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The Show => Veggie Show => Topic started by: sunflower_info on October 16, 2007, 18:45:03

Title: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: sunflower_info on October 16, 2007, 18:45:03
I still need to submit my claim to Guinness World Records, but the Mercer County, NJ Weights and Measured Dept. measured my plant on Monday at 23 feet 2 inches, breaking the current world record of 15 feet 1 inch.

FOX Philadelphia News Video (

Trentonian News Article (



Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: caroline7758 on October 16, 2007, 20:06:54
Wow! is all I can say!
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: cambourne7 on October 16, 2007, 20:35:28
Amazing but wheres the flower?
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: saddad on October 16, 2007, 21:53:32
 :-\ Size isn't everything..  :-X
Seriously though well done..
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: cambourne7 on October 17, 2007, 11:02:45
wow just managed to get the video working brian, i am amazed my the corn!!
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: sunflower_info on October 17, 2007, 22:12:13
There are flowers on the plant, but they are small in comparison to the size of the plant.  They are similar in look to other amaranth flowers, but they are greenish/yellow.

Besides being tall, these plants are capable of producing very large stalks.  I was in competition for the tallest with my friend from Dutchess County, NY.  His plant was 22 feet, which was a foot smaller than mine, but his stem had a circumference of around 4 1/2 feet around. 

videos of friend's amaranth ( (

This one was grown in a pot! (

picture of friend's amaranth in Rhinebeck, NY

picture of friend's stalk  (grew about a half foot since I took this picture)
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: cambourne7 on October 19, 2007, 18:24:55
wow, ok my first stupid question of the evening.

What do you do with these plants at the end of the year? There not edible so what do you do with them?
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: sunflower_info on October 19, 2007, 20:26:31

What do you do with these plants at the end of the year? There not edible so what do you do with them?

  In some states, they are considered a invasive weed.  Any plant that grows in swamps, can grow, in one season, nearly 30 feet in the wild and produces large numbers of seeds is probably invasive.  New Jersey is most likely too far north to be a problem.  In the wild, the furthest north they are found is Virginia.  They are long seasoned, and take a while to produce seeds; so they are limited by cold weather.  I was out this morning and looked at my plants.  It seems that I will have seeds this year.  I found developed seeds on the female plants.  Two of my plants are females and the rest are males.  My tallest plants are all males, and two shortest are females.  The US Dept. of Agriculture list a possible use for these wild plants as "bio-mass"
I'm going to save some seeds for next year, and the rest I am going to sell on ebay.  I have to get my money back from all the fertilizer that I used.  Plants that tall get very hungry. 
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: cambourne7 on October 25, 2007, 22:15:03
let me know if your selling the sweetcorn seeds i would love to try growing these monsters...
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: GardenGirlSarah on December 26, 2007, 07:18:10

Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: GardenGirlSarah on December 26, 2007, 07:26:47
If you cant read this and want more info on this Giant plant the phone # it is call (845)486-2949  that is an official measurement. and the Amaranth plant grew 27 feet & 10 inches TALL in NY. grown by Jesse Eldrid.
 27' 10"!!!!!!!!
 for more info on the world record 27 foot tall Amaranth plant contact Jesse at myspace/GardenMonster
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: GardenGirlSarah on January 18, 2008, 00:49:47
New York state gardener/farmer Jesse Eldrid specializes in growing heavy, tall, and large vegetables and annual plants.  On October 25th, 2007, after a long summer of working, watching, and waiting, he finally contacted county officials in order to obtain a legitimate measurement of the Amaranthus Australis plant he had been growing since the beginning of the year.   When Jesse contacted the local bureau of weights and measures, he knew that he had a record-breaking plant -- but he didn't know that his plant would be almost twelve feet (11.98) taller than the the goal he had set for himself in the existing record: the official measurement of the plant, he would learn that afternoon, was 27'10".
    In the early Spring months of 2007, Jesse received several amaranth seeds from the USDA NCRPIS (United States Department of Agriculture, North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station).  Although one wouldn't think it from the size of the mature plant, Amaranthus seeds themselves are actually quite small (smaller than the head of a pin.)  Germinating them was fairly difficult, however.  Once he managed to get a handful of young plants growing well, he knew one of them was destined to be huge.  On May 15th, when Jesse transplanted the young seedlings outside, they started growing rapidly.  The plant that grew the fastest also happened to have the largest trunk (measuring almost five feet around) which may have helped the plant grow significantly taller than normal.  (An average "trunk" would have a five to eight inch circumference.) 
     As the temperatures rose, the plant grew faster and faster.  Competition, too, was on the rise.  In Spring, Jesse shared a small number of cuttings among friends, and their plants had begun to take on considerable height at around this time, as well.  As it turned out, many of these cuttings exceeded the 15' benchmark, some even stretched to 20+ feet.
    In the early autumn, near the end of the amaranth's life cycle, Jesse's record-breaking plant was still growing several feet per day.  Just before the official measurement, the plant also began producing flowers which also contributed to the overall height of the amaranth.   Another factor contributing to the overwhelming size of the plant was the amount of water it received per day -- approximately 30 gallons per plant, per day.
    In order to give the plant extra support (and to determine the benchmark for the old record)  Jesse built a fifteen foot tall trellis for the amaranth.  It didn't take long for the plant to outgrow it, though.  By the middle of August, it was no longer possible to measure the plant with a ladder alone.  (For the official measurement in October, professional arborists were called in, and a bucket-truck was necessary to get a measurement from the very top of the plant.)
     Jesse Eldrid has been growing unusual plants for many years, and gardening is a life-long obsession for him.  In the future, he plans on challenging the millet, sorghum, and historic corn records (for height.)  He also intends, one day, to beat his own amaranth record. By growing crops such as these, Jesse hopes to raise awareness about the natural world and the potential for alternative energy. 

 It comes down to who grew the bigger plant, not who brought in the bigger media or the better cameras. It's about gardening.
I had twelve plants over 23' tall. Most of Brian's plants were *clones* of my certified 27'10" plant. He has left that information out of all of his articles, and posted up elsewhere that my plant is a "bigfoot" type of claim. Not only does he know better -- but he should have *acted* better, too. It's a much longer story than this, and it would probably make a good book. Maybe Brian would be interested in helping me write it??
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: Hyacinth on January 19, 2008, 14:22:21
....bigfoot, tippy toes, whatever, I don't know the discussion here, but...surely Brian posted this in good faith when he did? On the 15th October, he would have had no idea whatsoever that his monster was going to be overshadowed (so to speak!) by another which was measured on the 25th October? Brian does, carefully, write at the time of his post, that it was a 'possible' which would need to be verified?

Well done to you both, anyway!!!

Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: GardenGirlSarah on February 02, 2008, 00:30:07


This is a link to the Full PDF Article (
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: Hyacinth on February 04, 2008, 14:39:31
This is truly fascinating stuff, Jesse and a rare glimpse for us into the world of giant plant growing.  Have you now received ratification by Guinness World Records? When you get your Certificate I'm sure you've thought of a good spot to display it? (well, here at Lotties4 certainly  ;)) but at home? I'd be thinking at the top of a very very tall flagpole ..... hope you kept the amaranth trunk for the eventuality ;D

I usually buy Guinness World Records - will be nice to see the Record and think....I know the fella that grew that 8)

Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: Jeannine on February 04, 2008, 16:20:10
Well done Brian, a gentleman as always, fascinating to hear all about the plants, and your posts are a delight to read.

I have high hopes for the  other seeds you kindly sent me last year, fortunately I only planted a couple as it was quite late  when I did it, so when the floods wiped me out it didn't get them all, so this year I can start in earnest.

I love to see your pictures and hear your news, but I know very little about this plant, it sound very interesting, it seems quite remarkable that something so small just grow up to be a giant. I shall have to read more about this.

Lovely to hear from you again, take care and please continue to keep us  all informed.

