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Allotment Stuff => Locations and Sites => Topic started by: vaca on May 26, 2008, 10:29:32

Title: Leaving my 2 london plots...
Post by: vaca on May 26, 2008, 10:29:32

After 3 years of growing fruit and veg on my two plots in Wembley, I've decided to give them up... It's been a difficult choice but living 30 minutes from the allotment was just starting to really become more of a chore than a pleasure (30 minutes when the traffic was good - sometimes it took me 45 minutes or more...)

I've now dug up a 2 meter square section of my garden for growing veg - a far cry from the 250 m2 I had in Wembley... but at least I won't have to drive anywhere in order to tend to it, and on the plus side, the weeding wil only take 10 minutes!!!

I've truly enjoyed growing on that scale (and getting invaluable help from all of you - specially the first year). The knowledge and experience I'll take with me forever. Even though I've given up the plots, I'll still be growing veg until I'm gray and old. At least now I now that the next house I move to will need to have a garden large enough for a decent sized veg plot. I wonder who will be the lucky ones on the Wembley waiting list???

Title: Re: Leaving my 2 london plots...
Post by: betula on May 26, 2008, 10:45:11
It is hard to say goodbye.

We had a similar problem when we moved house.I tried to keep the plot going but as you say the travelling can become a chore.

Someone somewhere will be so happy to get that phonecall :)
Title: Re: Leaving my 2 london plots...
Post by: saddad on May 26, 2008, 11:20:09
No chance of a plot nearer home then Vaca?  :-\
Title: Re: Leaving my 2 london plots...
Post by: northener on May 26, 2008, 11:21:48
Must have been a tough decision.
Title: Re: Leaving my 2 london plots...
Post by: vaca on May 26, 2008, 11:43:16
No chance of a plot nearer home then Vaca?  :-\
There is only one allotment closer to home, but there's about an 8 year waiting list, by then I'll surely have left my current flat. London's not the best for allotments, and Kensington & Chelsea have a total of ZERO plots  >:( , so have to go to Brent council which is the nearest...

I do have a largish garden (by london standards) but it's north facing so not the best for sun loving plants. I still get my gardening gloves out most weekends and with my mini plot at home I'll still keep growing some veg.

The allotment was just becoming like a girlfriend/boyfriend who you no longer want as it demands too much time - which I wouldn't mind dedicating to, but the travel distance just made it unfeasable. At least I learned loads in the last 3 years and that I won't lose. So I'm not too upset about it, and knowing someone will make better use of it makes me happy. I just wish I'd decided earlier so whoever gets it could've started earlier this season... well... at least they won't have to spend months weeding out an unsued plot, and they'll benefit from 3 years of manure/compost I've been dumping in it.  :)
Title: Re: Leaving my 2 london plots...
Post by: Hyacinth on May 27, 2008, 14:33:10
I'm sorry that the lotties had to go, but pleased that you've got your head round it and that it was a good goodbye. I'm everso slowly distancing myself from my garden plottie cos a move's on the cards for me in the next coupla years & my aim is to eventually give it up eager to take on the next challenge (tho, please God, it won't be a north-facing garden :-\)....even so, it would be a challenge....root veggies, praps? What are you growing in yours. Vaca?
Title: Re: Leaving my 2 london plots...
Post by: vaca on May 27, 2008, 16:50:46
With my limited space, I'm only doing some radish, lettuces, beetroot, some  peas, loads of herbs, and some brassicas (broccoly, cabbage and sprouts mainly) and leeks. I did put 3 grape vines to train against the east wall of the garden... I'm curious to see what happens to them and have planted a fig tree in a huge pot, that plus the apple tree I've already got growing in my garden should keep me busy.  ;D

I'll be going to the plot for the last time next weekend to pick up my tools and other things... so that may prove to be a sad one, I'll definitely take my camera and try to get some photos of my closer allotment friends.

By the way, does anyone know if I can dig up my 20 asparagus crowns to plant in my garden? They're 3 years old by now, but would hate to leave them behind as they'll probably just get dug up.

Title: Re: Leaving my 2 london plots...
Post by: Hyacinth on May 27, 2008, 18:08:25
WOW! You're certainly packing in the veggies - well done :)

The asparagus....I've not grown it, but I'd love to see you asking the question in 'Edibles' where the forum experts will more easily see it? From my reading there, it takes a crown a while to establish before becoming fully productive?....but then you hint that in time you may be on the move again...hmmmm....possible to grow asparagus in deep containers, I wonder?

Title: Re: Leaving my 2 london plots...
Post by: morton on May 27, 2008, 18:20:53
Moved my row in winter 14 years ago and its still going strong. They had been in three years as well. From what I can remember you get a pretty big clump of root and soil to move for each plant.
Title: Re: Leaving my 2 london plots...
Post by: caroline7758 on May 27, 2008, 20:07:54
Maybe the people who take over your plots would like some expert input from you now and then, in return for some produce, of course! :D
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