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Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: Superstar on April 25, 2007, 20:46:34

Title: Swollen Hands
Post by: Superstar on April 25, 2007, 20:46:34
I wasn't sure where to put this item - so here it is.

After a very lazy winter, over the last few weeks I have been working very hard on the lottie with lots and lots of digging.  The end result has been swollen hands and slightly numb finger tips.

I just wondered if anyone else suffered from this?
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: flossie on April 25, 2007, 21:00:03
Sorry to hear about your hands - can't help with the question - I hope that they soon clear up
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: Jenfur on April 25, 2007, 21:04:07
I'm a physio, but not much experience of garden related injuries...the numbness is probably temporary nerve bruises from the shocks on your palms. Swelling might be due to this too, but I've never heard of it being a big problem before. Just keep hands warm and moving if possible xx
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: ninnyscrops on April 25, 2007, 21:21:08
Do you garden in normal gloves or plastic gloves.  Might be a silly question but my lottie neighbour gardens in Marigolds.  If it's the latter that might be the problem. I've had this once and that was the first year of my plot where I did too much digging, pulling weeds and the like as I took it on in June.  The weather has been June like recently and it sounds as if you have overdone it a little.  I'm not a medic but maybe someone will be able to help you here.  :)
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: carolinej on April 25, 2007, 21:39:35
I have developed pins and needles and pain in my  hands and fingers and one hand seems very slightly swollen. it is worse on the days that I garden. I also get pins and needles and numbness when I drive for more than about 10 minutes.

 I have looked around on the web, and think it may be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Dont know if this is the same as you. I suppose the advice should be to go to see your GP, but I hate going to the doctors, so will  just suffer in silence till it gets too bad.

cj :)
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: quizzical1 on April 25, 2007, 21:42:32
I also have slight tingling in the middle two fingers of my right hand, and frequent (slightly painful) clicking of the elbow.
I presumed that it was some form of RSI (repetetive strain injury) due to too much digging. I don't/can't wear gloves when I'm working, couldn't even do it at work when handling chemicals, but am very careful.
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: Lady of the Land on April 25, 2007, 21:52:07
I regularly have pins and needles following use of rotivator and digging.It is probably due to both RSI and some nerve compression - carpel tunnel. It is very bad at night with both hands being completely numb and painful tingling feeling. I have wrist supports which I wear when this occurs.
You may find it is the begining of carpel tunnel, with some RSI thrown in if you have been digging regularly over a period of time. I believe CT occurs more in  females.
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: lorna on April 25, 2007, 21:54:39
Caroline I was wondering the same as you. I sufferred with CPS quite badly when I worked in an office (all ledgers were hand written) I did have a couple of injections which improved things. I then had trouble with "aching" legs. The Doctor prescribed Amitriptyline Hydrochloride, he said the tablets would probably help my hands as well. He was right!! Worth a visit to the Doctor as it can get very uncomfortable.
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: Superstar on April 25, 2007, 22:11:45
Some interesting comments there.  Thank you.

This evening my hands have reduced swelling but finger tips are still slightly numb.  I garden in leather gloves as I have tried several types but find these best.  By deduction I am beginning to think it is not the actual digging but breaking the solid lumps of soil by forcing fork tines through them to break them up and then bashing them with back of the fork to break them down further.  This must set up vibration in the steel tines which ends up travelling into the hands.

I wonder if there is a way to stop the vibration between fork and hand.  If anyone has possible solutions I would be happy to try them out.
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: ninnyscrops on April 25, 2007, 22:15:06
There is a fork on the market that has a spring tolerance in the shaft - might be worth trying to find. I had one some years ago but broke the shaft digging my wonderful clay soil!  :)
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: carolinej on April 25, 2007, 22:37:40
Thanks for the advice Lorna. I will try to get to the GP, as it would be nice to sleep through the night without my hands waking me up. But I hate going, so it will probably take me a while to get round to it. I dont know why I hate going there, funny , isnt it?

 Lady of the the wrist supports give instant relief, or is it a gradual thing. Also, do you mind if I ask where you got them from?

