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Produce => Non Edible Plants => Topic started by: feet of clay on July 02, 2004, 22:19:53

Title: Well chuffed!
Post by: feet of clay on July 02, 2004, 22:19:53
Sowed lots of seeds on the 27th June and lots are up already.  The hollyhocks and basil are through and the lupins are showing - about 50% of the trays are showing signs of life.  Thought I'd try a midsummer sowing of hardy perennials cos I always have too much stuff all together in the spring.  Not done this before and impressed so far.  My seeds came from Thompson and Morgan and a lot of cheapies from Wilkinsons.  I've also had seeds from Lidl - at about 29p per pack.
Title: Re:Well chuffed!
Post by: Wicker on July 03, 2004, 00:39:18
Good for you!  I've come to the conclusion that its pot luck with seeds, I sent away for two packets of fancy aquilegias and out of the lot got 9 seedlings - 2 of which are none too healthy.  but have bought dirt cheap seeds from Xcess Stores which have come on fine.  among the cheapies were hollyhocks - now about 5 ft high - and delphiniums in variegated blues which ahve been great for their first year - tall and sturdy.
Title: Re:Well chuffed!
Post by: Palustris on July 03, 2004, 09:34:12
Most of the seeds come from the same original source. All that is different in a lot of cases is the packaging and the quantity of seed.
Only when the advertising says "Exclusive" will they be guaranteed to be different (in theory).
Tis a lovely feeling though when all your efforts pay off like that. The problem comes when you pot them all on and wonder what to do with say a 100 Delphiniums or Poppies or Penstemon. Or worse still 100 of everything. Still it is a nice problem.
Title: Re:Well chuffed!
Post by: sunflower on July 03, 2004, 13:24:51
I was pleased with myself too, bought some seeds from local garden centre, sweetwilliams, wallflowers, violas & pansies all for autum & spring. sowed them all few weeks back all came up & have potted them on & they are goin great guns can`t wait till autum so i can plant them & see how they do. It is always a thrill when it works ;D
Title: Re:Well chuffed!
Post by: feet of clay on July 03, 2004, 14:19:32
I 'solved' my dilemma of spare plants by sticking them at the end of the drive with a notice saying 'FREE PLANTS'.  I live on a busyish lane and, as I worked near the greenhouse, I could hear the cars braking.  On the table with the plants was a jar and note asking for donations to Cancer Research.  Some people were stars, others stingy, but I've handed over £70+ for our gardening club to pass on. I prefer to donate anon then I don't get the begging letters asking for more.
Title: Re:Well chuffed!
Post by: Palustris on July 03, 2004, 14:46:30
Well done.
Title: Re:Well chuffed!
Post by: Plocket on July 03, 2004, 15:28:04
Wow FOC - that's fantastic. I might consider that with some of my cuttings, once I am sure they are ok.
Title: Re:Well chuffed!
Post by: Garden Manager on July 04, 2004, 22:33:22
Thinking/planiing (sort of) of selling off my spares in some way. Probably Car Boot sale but not definetly.
Certainly got too many plants from various propagating efforts.  ;D

Pity i live in a cul de sac, or i could have done a roadside sale as many others do.  :(
Title: Re:Well chuffed!
Post by: feet of clay on July 06, 2004, 20:27:34
We have a 'village website' and I tried to get rid of my surplus by offering them (free) for the local school's spring fair but got no takers.
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