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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: carolinej on May 18, 2007, 22:43:02

Title: San marzano toms.
Post by: carolinej on May 18, 2007, 22:43:02
Hello :)

I have 2 SM tom plants in my conservatory in black pots. They have grown about 12 inches high, but very spindly. Now they seem to have no leading shoot, and I have taken off all the side shoots. The leaves are yellow, with red stripes. Altogether very unhealthy looking.

Should I bin them and replace them with something else?


cj :)
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: MrsKP on May 18, 2007, 23:14:26
I sowed mine late so they're quite tiny atm, but healthy green looking though.

I've found a big difference with say the Tigerella which is tall and spindly, the cream sausage that has skinny leaves and Biscombe's Muchamiel which is a veritable forest.

It's quite interesting watching them all develop their individual style lol

I've packed a pop bottle collar filled with compost round one of the Tigerellas to develop a better rootsystem.

Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Marymary on May 18, 2007, 23:19:22
Could it be your compost!??

I'm growing a few SM & they seem to vary a lot.  From the same packet I've got normal leaf plants and potato leaf plants!
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: carolinej on May 18, 2007, 23:22:27
Could well be the compost, as it is rubbish!

cj :)
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: gridgardener on May 19, 2007, 07:57:54
sound like you kill you plant by over pruning and improper growing methods.
Oh well those who follow bad growing methods kill there plant before bugs do.
Advice for future do not prune you tomato plants until you learn how to grow them in the proper manner.
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: carolinej on May 19, 2007, 08:40:12
Oooh gridgardener, you certainly know how to make friends on a new forum :-*

cj :)
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: MrsKP on May 19, 2007, 08:48:00
lol, I thought it was a bit harsh too !  Old griddy hasn't put up a location, so might not be English as first language ?  Something lost in the translation perhaps.

Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: legendaryone on May 19, 2007, 08:49:06
He is a silver tongued devil isn't he ?  ;D ;D

He is on several forums and it appears he is American but lives here.
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: MrsKP on May 19, 2007, 08:52:49
explains a bit !   8)
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Jeannine on May 19, 2007, 09:12:05
Gosh Caroline, I bet that one hurt,have a hug honey.

Gridgardener. I would like to think you meant your comments to be useful but I think you should suggest them in more friendly way they came accross as incredibaly rude and sarcastic.

This forum is like a large family, you hurt one of us ,you hurt us all. 

It was very  unkind and you are not likely to make many friends this way.

Caroline, XXXXXXXX Extra XXX Jeannine

Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: carolinej on May 19, 2007, 09:14:43
Thanks Jeannine,

you are right, it is just like having an extended family on here. I am proud to be part of it.

cj :)
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on May 19, 2007, 09:22:07
Notwithstanding Mr GrumpyPants remark, it is best to remove sideshoots (or not)??

my San Marzano are the most vigorous of the toms i'm growing. Most of the Heritage type ones are very slow growing. Maybe they didn't like the cold
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: MrsKP on May 19, 2007, 09:33:49
it is best to remove sideshoots (or not)??

everything i've read points to a yes, so when mine are big enough, that's exactly what I'll do!

Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on May 19, 2007, 09:40:30
Mr Fothergill says yes too, but I never believe what he says - the picture of him on the packets makes me think he's a bit simple-minded and can't be trusted
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: MrsKP on May 19, 2007, 10:06:07
but he tries hard and God loves a trier.  :P
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Jeannine on May 19, 2007, 10:10:04
It is described as an interdeterminate so I would remove XX Jeannine
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Melbourne12 on May 19, 2007, 10:45:23
I have to say that I don't like the sound of the yellow and red leaves.  It's always a worth a try to save them, though.  I know the trusses haven't set yet, but why not try a general purpose soluble fertiliser when you next water them?
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: carolinej on May 19, 2007, 10:52:31
I have tried that , along with putting pelleted  chcken manure int ehpots to try to do something. Will the yellowy leaves turn back green or are they done for now. There is some green on the top leaves now.

cj :)
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Melbourne12 on May 19, 2007, 10:56:00
We thought we'd lost some of our earliest toms because of windburn (they were put out too early).  The leaves turned yellow and a bit scorched.  But actually the plants recovered, with nice new green growth higher up, so it's worth giving them a chance.

