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Photo Gallery => Competition => Topic started by: kenkew on December 20, 2007, 12:55:33

Title: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 20, 2007, 12:55:33
This question has been asked via a PM but no doubt others have also wondered, so, here's the question and a simple explanation. Maybe others out there can explain it better.

Any chance of portrait pics getting 480 x 640 so it proportionally the same size as the landscape format but tall ways on? Seems a bit unfair for them to be only half the size!

Most of the portrait pics sent in have already been reduced to the size you see. Larger pic's I reduce to 640x480 or as near as possible. Any coming in at that size are simply transfered directly 'as is'.
I can't 'play around' with entries by increasing their size or format. I can only attempt to make things as equal as possible by reducing some of the larger ones.
There is also something of a quirk at work to consider. If you rotate a landscape into a portrate, you'll find for the picture, to remain proportianal, changes have taken effect. So far as I understand it, it's a pixel thing and if it didn't happen, things like round objects would no longer be round. There is a far more techno explanation I read awhile back and if there's real interest I'll dig it out.

Ideally, pictures submitted would be best sent with the size 640x480 for direct copying into the competition.
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: ducksfeet on December 20, 2007, 21:58:07
I'll own up, it was me! My comp 4 was sent out 480 x 640 so i was dissapointed to see it just over half size looses some of its impact.

Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 20, 2007, 22:08:21
The pic was posted at original size. that is, 640x480, but you're right, there has been a loos of width....I'm going to do some test posts off line. Get back to you with the results. It seems to happen with portrait shots that the height remains but the width is reduced. Hang about, I'll see what happens.
Thanks, Ken.
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 20, 2007, 22:21:19
It does seem a quirk of digital format. The pic's here are both the same one. Both are the same size but the second one has been 'portraited'...due to that, the arrangement of pixels and the size has changed.
 Try it with your own pic's at home. If there's an answer let me know.
Thanks, good question, Ken.
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 20, 2007, 22:25:57
The 3rd pic is the same one rotated back again...notice the changes.
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 21, 2007, 11:00:43
This was shot in portrait. size 450x600

but comes out at 360x480. Don't know why. Something to have a look at! Only happens with this mode, landscape isn't affected.
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: ducksfeet on December 24, 2007, 21:21:52

When does the distortion take place? I sent my shot in portrait format already so it didn't have to be rotated. Is it posting to the forum that changes it? What do you use to re size the shots for the site?

Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 25, 2007, 10:21:26
Rotate a 640x480 pic to portrait and you get a 480x640 pic. That's fine. But on downloading the size reduces to 360x480. So it happens during download.
I rarely ever have to reduce comp pics in portrait as the size is almost always below 640x480. It's only when the pic comes in at megabite sizes that I need to reduce them. When I do reduce landscape formats which are too big, I constantly get 640x480 as the end result.
Reducing a mega size portrait also comes out at 480x640 and is stored at that size, but as I say, it reduces during download for some reason.

Still looking into it...I'll try downloading a test of a mega size portait. Back later.
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 25, 2007, 10:42:47
Well, every portrait I'v downloaded is displayed as 360x480 be it downloaded at that size, reduced from 1.4meg to 640x480 or to 800x600 or to 576x768 or 1024x768.
 I have been able to increase physical size but what that's doing to quality I can't say.
Still working on it. Maybe others would like to test a download here stating above the pic, the size it was at download?
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: Plot69 on December 28, 2007, 13:31:31
Well, every portrait I'v downloaded is displayed as 360x480 be it downloaded at that size, reduced from 1.4meg to 640x480 or to 800x600 or to 576x768 or 1024x768.
 I have been able to increase physical size but what that's doing to quality I can't say.
Still working on it. Maybe others would like to test a download here stating above the pic, the size it was at download?

Are you saying the display size changes when you view it on your PC or just on this message board?

I downloaded your dolls house image and it doesn't matter what way I rotate it the only thing that changes is the orientation, size and quality and pixel count remain the same.

If the latter then may I suggest that it's the software running this board, namely SMF 1.1.4 that may be causing he problem.

Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 28, 2007, 16:11:55
Hi Plot,
My 'puter orientation keeps the size and pixels, as yours seems to.
Must be something in the download to site.
I'd be interested in seen a test similar to mine from you if possible in here?

Thanks, Ken.
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: Plot69 on December 28, 2007, 16:50:28
I'd be interested in seen a test similar to mine from you if possible in here?.

I would gladly do that for you if only I could suss out how to attach images to this post. Hang on a mo...





Which confirms my initial suspicions, it's definitely the software that's running this board, SMF, that's causing the resizing of the images.

Both images are being taken from a public gallery, the originals of which can be seen <a href="" target="_blank">HERE.[/url] Compare the two photo's and you'll see they are exactly the same size albeit a different orientation. So I would say, without doubt, the corruption is being caused by the BBS software.

