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General => The Shed => Topic started by: OllieC on April 26, 2008, 09:55:47

Title: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: OllieC on April 26, 2008, 09:55:47
Anyone fancy starting a game on here? I'm open to suggestions for which set of rules to play...
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: betula on April 26, 2008, 11:00:31
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on April 26, 2008, 11:23:50
I suggest Frostrupp's Gambit with St Pancras as the Watershed Diagonal
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: sarah on April 26, 2008, 11:25:16
i think it would be only fitting in such circumstances to play the Littleton rules (including the 1989 ammendments). of course we would have to aviod the bayswater junction.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: keef on April 26, 2008, 12:08:47
i think it would be only fitting in such circumstances to play the Littleton rules (including the 1989 ammendments). of course we would have to aviod the bayswater junction.

I see where your going with that one, i would suggest we could all take advantage of the Wickelt synopsis and head for Hyde-park corner - avoiding a long re-route via Cockfosters.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on April 26, 2008, 12:14:41
Can we have a ruling as to whether Reverse Shafting is allowed? Best to clear it up now, rather than cause any unpleasantness later on
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: sarah on April 26, 2008, 13:01:34
i think yes to reverse shafting. i think its what humph would have wanted. 

definatley a good idea to use the wickelt synopsis keef and if we implememt the reverse shaft i think you will find that elliminates the cockfosters problem.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: katynewbie on April 26, 2008, 13:49:38

Ok I'm game.

How about Neasden, but adopting the Ashmould Variation?

Totally agree about reverse shafting, Humph would be proud.

Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: greyhound on April 26, 2008, 13:52:03
Will we be using the Pogue Mahone Variation?  I wouldn't want to see a repeat of the Arsenal fiasco.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Pootle on April 26, 2008, 13:53:23
Wish I was as witty as the rest of you and could come up a great move - but I'm already missing Humph  :'(
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: keef on April 26, 2008, 13:55:16
Ok - unless anyone else can come up with a better idea, i would take heed from what i beleive to be the match deciding move of the 1945 world championship finale, between Ms Fanny Honeybone and Count Von-Hickleborn (the 2nd), and take a right angle over-brow move (taking into account reverse shafting of course) to Westminster. Although this does'nt take full advantage of the Wickelt synopsis, I see no better move at this stage - and it certainly done Fanny no harm.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: katynewbie on April 26, 2008, 14:03:53

Crikey Me Keef! You have obviously studied hard, well done you!

Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: sarah on April 26, 2008, 14:08:32
think that would see us right up to blackfriars wouldnt it?
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: keef on April 26, 2008, 14:12:05

Crikey Me Keef! You have obviously studied hard, well done you!

Thanks - so far so good, although it is a Saturday and it easy to end up in a complete mess at Arsenal - however seeing as their playing away today, we should be safe and not have to take it into account,  I've been caught short there before  ???
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: OllieC on April 26, 2008, 14:19:43
From Aresenal, I think I'm safe  with Piccadilly Circus, which if I'm not mistaken is pretty crafty...
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: keef on April 26, 2008, 14:34:28
Potentially a good move, but no one's actually played a move to Arsenal yet... so your move would be illeagle - sorry. Shame really as Piccadilly Circus would have opened up so many options.

Mod - just to clarify were still at Blackfriars.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: OllieC on April 26, 2008, 14:44:52
Ah, my mistake. Well, I think we all know what's going to happen next...
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: keef on April 26, 2008, 14:52:22
I do to  ;) - but seeing as i the game started east of Shoreditch, and there was no mention of a feltcher loop being played within the first 3 moves - it would not be right for Gentleman to play such a move.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: sarah on April 26, 2008, 15:26:43
i think you'll find you cant play the feltcher loop in conjunction with the wickelt synopsis; they kind of cancel each other out. ..still blackfriars - need to get moving guys...before you incur the ripvole time penalty.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on April 26, 2008, 15:59:54
To a novice the obvious next move is either Elephant and Castle or Queensway, but either way they'd be laying themselves wide open to being Skewered by a Biggin's Pincer

I think there's no option but Turnham Green
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: keef on April 26, 2008, 16:15:01
i think you'll find you cant play the feltcher loop in conjunction with the wickelt synopsis; they kind of cancel each other out....

