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General => News => Topic started by: manicscousers on August 22, 2007, 08:09:59

Title:'s official
Post by: manicscousers on August 22, 2007, 08:09:59
I've just heard the news...slug population has doubled this year...I could've told them that, they're all on our plot..we've lost 5 out of our winter lettuce already..they're not even trying to hide, they're too big for the birds and frogs to eat..mind you, they can't swim in a water butt  ;D ;D
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: saddad on August 22, 2007, 08:11:50
My nematodes must be on overtime then... they like damp soil..
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: manicscousers on August 22, 2007, 08:14:18
hopefully the nematodes will carry n working all year, they're predicting the population will double again over autumn as the slugs breed then too !! :o
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: saddad on August 22, 2007, 08:17:40
Don't want to speak to soon, but apart from my bottom lottie my slug damage has been minimal this year...
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: manicscousers on August 22, 2007, 08:32:13
told you, they've all emigrated to wigan  ;D
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: robkb on August 22, 2007, 08:57:44
told you, they've all emigrated to wigan  ;D

Apart from the few million that have descended on South London! Grrr >:(

Rob ;)
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: Si D on August 22, 2007, 12:09:07
millions in my garden as usual.  but hardly any on the plot - i'm most surprised.  Turned over a tarp that had been there, next to the salad leafs, for months and there were only three under it.  very few of the leafs have any sign of munching .
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: tim on August 22, 2007, 12:31:05
Nematodes - 6 weeks?
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: katynewbie on August 22, 2007, 12:58:56

I zapped my tiny plot with nematodes two weeks ago, so far there does not seem to be too much difference, but at least I feel I have done something, and it didn't involve tiny blue pellets!

Title: Re:'s official
Post by: cambourne7 on August 22, 2007, 13:05:08
i put the little blue pellets down in flustration on friday evening, as they were everywhere when i went to the plot sunday there was no slug free space where i could stand where i was not standing on them.

I have found a couple of nests and have added more little blue pellets on top of the nest and around it. This is only the second time i have had such a problem i have had to put pellets down.
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: norfolklass on August 22, 2007, 13:08:12
has anyone tried these organic slug pellets?
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: cambourne7 on August 22, 2007, 13:38:36
Yes i have them for treating inside my raised beds, the paths i am using up the old non organic pellets.
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: norfolklass on August 22, 2007, 13:45:18
do they work?!?
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: cambourne7 on August 22, 2007, 13:46:24
woops should have said  :o

Yes there ace and they last quite a while as well.
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: norfolklass on August 22, 2007, 13:48:27
<rubs hands together>
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: raisedbedted on August 22, 2007, 13:49:17
I've had mixed results from them and actually think the growing success garlic granules deterrent / bio stimulant worked a bit better.

Bought the pellets from Homebase at about half the organic catalog price btw..
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: kt. on August 22, 2007, 16:47:49
This topic was on my local radio station this morning - they reckoned the slug population is now in excess of 2.5 billion in this country.

My slug pellets are working a treat. Lots of dead slugs on a daily basis round my plot. There can never have too many dead slugs ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: manicscousers on August 22, 2007, 17:05:55
how come my garden success slug pellets didn't work then, ?   I think they washed away in the heavy rain..twice I applied them last week and still lost 5 out of 12 lettuce  >:(
btw I got them from the pound shop  :)
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: plot76 on August 22, 2007, 17:16:52
From the BBC news website today!!

Is the UK facing a slug plague? (

A bit worrying.

I use plastic drinking cups in the polytunnels and get a coffee jar of slops from my local every Friday, we have tried the lagers and are now working our way round the real ale's. Out side i use the slug traps with covers otherwise the beer gets watered down.

Works better inside than out, the slugs outside are too big now and down the beer in one and carry on eating the lettuce in a drunken stupor (
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: norfolklass on August 22, 2007, 17:29:30
read somewhere a brilliant tip for putting out slug pellets:

put them in a plastic container with a lid, like a little coleslaw tub or similar
cut an upside down T in the side, with the crossbar of the T level with the bottom of the tub
push in the flaps created so that creepy crawlies can get in but find it hard to get out again (like wasps and wasp traps)
put the slug pellets in, put on the lid, and put in the garden
the lid keeps the rain out, the tub keeps the pellets off the ground so no nasty chemicals wash into the soil, the slugs and snails can't get out of the tub because they're stupid, and hedgehogs, birds and small children can't get at the slug pellets

in theory!
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: cornykev on August 22, 2007, 18:43:24
I think slugs doubling is the understatment of the year x10 more like and the size of some of them they are like speed humps. When I go to work in the morning slugs and snails are all over the pavement even nibbling at the weeds growing in between the paving stones so at least theres not enough veg to go round.  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: ellkebe on August 24, 2007, 15:00:28
From the BBC news website today!!
Is the UK facing a slug plague? (

Interesting article -  I've certainly lost far more veg than I've harvested this year  :(
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: saddad on August 24, 2007, 16:03:47
But can you walk past them without stamping on them?
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: ellkebe on August 24, 2007, 17:09:39
I've always wanted to stamp on them when walking past, not just this year  :)
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: Busby on August 24, 2007, 17:57:48
Slugs develop from the eggs laid last year. So, theoretically, there should be no more slugs because the weather is bad than in sunny summers.
Naturally rainy weather brings them all out and they then get everywhere.

