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Produce => Kept Animals => Topic started by: wendy s on August 05, 2007, 17:06:50

Title: colour of eggs
Post by: wendy s on August 05, 2007, 17:06:50
=purple] ;)[/color]
hello everyone i have just joined.I have 4 chickens which i got 4 weeks ago.They were 16 &18 weeks old when i got them .They are 2 warrens, 1 white star and a amber star. I know the warrens lay brown eggs and the white star lays white eggs but i cannot make out what colour eggs the amber star is laying i thought she laid brown eggs but we seem to be getting a lot of white eggs for 1 chicken and not many brown eggs are being laid for 3 chickens, can anyone  supply me with the anser to my querey. Thanks

Title: Re: colour of eggs
Post by: autumn leaf on August 05, 2007, 23:11:35
Hi wendy s.  Not sure if I can help as don't know much about amber star breed however, if I do know that hens with white wattles lay white eggs.  Does she have white wattles? :-\
Title: Re: colour of eggs
Post by: teresa on August 06, 2007, 08:17:51
Amber Star should lay a brown eggs she may be just getting the colour sorted out being a pullet. I had Marans took them a while to sort pigment colour out.
found this?
Title: Re: colour of eggs
Post by: istanley24 on August 06, 2007, 15:13:40
I'm in the same boat (almost), as I have 1 white star 2 amber stars as well as 2 black stars and a bluebell.  I know the bluebell and black stars lay brown eggs, and the white star will lay large white eggs, but am not sure on the amber stars.  I think it is brown eggs, but my birds are only 17 weeks old and I'm waiting for the first egg.
Title: Re: colour of eggs
Post by: wendy s on August 06, 2007, 17:09:16
many thanks for your replies, i will bare them all in mind
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