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General => The Shed => Topic started by: tim on April 23, 2007, 07:26:44

Title: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: tim on April 23, 2007, 07:26:44
Map didn't show it reaching us.

Maybe I shall be able to get the rest of the plots broken up.
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Trevor_D on April 23, 2007, 07:44:16
Rain?? What's that??

Please can I have some when you've finished with it?
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: glow777 on April 23, 2007, 07:48:02
weve got loads today

ner ner ne ner ner ;)
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: legendaryone on April 23, 2007, 07:58:55
We're having a fine drizzel at the moment :)
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Esre on April 23, 2007, 08:02:35
A spot of rain here as well, just when I need it :)
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Hyacinth on April 23, 2007, 08:42:29
Here in Brum too....a fine drizzle that threatens to clear up, but it's here 8)
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: legendaryone on April 23, 2007, 08:57:53
Now we have proper rain  :)
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: robkb on April 23, 2007, 09:11:14
Send some down south, please - my lottie's starting to look like a desert!

Rob ;)
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Grandma on April 23, 2007, 09:39:17
Not a drop for the whole of April - and nothing forecast for the coming week for the Sussex dustbowl.  :'(
Rain dance it is, then  ;)
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: dandelion on April 23, 2007, 09:41:36
It's raining here (London). RIGHT NOW  ;D!
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: caroline7758 on April 23, 2007, 10:29:41
Couple of showers here yesterday, but not enough to make much difference. Apparently it was chucking it down in Cumbria. >:(
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: froglets on April 23, 2007, 11:00:05
Waterproofs and warm soup in a flask for a quick squelch down the lottie here.  Glad it's raining, but couldn't it have waited until I'm in work tomorrow?
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: SueSteve on April 23, 2007, 11:56:51
The rain has stopped here, thats if you could call it rain, more like drizzle!
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Chris Graham on April 23, 2007, 12:06:06
Got some last night, quite a lot.

Makes the night nice and cool, around 8 degrees C 
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: emmy1978 on April 23, 2007, 12:08:29
Pathetic drizzle here in Bournemouth. Just enough to make it unpleasant outside but not a lot else!
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: ninnyscrops on April 23, 2007, 13:09:28
Ready when you are Grandma! Only got a few pigeon feathers for my headdress though!  ;D
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Trevor_D on April 23, 2007, 13:34:20
I'm glad I asked for a share of it - we've had drizzle most of the morning!!!

(Interesting - in 2005 & 2006 we had exactly the same weather as today on St George's Day!)
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: allaboutliverpool on April 23, 2007, 13:45:00
After 29 days without rain on the Mersey Riviera it has not stopped since yesterday morning, more a steady drizzle, but now half an inch has fallen. It is better than heavy rain as it does not run off.
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Mrs Ava on April 23, 2007, 17:56:17
Well we have had rain, I could probably have counted exactly how many droplets fell - PATHETIC!  Please, I want rain.  My seeds will never germinate if we don't get some rain soon!
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: greenscrump on April 23, 2007, 18:27:18
I'm  all for the raindance - not a droplet here  :'(
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: tim on April 24, 2007, 08:54:27
Steady rain all last night, too - quite against the prediction.

Just realised why it came. I left the Honda out - knowing it would stay dry!!
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Grandma on April 24, 2007, 09:39:10
Guess I'll have to borrow someone's Honda then. I'm all danced-out.  :'(
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: ninnyscrops on April 24, 2007, 20:25:19
Grandma, we need a special Sussex rain dance here I think. All of us in Sussex put out the gazebos, chairs and tables, add the fairy lights, turn on the pond lights (if you have some), invite friends over for an outdoor meal and that's bound to work!        ;D ;D ;D

The cricket season has started and even that didn't send the clouds!
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: theothermarg on April 24, 2007, 20:48:39
we had rain yesterday am and again in the evening and the same today bristol way my plot was like concrete last week i expect it fullof weeds now hope i can get up there before the clay bakes again
marg 1 week till cast is off
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: cambourne7 on April 24, 2007, 20:52:57 was wet this morning, and we had a few drops this afternoon.

When i dug out some weeds they were nice and wet under the dry crust!!
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: simon404 on April 24, 2007, 21:29:22
Had a fair bit last night in Derby, enough to break up some clods to a tilth and finally get some peas and carrots in. Hoping for a repeat performance tonight  :)
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: LesH on April 24, 2007, 21:51:07
     After 21 days without rain, over night we had over half an inch of rain. Its raining at the moment. At least its filled one water barrel, only two to fill.
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: coznbob on April 24, 2007, 21:54:43
Definitely up for a Sussex raindance, I'm going to need a pickaxe soon if I want to do anymore digging!
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Grandma on April 25, 2007, 00:42:45
OK Sussex. This is getting serious. Today, while trying to dig a wee hole for a sunflower seedling, the tip actually broke off my best little one-piece, all-metal trowel.  :o (I have a pic but the pooter gods won't let me post it ATM.)