So here's a couple of tips:

Towards winter lift everything lying around in the garden and destroy all those white egg packets sheltering so happily under stones, wood, plants, compost, pots, etc.

When they attack, let them. That is don't furiously pull out the lettuce which you've just seen half-eaten, but throw some pellets under the nearest bunch of plants to the lettuce bed. Leave the half-eaten lettuce - just in case - and add pellets onto the path around the lettuce bed.

In dry weather throw small quantities of pellets into seemingly harmless planted corners and just walk away.

I do all this and have hardly any slugs anymore.
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: cambourne7 on August 24, 2007, 18:43:53
What I dont understand is why the slugs/snails have left my salad and lettuce alone and why they have gone for everything else!!

In fact the major problem i have is with catapillers!!
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: redimp on August 24, 2007, 18:54:37
Slugs develop from the eggs laid last year. So, theoretically, there should be no more slugs because the weather is bad than in sunny summers.
Naturally rainy weather brings them all out and they then get everywhere.
It is the unnaturally warm winters that have led to the population explosion but then again as I do not want to alter my lifestyle in anyway and wish to continue conspicuously consuming and to hell with the future cos I'll be dead so what do I care, I am going to deny that (human accelerated) climate change has anything to do with it.
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: Eristic on August 25, 2007, 23:23:18
[quoteTowards winter lift everything lying around in the garden and destroy all those white egg packets sheltering so happily under stones, wood, plants, compost, pots, etc.][/quote]

Whilst this is good practice, it will do nothing to stem the tide of slugs migrating onto the plot. On warm wet evenings there can be between 10 and 30 slugs crossing the roadway to my plot for every linear metre. Take it from me, it does not matter how thoroughly your plot is cleansed, they will be back tomorrow in similar numbers.

By living for today for the past few decades we've eradicated all the predators and upset natures balance. Now we pay.
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: grawrc on August 26, 2007, 07:06:38
I don't seem to have too many more slugs, but those I do have are all about 3 or 4 inches long. Quite disgusting really. And we can't walk for snails.
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: MPG on August 26, 2007, 07:59:29
Yes totally disgusting, although i don't have my lotty yet :( we have noticed we have an armada of slugs which move in waves over the garden,they even get in the rabbit hutches, in the house,garage, ok when you see them lol but its when you nip out to the garage in bare foot and get a slug squash up between your toes now that is disgusting. :) and we have alot more slugs than 10 or 20. mpg
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: Amazin on August 26, 2007, 22:26:21
I've noticed far more of those big fat orange-red ones than any other type.
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: jjt on August 27, 2007, 01:15:43
Those big fat ones [proper name Large Black Slug-honest] don't do too much harm. It's the little brown and black ones what want tracking down and dealing with.
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: Larkspur on August 27, 2007, 17:22:49
What I dont understand is why the slugs/snails have left my salad and lettuce alone and why they have gone for everything else!!

In fact the major problem i have is with catapillers!!
Yep I have exactly the same situation. They seem to have gone for everything except the salads and the damage they have done to my lilies and dahlias is unbelievable.
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: Amazin on August 27, 2007, 20:16:57
Spot on, Cam7, as I think we discussed at the start of the season - and nothing has changed!
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: miniroots on August 28, 2007, 10:27:36
We need government-subsidised nematodes!

I've heard that the black ones eat the other ones, and that they are quite territorial, so if you throw them over a fence they come back - but likewise if you kill all of yours, you don't get instantly swamped with neighbouring slugs...

I was going to wait til spring before getting some nematodes - but as they are laying now I might get some straight away...
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: Eristic on August 28, 2007, 22:04:09
if you kill all of yours, you don't get instantly swamped with neighbouring slugs...

I'm afraid that this is a myth and they migrate in at an alarming rate if there is a quality food source. I believe that they are driven purely by scent, (from the plants and each other) to distribute themselves according to the available resources. Just as a good Cafe is always crowded, the choice pickings of an allotment will always be preferable to grass and therefore pulls a crowd.

As for the big fat ones not eating veg, that is also a myth. They eat six times as much as the small ones. A number of slugs do eat each other but usually only after they have been accidentally stood on. These carnivorous ones will still eat the veg so as far as food production goes, the only good slug is a dead slug.
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: cocopops on August 30, 2007, 19:41:12
I am amazed by the lack of slugs we have had here in Brittany.  In the UK, in a slightly mad time of my life, I had an outdoor loo.  I forever had my foot in the sink washing off slug slime :-X

We do have snails which are easy to spot, and for some reason my seven year old daughter loves them, and will quite happily pick them off and throw them into the overgrowth.  Our neighbour gave us loads of her veggies, including two lovely lettuce which had a small slug within it.  It was please mummy don't kill it.  She is such a softie it ended up on the compost heap.  Best not to tell her she has eaten frog's legs for lunch at school, she said it was delicious and tasted like saly fish. :-X
Title: Re:'s official
Post by: Smileyk on August 30, 2007, 20:43:33
Me nematodes have been beaten by the slugs this year.  I wouldn't mind so much but I've had very few slugs for years (just LOTS of snails) and this year I've still got the snails but I've also got monster slugs.  Which swine has been breeding them and letting them into my garden!?   ::)
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