XX Jeannine

Oh and musn't forget the other man too, is Jesse and Gardenmonster the same person, anyway well done to you too, I see this was your first  post so I should be saying welcome.
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: Hyacinth on February 16, 2008, 13:11:02
Ta-da!!! Roll of drums please!!

Ladies and Gentlemen! may I present to you the Official GWR Amaranth Grower - my dear cyberfriend Brian, aka Sunflower_Info (or TippyToes as I like to call him in our more intimate PM-ing moments ;))

Many congrats Brian - opnwards and upwards, eh?

Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: Jeannine on February 17, 2008, 15:56:59
Well done Brian, I am very excited for you, it is a great accomplishment.

XX Jeannine

Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: GardenGirlSarah on March 14, 2008, 19:10:00
 "gwr" or WR? its about the bigger plant . and NO GardenMonster is not Jesse. new world record photos in the slideshow link below. Happy gardening to all!! :)
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: Jeannine on March 14, 2008, 20:09:53
Sorry, I was genuinely interested till the F word started yelling at me from my lap top. Sad.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: Hyacinth on March 14, 2008, 20:27:21
What?!!! I read the thread before going to open the link.....and now I don't think I'll bother? :('ve obviously seen what I don't intend to look at right now....I saw the Official GWR Certificate....has this been negated?
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: GardenGirlSarah on March 14, 2008, 20:28:50
LOL... I told the person who made it to use a clean song . But I think that song fits this story quite well. The song is from a new movie called "300" we have all heard the F- word and we all have mute buttons.  This is a link to anyone interested in viewing the largest certified Amaranthus australis ever grown to this date  
 Rated P-G 13
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: Hyacinth on March 14, 2008, 20:31:24
Please clarify....WHO has the Certificate & is the holder of the same in the GWR book? #If it's yourself, we would, of course, like to congratulate you and commiserate with Brian. Better luck next year to whoever.
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: GardenGirlSarah on March 14, 2008, 20:51:33
 We all know Jesse grew an Amaranth Australis 5 feet taller then the NJ plant .and we all know Brian recived his clones from Jesse. As a matter of fact Jesse's documentation of his 27'10" plant would hold up under a court of law . This has little to do with "GWR'S". and more to do with WORLD RECORDS. .Like I said this is a link to anyone interested in the largest Amaranth ever cultivated to date.

Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: Jeannine on March 15, 2008, 11:34:59
As this appears to be the only post you think is worth posting on our forum you are not coming across very well, your comments on others have been mean and childish and your link to the site which contains dirty language should be in the Watershed where those who don't want to see or hear filth don't go.

You have lost all credibility with me now, and I was interested in the beginning.

Due to the amount of replies you have received it would appear that few people are interested too, the post seem to be just a place to knock someone else.
Sensibly he is not rising to your bait and I am not prepared to offer fuel for your fire

Brian if you are reading this, please post elsewhere, we all love to read your super info,  the many replies you have received proves that. I don't want to read this post anymore, but I would love to read what you have to say and I don't want to miss it by boycotting this one.

Lish, I think we have both been very interested in this but I have changed my mind, it is becoming very  pathetic now, I think the more we answer  the more this unsettling poster will  use for his own agenda.  What started as a cool topic has fallen into something completely different.

XX Jeannine

I ma n

Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: djbrenton on March 20, 2008, 00:15:04
This has little to do with "GWR'S". and more to do with WORLD RECORDS.

It has EVERYTHING to do with GWR. When you get your certificate from Guiness then and only then will it be recognised as a World Record. World records get broken so there's no need to b*tch that Brian declared his first. Submit yours to GWR and if your certification is accepted then you'll have broken the new (i.e Brian's) record.

The World Records Academy is a second rate certification without the same stringency as Guinness. Heck, their first ever records book hasn't even been released yet, so if you want credibilty, apply to Guinness.

Incidentally, as far as Brian 'acting' better. I've seen his posts elsewhere saying that 'if he breaks the record' he'd like Jesse's name on it too immediately followed by attacks from you.

Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: Hyacinth on March 20, 2008, 09:02:39
.....time to stock up on popcorn, DJ?... ::)

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: djbrenton on March 20, 2008, 09:55:57
In the unlikely event gardenmonster evr returns to this thread I'd get comfortable if I were you. I'll provide the entertainment this time.
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: Hyacinth on March 20, 2008, 12:48:59
In the unlikely event gardenmonster evr returns to this thread I'd get comfortable if I were you. I'll provide the entertainment this time.

I've been shopping.....bought the popcorn ;D
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: Jeannine on March 24, 2008, 10:43:24
Funny, I was cruising some other sites a few days ago and lo and behold I found this same arguement and guess what Garden Monster and Jesse are one nad the same it seems, wonder why he said it wasn't, he has other names too.

The folks on the other site are giving him shirt shrift.

I do hope this is the end of this daftness, I want Brian to ppost and help us again although I can see why he would want to not pour gasoline on this mans fire.

I need your help Brian, yours please.

Going to a new thread now.

XX Jeannin e
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: GardenGirlSarah on March 24, 2008, 15:42:41
YAY !!!!! :)The fire is out .
  Jesse received his message from Guinness last Friday . He is the new  Guinness world record holder . Yay!! yippee!!
 I'm sure the Guinness web site will be updated soon. I will post up a copy of his Guinness certificate as soon as he sends me the picture.  thanks for that great advice D.J . HA HA!! 27 10!!!
  WHOO HOO!:)! thanks everyone for the continuous interest in this  "Guinness " record.   
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: Jeannine on March 24, 2008, 16:35:40
Get a life,I have read the other sites and they are laughing at you mate.

I am  not posting  to you anymore so are welcome to the last word,you are without a doubt an obsessive nut. Maybe you are so cracked even you don't know who you are or what you are not doing

Hey DJ.what you cooking for dinner, I will enjoy talking to you
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: GardenGirlSarah on March 24, 2008, 19:08:40

RE;  Get a life,I have read the other sites and they are laughing at you mate.
laugh it up ..... I am laughing too!! Ha ha ha .     Jesse HOLDS  the Guinness world record ..
ha ha . you know what that means ? that means anyone who doubted the size of his plant is a MORON .
  NEW YORK  holds the Guinness world record now for tallest amaranth . NJ had the record for 14 days,
 then lost it. so the laugh is on you Jelloene,  Ha ha ....
  Hey Jello , now that Jesse Holds the Guinness world record what will you talk about now? perhaps you will talk about another plant you have no clue about. you get a life , get a few . looks like you have used all your life lines.
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: jockomorrocco on March 24, 2008, 19:18:23
garden monster get a life or GET LOST. There is no need to get personal.As it happens i know janinne has a deep knowledge of quite a few plants (tomatoes and squashes if my reading is correct)
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: betula on March 24, 2008, 19:24:15
If I lived by you I would cut the b****y thing down.You are a bore. >:(
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: sunflower_info on September 18, 2008, 07:21:24
It's official!  The new 2009 Guinness World Record book came out in stores in the USA yesterday and under Tallest Plants lists

Amaranthus 23 ft 2 in (7.06 m) - Brian Moore (USA) - 2007

My name has been on the Guinness website for about a year now, but to actually see my name in the book made it all worth while.  It has been a childhood dream of mine to get into the book.   Hopefully, it won't be the last time I'm in the Guinness book.

Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: sunflower_info on September 18, 2008, 07:48:10
This year I've had some interesting amaranths growing.  I've been trying some other varieties to see if I can find other amaranths capable of enormous sizes.  I think I found another contender in the Amaranthus cannabinus - common name is the "Tidal-marsh amaranth".  This amaranth is closely related to the Amaranthus australis (Giant amaranth).  The tidal marsh amaranth has a more northern distribution than the giant amaranth.  The tidal marsh amaranth is even found in my home state of New Jersey.  I planted some last year, but they were hit hard by cucumber beetles and were overshadowed by the giant amaranths.  Although short, some went to seed.  One plant self-sown on the edge of my garden.   That self-sown seedling produced a giant 18 feet tall plant that was an amazing 16 feet wide before it was snapped to bits in the winds from the remmanents of tropical storm Hanna. 
Picture of kids in front of the amaranth while it was standing upright and branches were not weighed down by seeds.  It was not at full width when this picture was taken.  If I remember correctly around 14 feet at the time.