Superstar.....looks like you are not alone with your symptoms. These bodies are sooo unreliable! I think I'll put in for a transplant. Mmm, 18 year old, size 10 with a beautiful face and very athletic would suit me, I think ;D ;D ;D

cj :)
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: lorna on April 25, 2007, 22:41:04
Caroline... Not worried about the face (I can always put a bag over that ;D) but wouldn't mind the athletic bit
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: carolinej on April 25, 2007, 22:49:33
Not worried about the face (I can always put a bag over that )

Yes, but have you ever tried picking blackcurrants like that?!? It will take you hours.....not  that I have tried, of course ;D

cj :)
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: lorna on April 25, 2007, 22:51:59
 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: emmy1978 on April 25, 2007, 23:05:16
Aw - not nice. Nice warm handsoak. Warm water or green tea with one or all of the following essential oils : geranium, rosemary, peppermint. Soak for about 10 mins and pat dry. Keep them moving, close fingers and open. Feel better.  :)
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: antipodes on April 26, 2007, 08:36:07
yes I would agree that it sounds a bit like carpal tunnel syndrome (which I suffer from too). Except for the swelling? But that might be from the vigorous digging, sometimes my hands actually feel bruised from that.
Do not take carpal tunnel syndrome too lightly, if the episode occurs again, please go and see about it. DO not leave it until it gets worse, the worse it is, the heavier the treatment. You must rest the hand when an episode occurs, no lifting or intensive use of the hand. Typically you get pain, especially near the thumb and index finger, weakness of grasp, numbness or tingling in the fingers and thumb. It is worse at night when the hands are at rest. You can take anti inflammatories for it, as it is caused by swelling of the wrist cartilege which compresses the nerves going to your hand.
I admit that when I garden I don't always wear gloves, well, for weeding but not when I am planting - I like to feel my fingers in the dirt  :D
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: artichoke on April 26, 2007, 18:26:57
Interesting thread. I am typing with a very swollen reddish purpleish index finger after a heavy day on the allotment yesterday. I find that any of my fingers can swell up like this if I am clumsy with something hard, like the handle of a hod of coke or pulling up stubborn bamboo sticks (as yesterday, clearing the psb and their netting).  Or using an iron post hole maker

I have always assumed that I have broken a small blood vessel and I can see a small bruise spreading to cover the whole of the affected finger. It takes a day or two to disappear. Do others get this?
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: carolinej on April 26, 2007, 22:21:26
hello Artichoke

I get that , but only on either my one finger, or the palm of my hand. It really hurts when it happens, and is sore for a while too. I agree that it is probably a blood vessel bursting. The first time it happened I was quite worried, but I am used to it now.

Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: Lady of the Land on April 30, 2007, 23:22:42
Wrist supports came from physio at local hospital. I try to put these on at night when I think its more likely to be a problem IE after spending a fair period of time digging or using rotivator. However have also woken in the night with both hands completely numb, but always try and get some feeling back before putting splint on as would be a struggle to get them on. I do this by trying to wriggle the fingers, hanging hand over edge of bed and then trying to hold hand straight.
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: Kea on May 02, 2007, 16:36:42
I wear wrist supports most of the time when I'm digging because i keep spraining my wrists. I have had swollen hands and fingers but i have rheumatiod arthritis so I'm pretty sure it's that.
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: Jitterbug on May 07, 2007, 14:25:45
Interesting thread this.

Here I thought that it was just me getting OLD and being a bit of a hypochondriac.  I sometimes get slightly swollen hands but I seem to have the most pain in my knuckle joints - middle and ring finger on both hands - I think it is arthritis??

But now on reading the above posts I see that this pain in the hands also comes with painful legs at night ?  Is this also RSI?  Also have my right wrist clicking all the time.  I am however a secretary and think that might be RSI.  Funnily enough I also take Amitriptiline (for something else) so have inadvertently been treating it. 

I read somewhere that Feverfew leaf tea helps with inflammation for arthritic complaints.

Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: carolinej on May 11, 2007, 07:40:42
Well, I finally got to the doctors to see about my hands. It was quite a surprise to get an appointment the evening I rang, as usually they are so busy, by the time you get an appointment, you are either better or dead!

My GP isnt sure if it is CTS or a problem caused by a whiplash injury I had 4 years ago, which still plagues me. She referred me to someone, I think an orthopedic surgeon. I dont know when I will get to see him though, as the waiting lists are really long, and she wouldnt commit herself as to how long I will have to wait. She also gave me some ibuprofen to try, so hopefully I willl have some relief from the pain while I wait.

I will post the results of seeing the consultant, perhaps this decade, perhaps the next........

cjj :)
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: budgester on May 11, 2007, 22:52:15
I work on a keyboard pretty all day long, being IT person.

A lot of stress on your wrists and arms can be caused by bad posture, so if you work with computers get a workstation assessment done. I've seen people damage their backs, shoulders, wrists fingers just sitting at a desk all day, this can all cause numbness and pins and needles etc.

Down the lottie I've now pretty much given up using a fork or spade and use a 7" azada from for pretty much everything except rakeing to a tilth. Using this there seems to be less bending and lifting, everything is done in a kinda slicing action either up/down or forwards and backwards.


Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: ACE on May 12, 2007, 07:26:01
I had  the carpal tunnel thing, but my hands never swelled up. Completely cure after a small op. Pins and needles all day, but the numbness at night was worse.

Still on the bright side I used to put on some jangly bangles and paint my nails before I went to bed, then I did not know who the hand belonged to when it was wandering around my body. ;D
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: carolinej on November 28, 2008, 08:31:13
Well, I finally got to the doctors to see about my hands. It was quite a surprise to get an appointment the evening I rang, as usually they are so busy, by the time you get an appointment, you are either better or dead!

My GP isnt sure if it is CTS or a problem caused by a whiplash injury I had 4 years ago, which still plagues me. She referred me to someone, I think an orthopedic surgeon. I dont know when I will get to see him though, as the waiting lists are really long, and she wouldnt commit herself as to how long I will have to wait. She also gave me some ibuprofen to try, so hopefully I willl have some relief from the pain while I wait.

I will post the results of seeing the consultant, perhaps this decade, perhaps the next........

cjj :)

Thought you might beinterested to know that I finally got a nerve conductivity test this week, after nearly 18 months!!

Turns out I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (oooh, a syndrome ;D). Now have to wait to go back to the consultant for him to decide what to do next.

Apparently, an op is next , according to the doctor who looked at the results. I dont think I'll go down that route unless I am desperate though; not with all the MRSA around at the mo.

How are everyone else's hands. Any better ?

cj :)
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: ceres on November 28, 2008, 08:48:45
Caroline, sorry personal question but are you well other than your CTS?  CTS is often associated with thyroid disease.  It's what got me diagnosed with TD and has completely resolved with thyroid treatment, no surgery needed.  The theory is that in untreated TD, substances known as mucopolysaccharides are deposited all over the body including in small structures like the carpal tunnel where it causes the nerve compression.  Have you had a recent blood test?
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: keef on November 28, 2008, 08:58:10
I had  the carpal tunnel thing, but my hands never swelled up. Completely cure after a small op. Pins and needles all day, but the numbness at night was worse.

Still on the bright side I used to put on some jangly bangles and paint my nails before I went to bed, then I did not know who the hand belonged to when it was wandering around my body. ;D

a bit like this?
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: carolinej on November 28, 2008, 09:33:17
Caroline, sorry personal question but are you well other than your CTS?  CTS is often associated with thyroid disease.  It's what got me diagnosed with TD and has completely resolved with thyroid treatment, no surgery needed.  The theory is that in untreated TD, substances known as mucopolysaccharides are deposited all over the body including in small structures like the carpal tunnel where it causes the nerve compression.  Have you had a recent blood test?


thanks for the reply. I have had blood tests done 6 months ago, so it prob isnt my thyroid. Interesting though.

Was it the first thing your doctor came up with, or did it take a while to get him/her to check?

My son is showing signs of CTS now. He is waiting to see a specialist. The doctor told him it was due to having very small wrists, which he got off me. He's only 18, but it started when he was doing carving in his art course.

cj :)
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: ceres on November 28, 2008, 09:42:37
No, it wasn't the first.  I had a routine private medical for work and I mentioned it and a a different problem with my hands.  That doctor referred me to a rheumy who told me the minute I walked through his door just based on my appearance what was wrong and a blood test confirmed it.

Hope you get yours and your son's sorted, it is very uncomfortable especially if it interferes with your sleep.

Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: Teena on November 28, 2008, 19:35:30
Hello all

haven't been on line so have missed quite a lot.

I have lots of pain and numbness in my hands. it started in 1999 with a numbness that wouldn't go away.
I had the CTS operation but it didn't change anything
then was told I have peripheral Neurothapy   which means the nerves in my hands (and feet now) are dying and thats causing my pain.

I have good days and bad and have to use a stick to get about and without my husbands love and care and the joy I get from my allotment I know I wouldn't be here today. I cannot do much but just being in the fresh air and seeing things grow is such a simple yet wonderful experience.

sorry for the moan   

Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: Hyacinth on November 28, 2008, 20:06:06
That's not a moan, Teena, you're telling it as it is for you. :-*

All the very very best to you and your lovely husband and keep on enjoying your time at your lottie 8)

Lishka x
Title: Ratchet secateurs
Post by: hellohelenhere on November 28, 2008, 20:11:08
For anyone who is having trouble with secateurs, due to hand pain or weakness - I recommend ratchet secateurs, they really help a lot. You don't have to squeeze harder to get through a thicker stem - you make a series of small squeezes and the blades eat their way through.
I got the cheap, lightweight CK brand:

and here's some other info I found, about tools that make gardening easier:

Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: carolinej on November 28, 2008, 21:55:12
ceres, its good that you got the right diagnosis. That was a good doctor to spot that.

