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General => The Shed => Topic started by: OllieC on May 02, 2008, 18:02:48

Title: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: OllieC on May 02, 2008, 18:02:48
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: daileg on May 02, 2008, 18:17:13
marvalous im glad
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: redimp on May 02, 2008, 18:28:24
Too right they got a seriously bloody nose but the alternative is frightening :o

I stick by this post:,41560.msg416142.html#msg416142
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: albacore1854 on May 02, 2008, 18:57:26
Fantastic news.

No one can be worse than Gordon, however which team you'd prefer to steer us out of what may become recession is a tough call.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: OllieC on May 02, 2008, 19:06:53
Well, I only resigned from Labour a few years ago (because of our foreign policy), but working in Financial services it's my opinion that the only party that might have managed the Northern Rock thing properly is the Tories. Possibly you need people brought up with money to understand how it works?
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: betula on May 02, 2008, 19:08:59
Ollie I can't believe you said that. :o
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Mr Smith on May 02, 2008, 20:09:08
I know how money works more you have of it and more comfortable it is :)
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Mr Smith on May 02, 2008, 20:19:59
I love seeing the look on the little faces of the  LIb/Dems when they win a few seats at these elections and they jump with joy, but if some of you think Labour have stiched us all up with a load of stealth taxes over the years, well like Ronnie Reagan said 'You ain't seen nothing yet', we will be Sweden number 2,  £5 a litre for petrol because they don't like cars and a tenner a pint down the pub  ;)
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: posie on May 02, 2008, 21:44:13
Well unfortunately the Tories got in in my local area.  I say unfortunately because we're only now sorting out the mess from the last time they got in.  Not to mention the fact that I loathe the MP that's got in!!! However UKIP didn't gain a single seat, every cloud has a silver lining!  ;)
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: lorna on May 02, 2008, 21:49:44
I feel a debate(?) coming on :)
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: silly billy on May 02, 2008, 21:54:12
I can't wait for the Tories to get in, I'm really looking forward to interests rates of 15% again  ;) ;)
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: ninnyscrops on May 02, 2008, 21:55:28
Thought "politics", "sex" and "money" were taboo subjects in polite conversation  :)
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: lorna on May 02, 2008, 21:58:34
Agree plus religion. Sometimes gets interesting standing on the side line though ;D
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: posie on May 02, 2008, 22:03:35
Who said anything about polite conversation  ??? ??? lol
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Suzanne on May 02, 2008, 22:07:10
Perhaps this will hiccup will get Labour to put their thinking hats on again - they do seem to have lost the way a bit recently. The scrapping of 10p tax rate was an abysmal bit of legislation - I thought I never would see the day when labour had such a direct policy to penalise low earners.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: lorna on May 02, 2008, 22:16:47
 ;D @ posie
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Uncle Joshua on May 02, 2008, 22:17:49
Perhaps this will hiccup will get Labour to put their thinking hats on again  

Again? they did it once? must have dozzed off, forgive my tardiness.

I can't wait for the return of the Torries.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: manicscousers on May 02, 2008, 22:19:24
well, at least we don't have our own house to lose to high interest rates this time  ;D
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: betula on May 02, 2008, 22:21:20
I think this will be Gordans downfall.He needs to turn things round smartish.

He is not showing good leadership qualities.He has none of the slickness of Tony.Those are hard shoes to fill.

And Boris ............well..........he is good for a bit of comedy. :)
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: wilko on May 02, 2008, 22:44:08
I checked who won in my ward this morning, and no surprises, Labour again, its amazing how many people moan about our council, but still vote them back in !!!!!

what was shockng to me though was that the Tories got half as many votes as Labour,(definately not normal) but the BNP recieved almost as many votes as the Tories

now that is frightening  :o
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: betula on May 03, 2008, 00:24:54
Boris has it !

Glad I do not live in London. ;D
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: caroline7758 on May 03, 2008, 07:53:44
Just listening to Radio 4- saying Boris has had no experience of running a big organisation and it depends who's on his team how it works out. :o As you say, glad I don't live in London!I certainly wouldn't have voted for him.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Gazfoz on May 03, 2008, 08:54:39
Come the Revolution we will all be equal ;D ;D
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Mr Smith on May 03, 2008, 08:58:52
At the last elections for the London mayor 'Steve Norris was the Tory candidate, not that I give a toss about what goe's on in London but he did want to get rid of the congestion charge if he was elected, since then you have the 'Emission Zone's', I hope Boris doe's the right thing and kick's them both out :)
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: silly billy on May 03, 2008, 09:09:57
yeah then all the kids in London can get back to sucking on those lovely exhaust fumes  ::) ::)
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Biscombe on May 03, 2008, 09:30:04
My vote goes to the captain!

