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General => The Shed => Topic started by: posie on March 18, 2008, 21:23:04

Title: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: posie on March 18, 2008, 21:23:04
Well having had hypnotherapy today, I'm proud to announce that I am a non-smoker.  Even the cravings are next to nothing compared to how they are usually.  I haven't murdered anyone/thing which is a minor miracle, and I'm looking forward to being totally smoke free for the rest of my life and to taking part in the Race for Life, my first run since leaving school.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: manicscousers on March 18, 2008, 21:46:25
brilliant, posie, good for you  ;D
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: Gazfoz on March 18, 2008, 22:00:58
I stopped smoking about four years ago after a twenty odd year habit and can say that I now look at people who smoke now and just feel so sad that they want to kill themselves.
My Sister in Law just died in terrible pain of lung cancer aged 41, three boys.
Don't give in, I went cold turkey and it was a very bumpy ride but I really am free now and there will be a time when you really will not want another cigarette ever.
When you really "need" a cig just resist and you will find that in five minutes or so you will be thinking of something else and wonder why you nearly had one.

Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: Jeannine on March 18, 2008, 22:05:44
Posie, you are a very very clever girl, it is a very difficult thing to do and you deserve to be super proud of yourself.I have the highest respect for someone who manages to quit smoking and you have got it gal!!

Well done, remind yourself how clever you are everyday

Gazfoz, all the above goes equally for you, well done to  both of you.

Love XX Jeannine
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: littlebabybird on March 18, 2008, 23:06:05
Posie, well done.   you know i gave up 19 days ago,
if i can do it you can do it. I'm so proud of you
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: posie on March 19, 2008, 07:32:09
Thanks very much everyone.  This is the first time I really feel like I've done it.  The hypnotherapy really was a last resort having tried absolutely everything else and boy am I glad I did it. I've got a follow up session now on Thurs and that'll be it.  Best £100 I've ever spent.  And to treat myself, I'm going to buy a wormery next week instead of trying to make one out of bits!   ;D
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: gunnerbee on March 19, 2008, 16:41:14
keep up the good work, im six weeks friday, it gets easier, although i wouldnt trust myself to come off the nicorette gum quite yet! im staying on it as long as im allowed and not drinking alcholol as thats started me off smoking again before.
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: posie on March 19, 2008, 21:22:34
It now appears I'm addicted to Polo's!!  Past three hours have been horrendous for some reason, but I haven't caved, I've just asked everyone to leave me alone and shut myself in the bathroom for the duration.  I now look like a prune!  Follow up session tomorrow night, so hopefully that will seal it.  :)
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: caroline7758 on March 19, 2008, 21:31:46
Don't cave, Posie- you  can do it!!!
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: Pita on March 19, 2008, 21:52:45
Well done!  You won't regret it, and I can promise that the cravings do get less and less.
I gave up a 40 a day habit 4years ago and had never looked back.

Keep up the good work and keep busy.

Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: MrsKP on March 21, 2008, 07:28:58
Posie, for some reason I thought I was going to be reading about mare's tail on this thead roflmao

Well done mate !  My OH wants to try the hypnotherapy route but he's just not ready yet.  I'll see how I go on the patches first but am currently nearly a tenner better off and feeling all clever !  OK I've got some sniffles this morning and drinking tea like it's going out of fashion, but am into day 2 without facing a 20 year stretch!

I left the patch off last night as I woke up at 2.30am yesterday which I could do without and this morning I was back to normal - 5.45am !  Heart is banging away though atm and am just about to get out the knitting !  lol

Have another strong day posie and everyone else that's taken up the challenge !

Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: ACE on March 21, 2008, 08:13:12
Get some patches. It is not giving in. But they really do help.

I could not have done it without them, 50 year habit, 40 to 50 a day, gaulious in the end as I could not get a hit from anything less. Started new years day, and packed up the patches last weekend. I still have the worry beads though.