Too true..

If were at Turnham Green, we can either make a left handed Acton slide turn down to Clapham Junction or a another over-brow (albeit left hand this time) move to Roding Valley... both risky moves, but I think I prefer Clapham than having to risk a potential Cadbury fowl up if i went to Roding.... so Clapham Junction it is.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: cleo on April 26, 2008, 16:32:06
Not easy but Turnpike lane
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: katynewbie on April 26, 2008, 16:35:47

Ahhh, but Keef has overlooked Shepherd's Bush being closed til October. This circumstance invokes the Novak Overrule. If Humph were here I am sure he would agree.

Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: keef on April 26, 2008, 16:45:08

Ahhh, but Keef has overlooked Shepherd's Bush being closed til October. This circumstance invokes the Novak Overrule. If Humph were here I am sure he would agree.


Crikey - i completely forgot... so we all dont get caught out again - please refer to,

Seeing as i made such an error, the Novak Overrule means i'll have to sit out the next 3 moves - just when its getting interesting (will give me time to finish the lawn though)..
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: sarah on April 26, 2008, 18:05:22
so thats gonna be elephant and castle then? or are we back at clapham?
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on April 26, 2008, 18:14:02
"Listened to 'I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue' in the bath. I have heard this amusing programme many times, but I still do not understand the rules of Mornington Crescent. Strange, since I must be one of the most intelligent men in the East Midlands."

Diary entry 17 May 03, Adrian Mole and the Weapons of Mass Destruction, Sue Townsend
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Hyacinth on April 27, 2008, 12:48:23

Ahhh, but Keef has overlooked Shepherd's Bush being closed til October. This circumstance invokes the Novak Overrule. If Humph were here I am sure he would agree.


Crikey - i completely forgot... so we all dont get caught out again - please refer to,

Seeing as i made such an error, the Novak Overrule means i'll have to sit out the next 3 moves - just when its getting interesting (will give me time to finish the lawn though)..

No! No! No error there, Keef 8) As the Official Beeb Spokesperson Put Out to Grass on a Lottie Somewhere Near You, I've been asked to report that they have been inundated by a letter from Mrs. Trellis who is in direct celestial correspondence with The Humph via the astrology column in The Star. The Maestro's judgement in this unusual case is that Clapham Junction is the way to go.....well, she thinks he meant that...wot he actually said was "a pox on you.."??

Off you go, Keef...
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: katynewbie on April 27, 2008, 13:26:17

Would this be the same Mrs Trellis who was discredited some years ago as a fringe member of the Doris Stokes Cult?!

I am not sure we should allow this to distract us from our honourable game  :-[
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: keef on April 27, 2008, 15:03:51
Mrs Trellis indeed - she has a lot answer, total discrediting the North Wessex league - introducing many dodgy move's such as the as a Slide Feltching Acton and the False Ace Wipe. I can only assume it was the adverse effect of being a member of the Doris Stokes Cult.

OK - From Clapham we could use a treable bovvington overflip loop move to Angel. Another famous move from the 1945 championship - Fanny was undoubtably well before her time, making moves which have only recently appeared back in the game. Infact a Swedish research group (co-incedentally setup by one Count Von-Hickleborn's grandchildren) has studied this game in great detail, and have released many research papers detailing the moves and strategies played out by both players during the final, which i have found to be great bed time reading.

Of course now were at Angel, we should be careful not get stuck in Kilp - so someone should come along sooner rather than later and move us along....

Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: sarah on April 27, 2008, 15:51:19
well thats an obvious lefthanded tri-undular spike through hackney and into bow.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: keef on April 27, 2008, 16:57:26
Ah ha, i see your setting us up for what would be a nice Convereflex Side Plane shift to Warren Street - however surely that would result in the use of a Rushton's Gambit - before Tea, extremely risky.