But if they've got some sort of virus infection, then the new leaves will also go bad ways, and the only safe thing would be to destroy the plants and indeed the compost in the pots.
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Jeannine on May 19, 2007, 11:07:38
Caroline, if you think it is the compost and you think you are losing the, try this.

Take the plants out of the pots, gently rinse all the soil off the roots till you have clean roots, then repot in better compost. It might work and better than just chucking them without a try. I have done this with a waterlogged very precious houseplant that was going stinky  and dying fast and it worked. XX Jeannine
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Tee Gee on May 19, 2007, 12:04:25
No folks thats his normal manner!!

We have met in orbit a few times and he hasn't changed!!
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: cleo on May 19, 2007, 12:28:18
Shame he doesn`t understand such technical terms as `manners`  `tact` and `understanding`-because apart from the lack of those he isn`t stupid
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: gridgardener on May 19, 2007, 14:29:53
shame you all don't understand that by pruning you lose half your production and ever thing I read says pruning with out a good reason is not needed.Also one of the most knowledge tomato experts agrees with me that pruning except for growing for large fruit size is not need. 
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Jeannine on May 19, 2007, 16:56:33
Grid gardener,

I can't speak for everyone else but I have grown   tomatoes in 5 countries over a period of almost  50 years,  and have a collection of tomato varieties currently running at about 280. I think therefore I know a little.

Collectively on this forum I would say we had a great deal of folks much like myself who have experimented, shown,saved and even bred varieties over the years.

As I am always open to ideas,perhaps you could name your tomato expert, if he is one I don't already know and he someone of note I would be most interested to read his work.


Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: manicscousers on May 19, 2007, 17:07:54
there are as many ways of growing things as there are gardeners, no way is the right or wrong way, just a different way of doing things, imho  ;D
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: gridgardener on May 19, 2007, 20:12:45
Jeannine I am sure you have heard of the experts that I count as good sources
Dr Carolyn male and Craig LeHoullier.
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Marymary on May 19, 2007, 21:28:16
Wish I could find the link to the 'expert' who removes all the leaves!  ;D
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Jeannine on May 19, 2007, 22:21:29
Well Marymary, Carolyn Males book would be no good to you then as she doesn't prune much at all,I can lend it to you if you like,of course it is 100 Heirloom Toms for the AMERICAN gardener,but it is still an excellent  read even though we differ on a couple of points.  I have  some of her and Craigs joint  no frills  newsletters too if you fancy them, they were interesting for a while  , then they  went out of production. I might put them on e bay.

I remember  something about the leaf stripper,it is ringing a wee bell in my head. Remind me please!!!

Have fun pruning XXX Jeannine
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: pompeydude on May 20, 2007, 09:53:43
Hello Jeannine,
as you appear to be vastly knowledgeable on tomatoes, I was just wondering if I could bug you for some advise on the Alsia Craig I'm growing, they seem to be very slow growing ?  they are way behind the gardeners delight that I sowed at the same time,  they are now also behind the sweet olive that I sowed several weeks later.
are they a slow grower ? and is this to be expected ?


 ;D ;D
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Jeannine on May 20, 2007, 10:09:36
Thank you for the compliment but I think I know just a little.

 Re you Ailsa Craigs.I am sorry but I cannot answer your question, it is one I personally have rarely grown as I am not keen on the flavour but  I do know it is considered an  early  so can see no obvious reason for your difficulty.

I am sorry I cannot help you more.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Melbourne12 on May 20, 2007, 10:41:11
Wish I could find the link to the 'expert' who removes all the leaves!  ;D

There you go ...