My present mouth problems were caused by smoking, I did not know that when I gave up. If the dentist had not spotted it and because the nhs were quick off the mark. I have been saved some severe disfigurment. Although you would not even want the discomfort I have at this time. Think of your looks and stick with it.
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: posie on March 21, 2008, 08:33:36
Well good luck to everyone trying to kick it.  I had my top up hypnotherapy last night and that's made it a lot easier.  I'm still getting a physical withdrawal, hot flushes and feeling v spaced out but it's manageable and I also have a cd that I can listen to whenever I need a top up.  So far I've saved.....wait for it......£20.40 in just 3 days, how on earth did I ever justify it?! Keep up the good work everyone!  It's been 20 years for me and I can't believe how much time and money I've wasted, I've never had a holiday, I'm permanently skint and all for inhaling poison - how mad is that?!
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: MrsKP on March 21, 2008, 08:46:49
I thought the spaced out bit was just me being me !   ;D

Just finished a baby jumper front, just about to start the sleeves !  Have been able to look my kid and OH's packets in the face and then put the out of sight without even wanting to have a sniff.  Bloody starving though, wish they'd all get up so we can have breakfast ! 

Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: posie on March 25, 2008, 20:05:58
7 days today!!!!  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: Jeannine on March 25, 2008, 20:08:26
Good girl, keep going sweetie, we are still all there behind you,hugs floating through the air...catch'em

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: posie on March 25, 2008, 20:11:57
Consider them caught! Have now had to switch to sugar free polo's due to me eating 4 packets a day at the minute - at this rate I'll be having hypnotherapy to get rid of that addiction too!! rofl  :D :D :D
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: Jeannine on March 25, 2008, 20:16:08
Try chewing gum whan you can, sorta  makes a difference,,bubbly too blowing bubbles !!
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: manicscousers on March 25, 2008, 20:34:02
I found some lollipops, sugar free made by chupa chups..they're for ex smokers and contain lemon balm..I use them when I want chocolate  ;D
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: theothermarg on March 25, 2008, 21:01:00
Well done to all ex smokers OH gave up his 40 a day habit when he had a slight stroke 20years ago1 I used to smoke but was never addicted, eating too much is my vice! have all you new giveruppers noticed how smokers stink?
bet you didn,t realise till now, don,t want to smell like that again do you?
sorry heavy smokers but you do.
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: gunnerbee on March 25, 2008, 23:27:13
well done, 7 days is great! how are you feeling?
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: posie on March 26, 2008, 09:28:33
Not too bad.  Still getting the odd craving and had a dream last night that I smoked 10 in a row!  Funnily enough I didn't wake up craving one lol.  Only thing that's really getting on my nerves is I'm waking up every hour on the hour at the moment - I'm limited to what I can use to help me sleep as well because I'm allergic to stuff with valerian in it and I'm allergic to lavender!  Ah well, no doubt it'll settle down eventually.
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: gunnerbee on March 26, 2008, 10:05:48
i had lack of sleep, but bear with it, it passes!
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: Hyacinth on March 26, 2008, 10:31:23
GunnerB, I can relate to you - if I don't drink, I don't smoke - never been so sober in my life ::)  The Chancellor's a double loser ;D
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: MrsKP on March 26, 2008, 15:47:20
i've had a roughish couple of days, those being my first back to work after being down south.

4am i was up this morning !  and have felt cream crackered all day.  I'm also ravenous and am currently eating a tin of sweetcorn mixed with tuna ..... feel like i'm pregant - just stuffing food in - ANYTHING !

was on my way to the shed a little while ago and looked lovingly at some wet dog-ends sitting floating in the OH's ash tray outside! I resisted lmao

Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: posie on March 26, 2008, 16:51:17
I can sympathise MrsKP.  I found an odd rollie earlier on in a drawer and the temptation was horrendous!!!!! But resist I did.  Was lucky really, the hypnotherapist I used put in suggestions to combat the whole overeating thing as well, so not really had that problem.  On a good note, I've managed to reduce my polo intake from 4 packets a day to 3 rofl  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: gunnerbee on March 26, 2008, 19:20:30
those sugar free polos dont half make me go!
id rather fishermans friends!
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: posie on March 26, 2008, 20:38:17
I've just discovered the downside to sugar free polo's.....even the dog won't come near me!! lol  Apparently it's the Sorbitol in them, so I'm told.  Full fat polo's for me from now on!  ;D ;D
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: MrsKP on March 27, 2008, 06:37:43
I feel a bit more in control this morning, nowhere near as manic!  Managed to stay in bed until about 10 mins ago and had plenty of sleep last night so hopefully i'll get through the day without nodding off !

