely covered in layers & layers of old carpet except for middle section of about 20/25ft. which has an assortment of different sized fruit trees and bushes (species unknown as yet).....some very dead - I think!....and totally choked with grass/weeds etc. I've made a start working away from the centre section one way.....WHEN that's done....will work from the other side......will tackle bit in middle as & when I feel able to.....need advice on that! are so lucky having TWO sheds....and so close to home...I've not got a shed yet but have met a nice lottie neighbour whose letting me use his shed to store my fork (my only tool so far) in! is exciting and I wish you lots of luck with yours.....little & often as everyone says is the best way I'm sure.....this is a great site and everyone is very helpful and fun too!!'ll be in for some surprises I'm sure.....I was!  :o have a look around and you'll see what I mean!!... :-[....H.P.
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: legless on November 19, 2003, 11:18:48

no advice at all here as i am new to this and either make it up as i go along or ask everyone here for advice! who knows what you've got under the weeds and brambles - i found a fruit cage plus a load of other fruit bushes, rhubarb, comfrey and globe artichokes!!

i would definitely recommend strimming it so you can see the ground first, that should make a huge psychological difference!

let us know how you get on

Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Les_Woof on November 20, 2003, 14:55:36
Thank you one and all for your replies.   ;)  

I am overwhelmed as to how many of you have given me advice and encouragement.... I can't wait until the weekend so I can get on the lottie and have a bash.  

Looks like I will have some hard work ahead of me....but as everyone keeps saying it will be so rewarding, what with nettle rashes, blisters, aching back and legs.....I really can't wait ::) ::)

Take care all.....and I'll keep you informed as to how things are going..

Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Palustris on November 20, 2003, 20:52:48
Have fun, but check out the Tetanus thread on these boards.
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 21, 2003, 00:11:28
aaaaaaaaagggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh tetanus!  I knew there was something when I was at the quacks the other day!   >:(
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: campanula on November 21, 2003, 00:19:48
Hi there Les,

I will second the advice about doing little and often. Get your head down and ignore the bigger picture. As soon as you actually get right down to soil level, it all looks very different. I tend to flailabout with a fork, lifting and loosening as much as possible then I get my daisy grubber and hand fork and start sifting through the roots.
Get something to kneel on - I use an old hot water bottle filled with sand - and get to know your soil. Sometimes, I come away having only cleared maybe 2 square metres -but think what you can actually plant in that space.
I have planted a few bulbs as I am looking forward to some scent and colour once the action starts hotting up. However, you havegotyour plot at the best possible time - you have the winter to get your soil in good heart and do stuff like constructing a compost bin and bean trench.
Don't break your back - it will all get done eventually - it is much more important to have a good time than to achieve miracles.
Introduce yourself to fellow plot owners - it is amazing what they know (and can usually offer freebies such as strawberry runners, hardwood cuttings, seedlings etc.
All in all, it is a marvellous adventure which, for me at least, fills a million needs - creative, nurturing, designing, eating, learning all the time.
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Les_Woof on November 21, 2003, 11:28:03
Hi Suzy

Thanks for the advice.  What exactly is a bean trench?  :-[

We have got some ideas from the boards regarding the compost bins so that is in hand.....

We are about to start clearing the lottie and so ideas as to when to do what is greatly appreciated.

Take care all

Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: teresa on November 21, 2003, 12:40:47
See also "Crop Rotation and Double Digging" on p.6 of this Board
great piece by Hugh
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: rewsal on November 22, 2003, 02:15:12
Wecome Les,
                   like alot of others here I have only had my Plot for about 6 weeks, so there are many here in just the same boat as you egar to get on but with little experence.But luckerly there are loads of really great and helpfull folk on this site who are happy to share all their knowledgewith you just ask the questions.
I agree with the little at a time school,so far i have just cleared off the the wilderness and rough dug a few beds ready for winter to do its work.good luck with the lottie ,two sheds that is a bonus :D. Look forward to hearing about your progess
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: ina on November 22, 2003, 11:25:18
Hello Les, brand new allotmenteer. Congratulations. Half of your problems are solved just by finding this place. If you look at the top of the page, you see search button, I found this to be very helpful and it will save you a lot of time when you want to look around old threads for additional information.

Good luck and keep us updated. Everyone here will support you but the work you'll have to do yourself hahaha. If you have a digi-camera or can scan your paper pictures, please post some on the gallery for everybody to see if you want to. All the best, Ina
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Tenuse on November 22, 2003, 15:24:46
Yes I have only had my allotment since the end of September and because I work full time it is slow going. (Why oh why will it insist on raining at the weekend!!)

