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Produce => Kept Animals => Topic started by: istanley24 on September 07, 2007, 16:54:04

Title: Hemcore
Post by: istanley24 on September 07, 2007, 16:54:04

I have heard that hemcore is a really good alternative to straw and shavings for the nest boxes and the floor of the house, it is really absorbant, and smells good (citronella).  Does anyone know where I can get some?  i live in Abingdon, Oxfordshire.


Title: Re: Hemcore
Post by: SueSteve on September 08, 2007, 07:24:21
I could do with sourcing some too, I am in Gloucester.
I am thinking about trying Countrywide, do you have a store near you? Theres one in Bourton, and one in Gloucester.
(my hens are being ddelivered on teh 27th Sept :))
Title: Re: Hemcore
Post by: istanley24 on September 11, 2007, 10:32:46
I bet you can't wait.  We have had ours for about 6 weeks now, and they have been laying for the last two.  They seem to have settled down and are now preoducing really good eggs with great shells.  Some are still a bit on the small side, but they are improving.  And they are all using the nest boxes.  I put a golf ball in each a couple of weeks before they started to lay and it seems to have taught them well.

We've only got a problem with a bit of feather pecking going on at the moment, all of them have bare bums, apart from the main culprit, but then they all copied her.  We have her in a seperate run at the moment to try and get her to behave.

Good luck with them and enjoy them.  they're great!
Title: Re: Hemcore
Post by: wildthing on September 12, 2007, 21:31:53
I haven't been able to get Hemcore for a few months now. My supplier is getting Auboise instead. Same stuff basically, and cheaper, but hasn't got the citronella in it, so not so good at repelling flies or deodorising. It does a better job than wood shavings though, and composts down very quickly.
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