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Produce => Recipes => Topic started by: feet of clay on July 24, 2004, 23:14:25

Title: Courgette Glut
Post by: feet of clay on July 24, 2004, 23:14:25
Anyone got a recipe for courgette soup?  I've fried 'em, stuffed 'em, battered 'em and eaten them raw.  Everyone I've ever spoken to has been given them and still they keep coming.......
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: john_miller on July 25, 2004, 02:25:13
Tried bread (you can freeze it)? Not my thing but very popular over here.
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: tim on July 25, 2004, 08:32:34
foc - soup's great, so long as it's made with a good chicken stock!!

One of my favourite ways with courgettes is:
Ribbon them - & carrots  - with a veg peeler - steam till softened but crunchy - amalgamate with melted butter, lime juice & zest. Or use popped black mustard seed.
Another is V thin & 'chargrilled' + pepper, shallot & chive salsa. = Tim
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: feet of clay on July 25, 2004, 09:05:30
Thanks.  I'm going to try Tim's buttery version for lunch but with lemon. (Rain pelting down and nearest potential source of limes is over a mile away)  As a veggie, I use 'Marigold' bullion in my soups.
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: Jesse on July 25, 2004, 09:32:27
You can use courgettes as an ingredient in vegetarian lasagne. Or have you tried slicing them and freezing them for use through winter (need to par boil them first).
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: tim on July 25, 2004, 11:46:44
foc - I was pre-empting your reply!! = Tim
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: feet of clay on July 25, 2004, 15:10:44
Made soup for lunch.  Bought onions, carrots and peppers my courgettes and garlic.  Fried the veg in butter and added some stock, gave it a whizz and .... wow!  Amazing colour and wonderful taste.  Middle son appeared just in time to take some back to his house.  Looks like I might just have to start a brothel ...... whoops not the right word!
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: Derekthefox on July 25, 2004, 18:17:33
My favourite recipe for courgettes is in ratatouille, and it freezes well, so a large quantity is not wasted.
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: Doris_Pinks on July 25, 2004, 23:24:23
Courgette cake is lovely, and freezes well, got a recipe for courgette n brie soup somewhere, and courgette fact got loads of recipes for the darn things, luckily we love em! Let me know if you want any of the recipes for above!
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: Sarah-b on July 26, 2004, 10:38:13
For lunch yesterday, I made pata with courgette sauce from Hugh fearnley-Whittingstall's big book (can't remember what it's called).
It was, surprisingly I thought, very very good - and used up a kilo of the darn things.

Basically slice a hefty whack of courgettes finely. "Simmer" in a few tbsps of olive oil gently untli they start to fall apart (at least 20 mins). Mash it up with your spatula. Stir in a couple of tbsps of cream and handfull of grated parmesan - heat until bubbling again. Serve with pasta - yum!
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: Mrs Ava on July 26, 2004, 12:48:31
Cor all these recipes sound great - just wish I had a courgette glut!  We have had 3, and we have 3 yellow one swelling nicely.  Note to self, next year, do a couple more plants!
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: feet of clay on July 26, 2004, 18:57:09
The reason I'm ovewhelmed is cos I was given 'cucumber' seeds that turned out to be 2 courgettes and 1 squash, meanwhile I planted out 3 real courgette plants as well!  Ironically, the outdoor ones are doing just as well as their cossetted greenhouse cousins.  By the time I realised what the greenhouse ones were, it was too late to start cucumbers.
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: wattapain on July 26, 2004, 19:18:41
Sarah - that Hugh Fearnley whatsisname's recipe - well what can I say? I just tried it and Yum is not the word, Absolutely scrumtiddlyumptious.
Courgettes were never like this before. looks like i just found another kitchen standard. I have the book but have not really tried it till now. i think I will read it again - find some tomato recipes for when my glut of green tomatoes turn red!! :) :)
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: feet of clay on July 26, 2004, 19:47:02
Going to get me some cream and parmesan - expensive way to use up the glowering green thingies but it sounds yummy.
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: wattapain on July 26, 2004, 20:37:30
Actually I used (light) creme fraiche instead of cream - slightly better for you plus i actually prefer the taste.
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: gavin on July 27, 2004, 00:04:25
Ooooooooooooh!  I'd love to have a courgette glut!  Haven't done this in many years - not since Egypt and Yemen 20 years ago!  So quantities? - not a chance  :)

