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Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: davyw1 on April 29, 2008, 17:53:22

Title: Growing Cucumbers
Post by: davyw1 on April 29, 2008, 17:53:22
I grow Cucumbers for exhibition but the principle are the same as growing them to eat
I grow mine in the ground as i went away from grow bags when i built a Polly tunnel but that does not change the basics, the problem is i find it absorbing and you can get hooked on it.
The three types of cucumber i grow are Carman, Femdan and Aramon
If you are going to grow them in in grow bags do it with rings on top such as a wide bottomless plant pot  ( Ring Culture ) as the depth is very important.
Really you should not grow Cucumbers and Tomato,s in the same greenhouse unless you can close a section where the Cucumbers are to be grown as Cucumbers need a close humid atmosphere while tomato,s need plenty of air circulating through them at all times.
Make holes in the grow bags to avoid the compost from becoming sour through bad drainage. You should grow only one Cucumber to a bag to allow the roots to develop and also this allows the plant stems to grow without getting entangled as the tenderills will choke anything it gets hold of, I find it best to nip them off if they look like grabbing onto any part of the plant.
Sow the seed singly in 3" pots in a peat based compost, place each seed on its side not flat to avoid rotting. Once the seeds have germinated ensure maximum light to prevent thin, spindly growth and keep an eye on the root development at the bottom of the pot, once you see the root pot them on onto a bigger pot if they are left they will become starved of nutrients and check the growth.
PLANTING OUT. Place the ring on top of the grow bag and cut a hole to size, fill the ring with a peat based compost and sit the Cucumber plant on top of the compost not in a hole as this causes stem rot then build up the compost to cover the roots ( making sure the stem is not buried ) so that any water runs away from the stem.
There are two ways to grow Cucumbers. One is by allowing them to grow on the main stem, the other by growing on laterals ( side shoots )
you should not allow any fruit to develop until the plant is 2 ft high, this encourages a strong root system.
Once the plant starts to develop fruits a nitrogen feed is required.
Cut the Cucumbers regularly as they mature as they should not be allowed to take feed from developing or Cucumbers further up the stem as this some times causes rot to the end of the fruit, it also slows development caused by lack of nutrients
I have not mentioned support for the plant as we all have our different ways of doing this but i favor netting.

I hope this helps all to grow your cucumbers successfully.

Title: Re: Growing Cucumbers
Post by: tim on April 29, 2008, 18:42:00
Fassinating stuff!!

But I would never dissuade anyone from growing Cues, Toms, Peppers & Aubs together. We can't do else.

Maybe not for exhibition, but for eating!
Title: Re: Growing Cucumbers
Post by: caroline7758 on April 29, 2008, 20:23:36
My Marketmore are in the kitchen in pots, all with at least 5 leaves and some tendrils, and a couple are about to flower :o What should I do?
Title: Re: Growing Cucumbers
Post by: steveuk on April 29, 2008, 20:27:01
i grow only ridge outsiders, still enjoy them and there very hardy i find
Title: Re: Growing Cucumbers
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on April 29, 2008, 20:56:48
My Marketmore are in the kitchen in pots, all with at least 5 leaves and some tendrils, and a couple are about to flower :o What should I do?

Put them out towards the end of the month, unless you have cloches. The little Poundland ones would probably be adequate if you're really keen to put them out early.
Title: Re: Growing Cucumbers
Post by: caroline7758 on April 29, 2008, 21:02:38
Do you mean the end of this month, Robert, i.e. tomorrow? or end of May? I have them staked at the moment- is it ok to let them trail- don't think the poundland cloches would be tall enough otherwise!
Title: Re: Growing Cucumbers
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on April 29, 2008, 21:08:38
Sorry - end of May. They'll trail quite happily, it's how I always grow mine.
Title: Re: Growing Cucumbers
Post by: caroline7758 on April 29, 2008, 21:29:01
Think I'll have to put them out in the cold greenhouse before they take over the kitchen- at least that might slow them down, just hope it doesn't kill them off! Should I remove the flowers as they are so early?
Title: Re: Growing Cucumbers
Post by: tim on April 30, 2008, 06:36:35
Caroline - mine will go into the cold  'house in a few days time.
Title: Re: Growing Cucumbers
Post by: caseylee on April 30, 2008, 08:21:17
I had no space inside so I planted all my cucumbers in the cold greenhouse and left them there to start growing.  I have so far had 7 come up all different types and they are growing beautifully.
Title: Re: Growing Cucumbers
Post by: caroline7758 on April 30, 2008, 18:00:23
Sorry to nag, but can I just ask again whether I should remove the flowers? two of them are open already, and a few more not far off!
Title: Re: Growing Cucumbers
Post by: manicscousers on April 30, 2008, 18:36:13
I've read somewhere to stop all flowers for 12", means we get straighter cucs and the slugs have a bit of a prob getting to them  ;D
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