The politically disaffected
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: good7saint on May 03, 2008, 09:40:47
After experience on other forums I have made it a rule now not to get involved in certain subjects.
Politics being one of them.
But what I will say is after being a labour voter since the age of 18 and a party member for 20.
I have resigned my membership  last month and joined the green party.
I could never ever vote Torie and have seen to much of what the lib dems are like running Liverpool for the last 10 years.
They actually lost a few seats to labour here and the council was in a position of no over all control.
But in a move that Robert Mugabe would have been proud of the lib dems took control of the city again.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Melbourne12 on May 03, 2008, 10:24:37
Hooray! At last we've god rid of the hateful, corrupt, and wasteful Livingstone.

Ever since Tolmers Square he's been on the take.

Boris will assemble a good and honest team and maybe we'll start to see a little return on our grossly high local taxes.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Gazfoz on May 03, 2008, 19:40:25
No, you will just get a load of nuts and be happy with it for a short while
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Gazfoz on May 03, 2008, 19:45:44
when I said nuts I meant SH1T
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: OllieC on May 03, 2008, 19:53:33
Come the Revolution we will all be equal ;D ;D

Some will always be more equal than others...
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: silly billy on May 03, 2008, 21:44:46
Good honest and tory party? Shouldn't that post be in the watershed forum as a joke surely  :P :P
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Uncle Joshua on May 03, 2008, 22:31:00
Good honest and tory party? Shouldn't that post be in the watershed forum as a joke surely  :P :P

Kind of a fuuny post, if we think about it, how many politicians are honest? 99% of the Labour party have been caught taking bungs, they may go into the job being honest but I don't think many come out the same infact the last politician that can say they went into the job honest and came out honest is Mrs T, love her or hate her that is a fact.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: betula on May 03, 2008, 22:38:38
Not the T word Mick :'(
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Uncle Joshua on May 03, 2008, 22:47:39
I'm sad like that, I was only 11 when she came to power but I loved that she was a strong woman with lots of grit and determination (as is my Mrs) I know about the poll tax thing but that aside she did a bloody good job.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: betula on May 03, 2008, 22:58:21
I can not remember anything she did as a good job.

As a woman I was very disappointed to put it mildly.

She was our first Female Prime Minister and she let us down big time.

My father detested her and I was so sad that he died just a few weeks before she lost power.There would have been a big party in our house if my dad lived to see that moment. :)
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: jonny211 on May 03, 2008, 23:01:02
Hang on a moment, aren't all parties the same though.... same teams but different shirts kind of thing.

They'll tax us to the hilt now while nagging us to save for the future, demand local councils build on green fields, conduct illegal wars at Bush's behest, dish out our paid for healthcare to 'health tourists' and all the other things that make Britain great. All the while feeding their little faces at the same trough.

Hangings too good.

Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: good7saint on May 03, 2008, 23:11:26
Good honest and tory party? Shouldn't that post be in the watershed forum as a joke surely  :P :P

Kind of a fuuny post, if we think about it, how many politicians are honest? 99% of the Labour party have been caught taking bungs, they may go into the job being honest but I don't think many come out the same infact the last politician that can say they went into the job honest and came out honest is Mrs T, love her or hate her that is a fact.
Presume you mean the lady making the tea
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: sheddie on May 03, 2008, 23:15:01
Didn't Maggie come out with the infamous phrase to defend herself that she wasn't lying but 'being economical with the truth'?!....

Sorry, but she took my milk when I was a kid - Thatcher the milk snatcher she will always be... >:(
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Gazfoz on May 03, 2008, 23:28:23
Well yes to all that but you know I kind of look forward to a new direction because I am sick of the Labour party that does nothing for the working man and blatantly stuff their pockets with our money .
I never criticise the tories for looking after their own, after all that is what we all try to do but I feel let down by this government because I don't think they have looked after anybody but themselves personally and that can't be right. John Prescott is a shining example of this and should be totally ashamed of himself.
Tony Blair was/is a really talented politician but in my opinion his personality transcended party politics and New Labour just served his purpose as a vehicle for his personal aggrandisement.
I hope we can get back to a feeling of being part of this country, this land that we till and look after but I feel that maybe globalisation has robbed us of that right.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: sheddie on May 03, 2008, 23:39:53

I for one completley agree. I always thought that Labour were traditionally for the average working man. In reality, its just tax, tax, tax and them some more tax. In Italy or USA, the people probably wouldn't stand for it.

