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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: Kendy on April 20, 2008, 23:35:48

Title: New lottie - am I too late for potatoes and onions/shallots ?
Post by: Kendy on April 20, 2008, 23:35:48
Got a call yesterday to say that a plot has become vacant on my local allotment society site - went to look and it is in good condition with for the main fairly recently turned and manured beds.  Had a half plot last year on a council site but 1st rains in June flooded everything I had done - the plot was in a dip on clay.  No chance of growing anything with last year's rain and the state of the plot so reluctantly gave it up as a bad job.

Can anyone please suggest what potatoes I should buy based on I won't be able to start for another 2 weeks due to work and then would need maybe a week or so to get enough space for say two rows. 

Also am I too late for onions/shallot ?
Title: Re: New lottie - am I too late for potatoes and onions/shallots ?
Post by: star on April 20, 2008, 23:50:34
I dont know about the onions and shallots, but you can still put maincrop potatoes in. Hey I still have 8 2nd earlies to stick in somewhere!

Welcome to the site and congatulations on getting a good lottie, you have been very lucky. Dont forget to post some pics. We're not nosy really :D
Title: Re: New lottie - am I too late for potatoes and onions/shallots ?
Post by: markyb23 on April 21, 2008, 00:06:24
Hi Kendy. Good Luck with your plot. I've still got Shallots to put in, plus a few more onions. Also got loads of spuds to put in too. The weather has been pretty cold, so, i'm hoping it's not too late, and , things will catch up. Good question though.
    Regards-MarkyB :)
Title: Re: New lottie - am I too late for potatoes and onions/shallots ?
Post by: PurpleHeather on April 21, 2008, 05:43:43
Everything and every one seems to be late this year. Perhaps you have got yours late to spare you the frustration the rest of us have been feeling, waiting to start. We all got washed out last year. Most of us did not give up.

You can get in potatoes and onions. Make sure the onions are in a sunny spot as they are late.

As you can't get there for two weeks You could start sowing in pots, at home things like runner beans, sweet corn and some seeds for lettuce etc. 

May is usually the best month for sowing outdoors in our area.

Since you sound like you do not have enough time to devote to the plot with your work commitments It may be as well to leave lots of gaps with your planting so that you can get in between easily to do the weeding. Even leave some areas covered with black plastic.

It is usual for newbies to try to run before they can walk and then fall down so do take care you do not take on more than you can manage.
Title: Re: New lottie - am I too late for potatoes and onions/shallots ?
Post by: carolinej on April 21, 2008, 07:47:51
Hello and welcome to the site.

My Dad always buys the reduced onion sets later on and plants them to use as a type of spring onion. Also I heard somewhere that you can put them into individual pots, and then transplant them to the lottie when you have space.

We're not nosy really
;D at Star ;)

cj :)

Title: Re: New lottie - am I too late for potatoes and onions/shallots ?
Post by: 5rod on April 21, 2008, 07:59:30
yours will be alittle small on the onion side
but will still a good crop.
ON the potatoe side your still ok for all.
mine are just showing this weekend
 good luck and most inportent injoy it
Title: Re: New lottie - am I too late for potatoes and onions/shallots ?
Post by: Tee Gee on April 21, 2008, 12:11:23
I put my onion & shallot setts in last week still to plant my seed sown ones outdoors.

I am going to wait a week or two for that simply because they are still happily growing away in 3" pots so I see no hurry.

Hope to plant my potatoes out this week or next.

So I would say you have time to plant out most things yet.

I never suggest varieties simply because of peoples tastes, so buy what you like although you are more likely to be governed with what is left on the shelves.

Good luck to you on your new plot.
Title: Re: New lottie - am I too late for potatoes and onions/shallots ?
Post by: cambourne7 on April 21, 2008, 12:40:27
Thompson and Morgan have got a special offer for spuds at the moment.

Looks like they have dropped there prices on a few things happy shopping
Title: Re: New lottie - am I too late for potatoes and onions/shallots ?
Post by: Kendy on April 21, 2008, 20:57:26
Thanks for all your welcoming comments.

I'm off to get some spuds - I don't reckon it will take too long to get a couple of rows in given the fairly good state of my plot.

Will start taking pictures so I can chart progres.
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