So, Seeing as the barmetric pressure is falling, and no one has played an Inverse Farringdon Flange - i would suggest playing an Converse Farringdon Flange to Ruslip. I feel this is only fair, and now sets up a for a Finsbury Flip - especially as my brother has never been caught in a lift Lancaster Gate - as explained in the 2nd edition of the Velleman amendments.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: markfield rover on April 27, 2008, 19:42:31
Vellemans  amendments ,not in a leap year .I am on a three match ban due to calling into question Samantha's scoring methods ,
play through.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: bupster on April 27, 2008, 21:40:17
Is it me or is there room here for a triangular shuffle to Russell Square? Unconventional I grant you, but I thought it was a masterful move in the 1973 quarter final of the Moldovan men's seven a side.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on April 27, 2008, 22:01:23

Would this be the same Mrs Trellis who was discredited some years ago as a fringe member of the Doris Stokes Cult?!

Mrs Trellis - can't miss her house in North Wales - there's a Giant Hogweed on her lawn
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: saddad on April 27, 2008, 22:13:48
Sorry RT
Strange, since I must be one of the most intelligent men in the East Midlands."

As a resident of derby I can assure you there aren't any...
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: keef on April 28, 2008, 00:33:12
Were shafted now, from Russel Square all thats open, it pains me to say it, is a dreaded Paddington filch to Dollis Hill  :-X. Some crafty manouvers are needed now to get us out of it. If of course we were playing with the Tudor Rules we would be OK, and able to move to Arnos Grove so long a Fresian play is envoked - not perfect but better.

The same situation occured to me last year when playing in the local sunday league, against the Tring quartet. We were stuck there for ages, infact so long even being in Floating Spoons seemed a more confortable outcome. As it happens one of our players (Stinkey Pete), managed to get us into the lesser Floating tea spoons (seeing as it was the 1st of the month), and after a couple of loops back to Dollis Hill, he managed a crafty move to South Wimbledon - not that this is an option to us at this stage of course.

Perhaps if we could use a couple of chocolate token's on a No.145 bus (cheeky but just about legal) we might be able to get moving again if were still stuck in a dozen or so moves - bear it in mind everyone.

Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Froglegs on April 28, 2008, 01:41:26
Correct if I'm wrong but if you chaps are playing by Littleton rules surly chocolate token's are out of the question if you have been revere shafting, that is unless you are prepared to back to the Arsenal which i don't recommend I'm still black balled after making such a move in the 1979 chaz n Dave charity cup match
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: katynewbie on April 28, 2008, 01:51:22

I might have known someone would eventually bring up the Littleton Rules! I have to step in here and mention the fiasco of the Millennium Game. It pains me to do this, especially under such sad circumstances, but we all know that Bupsters move of Russell Square is totally against the rules.

Sorry Bupster, but I know you played the move either from ignorance or naivety, and  I don't hold it against you!

Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: keef on April 28, 2008, 11:30:28
Your both correct, the Littledon Rules should have effected the last 2 moves - however as the Wicklet Synopsis is having such a large effect, being that easter was early this year, I think that both moves are legal. However the move to Russell Hill could have been replaced with a move to Fairlop, however Russell square it was so we've ended up in Dolllis hill. Unless of course we can bring into play the 2nd edition of the Brussell's public review - we'd then be safe to move off from Dollis hill to the new Earostar terminal at St Pancras (via Kings Cross St Pancras), i will need to study the public review documents during my daily 11:30 consitutional.

Its a shame, If the East London line had'nt been replaced with buses we could of course be more frivaless with our Choclate Tokens and OAP Spar special super savers - but we may all need them later in the game..
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Froglegs on April 28, 2008, 12:14:22
I think at this point i must make you aware that in the league i play for, the Morris men and pork pie crust makers every other sunday (unless its cold )league, we do not recognize the Bussells public review as we still play with the traditionally used yard stick and not one of them new meter sticks the 2ND edition insists on.But we do now allow a non digital wristwatches(but not in cup matches) if a suitable pocket watch cannot be found.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on April 28, 2008, 12:15:48
Sorry RT
Strange, since I must be one of the most intelligent men in the East Midlands."

As a resident of derby I can assure you there aren't any...