Picture of me holding an 15 ft. 8 inch pole to show the width of the plant.  The plant was several inches longer than the pole.  This was a day before the plant was blown apart.

Kids near the plant when it was falling over from the weight of the seeds.  This was taken a day before the plant blew down. 

I also had some other amaranths that were extremely tall this year.  These look like some sort of cross between a giant amaranth and a ornamental grain type amaranth.  These produced amaranths with red flowers. 
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: Jeannine on September 18, 2008, 12:35:13
Well done Brian.always a pleasure to hear from you. XX
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: Hyacinth on September 23, 2008, 20:41:16
Hello Brian, it's me, Lishka,  and just caught up with this...I've been in NC with the family. Jazzer grew one of your sunflowers, it was growing well but the cats tried to climb it....oh well, win some, lose some ::)

That's some jungle you've got there 8) great adventure area for the children!

You must be SO proud to see your name in print. I've said it before & I'll say it again. Well Done, Matey :) for next year is........what, I wonder?

Regards, Lish x
Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: sunflower_info on November 05, 2008, 20:38:09

Hello Brian, it's me, Lishka,  and just caught up with this...I've been in NC with the family. Jazzer grew one of your sunflowers, it was growing well but the cats tried to climb it....oh well, win some, lose some ::)

That's some jungle you've got there 8) great adventure area for the children!

You must be SO proud to see your name in print. I've said it before & I'll say it again. Well Done, Matey :) for next year is........what, I wonder?

Regards, Lish x


   Sorry to hear about the sunflower.  Let me know if you need anymore.  I can't count how many disasters I've had over the years, usually of my own making.  This year I was saving the chinese variety of sunflowers that has the longest growing season I've ever seen.  I never saw how large they got because the deer ate them all.  However, they put on side branches and produced seeds.  I saved all the heads and dried the seeds.  The seeds were not totally dry and I was moving stuff, and put another plastic container over the container they were in.  They ended up getting mildew all over them.  I lost the majority of them.  I hope the rest germinate.  I still have some seed from last year.  This coming year I am planting them at my place in New Jersey and my place in New York to ensure they survive. 

This year wasn't very good for me.  I had some nice plants, but nothing spectacular.  Tallest amaranth was only 21 feet tall.  Most were in the ball park 20 feet to 18 feet. 

One thing I accidently did was create a new hybrid amaranth between those giant amaranth and a long seasoned ornamental amaranth that grows 13-14 feet tall.  I had all these self-sown amaranth in the garden with red heads on them around 18 to 19 feet tall.  Well, I also planted a row of seed from this ornamental amaranth I grew last year.  Everyone of those plants looked identical to the self-sown plants in the garden.  All of the plants were sterile; so this hybrid will not produce seeds.  I've probably created the world's tallest ornamental amaranth. 

Title: Re: possible new Amaranth world record
Post by: Hyacinth on November 05, 2008, 21:14:34

Delighted you've checked in with us again 8) My disaster this year was when some of us decided we'd try to grow a large pumpkin...I was determined to be the winner and Jeannine secretly sent me a couple of your Monstrous Seeds - sure-fire success :P.....but one got rotted off with all the rain and the other, growing nicely and tho small was looking promising - got munched by a slug overnight. Must have been a bl**dy big slug  ::)

You sent so many sunflower seeds to the family, I'm sure they've still got lots left & we'll try again next year, deer and cats permitting :-\ I'll be back there in January..we're logging in January - me and a chainsaw?

All the best,

Lishka x
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