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Produce => Under Glass => Topic started by: gary on November 25, 2007, 19:03:26

Title: A bit of advice needed
Post by: gary on November 25, 2007, 19:03:26
I have finally got around to asking my next door neighbough if I can use her greenhouse next year. She said yes as I thought she would, so I need some advice.

Firstly it needs a good clean as it has not been used for many years. What is the best method? Bucket of soapy water and a sponge or do I need a special cleaner? Would a jet wash be too powerfull?

Secondly heating? After looking back on past threads most people say electric heaters, but I did not really want to go down that route with it being in someone ease's garden. Any suggestions other than paraffin? Or are they the only two options?

I only intend to use it as a frost free home for young seedlings until the weather allows them to be planted, not to grow bananas in.

Also I don't want to spend to much money on set up costs as she may not let me use it next year.

Anyone any thoughts?

Title: Re: A bit of advice needed
Post by: tartonterro on November 25, 2007, 19:25:10
depending on how dirty it is i usually just use a garden sprayer, with a solution of jays fluids in it - if its ingrained you might need a bit of elbow grease - wouldnt recommend the power washer - more likely to blow out the glass lol.
other idea might be to see if you can get a sulphour candle - used to fumigate any bugs and beasties out of all the nooks and crannys - but watch, the flame is a very pale blue so dont go looking into the tin to see if its burning - got a lung full of sulphur the 1st time i used one.
if your not sure about the length of time you will have use of the greenhouse then parafin might be the cheapest option as you can pick up cheap greenhouse heaters from your local garden centre.
good luck
Title: Re: A bit of advice needed
Post by: SMP1704 on November 25, 2007, 19:47:11
I think the cleaning & heating advice has been sorted.

If you are a good neighbour, why would your neighbour not let you use the greenhouse next year?  How about doing a few things to establish a really good relationship - let her see what's in it for her

1.  shiny clean greenhouse has got to be visually better than a green grubby hell-hole
2.  share some plants with her
3.  is she interested in gardening?  make her feel welcome in the greenhouse, explain what you are doing....

All obvious stuff, but I find that it is the little things that make the difference.

Happy growing
Title: Re: A bit of advice needed
Post by: gary on November 25, 2007, 20:21:01
Thanks for the advice. It is in quite a state, not been used since she lost her husband some time back at least 10 years (that's how long I have lived next door). So looks like a bit of elbow grease is required.

I get on really well with my neighbough. I do odd jobs for her, take her shopping and I am sorting out quite a large part of her garden this year. So I would like to think that she would let me use it next year without a doubt, but seeing as she is at least 80 who knows.

Any thoughts on what size of heater? The greenhouse is a 6x8, I have been looking at a Parasene Super Warm 4 which claims to be adequate for frost protection in a 6x8 greenhouse? Is this enough?


Title: Re: A bit of advice needed
Post by: quizzical1 on November 26, 2007, 10:23:52
This winter I will be heating my g/house with a "superser" type gas heater, acquired from good old freecycle, complete with 2 gas bottles, one of which is nearly full.
Why not try on your local freecycle. I think gas is much cheaper and cleaner than paraffin.
Title: Re: A bit of advice needed
Post by: calendula on November 27, 2007, 15:21:42
just a thought but why not buy the greenhouse from your neighbour,  take it apart and re-erect it in your own garden then you can do what you want - personally I don't bother heating my g/house, doesn't seem natural somehow and I don't grow anything that requires that  :)
Title: Re: A bit of advice needed
Post by: manicscousers on November 30, 2007, 16:33:09
we clean ours with hot water, vinegar and washing up liquid, brings the green gunk off a treat, ours was third hand when we got it and filthy  ;D
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