I had a Saturday night out in Derby once. I think Edvard Munch must have done the same thing, just before he painted "The Scream"
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: bupster on April 28, 2008, 13:52:52
That's clearly Luton. As for the legality of the Russell Square shuffle, it was ruled passable as long as there were seven or fewer on the third team past four o'clock. Of course the Moldovan league is traditionalist, right down to rejecting both Imperial and Metric measurements in favour of Orthodox. My Auntie Dorcas has in any case since pointed out that Goodge Street is an equally valid shuffle, overcomes the Littleton Rules paradox, and still leaves it all wide open - not least to aficionados of the Northern Line Headbutt.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: sarah on April 28, 2008, 14:14:06
i'm gonna have to dispute that i think bupster - i dont think goodge street is an equally valid shuffle in this case because with the reverse shaft in place thats going to take you right back up the arsenal.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: bupster on April 28, 2008, 14:21:59
Valid but excessively stupid perhaps?
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: katynewbie on April 28, 2008, 16:18:49

B****r, had forgotten the Brussels Review. Sorry Bupster! Russell Square then?...


Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: keef on April 28, 2008, 17:41:45
Being a man in my 30's id be better able to gauge how this game is going, on reflection, if i was wearing a nice pair of sandlebag creepers - obviously a month's wages would'nt even be enough for a set of these - so i'll have to make do with my better judgement.

Orthodox measurement does make changes to the validity of any of the reverse shafting moves played out so far - however i suspect sticking to metric will make things far simpler - so i propose that. Of course we could use a mixture of all measurment standards (as i see quite often in my line of work), allowing us to pick the best system for the move that is to be employed - the Brussells review outlined this as a possibilty when the rulle amendments came into line last August bank holiday.

However taking everything into mind (even without sandlebag creepers), i think we've looped back to Dollis Hill... again.... ::)
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: sarah on April 28, 2008, 18:36:47
ok. easterly somerslide (with antireversal screw re 1984) through (or over) the brent cross flyover to...golders green...
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: saddad on April 28, 2008, 22:28:44
Bupster your Auntie Dorcas wasn't Dorcas Jennings? My son's ex headteacher???

You don't get many Dorcas's around...

R-T No that was definitely Nottingham....

and anyway when was Chester in the East Midlands.... O Level geography reject?
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: keef on April 28, 2008, 23:32:57
Interestingly - technically Chester is in the east midlands accrouding to the MC Kelvedon conditions.

1. Take the current time of day - accorinding to a French decimal clock.
2. Multiply this by the sq/route of the ambient humidity at Pudding Mill Lane (DLR), west bound platform.
3. Add the result of 2 with the number of Westbound trains on Tuesday 23th March (as detailed in the 1993 timetable) at Theydon Bois.
4. Mulitply again with mean average length of time taken (over 10 trips) to reverse shaft from Totteridge and Weystone to Pimlico - applying a gain of 0.45, and you have your first Grid reference.
5. Next - take the distance (via Airline shuttle bus to Loughborugh and then Train) from East Midlands Airport (measured in rods) to King Cross & St Pancras.
6. Add this to the number of steps from the east bound platform at Earls court - to the Warwick Road exit (only if the date is before the longest day of the year, subtract if after...)
7. Apply the Rushdens Gambit - and you have your second grid reference.

Hey presto your in Chester ! or am i missing somthing ?

EDIT : you could leave out step 2, but you'd end up in Queensferry - but hey ho i'm a perfectionist... ;D
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: markfield rover on April 29, 2008, 08:48:31
And if people still do not understand how to play after Keefs gin clear instructions they never will.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Froglegs on April 29, 2008, 11:30:23

1. Take the current time of day - accorinding to a French decimal clock.

Or as we do in Nottingham take a eggtimer and a tally up a backally, some of the modern ways have taken all the skill out of the game.