growing a third head by my nose though ........... the toxins are doing a pretty convincing job that i need them.   ;D
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: sarah on March 27, 2008, 07:59:48
youre all doing really well. keep it up. this really is the toughest part but you can do it. keep posting here for moral support.  when you find an old roll up chuck it in the bin. when you get a craving just distract yourself. good luck guys. :-*
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: grawrc on March 27, 2008, 08:03:14
I reckon the first 3 weeks are the worst. After that, even if you get the odd craving, the smell of smokers is all you need - suddenly they begin to smell absolutely disgusting!!

Watch out for excess of sorbitol - it's a laxative. ;D ;D
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: posie on March 27, 2008, 09:00:53
Watch out for excess of sorbitol - it's a laxative. ;D ;D

rofl yep it sure is! Evil stuff!

Actually had an ok night's sleep last night, only woke once so that's good.  My skin's not great so can sympathise MrsKP - but hey it'll all be worth it when we've knocked 10 years off!!! Pah who needs Oil of Ulay (it's Ulay, I will not call it Olay!!!)
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: Jeannine on March 30, 2008, 10:39:26
Keep going gals you are doing smashing, I really take my hat off to you. Buy yourselves a speacial treat with the money you have saved since stopping, something frivolous...........better than it going up in smoke.

Go go, go, we are all still here cheering you on..can you just see me in my wee short skirt waving my pop poms.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: sarah on March 30, 2008, 10:52:27
hee hee (picturing jeannine waving her pom poms  :D). I agree that is is definately a good idea to treat yourself with the money you have saved so far. it reinforces in your mind the benefit of what you are doing. make it something for yourself that you would not normally buy because it seems extravagent. keep it up. ;D
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: posie on March 30, 2008, 19:25:06
Went out last night, was doing really well all night, until me and my best mate had a huge bust up (for the life of me I have no idea what over and neither does she?!).  Then I had 1 puff from a friends cigarette.  BUT it was 1 puff not 1 cigarette, it didn't make me feel better, it tasted absolutely disgusting even through the vodka haze and I've not wanted one since.  Yesterday was a horrendous craving day and I'd got really really ratty all day, so I'm guessing that didn't help.  It was unfortunate that I had to go out (sister-in-law's birthday) but all in all I guess I didn't do too badly.  :-\
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: grawrc on March 30, 2008, 19:49:42
Posie it's just a wee hiccup on the way to f*g free heaven. Don't let it get you down. You're doing great!
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: betula on March 30, 2008, 23:25:01
Well done Posie.I am sure you have come this far and will succeed.Keep it up.

I am a smoker and could I just say it does not encourage me to give up being told I stink.

Too many ex smokers smell of burning martyr.
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: aromatic on March 31, 2008, 01:39:52
 ;D  WELL DONE Posie and Mrs KP ... Please keep up the good work!! It will be worth it I promise!! I was a smoker of many years... and eventually due to my asthma problems and ill health at the time had to give up smoking... to be honest I was ready to give up smoking, I was feeling so ill and finding breathing so difficult I knew my smoking days were over. I managed to defeat the evil weed through a scheme at my doctors surgery where they provided patches or whatever aid was available and suitable and set up a no smoking clinic. And with the aid of patches and a fantastic nurse (who was previously a smoker herself) managed to be rid of the cigarettes!! I have to say I did the polo thing and other mints and ended up with not only putting on weight but quite a few increased visits to the dentist as these mints are really bad for the teeth!! So I do advise you to find another way of 'munching' maybe fruit or chewing gum?
Posie and Mrs KP take each day as it comes and it does get much easier...!! I used to get up in the mornings and the first thing I did was get a coffee and have a ciggie... Now I am quite content with a cup of coffee or tea and I just never ever think of cigarettes. Its seems incredible really considering how addicted to cigarettes I was, but I am so glad to be rid of it... it saves a LOT of money, its healthier, your breath is nicer,  and you don't smell anymore. I had no idea I smelt so much... its only now as a non smoker I can smell a smoker a mile off!!!  Save all the money you would have spent on the weed and put it towards something you would really like.. This is important!! and not only will you have a fantastic treat with the money you have saved... you will feel 'free' again.... No having to find places to have a smoke... no making sure you don't run out of smokes... non of that... just pure freedom and just watch how much quicker you will be digging that allotment!!! All the best Posie and Mrs KP xxxxx