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for any damage caused by immoderate laughter at "The Joyful Tomato" or its loony-tunes author  ;D
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Jeannine on May 20, 2007, 11:10:53
This is so funny, everytime I read it it cracks me up laughing.  The  exact opposite to Dr Carolyn. I can't help thinking that a middle of the line approach is best!!

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Marymary on May 20, 2007, 13:02:10
I so agree - everything in moderation me!, just thought our new friend Gridge might enjoy reading it too but couldn't find it - thanks Mel.  ;D
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Jeannine on May 20, 2007, 17:45:14
Gridge???? or Grinch????
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: cleo on May 20, 2007, 18:00:30
Hi pomeydude.

Ailsa Craig is not normally slow growing-it just sounds like `one of those things`. Like Jeannine is not one I would have in my top 50 but of the unholy trinity of Moneymaker,Alicante and Ailsa Craig-it`s by far the better
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Jeannine on May 20, 2007, 18:06:15
Hey Cleo, what's your views on Shirley, my other pet hate. I do believe  so far we have the same taste XXX Jeannine
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: cleo on May 20, 2007, 18:08:28
To me Shirley is an F1 moneymaker-slightly better flavour but that`s not saying much is it? ;D
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: cleo on May 20, 2007, 18:13:21
The sad thing is that GCs and some market stalls only sell the `dreaded few` And yet a really tasty variety is no more difficult to grow.
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: gridgardener on May 20, 2007, 21:53:56
No folks thats his normal manner!!

We have met in orbit a few times and he hasn't changed!!

So teegee are you still pushing your website on people instead giving real answers to their questions.
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: gridgardener on May 20, 2007, 21:57:31
Shame he doesn`t understand such technical terms as `manners`  `tact` and `understanding`-because apart from the lack of those he isn`t stupid

I only show manner to  pleasant people of which teegee isn't.
The and teegee is wrong most time as well.
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Biscombe on May 20, 2007, 22:01:22
Oh dear grim grump! take it elsewhere pleeeeease! and by the way I quite like teegee's site. A4A is such a great friendly forum, don't spoil it.
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Marymary on May 20, 2007, 22:20:55
TeeGee's site is amazing - I love it & his advice is always helpful & easy to understand.

Maybe it takes someone like GG to remind us just how lovely everyone is on this board.  :)
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: legendaryone on May 20, 2007, 22:23:30

Maybe it takes someone like GG to remind us just how lovely everyone is on this board.  :)

It certainly does  :)
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: carolinej on May 20, 2007, 22:26:57
I can agree with that ;D

cj :)
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: gridgardener on May 20, 2007, 22:27:05
Marymary,cleo,Biscombe you opinion was not asked for. As for the website I seen   webssite posted in 1996 that had more useful gardening info on them.
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Marymary on May 20, 2007, 22:29:42
Well bu***r off back there then.
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: carolinej on May 20, 2007, 22:33:10
I have noticed a button that says 'Ignore' by the side of gridgardeners name. I am going to click on this now, as I think I have seen enough of his bad attitude. I would reccomend anyone else offended by him does the same. That way he will be wasting his time posting offensive things, as we wont be able to see them.

cj :)
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Jeannine on May 20, 2007, 22:36:00
Hear Hear, well done Biscombe and Mary Mary and the others who are posting as I write.

 I can't think why anyone who is so ruddy miserable  and rude bothers to post on a friendly forum when there are so many  rotten ones to go one.I have been told that the poster we are talking about enjoys this  and feeds on the attention and the best thing we can all do is ignore him and he will go away.

So  if  Kylie Dan the Admin  Man lets this  bit  of direct straight talking through, I will send Grid Gardener or Grinch Gardener or whatever, a last message.

Throw your arrows and insults at me or whoever me duck ,cos I for one will play your game no more!!!  Wise up and be nice and you will  be welcome,if not then enjoy your misery somewhere else.  I will not rise to your mean temper anymore..

Bye. Bye.
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: gridgardener on May 20, 2007, 22:37:20
marymary if going to use curse words be willing to post them in full because only a true troll bother to posts with ** so go back to the the pile road oysters you seem to speak from.
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Marymary on May 20, 2007, 22:42:11
Think I'll click the 'ignore' button too - never used it before.