From Golders Green by the way of a quarter half shaft maneuver(i take it we are allowed hassock's) to Cricklewood.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on April 29, 2008, 12:14:06
R-T No that was definitely Nottingham....

and anyway when was Chester in the East Midlands.... O Level geography reject?
beg your pardon -  I have a A in geography, and here's a picture of a Roche Mouton (on it's side) to prove it
if it was Nottingham, someone would be waving a gun around
To be fair to Derby, I was probably there on a bad night. So far as I could tell, the Bulgarian Women's Shotput team were in town, having some kind of drinking competition........I mean it can't be like that every weekend, can it??
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Froglegs on April 29, 2008, 12:52:22
if it was Nottingham, someone would be waving a gun around

Only on weekday never at the weekend we have some standards in Notts you know.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: bupster on April 29, 2008, 13:27:32
I beg your pardon as well - had it been in Luton, someone would have stolen the easel. Can we slip down as far as Neasden, or is it not the done thing?
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: keef on April 29, 2008, 19:12:27
I beg your pardon as well - had it been in Luton, someone would have stolen the easel. Can we slip down as far as Neasden, or is it not the done thing?

You can slip down as far as you like lady !!! but seeing as were still being influenced by the Beacontree shift - were still going to end up back at Dollis Hill, Gads! what a pain in the a*se ! - i just see no way out of this loop  >:(

RT - your picture interests me, it looks similar to the track layout plan of Quainton Road (Disused on the Metropolitan). Is this a coincidence ?
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: caroline7758 on April 29, 2008, 20:18:44
This thread could run and run- I dare someone to say M.C. ;D And have you seen how many views it's had.- Humph would be proud! ;D
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: cleo on April 29, 2008, 20:21:03
Mornington Crescent-all rules would know that
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on April 29, 2008, 20:23:30
keef - my picture was supposed to be a Feature of Glaciation. I could draw you a bergshrund if you like, but you'd probably think it was a plan of the sidings at Crewe
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: katynewbie on April 29, 2008, 20:28:46

Cleo...sorry, but if I can refer you to The Noblick Conundrum (1974) I think you will find that it is NOT MC!!!

Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: cleo on April 29, 2008, 20:33:49
I declare the Humph obitituary rule of 2008-never let a winner get you down-there is always another
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: sarah on April 29, 2008, 20:35:56
do you guys think you could keep your eye on the spherical please, we seem to be getting led astray, for a moment i thought we had reverse shafted so far we had ended up in gay pareee.  surely we cant still be at dollis hill???  keef... get us back up onto the kilburn high road will you.  i would make the move myself but i have an articulated up my back end.  and please...keep the geographicals out of it. I'm beginning to think youre just making stuff up now. ::)
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: cleo on April 29, 2008, 20:39:37
Made up!!!-this is a game of skill and I won!!

Game 2- Kings Cross
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: markfield rover on April 29, 2008, 20:50:13
Great, one game closer to my ban being lifted.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: sarah on April 29, 2008, 20:56:36
ah young cleo appears to have whipplesnaffered us inthe last minutes with the old humph obit ruling. tidy.

so kings cross then. 

ah  ..greys inn road.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: keef on April 29, 2008, 22:06:48
Ah ha, nice play Cleo - although one of the shortest games i've been in for a while. After lasts month's AGM of the North Wessex League, i played a singles game against myself in the Shoulder of Mutton in Wantage, it lasted for 1363.2 moves and took 8 3/4 hours to finish, needless to say many Cheeky Vimtos were needed. I was in a right state the next day - of course the heated debate that had ensued earlier about the whole Mrs Trellis saga did'nt help.

Game 2, I assume were playing Albert and Victoria rules, with a increasing gradient ?

If so - forwards we go, a reverse Sidewards Leblanc special to Stockwell, not forgetting filtch. I simple move, yes, but i want a swift half down the pub.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: bupster on April 29, 2008, 22:13:07
A twelve-pyramid round the houses daisy manoeuvre with a reverse hop and three nips takes us from Stockwell to Kilburn High Road. Ha!

I quite often play blindfold against a stuffed panda called Humphrey in Istanbul. He is a hell of a lush though, and the games are often embarassingly interupted when he insists on singing Welsh rugby songs.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: katynewbie on April 29, 2008, 22:42:43

Ok then, Kilburn High Road with a reverse left swipe to Swiss Cottage. I believe Julian Clary played this move some time ago...


Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: keef on April 29, 2008, 23:58:05

Ok then, Kilburn High Road with a reverse left swipe to Swiss Cottage. I believe Julian Clary played this move some time ago...


