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Produce => Recipes => Topic started by: legless on September 28, 2003, 23:29:44

Title: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: legless on September 28, 2003, 23:29:44
leek cannelloni with lemon thyme and provolone piccante

as requested colin, hope i don't get sued by rick stein for reproducing the recipe!!! its v.long.


2 oz butter
2lb leeks, cleaned and thinly sliced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 tsp lemon thyme leaves
2 tbsp water
9oz ricotta cheese
12 sheets fresh lasagne pasta (if you can get cannelloni its easier)
salt and freshly ground black pepper

for the tomato sauce
2tbsp olive oil
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 tin chopped tomatoes (14oz)
2 floz red wine vinegar
2 tsps caster sugar

for the cheese sauce

1 small onion, peeled and halved
3 cloves
15 floz full cream milk
1 bay leaf
1/2 tsp black peppercorns
1 1/4 oz butter
1 1/4 oz plain flour
2 tbsp double cream
5oz provolone piccante, coarsely grated (if can't get can use beaufort or gruyere)
1 egg yolk

1. for the cheese sauce, stud the onion with the cloves and put it in a pan with the milk, bay leaf and black peppercorns. bring the milk to the boil and set it aside for 20 minutes to infuse.

2. for the tomato sauce, heat the oil in a medium sized pan. add the onion and garlic and cook gently until softened. add the tomatoes and simmer gently for 15-20mins, stirring now and then, until reduced and thickened. put the vinegar and sugar into a small pan and boil rapidly until reduced to 1 teaspoon. stir into the tomato sauce with some salt and pepper to taste, then spoon the sauce over the base of a large, shallow overnprooof dish.

3. for the cannelloni filling, melt the butter in a large pan. add the sliced leeks, garlic, lemon thyme leaves and water and cook gently, uncovered for 15 mins, untill they are tender and all the excess liquid has evaporated. transfer to a bowl and leave to cool. then beat in the ricotta cheese and season to taste.

4. bring a large pan of salted water to the boil. drop in the sheets of lasagne one at a time, take the pan off the heat and leave them to soak for 5 mins. drain well and leave to cool. spoon some of the leek filling along one short edge of each sheet and roll up, arrange seam side down on top of the tomato sauce.

5. preheat the oven to 200C. 400F, GM6. strain the milk for the cheese sauce. melt the butter in a non stick pan, add teh flour and cook over a medium heat for 1 minute to cook out the flour. gradually beat in the milk, bring to the boil, stirring, and leave to simmer very gently over a low heat for 10 minutes, giving it a stir every now and then. remove the pan from the heat and stir in the cream and 1/2 the grated provolone, the egg yolk and some seasoning.

6. pour the sauce over the cannelloni, sprinkle over the rest of the cheese and bake in the oven for 30 mins until golden and bubbling

phew. enjoy it. and buy the book, food heroes, for more like it
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: gavin on September 28, 2003, 23:42:15
Wow - mouth watering already!

Thanks, legless.
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: Colin_Bellamy-Wood on September 28, 2003, 23:43:19
Thank you very much, have saved it in our "Recipe" Folder.   The provolone cheese is new to us, but we have a Sains 200 yds away, so with luck...

Got to go tomorrow for cornflakes and milk, so will take a look.

We'll let you know how we get on in due course.

Once more, many thanks.
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: tim on September 29, 2003, 14:45:40
You have to be joking? Even in Stow, with 3 delicatessens, 'provolone WHAT?' - it'll have to be gruyére (with a grave) - and pray tell me, where do you get 2 tsp Lemon Thyme? Lemon balm yes. In the garden. It'll just have to be thyme & lemon!  But I did get Cannelloni. - Tim
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: legless on September 29, 2003, 17:12:28
well i can buy provolone in sainsburys in whitley bay (we're obviously classier than i thought!)

i grow lemon thyme myself, wouldn't know if you can buy it sorry....and yes i do know how to write the cheese with a g but i don't know how to type such accents!!
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: busy_lizzie on September 29, 2003, 20:53:22
Hello Legless,  This sounds like such a delicious recipe.  Glad you can buy the cheese in Sainsburys in Whitley Bay as that is where | shop every week.   It is a small world!  Lizzie
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: legless on September 29, 2003, 22:55:08
ahhhh another one, you'll maybe bump into cerig there too!

p.s. they also sell lemon thyme, i checked tonight!
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: Colin_Bellamy-Wood on September 30, 2003, 00:36:28
Hiya Legless, got the cheese but when I tried to print the recipe, my black ink cartiridge had packed up.   At £40 a time, I might have to put this recipe to one side for a short while.   Oh the irony of it all.