I realise there are bigger issues, but just to give an example of bad management - Labour have raised billions from petrol tax, road tax, speed cameras etc - but where has it gone. The infrastructure of roads in this country is quite simply an embarrasment. Even just the general condition of our roads is appalling - I've recently come back from honeymoon in Spain and their roads are leagues above the UK (and petrol half the price).

I voted Labour myself at the last General election - I won't be doing it again, but then I'm not sure the alternatives are any better!
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: silly billy on May 03, 2008, 23:47:06
Under Thatcher
Vat up from 8% to 17.5%
VAT on utility bills for the 1st time
3 million unemployed
15% interest rates
Double figure inflation
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Gazfoz on May 03, 2008, 23:52:46
Under Thatcher
Vat up from 8% to 17.5%
VAT on utility bills for the 1st time
3 million unemployed
15% interest rates
Double figure inflation

And your point is?
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: betula on May 04, 2008, 00:08:20
There has to be a balance.The Labour party is in my blood but that does not blind me to the mistakes this government have made.

There has to be tax otherwise our Society would not function ,but yes I agree things are getting out of hand.You can punish a speeding motorist without costing him money.I always thought road tax money was actually spent on the roads.Silly me.The cost of Petrol is a disgrace.

However,would you be able to walk in off the street into a hospital in the USA.Yes you would .Provided you had a big fat health insurance policy that would cost you a small fortune.With all it's faults we have a wonderful health service that is the envy of the world.

The Labour party I believed in is letting us down but Cameron as an alternative?Have you looked into his background?Nothing there that will give him any empathy with ordinary working people.Don't let the pushbike fool you.

The Labour party I grew up with,so passionate and full of wonderful personalities has gone,it has been replaced by these bland people who I feel are trading under a false name.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Gazfoz on May 04, 2008, 00:42:36
In my opinion our health service now is just an excuse for people to gain a wage.
Most people who can afford to have private health insurance these days have private health insurance these days and guess what  the people who have private insurance are the least likely to need it.

The rich get richer, the poor get children.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Paulines7 on May 04, 2008, 11:47:33
.........Most people who can afford to have private health insurance these days have private health insurance these days and guess what  the people who have private insurance are the least likely to need it.

If anything goes seriously wrong though, people with private health insurance still end up in a NHS hospital because that is where the expertise is.   

I don't think that the Government is at all to blame for rises in food and fuel as this has to do with the world economy. 

However, the Government did make a boob with getting rid of the 10p lower band of income tax and reducing the 22% band to 20%.  This has resulted in our monthly tax bill falling by £35 but those on very low incomes having to pay more.  How this error escaped notice when it was first talked about, is beyond belief.  Surely someone should have seen that the lowest paid workers would be hit the most!! 

I agree with Silly Billy's remarks about Mrs Thatcher (and the Conservative Government when they were in power.)
Under Thatcher
Vat up from 8% to 17.5%
VAT on utility bills for the 1st time
3 million unemployed
15% interest rates
Double figure inflation

I would also add to that the way that the NHS and schools were run down.  I had to wait years for my first knee replacement operation whereas last year, my other knee took 5 months from seeing my GP to going under the knife.   Mrs T also sold off all our assets and introduced Agency Staff in hospitals.  Enough said.

Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: silly billy on May 04, 2008, 12:15:47
My point is under Thatcher it wasn't all that good even if as Mick said she was "honest". I am not saying all is good under Labour far from it but it was also just as bad if not worse under the Tories.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on May 04, 2008, 13:55:05
at least Gordon Brown can stop smiling now. It scares the willies out of me when he does that. Haven't seen a rictus like it since the glory days of Edward Teeth
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Gazfoz on May 04, 2008, 14:58:39
Dennis Thatcher was the prime minister that is why Margaret got away with saying and doing as she pleased for a while. Like most of our wives I suggest.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Mr Smith on May 04, 2008, 17:44:20
The only problem I had with  our 'Maggie' was her anti union stance, other than that,  the scum the shite the robbers the piss takers the idle *fatherless children*  would be long gone out of this great country of our's ;)
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Geomet on May 04, 2008, 17:53:07
I look upon the tory gains on Thursday as a victory for distortion and deceit..............Gordon Brown is a good and highly capable man.He has been a victim of a power crazy propoganda machine which will apparently distort most issues to attain power...............I believe Labour can still win the next General Election
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: OllieC on May 04, 2008, 18:11:15
Nice guy, wrong job. "I'm a private person", you're meant to be running the sodding country mate, this is not a job for a shy person. New Labour is just a bad version of the Tory party, although New Tory is a bad version of New Labour & almost certainly even worse... I hope it's a wake-up call & we get what we were promised all those elections ago.

Also, this is the fist time the public have been able to express any view on Gordon Brown - his party never voted for him & neither has the country!
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: valmarg on May 04, 2008, 18:29:33
Under Thatcher
Vat up from 8% to 17.5%
VAT on utility bills for the 1st time
3 million unemployed
15% interest rates
Double figure inflation

Today is the 29th anniversary of Mrs Thatcher (not Thatcher) being elected Prime Minister.

Some of the things you quote were under the John Major administration, so you would consider them equally iniquitious.

My memory goes back pre Maggie Thatcher to inflation being +/- 25%, Britain being the sick man of Europe.  Strikes being called the British disease, and the UK was crap.  Productivity was next to zero, the unions (not the labour party) ruled the country.  We were in such a bad way that Healey had to go cap in hand to the IMF to bail the country out of the mess that labour had got it into.

Whilst not everything Maggie did was right, she did at least pull us up by the bootstraps, and put us back on the international stage.  Gave us a bit of pride in the country.

However, since Brown became chancellor, he has sold off most of the country's gold reserves at the lowest prices in history.  Robbed the private sector final pension salary schemes of £3 billion a year, thereby destroying the schemes.  He has increased public sector workers by a humungous number, and their pensions will be protected by the private sector workers' taxes.  I do accept that public sector workers pay taxes, but their pension benefits far outweigh the private sector (thanks to Brown).

We all have our political affiliations, but Mr Shakespeare (I think) got it right, when comparing politicians "Small choice in rotten apples".

Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: grawrc on May 04, 2008, 18:47:49
Dennis Thatcher was a wimp dominated by his wife who was a useless pm because she leached the country's resources for silly things like the falklands' war. Tony Blair was in the same mould and hey hey hey we had Iraq. Gordon Brown imho is actually doing the business but doesn't do the publicity so is reaping the results of his predecessors even though he is not responsible for them. He doesn't have the charisma of thatcher or Blair but that really isn't the pint.


None of these people (hey include silly boy cameron and all the rest in this)actually give a nuts about you and me so that is probably what we need to change?
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on May 04, 2008, 19:05:45
yat least you knew where you were with deep s**t, mostly
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: ninnyscrops on May 04, 2008, 23:24:26
....and how many of her policies were reversed? ??? Poll Tax was cheaper under Maggie if you compare with today's Council Tax methinks!
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: betula on May 04, 2008, 23:27:55
Remember Poll tax was per person,Council tax is per household :)
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: ninnyscrops on May 04, 2008, 23:31:41
But my Council Tax has risen way above what Poll Tax inflation may have been - so our household has prob lost out!
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: valmarg on May 05, 2008, 00:15:39
Remember Poll tax was per person,Council tax is per household :)

Which is why it was much fairer.

Mother in law, a pensioner, lived next door to a household where there were four wage earners.  She had to pay the same rates as the people next door.

Personally, I would prefer to see the poll tax reintroduced, as opposed to the iniquitous council tax.

Gordon Brown may like to reflect on his abolition of the 10p tax band.  It has increased OH's income tax bill by 100%.  He is over 65 so will not benefit from the so called 'concessions' that will be 'available'.

The disgusting thing about this government is that all benefits are 'means tested'.

You think you are eligible, and you are sent a 35 page booklet to complete.  It is so complicated, the government wins because you find it too difficult, so don't bother.

The government says that there are millions of pounds out there in benefits that are not being claimed.



Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Suzanne on May 05, 2008, 02:29:32
Have gone through and read the entire thread now. Looking back it seems to me that we were much worse off then than we are now. How much was influenced by world economy (we did go through a bit of a recession) and how much by the politics of which ever party was in power I don't know - but doesn't it suggest that things aren't too bad at the moment?
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: redimp on May 05, 2008, 11:15:59
Remember Poll tax was per person,Council tax is per household :)

Which is why it was much fairer.

Mother in law, a pensioner, lived next door to a household where there were four wage earners.  She had to pay the same rates as the people next door.

Personally, I would prefer to see the poll tax reintroduced, as opposed to the iniquitous council tax.

Gordon Brown may like to reflect on his abolition of the 10p tax band.  It has increased OH's income tax bill by 100%.  He is over 65 so will not benefit from the so called 'concessions' that will be 'available'.

The disgusting thing about this government is that all benefits are 'means tested'.

You think you are eligible, and you are sent a 35 page booklet to complete.  It is so complicated, the government wins because you find it too difficult, so don't bother.

The government says that there are millions of pounds out there in benefits that are not being claimed.



Only people in large houses think it is fairer.  Just because your particular focus group benefit to the detriment of others in society, does not mean it is fairer.  A large house is capital, therefore savings.  If you have to pay more tax than someone who doesn't have a large house/capital/savings, then that is fairer than those same people paying the same amount.  The only fair tax is income tax (and inheritance tax is included in that as being a progressive taxation) and to a certain extent, savings taxes.  Flat taxes like poll tax and VAT are inherently unfair.  Council Tax is (should be) fairish, but it is still not as fair as a true income tax.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Gazfoz on May 05, 2008, 15:32:11
You know how we have Mothers Day and Fathers Day etc. When do we have childrens day?
Or should we just wish that we had never been born in the first place.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on May 05, 2008, 17:18:07
Every day is children's day
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Paulines7 on May 06, 2008, 00:24:35
Remember Poll tax was per person,Council tax is per household :)

Which is why it was much fairer.

Mother in law, a pensioner, lived next door to a household where there were four wage earners.  She had to pay the same rates as the people next door.

Personally, I would prefer to see the poll tax reintroduced, as opposed to the iniquitous council tax.

Gordon Brown may like to reflect on his abolition of the 10p tax band.  It has increased OH's income tax bill by 100%.  He is over 65 so will not benefit from the so called 'concessions' that will be 'available'.

The disgusting thing about this government is that all benefits are 'means tested'.

You think you are eligible, and you are sent a 35 page booklet to complete.  It is so complicated, the government wins because you find it too difficult, so don't bother.

The government says that there are millions of pounds out there in benefits that are not being claimed.



Regarding your Mother in Law, I think I have mentioned to you before Valmarg that a single person gets a 25% reduction in their rates. This is not means tested so even a millionaire would get this as a right if they live alone.  In addition, many pensioners are also eligible to get Council Tax benefit

I disagree that the forms are difficult to fill in.  If someone because of age or mentality finds them difficult, there is always help available.  For someone such as yourself, who is computer literate, it is very easy to fill in a questionnaire on line to ascertain eligibility for Council Tax benefit.  We filled it in the other day giving details of our future income for when my husband retires.  We found out we would get a reduction despite the fact we have our 30 year old son living with us and having his salary taken into consideration too.

What is disgusting about having benefits means tested?  It seems the only fair way to me.  Benefits have always been means tested whatever Government has been in power so why mention "this Government"?

Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Barnowl on May 06, 2008, 15:45:17
Didn't Maggie come out with the infamous phrase to defend herself that she wasn't lying but 'being economical with the truth'?!....

Sorry, but she took my milk when I was a kid - Thatcher the milk snatcher she will always be... >:(

Despite the milk snatching I have to correct you. Mrs T. never used the phrase - in fact it wasn't technically a politician that coined it but a "Sir Humphrey", the Cabinet secretary Robert Armstrong in 1986.

PS I read a letter from a Chartered Accountant the other day who agreed to help someone sort out their tax credits situation he gave up in the end.  How many extra bureaucrats has this invasive and unwieldy system required? 

PPS One person in four is now on the government payroll.

Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Moonbeam65 on May 06, 2008, 18:37:11
Its been very interesting reading all the post on this topic but what we have to realise that all politicions are con men & con women and that there job is no matter which party they represent is to con as many people to vote for them before an election is due so they can reap the benefits on the back of the public who vote for them.
Will they change i very much doubt it as the voters do not kick up enough fuss when they the polititions bring out legislation that makes us poorer and them much richer.
Petrol prices are a prime example they have no chance of coming down as not enough fuss is being made about it so the goverment will just go on ignoring the issue unless we the public say enough is enough.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Sinbad7 on May 06, 2008, 18:52:24
Totally agree with Moonbeam, the British have always sat back and moaned and never ever, well once, over the poll tax, stood together and made the government of the day change their minds.  We really deserve all we put up with.

I just love the French and the way their truck drivers bring the country to a halt, if only us Brits were more like them but we never will be so there is not much point in moaning about any of them they are all as bad as each other, every man/woman has their price and it seems to me the most ordinary of MP's soon change and someone has found the price to offer them.  Every time I watch Diane Abbot I think it proves my point.


Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Geomet on May 07, 2008, 06:07:02
We have an infinately greater chance of social justice with the Labour Party than with those currently hoping to gain power........not without faults,or not error free,but just plain and simply a higher degree of sincerity and genuine intent to cultivate social justice
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Gazfoz on May 07, 2008, 23:21:50
Maybe 30odd years ago geomet. But then the country was in a total mess.
Social justice, how long have Labour now been in power? Where are the trade unions? Remember Tony and John, the dream team! What did ex shop steward Prescott ever do for the working man whilst taking a fortune in wages and expenses.
Tony Blair did a very slick job of giving the Conservatives nothing to whinge about and kept everyone happy for a while, you always felt he was just on the verge of doing something really great.
Does anyone watch the TUC anymore? Do they even have a TUC anymore since Arthur Scargill left and formed a Party committed to social justice which sank without trace.
I think we should all just be very thankful for what we have and hope that this global economy that we are all part of will be able to keep things running relatively smoothly for all of us.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: jjt on May 07, 2008, 23:43:53
If we all hope together just as hard as we can, or maybe clap our hands, perhaps it really will happen.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Gazfoz on May 08, 2008, 16:45:40
Well I personally don't fancy a Civil War but anybody who wants to take what is mine can have one, that's for sure!
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Geomet on May 09, 2008, 18:55:25
I for one wont be hoodwinked by a band of distortive power seeking opportunists................I think Labour is most folks ONLY chance of a greater degree of fairness..................Sure...........there has been a concerted and frankly succesfull approach by the tory party, of character assasination against Gordon Brown...........they want power and seem intent on distorting reality to try to gain it.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Sinbad7 on May 09, 2008, 19:06:17
Urm geomet, don't you think GB has dug his own hole and now we should bury him ;D  He kidded us all that he had a grip on the economy when he was chancellor, it's a shame he didn't tell us it went pear shaped after the first two years, where he laid out his plan for a five year strategy, and instead of the economy growing he had to start to borrow money (big time) to keep us all spending our money and thinking this is great the economy is really growing, we are better off now with Gordon in charge.  The man is a con artist like most other politicians.

I would just like to say I never vote Labour or Conservative, so any of my comments have nothing to do with a political leaning to either main party's, oh and I don't vote Liberal either but do like to listen to what the politicians are up to.

Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Mr Smith on May 09, 2008, 19:28:21
All these folk that call themselves 'Labour', how many belong to a trade union?, eHhhh whats a trade union ;)
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Geomet on May 10, 2008, 10:35:36
A trade union is a group of workers who band together to prevent total exploitation by callous employers void of social justice.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: grawrc on May 10, 2008, 11:43:20
I'm a union member. I used to vote labour too before Tony Blair.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: redimp on May 10, 2008, 17:29:14
I'm a member of a union too - which is why I was vilified in the media for standing up for a pay rise that was merely in line with inflation and not 2% below it.  Now I wonder why trade unions are struggling. :-\
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Moonbeam65 on May 10, 2008, 19:22:08
I think geomet has got it slightly wrong of what a trade union is.
A trade union is a group of workers who band together pay there dues and more often than not get nothing for it as most unions are to scared to stand up to the government
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Gazfoz on May 11, 2008, 22:30:49
Well now.
Arthur stood up to the government and got his bloody arse kicked.
When governments continually move the goalposts and create new laws then you cannot win.
I consider myself to be a socialist and I would advise anybody to go and buy a packet of seeds and grow something once a week rather than waste it on union subscriptions these days.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: jjt on May 12, 2008, 00:21:15
At least one proper union's left. RMT don't back down easy. But in general I'd agree with seed packets.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: redimp on May 12, 2008, 17:39:41
Well now.
Arthur stood up to the government and got his bloody arse kicked.
When governments continually move the goalposts and create new laws then you cannot win.
I consider myself to be a socialist and I would advise anybody to go and buy a packet of seeds and grow something once a week rather than waste it on union subscriptions these days.
Joining a union is a must for a teacher.  Amongst the scarce true stories about techers abusing pupils, there are plenty of false ones.  If you are not in a union, you have to back yourself up.  Plus, the NUT is still a real union.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Kea on May 12, 2008, 18:30:07
Well I'm in an area where the Tories haven't been beaten in recent history but our local town council election which was entirely Tory has now only 3 left with 2 Lib dems and 11 independants. Against the grain for the country certainly our electorate.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Barnowl on May 12, 2008, 18:35:54
I think all politicians should be required to have or to have had a proper job so that at least part of their live have been spent in touch with reality and they are less scared of losing their seats because they have a trade to fall back on.

I think professional politicians are beginning to make estate agents look like honest men.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Kea on May 13, 2008, 17:52:50
Estate agents, Politicians and solicitors all pretty much the same.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Sinbad7 on May 13, 2008, 18:43:41
What do you call a proper job Barnowl?

USDAW is not a really union but they take their monthly subs and then sell the workers down the river to a big company like Tesco, rather sad as no one is for the worker, not that I was in favour of what Scargill did but there should be a balance somewhere along the line.

Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Gazfoz on May 13, 2008, 18:55:57
Teachers also can be very childish and I do honestly believe that a good dose of the School of hard knocks in the private sector would better prepare people for a life of security in the public sector.
I truly believe that they would then be more properly equipped to rise to the challenge of educating young people.
I know a couple of people who have trained to be a teacher in later life and they cannot believe what teachers find to whinge about.
I bet they are good at their job also.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: grawrc on May 13, 2008, 19:42:24
I think all politicians should be required to have or to have had a proper job so that at least part of their live have been spent in touch with reality and they are less scared of losing their seats because they have a trade to fall back on

I can't imagine why they would worry about losing their seat. With directorships in various companies and all the other links forged they are made for life unless they really screw up badly.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: valmarg on May 13, 2008, 21:31:10

Joining a union is a must for a teacher.  Amongst the scarce true stories about techers abusing pupils, there are plenty of false ones.  If you are not in a union, you have to back yourself up.  Plus, the NUT is still a real union.

Whilst I accept there are false allegations made against teachers, and it must be horrendous for the individuals concerned.  To have their career, family, etc put through the mill.

Then I remember the revolting Mr Smith.  He was our teacher for our last year in junior school.  When you stood at his desk he had his hand up your skirt, stroking your bum, and if you objected you were made to feel you were in the wrong, and what he was doing was perfectly 'normal'.

Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: redimp on May 14, 2008, 22:37:48
Well now.
Arthur stood up to the government and got his bloody arse kicked.
When governments continually move the goalposts and create new laws then you cannot win.
I consider myself to be a socialist and I would advise anybody to go and buy a packet of seeds and grow something once a week rather than waste it on union subscriptions these days.
Joining a union is a must for a teacher.  Amongst the scarce true stories about techers abusing pupils, there are plenty of false ones.  If you are not in a union, you have to back yourself up.  Plus, the NUT is still a real union.
Whilst I accept there are false allegations made against teachers, and it must be horrendous for the individuals concerned.  To have their career, family, etc put through the mill.

Then I remember the revolting Mr Smith.  He was our teacher for our last year in junior school.  When you stood at his desk he had his hand up your skirt, stroking your bum, and if you objected you were made to feel you were in the wrong, and what he was doing was perfectly 'normal'.


And Mr Smith should have been fired and jailed for that - an obviously disgusting man and I am very sorry that you had to endure such vile abuse Valmarg.  Thankfully, these days, far rarer due to the hoops we have to jump through.  Granted, nothing is perfect and people who have not offended before will of course get through no bother but better than nothing.
Teachers also can be very childish and I do honestly believe that a good dose of the School of hard knocks in the private sector would better prepare people for a life of security in the public sector.
I truly believe that they would then be more properly equipped to rise to the challenge of educating young people.
I know a couple of people who have trained to be a teacher in later life and they cannot believe what teachers find to whinge about.
I bet they are good at their job also.
That is an offensive post that you are obviously not qualified to make - no matter how many 'friends' you claim to have. 