But, I will post some photos soon of what the plot looks like, we have made some really good progress just by doing a little bit at a time, and if you live near a swimming pool going swimming after digging seems to keep the aches and pains away!

Ten x
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: campanula on November 22, 2003, 21:52:36
Hi Les
A bean trench is just that - a trench - mine is about 2 spades depth and 2 spits wide -width of spade=1 spit. I dump all my organic waste - stuff I would usually compost - and half fill the trench. I cover with soil as I fill every couple of feet but some people leave theirs open till spring and then cover. When you plant runner beans,, pop them into the covering soil - this will be the foundation of a permanent bed for them (other legumes need rotation).
This has been covered by those with much more expertise than me further down- think back a couple of pages to 'Well Rotted Manure' started by Ciderself (I think)
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Les_Woof on November 24, 2003, 12:33:58
Thanks Campanula for the advise on the bean trench and thanks to DoubleDutch for the encouragement.

We are really looking forward to getting things going and we will be posting pics of how things change on the lottie.

Take care all

Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Les_Woof on December 19, 2003, 12:38:11
Well Hello and Merry Christmas to you all.

Its been a long time since I last posted a message but dont council's just really get on your nerves! :-X

It has taken until this week for the allotment officer of the council to finally send the Tenancy Agreement out.  

We were not allowed to get on with all the plans we had made as he informed us that the plot was still let to someone even though it had not been tended for years and the present tenant was in breech of his tenancy.

So finally with days to go before Santa comes and causes havoc in the household we have finally got the allotment, but no key to it.  So it is still out of much to do and so little time to do it!!!!!!!! ??? ???

Apart from that we have all the ideas of what we need to get done and hopefully weather permitting we will get on with it.

Heres to a fantastic 2004 for all you lottie folk.

Take care all

Frustraded Lottie Holder (at the moment anyway).
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Hyacinth on December 19, 2003, 15:53:44
All the best, Les and hope you get that key before the ground freezes over?

Flip side has got to be, tho, that if you can't get in to your lottie, casual vandals can't either?

Unlike EJ and her 'security gate' - go take a look in The Gallery.

Hope you'll drop in at the Party tonight - Lishka
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Mrs Ava on December 21, 2003, 02:01:26
Hiya Les, and a merry Christmas to you and yours!  Make sure you get onto that council Monday morning before they all down tools for the Christmas break otherwise 2004 will be trotting along before you can get down to your new plot! As Lish says, we had to get such a big bunch of keys to get in through out gate!  ;)  To be honest, I don't think our gate will make it much into 2004!  The ivy and hawthorns growing around the post and moved it so much that it is barely hanging now! I can see a job for Ava, after he has fixed me up with a shed, a water system, a mini bar, barby........etc......etc...... ;D
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Les_Woof on January 08, 2004, 11:18:48
Happy New Year to you all  :D :D

Hope you have all recovered from the recent celebrations.... We are both back at work and hating every minute of it, but we have finally got the Key..... I want a job on the council they get so much time off its unbelievable :-/

Santa was good to us and brought lots of lottie tools and we spent the break deciding what was to be done when we got the chance to get in.

So Saturday it is, the Woof family outing to the lottie.... ::) ::)

We will be taking some pics of the lottie to show you all the starting point and will keep you all updated as to how things progress.....If your lucky you might even get to see someone elses blisters to remind you all of how things used to be...... :o

Take care all and see you soon.

Title: [b][/b][u][/u][u][Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Steve__C on January 08, 2004, 19:45:04
I have seen many comments on the attached notes referring to "little and often".
As you have just bought new tools for your lottie I assume you have not done a lot of gardening before.
Therefore for you a little digging means only half an hour.
By all means spend more time preparing etc but not digging, otherwise on Sunday you will be in pain.
Good Luck and Enjoy.
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: budgiebreeder on January 08, 2004, 19:53:09
Didn't you get the large bottle of Radox.A good soak in a hot bath is my tip when you've done.
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Les_Woof on January 12, 2004, 10:23:37

took your advise on board and purchased the said Radox.

Didn't do any work over the weekend just soaked in the bath.  Seemed to be the best way to prepare as preparation seems to be the key :D :D
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Angela on January 18, 2004, 23:51:37
Hello Everyone!