What an amazing co-incidence that three of you all live in Whitely Bay.   One of the things I've noticed about this Board (which ain't available on Auntie's) is that we can do a private message to each other.   You three could make arrangements to meet up in Sains for coffee and a good old natter.   Now ain't that nice ???
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: Ceri on September 30, 2003, 11:13:36
scary this - W Bay sainsbury's is all of 10 minutes walk from me!  

And three women too - and aren't allotments supposed to be the last bastion of the north east male's hiding from the washing up instincts?

Where's your lotty lizzie?
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: tim on September 30, 2003, 12:51:04
that was not a cut at you, legless - merely that I can do acutes but not graves! Someone tell me please?

And, yes, Sainsburys is a big step above Tesco.

Long recipe? The 'doing' is even longer - lucky I was up early this am - digging leeks in the drizzle, bay, thyme ......Oh, and only dried cannelloni. But can't wait till lunchtime - Tim
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: merv on September 30, 2003, 15:35:05
Hiya  :)

Whitly Bay oysters *slurp*

Legless, you can set your keyboard to any number of of "Languages" so when you come to a "foreign bit" you just change for the sec and type it in.  oh, this is really for a home type pooter, not a College one on a LAN. ::)
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: legless on September 30, 2003, 15:58:51
no offence taken tim!!! it does take ages to cook. i don't think you can get fresh cannelloni, i always used dried.

hope its good for you..

Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: busy_lizzie on September 30, 2003, 16:30:16
:D  Hello Cerig,  If you are only 10 minutes walk away from Sainsburys, then Hey! we could very well be lottie neighbours, as my plot is next to Sainsburys and the High School too.  If this is so, then what a "laff", - as here we are on the World Wide Web, communicating with people from all over the world. You know what they say  though, "where ever you are you will always bump into a "Geordie"!  Lizzie
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: tim on September 30, 2003, 17:06:52
OK - so think of a stoopid occupation? Daughter says golf?

No - stuffing dried cannelloni!! Shall make my own in future.

The recipe doesn't say for how many - I used only 1 1/2lb leeks (some left over) and there must have been  enough  for 6? Very filling.

Worth doing - but it does need a bit of time! Tim
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: Doris_Pinks on September 30, 2003, 20:46:43
If it is any help to you lot, I use oven lasagne for my lasagne (funny that!) so do not have to boil the darned stuff! (Goes straight into teh oven dried) I seem to think you can get a cannelloni that you do the same with. Dotty P.
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: tim on September 30, 2003, 21:11:52
I adore pinks! Sorry - Pinks.

Pasta - yes, just what I meant - trying to stuff the filling that has a life of it's own into a hard shell is not my idea of a pastime. Much much easier to roll a floppy one around it.

Nice, though - Tim
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: Hyacinth on October 01, 2003, 13:27:19
When my neighbour is back from hols at the weekend & I get some leeks :) I'll be doing this, but thought of making crepes (no fancy foreign twiddly bits, sorry) and stuffing them. Do something similar with spinach & ricotta, too.Or minced cooked beef bound with a thick bechamel. This substitution of pasta for crepe for canelloni is something I learned in Italy.- Lishka
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: tim on October 01, 2003, 21:38:59
I think that I prefer 'crepes' - or pancakes - to pasta, for this sort of thing - especially for my special chicken dish - much more amenable.

I have to say that the cannelloni was even better the second day. - Tim
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: Hyacinth on October 02, 2003, 02:02:59
So tell us about your 'special chicken' dish, Tim..-Lishka
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: tim on October 05, 2003, 13:59:27
sorry - I was asleep!

Do you think it's worth printing, Lishka? - Tim
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: Hyacinth on October 05, 2003, 21:57:23
Most certainly, Tim! However, as a basic, let's agree a recipe for 'pancakes' (to you ). 'Crepes' without the twiddly bits, for me)? before we go on to the Seasonal Stuffing??

Over to you, then...Lishka
Title: Re: Leek cannelloni recipe......epic
Post by: tim on October 06, 2003, 00:01:56
Well that's started it! Crepes, pancakes, blinis, blintzes?

I'll stick with pancakes, but to show that I'm not prejudiced, Larousse says "Pancake - a flat product - most popular being French 'crepe variety' ". "Crepe - a pancake". Simple?

Far be it from me to dictate a recipe - so many variations. The biggest is that Larousse says 'must' rest 2 hours so that cake doesn't rise; Delia says 'don't'! Proportions widely different too.
So - the chicken bit? To 'fill' 18 small 'things'.

Suit yourself, but roughly -
Enough shredded Chicken to give 18 tbs.
6 chopped Anchovies.
Bind with 125 ml gravy. splash Worcestershire sauce, cayenne, s&p. Fill pancakes.
Lay in oven dish, cover with 225 ml Double Cream.
Sprinkle with 170 gm toasted split Almonds.

Cook till bubbling. E&OE! - Tim

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