Katynewbie - you forgot to apply the lateral pass register x 2, so actually its Colindale - easily overlooked of course.

Play on...
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Froglegs on April 30, 2008, 02:11:33
Colindale that old chestnut...sorry keef but if we are playing Albert&Victoria rules then i have no choice but to block you with Upper&Lower Clapton.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: bupster on April 30, 2008, 11:23:44
Can I undermine that with a triple whirlygig under Sudbury Town? Or will I gyrate around Hangar Lane?
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Froglegs on April 30, 2008, 14:48:17
I'm tempted to go only tempted.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: katynewbie on April 30, 2008, 16:16:07

How about a Fosbury Flirt round Finchley Road and Frognal?

Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: bupster on April 30, 2008, 16:24:46
Wouldn't a Fosbury Flirt leave you fluttering faintly at Fairlop?
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: katynewbie on April 30, 2008, 16:31:09
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Helpless with giggles, cannot possibly make a sensible move!!!
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Froglegs on May 01, 2008, 11:58:21
I think now would be a good time to decide who is going to provide the light refreshment as we approach the half way mark,at a push i could throw to gether a few blackpudding butty's with a side salad and a pint from the Castle Rock Brewery.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: sarah on May 01, 2008, 13:13:05
sounds like just the thing. could you do that to the tune of colonel bogey please?
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: bupster on May 01, 2008, 13:28:29
Now that's the kind of play that the crowd have come to see.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: katynewbie on May 01, 2008, 16:01:14

There's a tasty suggestion for food in "Recipes".

Grey Squirrel Stew anyone?

Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Froglegs on May 02, 2008, 20:53:16
Do ya get chips with it ?.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: keef on May 02, 2008, 21:05:02
For a moment then i thought TFL industrial action had been causing a shaft backup at Arsenal, thank the lord for the Metro eh? Lets get on the move - i'm going to play double filch crosspoint slip, with stokes and including a 63% borris correlation factor to Goldhawk Road  ;D I'm of course counting on the result of the Mayoral elections - if im wrong we'll end up in East Putney, without even enough money for a battered sausage, let alone Grey Squirrel Stew and Chips.

Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Froglegs on May 02, 2008, 21:23:29
Goldhawk Road :o you crafty bugger did not see that one coming.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: bupster on May 02, 2008, 21:59:43
I'm going to play a long trudge to the right, and wallow in misery at London Bridge.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: sarah on May 03, 2008, 08:56:00
i'll play a livingstone over the edge and east into jamaica road. avoiding the cramps if possible.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: bupster on May 05, 2008, 20:26:05
Doubled over at Westminster...
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: katynewbie on May 06, 2008, 00:18:44

Restorative libation at Sloane Square?!
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: bupster on May 06, 2008, 13:03:21
Sod it, champagne at St Pancras.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: katynewbie on May 07, 2008, 22:48:34

Now then. Have studied a bit and given the previous mentions of The Orthodox Measurement with an Easterly Somerslide...also given Rushdens Gambit, that leaves us at Alan Coren's Cricklewood?!!

Case rested...

Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: bupster on May 08, 2008, 13:25:17
Well, in theory it should do, but I believe your momentum will run out at Dollis Hill. As it does for all of us.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: keef on June 29, 2008, 01:14:43
Over a month at Dollis Hill, gadds ive never seen it so bad !!! Someone sould play a right footed (with left swing) backwards shift to Kings Cross (a move thats always good to get you out of a stale fleesamp). Of course being born on an overcast Tuesday it would be illeagle for me to make such a move.
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Rixy on June 29, 2008, 01:30:18
I'm going to cancel out the Dollis Hill gambit by using Ryman's theory of ingenuity and  playing a trump Turnham Green and then the reverse upandoutswinger Chiswick park to Ealing Broadway, (was tempted to play Ealing Common but that would have left me wide open for a Parson's Green redoubled ;)).
Title: Re: Mornington Crescent anyone?
Post by: Eristic on July 01, 2008, 01:30:44
that leaves us at Alan Coren's Cricklewood?!!

That's my garden now.
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