I've just been browsing as I went to see my first ever allotment plot yesterday and I am really excited!  I don't know when I'll actually get started though as it all depends on the council, doesn't it?!  Its quite a small plot, which is ideal and about 5 minutes walk away (handy as I don't drive) AND I CAN'T WAIT!!  I've been talking my partner to death about my plans, so its a releif to find other enthusiasts too!

Ina-how do you do the cool moving photo thing with the cat?!!

And can anyone recommend the first essential tools?  I managed to grow potatoes and tomatoes once before but that's my only experience  (oh dear this could all go the way of the pear!!)

Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: DarkSkies on January 19, 2004, 11:38:11
I acquired my allotment in late October last year, and every weekend (when not raining) I have been digging away.  I found the tools I have needed are wheelbarrow (no shift the weeds and grass from the newly cultivated beds), a nice shiney Spear and Morgan fork (which is my favourite) a hand trowl, hand folk and secuteurs (for next doors pesky bramballs.  I much prefer fork to spade as its too much like hard work.  Too be honest that is all I need so far.  I am however saving toilet roll inners to plant my beans in and have aquired some plug trays for planting in the spring.  I think that is all I will need on the equiptment front.

No doubt someone will disagree.  Ohh yes and I have a hoe, nearly forgot.
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: The gardener on January 19, 2004, 14:24:12
Have read all that has been said and consensus says 'little often'[/i] and I agree

For encouragement  have a look in my website, at my allotments page in the gallery (plot 2) and see how I coped with mine from scratch

I found digging in bed formation gave planting space much sooner. i.e. as the beds were dug I could plant them out.

The thought of things growing while I was digging elsewhere gave me great comfort, and made the thought of all the digging I still had to do, less daunting.
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Ceri on January 19, 2004, 20:20:56
I got my half-plot in September and did it the 'fairly' lazy way - got rid of the rubbish, hoed everything in site, covered the lot with heavy duty black plastic liner.  I've been undergoing the process of pulling liner back, throwing what compost I've got in the right bits and putting the black plastic back.  In my defence (why am I so defensive) my soil has the texture of oatmeal so has probably been dug to death in seasons past.
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Piglet on January 20, 2004, 22:35:15
Hi Les and welcome to all new allotment holders,

I have had my allotment for 3-4 yrs now, if there is any advice I can give its as follows:-

Firstly and most importantly, its not a competition.  There will be people on your site (there definitely is on mine) who have immaculate plots, not a weed in site.  Don't feel you need to aim for that, it would be lovely but will only make you frustrated, as everyone else has said - little and often its not a race.  

Secondly, if you can cover some of the other areas you are not digging this year with plastic, carpet anything you can get your hands on.  This will keep down / kill off the weeds in those areas and also stop them from growing and setting seed which will then blow onto the area(s) you have dug.  (i.e. dot leaves).

Thirdly potatoes are supposed to be good for clearing ground, my plot had loads of couch grass which is a very long job digging it all out, but planting potates did seem to help (not sure why, but who cares).

The most important thing is enjoy to yourselves!   :D
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Dunc_n_Tricia on January 23, 2004, 11:54:16
Hi All!

We got our lottie at the start of April last year. Been Waiting nearly two years. No time to plan, as we heared about it on the Friday, joined up on the Saturday and got working straight away.

Bit-by-bit is definitely the way to go.

We marked out where the beds would be with string and tent pegs first. Then we weeded and dug the one nearest the shed. Two of us took about two hours.

Then the best bit - I planted the herbs we had baught in B&Q the day before whilst buying fork, spade etc.

As we worked on more of the plot, we only had to look at that bed all planted up and looking happy to keep us going!

Starting late (not much time to prepare the ground!), we still got wonderful crops in our first year. Didn't think I had time to get courgettes in, but was offered a couple of plants by one of the friendly bunch on our site - they were wonderful.

I've spent time this winter planning the varieties we're going to grow this year and can't wait to get going.

To any fellow newbies, don't kill yourself by doing too much. Plant up beds as you clear them, and the sight of healthy growing plants will give you encouragement as you clear the rest of the jungle!

Happy Growing,

:-* Tricia
Title: Re: My First Allotment...Lottie!
Post by: Les_Woof on January 30, 2004, 14:35:09
Hi all

Charged and ready to go.... :D

Big push on the lottie this weekend, so many ideas, I am like a coiled spring at the moment.

Take care all

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