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Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: LukeP on April 24, 2007, 23:19:47

Title: Back Garden Plot!
Post by: LukeP on April 24, 2007, 23:19:47
So, after longer than I care to remember waiting for an allotment in the wilds of South East London, a very friendly neighbour has allowed me to commandeer a small section of her large garden. Fantastic!

However, it’s overgrown with weirdly weeds that look like bluebells, (yep, I’m a complete beginner, never owned an allotment and only ever cultivated some Cinnamon Basil on the windowsill), has a two-metre square area where a bonfire has recently been festering and a lovely old rose bush slap bang in the middle that, I’m assured, looks lovely in bloom.

The whole area I’ve got to play with isn’t that big, perhaps 30ft by 30ft tops, but I've got access to a shed and hose.

So, I suppose this is my introduction to what seems to be a thriving forum and a request for some invaluable information from you knowledgeable souls.

What should my course of action take from the outset, literally? Get rid of those weeds, turn the soil over, start panicking when I accidentally uproot the rose bush? Any tips, comments or prayers will be gratefully received…

Many, many thanks in advance…


ps. My aim is to grow food. And then eat it.
Title: Re: Back Garden Plot!
Post by: katynewbie on April 25, 2007, 00:02:19

Welcome Luke! Best advice is check the wiki at the top of this screen, check out methods of cultivation. Lots of helpful stuff in there. Sounds a great prospect, most importantly enjoy it! Grow what you like to eat and do not panic! There, that's it really, easy innit?

Title: Re: Back Garden Plot!
Post by: manicscousers on April 25, 2007, 18:49:38
good on ya, luke, welcome..make a plan so's you can see where you want stuff and watch out for the rose roots..happy growing   :)
Title: Re: Back Garden Plot!
Post by: grawrc on April 25, 2007, 18:59:36
Hi Luke! I'd recommend keeping a diary of what and when. I didn't first year and really regretted it. Now when I come home from the lottie I sit down at the computer and list all the things I've done. What's up and so on. e.g.
Plot 20
Planted 39 Pink Fir Apple Maincrop
Planted 25 red baron onions in bed 6a
Raked over beds 2 and 3
Tomatoes (Roma, Marzano 2 and Taxi) and sweetcorn showing
Courgettes Genovese showing
Plot 12
Planted 12 Pink Fir Apple Maincrop
Rigged up netting for peas
Peas (cavalier and norli) and broad beans (Red Epicure) now showing
Watered all planted beds
Title: Re: Back Garden Plot!
Post by: LukeP on April 26, 2007, 10:20:01
Great, thanks for all the info - will defo put it to good use and be back here to recount tales of success/disaster!

One other thing, what should I do about that burnt area one I've cleared the charcoal away? Will the underlying soil be ok to integrate into the plot and is the charcoal of any use?

many thanks again...

Title: Re: Back Garden Plot!
Post by: Barnowl on April 26, 2007, 10:27:15
That's a lot of spuds Grawc!
Title: Re: Back Garden Plot!
Post by: grawrc on April 26, 2007, 16:35:13
There's never fewer than 6 for dinner and regularly more than 10. :( ::)
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