Understand that withdrawal symptoms are temporary - they're healthy signs that your body is repairing itself from its long exposure to nicotine


Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: MrsKP on March 31, 2008, 08:14:50
hi folks, back from a lovely couple of days in Perthshire where I slid off the wagon and had 2 fags more or less back to back on Saturday afternoon when I was very squiffy and told myself i was smoking them to prove a point !  don't actually know what the point was now but think it did the trick as I  felt quite disappointed with myself on sunday morning when i woke up,  BUT didn't want one ALL DAY and felt more relaxed about things.

Mind you, it was non-stop eating all weekend so that's got to slow down this week otherwise I'll burst !

Am really tired a lot of the time though.  Don't know if it's connected. 

The sun's out ............ it's going to be a good week !


Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: posie on March 31, 2008, 13:28:20
had 2 fags more or less back to back on Saturday afternoon when I was very squiffy and told myself i was smoking them to prove a point ! 

Am really tired a lot of the time though.  Don't know if it's connected. 

And didn't they taste vile?!  Don't worry, just climb back on that wagon!  You shouldn't be feeling tired all the time though, although I have to say it took a week for my sleep pattern to get back on track, but now I'm up, coffee and then off I go, previously it would have been several coffees/fags and at least 2 hours to get going.  Might be worth seeing you GP MrsKP if your energy levels don't go up  ???
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: posie on March 31, 2008, 13:31:06
I am a smoker and could I just say it does not encourage me to give up being told I stink.

Too many ex smokers smell of burning martyr.

Couldn't agree more.  Every time my mother has given up she's turned into Joan of Arc!!!!!  ;D
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: Jeannine on March 31, 2008, 14:33:09
I have to disagree, I did smoke many years ago and the subject of odour came up in a conversation, many folks said to the smokers you stink which I thought was rude, others said they didn't, I was concerned about this and I asked a gentleman who I had the highest respect for to tell me if I smelled, he did not want to answer but I pressed him, finally under pressure and very poiltely he told me that I did. Coming from anyone else I would have been offended but this was  super super kind sweet person whose opinion I respected enormously.
He was very uncomfortable being pressed but was known not to lie.

That was enough for me and I stopped right then, personally I was mortified and it bothered me so much it was all I needed to kick it. Up to that miment I figured it was not true and something that non smokers said to prove their point.

However I don't think this is the reason for stopping, to me it would be the health risks now, and that is something that everyone has to judge for themselves.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: MrsKP on March 31, 2008, 17:53:57
think i was too squiffy to think how they tasted  :P

had a lot going on in the past few months and think that's a contributory factor in the lack of energy - i'm just pooped ! 

will go to quack's and tell him i've had the last 5 months off sick with stress and anxiety and he'll wonder wtf i'm talking about !  (my mum and dad's gp signed me off - and my own know nothing about it lol).

just done a couple of hours in the garden and getting into it again, so with a bit of luck and some constant sunshine, i'll be able to concentrate on nicer things shortly.

Title: Re: The evil weed has been defeated!
Post by: Bill Door on March 31, 2008, 20:20:40
I gave up twenty years ago after two failed attempts.  The thing that kept coming back to me was that I had done two weeks or three weeks and I could do it again easy-peasy.  The third time I just ignored those thoughts and they went away after 3 months.

It was hard and sometimes I smell Gold block being smoked and I think about it but ignore it again.

Good luck to all of those giving up and if at first you don't succeed try try again.  it is worth it.

To those that enjoy smoking all I will say is that trying and failing is ok.
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