Bye Bye GG

PS anyone know what a road oyster is?  ???
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: asbean on May 20, 2007, 22:45:31
GG now ignored. What a sad person.
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: tricia on May 20, 2007, 22:49:19
Well bu***r off back there then.

ROTFLMAO - well done! Have hit the ignore the man button  ::).

Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Jeannine on May 20, 2007, 22:51:48
MaryMary it is probably another spelling mistake or a bit of poor grammer.

I planted  my huge big beans today, the ones that look like giant butter beans, I have never grown these before and am quite excited about them..oops, Sorry Caroline this was your post about your poorly tomatoes.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: carolinej on May 20, 2007, 22:55:07
Dont worry Jeannine. It is always nice to see everyone chatting.

cj :)
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: rolet on May 20, 2007, 22:55:55
PS anyone know what a road oyster is?  Huh

it is a western US term for horse nears or other excrement.
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: carolinej on May 20, 2007, 22:55:58
Oh by the way, what are your huge beans called? Are they the ones you had from America?

cj :)
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: gridgardener on May 20, 2007, 23:00:02
do you mean fava or lima.
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: legendaryone on May 20, 2007, 23:12:11
Are rolet and gridgardener the same i wonder ?
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: asbean on May 20, 2007, 23:46:13
Yes, they are one and the same.  Follows a pattern.  Best to ignore both of them.
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Jeannine on May 20, 2007, 23:50:16
Caroline they are called Samos Greek Limas aka Giganteus, I know the bean well ,it is one of the ones I miss from North America I have used it in cooking a lot but have not actually grown it before. Anyway it is all ready to go with the other Limas,and the other  beans. I am only growing about 30  Heirloom beans this year so only a small part of my collection  is being used as I am  trialling a few this year too.

You know if my bean collection gets any bigger it will be catching up my 120 odd squash soon,then my tomatoes Oh no I am addicted to seeds. I really want to put a good bean chapter in my book though, especially ones for drying.

Would you like a few?

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: carolinej on May 21, 2007, 10:46:05
Thanks Jeannine. Will PM you this evening.

cj :)
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Tee Gee on May 21, 2007, 14:09:23
As for the website I seen   webssite posted in 1996 that had more useful gardening info on them.

Ah!! fame at last Gridgardener has read my website( he must have done to make comparisons)

Just for the record GG some of the data in my website goes back to 1986 does that give you any consolation?

Like everyone else you are entitled to your opinions but at least the rest of us are a bit more mannerable when we reply.

Personally I get the feeling that you have a lot to offer the forums if only you would mend that chip on your shoulder.

Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: mr plasma on May 21, 2007, 15:57:41
there may be trouble ahead ;D
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: thewoodle on May 21, 2007, 16:45:34
Tee Gee, Thanks to GG's rude remarks I had a look at your website. I have now added it to my "favourites" list. Thanks for the tip GG ;D
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: cleo on May 21, 2007, 17:35:42
I too have pressed the `ignore` button. Without any ill feelings towards the city I feel Coventry is the best place for those who add little but poor manners and who seem to feel that by insulting others they have some special right to be listened to.
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Norfolk n Proud on May 21, 2007, 18:17:29
Hi TeeGee, i'm very impressed by the website, ( and said so in the visitors book ) personally i think GG is being influenced by the Dark Side ( Star Wars fans will know wha i mean )  ;)
Title: Re: San marzano toms.
Post by: Curryandchips on May 22, 2007, 10:29:55
True Stephan, all the grumps get sent to my home town !!!

Just read this thread all the way through, since I am growing SM too. Have enjoyed ALL the posts except those by GG and any other aliases ...

Suggestion to members who feel hurt by offensive posts ... there is also a 'report to moderator' button at the bottom right of each post ... this highlights the post to admin (superDan), who can deal with the situation in a more heavyweight manner if need be.

Derek :)
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