"Enough" courgettes.  Wash 'em, and grate them - and toss in a bowl with a couple of teaspoons of salt;  let stand for 5-10 minutes, then take out handfuls of the grated courgettes, and squeeze as much of the liquid out as you can.

Heat some olive oil in a frying pan, add a chopped onion (or equivalent in shallots and/or spring onions); after a few minutes, add the grated courgettes - fry the mixture for about 10 minutes (you'll need to stir frequently).

Now put the courgette mixture in a pyrex dish.  Smooth it flat - and then make "wells" big enough to take an egg each.  Break an egg into each well, sprinkle with a little fresh ground black pepper, and some cheese (worth a good cheese - Old Gouda stands out in memory as one of the best).

Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes - medium oven; I like it whites set, yolks still soft.

Gorgeously "green" taste - better still with a generous pinch of parsley in the courgette mixture.

Eeeh - memories.  Off to market tomorrow to buy some courgettes - they don't go soft and squishy in this recipe.

All best - Gavin

Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: georgiesgirl on July 27, 2004, 16:00:41
Hi all.
A soup my family enjoys,and of which i make lots of this time of the year.Freezes well,and is good hot or cold
Cougette and Celery Soup
8oz courgettes
1oz butter
3 celery sticks trimmed and chopped
2leeks trimmed and sliced fine
1 large onion
1oz plain flour
2pt chicken stock[i use veg stock veggies in the family]
2tbs dry sherry
4fl oz double cream
salt and black pepper
Fry celery,leeks and onion in melted butter until they have softened. When onion is transparent stir in flour to make a paste.Add stock and sherry stirring until mixed.Add diced courgettes, bring to boil and simmer for 20mins.
Puree the soup and then add double cream.Omit cream if freezing soup. Season
I came across this recipe in an old Archer's cookbook.
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: GardnerJ on July 30, 2004, 17:18:30
A nice dinner i do with courgettes is with garlic prawns and pasta it sounds weird but is lovely.
Just get a load of courgettes, garlic and prawns and saute for a bit then cook some pasts and mix together! YUMMY  ::)
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: tim on July 30, 2004, 18:55:37
They're all over 18, of course? (the sherry!) = Tim
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: Mrs Ava on August 03, 2004, 22:49:53
Yum Gavin.  Going to do this for my supper tomorrow!
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: Mrs Ava on August 04, 2004, 22:35:09
Just to say Gavin, I made your dish tonite for my supper as Ava was working late and I was all alone, and it was absolutely knock-out!  I like my eggs almost raw, so just 10 minutes in a warm oven followed by a couple of minutes under a hot grill to frazzle the cheese, which was a zummerzet marture cheddar, and then snuggled up on the sofa to enjoy.  All I really needed was a glass of vino and a hunk of warm bread, but it is midweek you know and I am trying to count calories!  ;D
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: gavin on August 04, 2004, 22:42:20
Hi EJ - glad it worked!  Isn't it odd how "green" courgettes can taste?

And I'm sorry :( - I should have remembered the nice warm bread - wine?  taken for granted ;)

I must find that recipe book again - last time I saw it, the contents were so good that the mice had eaten great chunks out of it!

All best - Gavin
Title: Re:Courgette Glut
Post by: john_miller on August 04, 2004, 23:24:53
One American cook book I have includes a recipe for courgette crusted pizza. Coarsely grate courgettes (as much as you need) and let stand for 15 minutes, then squeeze out as much moisture as possible. Mix with some cheese, eggs, flour and salt. Bake at 350 until it is firm, then spread with your preferred pizza toppings and cook again until it is done.
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