There maybe a setting for display width or some other setting somewhere, maybe a column setting that resizes taller images to allow two columns. But never having used SMF I couldn't tell you where.

Not sure if that's much help but I am pretty sure it's not the fault of the image or the poster of said image.

Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: ducksfeet on December 28, 2007, 23:18:52
Hello Everyone,

looks like a CSI investigation, thanks for taking the time to figure this out! Even better if a solution can be found. Maybe worth putting it to Dan? He's not bad on the tech stuff!


Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 29, 2007, 10:49:05
Looks like it's something we have to live with, at least for the time being.

 To be honest, If I were a voter this wouldn't influence the way I vote and I'm sure that's true for everyone else. There's more to a pic's content than size or orientation and the photo section is primarily a fun and interesting addition to the main purpose of the site. . but I admit, it's a bu**er posting something and seeing it come out 'not as posted.' That's life, eh?
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: Plot69 on December 29, 2007, 11:39:04
Looks like it's something we have to live with, at least for the time being.

I've managed to pinpoint the exact problem for you. When you add an image with the IMG command the BBS software automatically changes the IMG tag adding size limitations. I tried uploading a 640x640 image and it was still restricted. I tried editing the tag but it automatically reverted back.

"[img width=480 height=480]"

Look for yourself next time you try uploading an image.
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 29, 2007, 11:44:37
Took me a mo or two to figure out what you did....! ;)
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: Plot69 on December 29, 2007, 12:13:21
Took me a mo or two to figure out what you did....! ;)

What I've done is downloaded SMF and I'm now trawling through all the config files looking for the setting you need to change... Buggered if I can find it though!
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: Plot69 on December 29, 2007, 12:47:26
Took me a mo or two to figure out what you did....! ;)

Well here's what you, or someone with the relevant privileges needs to do. Run ModSettings and change the max permitted width and height. It's actually in the "Basic settings" section and it should be as simple as that.

If I'm correct, (And there is absolutely NO guarantee that I am) that should correct the problem.
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 29, 2007, 15:30:52
Surely that's only going to allow larger files? As it stands, is quite possible to submit a pic of hugh size so increasing height and width won't, as I see it, make any difference.
 Your copy of my 'villa' added extra width to the pic left to right but without increasing the actual subject.
Lanscapes at 640x480 don't have a problem, it only affects portrate. No, I think there's another solution.

Hang on...I'm going to this.
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 29, 2007, 15:36:05
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 29, 2007, 15:40:29
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: Plot69 on December 29, 2007, 15:51:52
Lanscapes at 640x480 don't have a problem, it only affects portrate. No, I think there's another solution.

So how do you account for this...


This image is 640x640, neither landscape nor portrait but it's been resized to 480x480. When I preview my post it appears fine, as soon as I actually post it the 480 limitation is applied.

[ img width=480 height=480][/img ]
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 29, 2007, 15:52:18
Think I'm getting closer... :)
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: Plot69 on December 29, 2007, 16:01:20
Think I'm getting closer... :)

Lets see if I am...


No. I'm not. It's been resized from 600x800, 640x480 seems to be the maximum it will allow.
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: Plot69 on December 29, 2007, 16:11:52
Nope...bvut this one might least as near as dam it.

It didn't and it won't. Does not matter what format or size image you try t will never exceed 640x480 in any direction.
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 29, 2007, 16:14:27
640x480 is what wer'e after. Have you cracked it?
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: Plot69 on December 29, 2007, 16:25:41
640x480 is what wer'e after. Have you cracked it?

Yes, you need to do what I said before, edit the limitations.

You can have 640x480 landscape but not portrait. You can't have a square image greater than 480x480.

That's about all I can suggest because the BBS software will not allow anything different until it's been told otherwise. 
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 29, 2007, 16:32:37
Yes, but if it's possible to have a landscape 640x480, then why not a portrate 480x640?
 I think that was the original query.
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: Plot69 on December 29, 2007, 16:53:52
Yes, but if it's possible to have a landscape 640x480, then why not a portrate 480x640?

Because the BBS software won't allow it, it has been set up that way and you need to set it up to allow the dimensions you require.

Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 29, 2007, 17:12:23
640x640?'s gone to 480x480.
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 29, 2007, 17:23:51
Figures in black at pic base are the actual size displayed. All of them are atered from original. Best I can do.
It's not my place to go tweaking the A4A set-up, even if I have the capability which I don't know as I'm not even going there. That's not for me to play with.
 Good fun trying the options tho'.
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: Plot69 on December 29, 2007, 17:32:57
640x640?'s gone to 480x480.

Now why doesn't that surprise me? :)

If you want to see a really nice forum, have a look through this one. It's the best I've ever come across.
Title: Re: Comp entries, Pic Format 'v' size
Post by: kenkew on December 29, 2007, 17:41:25
Lots of good and certainly different ones out there. I'm quite happy with the layout of this one, it serves it's purpose more than adequately.
 Horses for courses, eh?
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