Teena, it's great that you have such a positive outlook. It's the small things that can give us the most pleasure. I am at my happiest on the lottie on a sunny day looking at all my veg ;D I dont think there is much in life that could give me a greater sense of contentment.

cj :)
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: Hyacinth on November 28, 2008, 22:44:34
....following on from Helen's recommendation for ratchet secateurs, I bought a pair of Wyvale's cheapo Yeoman range, pictured here:-,default,pd.html
I don't use them, so if anyone would like them, I'd be glad to send them to you. Better they help someone rather than be stuck in my toolshed doing nothing  :D

Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: carolinej on November 29, 2008, 00:03:16
I'd love to have them if no one else has contacted you yet.

They look really good.

cj :)
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: Hyacinth on November 29, 2008, 00:09:22
I'm PMing you Caroline 8)
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: bazzysbarn on November 29, 2008, 01:39:22
I also have been suffering from pins and needles in my fingers. Have been to the doctors and she has given me ibuprofen. I am going to hospital on tuesday to have some tests done,but the pain is driving me mad at times.It has stopped me doing things which is so frustrating.
  We had a really good crop of apples this year and i had been busy making pies and cakes with them,but now im limited to how much i can do until it starts to hurt.
 After reading all the above from you i dont feel as if im the only one with it. At least we are not busy on the allotment which is a good thing.

Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: carolinej on November 29, 2008, 08:48:48
bazzysbarn, sorry to hear that.

Do you find peeling the apples sets it off? I can only do a couple of pound at a time :(

 It's a shame these bodies are so unreliable ::)

cj :)
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: manicscousers on November 29, 2008, 11:41:48
if you can get to a physio, they have given me some 'fingerless gloves' that support my hands, they're really good, I explained I like gardening but pricking out plants hurts my hands, they are made out of nylon-ey stuff, go over my wrists and keep my hands warm  :)
just found it on the internet, they're shorter fingers and  thumb but they do the same job  :)
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: Hyacinth on November 29, 2008, 13:52:53
My surplus Yeoman ratchet secateurs now on their way to CJ 8)
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: carolinej on November 29, 2008, 15:02:03
Dont worry about them, I will give them a good home :-* ;D

cj :)
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: Teena on November 29, 2008, 17:56:05
Thanks for the kind comments :D

i have been through the 'feeling sorry for myself' stage and although I know there is no cure as such for what I have, I have to believe that life is worth living.  ;D ;D
There are always others who are worse off and I'm really thankful for the things I do have and am able to do.
I have days when even getting out of bed is agony yet my plot keeps me going.  When I was small I didn't understand why my grandad kept going out in all weather to check his veg yet now I can't imagine not having my plot.

Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: Bubbly Berry on November 29, 2008, 20:19:24
I suffer with raynards, which is caused by a change in temperature, my fingers swell and become very painful, its abit like chilblains. not good when a florist and fingers always cold n wet  :(
Title: Re: Swollen Hands - sock gloves for warm wrists
Post by: hellohelenhere on November 30, 2008, 00:39:15
Someone else might find my 'sock glove' idea useful. Keeps the wrists warm, but unlike fingerless gloves, also allows you to type easily (this is for me sitting cold at my desk and layering up to the max!) - but I actually designed them to cover my forearms, as I get welts from grass, leaves and twigs when I'm gardening.
You get a long pair of socks, something that won't simply unravel when you cut it - i.e. not old-fashioned knitted wool, but a fine-weave modern fabric. Cut off the toe part of the foot. Then cut off the heel - put your thumb through the heel hole and your fingers through the toe hole.

There you go, an anti-plant-scratch-wrist-warming-gauntlet. Go for stripey socks like I did and you'll look *good* and eccentric. :D
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: carolinej on November 30, 2008, 08:01:51
That sounds like a good idea ;D

I wonder if it will catch on, and we will see sloves/glocks  everywhere.

I'm going to give it a go, epecially for when I'm on the computer in the office. It's always the coldest room in the house.

cj :)
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: hellohelenhere on November 30, 2008, 10:43:24
Sloves! I like it. :D
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: carolinej on November 30, 2008, 10:54:28
Do you think it could maker you a million ;D

cj :)
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: hellohelenhere on November 30, 2008, 10:58:00
Shall I invest in an overlocker and go into production? 'It's a sock! It's a glove! It's a slove-glock!'
I'm sure it will be as successful as the snood...
Title: Re: Swollen Hands
Post by: carolinej on November 30, 2008, 11:04:30
This has much more potential ;D

Today the slove, tomorrow the world!!!

You could expand into the scat (scarf/hat) ,trickers (trousers/Knickers) or even brest (bra/vest) ;D ;D ;D

cj :)
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