For your information, I came into teaching late (about 32 years old) and I have worked as a cleaner, a barman, in a factory, in a clothes shop, as a legal executive...I could go on.  Does that qualify me?  None of the above had the same stresses or the long hours.  If you are not qualified to comment - shut up!  That is one of the most childish posts I have read in a long time.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: betula on May 14, 2008, 23:17:56
Some teachers are excellent.Some teachers are terrible.We have all been to school and we all know that.

Every job has its own stress and aggro.

I know several people who have got out of teaching.Jim taught at a grammar school for a few years after uni and got out of teaching quick.
He would not go back for any money.He hated it.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Gazfoz on May 15, 2008, 08:01:27
For your information, I came into teaching late (about 32 years old) and I have worked as a cleaner, a barman, in a factory, in a clothes shop, as a legal executive...I could go on.  Does that qualify me?  None of the above had the same stresses or the long hours.  If you are not qualified to comment - shut up!  That is one of the most childish posts I have read in a long time

See what I mean! ;D ;D
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: valmarg on May 16, 2008, 20:50:42

And Mr Smith should have been fired and jailed for that - an obviously disgusting man and I am very sorry that you had to endure such vile abuse Valmarg.  Thankfully, these days, far rarer due to the hoops we have to jump through.  Granted, nothing is perfect and people who have not offended before will of course get through no bother but better than nothing.

Redclanger, it was way back in the 1950s.  Nobody would have believed you, and you had no means of redress.

I think the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction.

Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: redimp on May 16, 2008, 23:35:03

I think the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction.


You are so right on that score.  We are so paranoid now that we have to keep a distance even when they are hurt or upset.  any contact at all can be construed the other way and lead to disciplinary action.  We are not even allowed to hold their hands.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: betula on May 16, 2008, 23:40:16
What a sad reflection on our society.How awful not to be able to comfort a child in distress.

I remember years ago the school telephoning me at work,requesting permission to cut chewing gum out of my daughters hair.I thought that was strange.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: valmarg on May 21, 2008, 21:42:35
One event that really brought home to me how 'paranoid' we have become, was when I was in a department store.  A little girl had been looking at some of the items, and I helped her with the things that were placed out of her reach.  We were laughing, and helping each other.  Then, all of a sudden her mother came and took her away, looking at me as if it was a pervert.

That was the first time, and you cannot imagine how hurtful it was to have been considered a pervert.

You have to be so careful these days.

It is so so sad that if you try to help a young child these days you are treated with suspicion.

Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: valmarg on May 23, 2008, 19:29:41
To get back to the original title of this thread 'not looking good for gordon brown'.

Crewe and Nantwich have given him a bit of a bloody nose.

But he seriously thinks its the economy idiot, not me.  I'm the best bloke to get you out of this, despite the fact I got you into it ??? ??? ???

By abolishing the 10p tax rate he has managed to double OH's tax bill on a meagre £10,000 private pension.

As I have said before, when it comes to politicians 'there is small choice in rotten apples', but I think New Labour have just about run their course.

Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Gazfoz on May 23, 2008, 22:51:02
Yes I agree, they have stuffed their pockets so full of cash that now they don't want to govern anymore.
They want to retire and spend their ill gotten gains. I will never vote Labour again but they don't care about that because they now have enough money to be comfortable for the rest of their lives. So many people have been let down by these people.
Title: Re: Not looking good for labour...
Post by: Mr Smith on May 24, 2008, 09:12:35
Can't wait to see the back of  them and not even a mention of Bambi Blair I'm afraid Gord is taking the rap guv but I must say one good thing about what Labour have done, yes they have done one good thing and that was the minimum wage, but I have a suggestion to bump the minimum wage up and that is when we hear the words 'Its not worth getting out of bed for'.Well, scrap all income support benefits and  move the pot of money onto the minimum wage, then the idle  the work shy will have to untangle themselves from the bedsheet and record Jeremy Kyle, they will be able to buy more fags more beer put more money on the lottery, just look at the extra revenue the country will receive ;)  ;D
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