SO... it's everything as suggested by Ninnyscrops plus a synchronised rain-dance; a mass car-wash (I'll wash me Zimmer  ;)) and a gala 'hanging out of duvets' day.

Otherwise it's wait for Wimbledon fortnight................ ;)
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on April 25, 2007, 07:43:42
It's drizzled all night from the look of it.
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: greenscrump on April 25, 2007, 07:59:36
Boogie till your **** drop off ;D in the dust bowl ......
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: coznbob on April 25, 2007, 10:34:11
Ok, have put my washing out, windows are being replaced, have massive holes as I write and am planning to take the kids to the beach after school. So all things being equal should have a storm soon..... (please)
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Grandma on April 25, 2007, 11:10:21
Herre's the busted trowel I told you about  :o

( (

Great effort, coznbob  - it's looking really black up aloft  ;)
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: coznbob on April 25, 2007, 12:48:36
Blimey, it takes some effort to break one of those!

It is looking a bit darker out there, maybe because I have just put my shorts on ( to join the white legs brigade) and OH said he'll try and home from work early so I can go down the plot!

Oh well, won't complain if we finally do get some.
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Grandma on April 25, 2007, 13:23:53
I don't do 'effort', coznbob  ;D Gave it up some years ago.

One short, sharp jab of that metal trowel into solid concrete was all it took.

Well -


- for all of a minute and a half.

Not even enough to turn the sod from pale grey to brown. Soddin sun's trying to come out now.

Perhaps you could try taking the shorts off..........................  Or the roof?  ;)

C'mon, Sussex - we can do better  :) :) :)

Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: ninnyscrops on April 25, 2007, 13:37:47
How about a mass window washing session - it'll rain then!  Or perhaps a new coat of paint on the front door (been planning that one for weeks, but consider it's OH turn because I did it last time!).
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Grandma on April 25, 2007, 13:48:10
Good thinking, ninnyscrops! It worked last time I painted the garage door.  :)

(Still think coznbob should take off the shorts - or the roof  ;D)

( (
Total April rainfall on the Costa Geriatrica

Pickaxe? PICKAXE? How much does it cost to hire a poomatic drill for a day?  ???
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: coznbob on April 25, 2007, 16:00:33
Didn't even see a few drops here!

As for the roof, only just got it fixed after a 3 month wait!

The shorts did come off but were replaced with a skirt pretty sharpish as it got a bit nippy!

Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: cornykev on April 25, 2007, 19:26:40
We had a light dusting on and off for an hour, it bearly filled a teaspoon.  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Conker on April 25, 2007, 20:26:18
It absolutely threw it down here at 2-30am, enough to wake everyone up in the house.  Felt sorry for DD as she has a Velux window which was thundering under the force of the rain.  It was like a summer rainstorm.

DH went out to check our new 100 litre water butt this morning and reckons that it had gone from about 5 litres full to close to 75 litres full overnight.
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: ninnyscrops on April 25, 2007, 21:05:55
Hi Coznbob I'll tell you where it's gone, Conker's nicking it all in Manchester!  ;D ;D ;D

Tell us your secret rain dance Conker or we're coming to empty your water butts!   ;)
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Conker on April 25, 2007, 21:25:05
Hey, you leave my butt alone!!   ;)   ;D

To be honest, we've had drizzly rain since Sunday, then Monday was a bit more rainy, then yesterday was erratic but cleared up later.

Goodness!  A positive reason to live Up t'North!

Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: ninnyscrops on April 25, 2007, 21:34:19
Conker you believe it.  Sussex is like the dustbowl Grandma calls it.  I cannot honestly remember the smell of a good downpour of fresh rain falling for so long. I had to water my two little plots this evening and it just fell down the cracks, even the spent hop mulch is drying out.  We have a problem Houston!
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Conker on April 25, 2007, 21:56:08
I know that this is a bit off topic, Ninnyscrops, but why on earth are you called Ninnyscrops??

We stayed at Westleton a couple of years ago for a family and it was hot and dry over Whitsun.  We came back for our summer holiday about eightweeks later and stayed at Leiston.  Beautiful part of the world, even if it is dry and dusty at the mo!
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: ninnyscrops on April 25, 2007, 22:08:28
Well you did ask....................  Our twin neices years ago when they were little (now 30+) had a toy farmyard. Their grandma (my mother-in-law called Floppy) asked them to name all of the animals. When they got to the farmer's wife my MIL said that's Linda.  At their tender age they couldn't pronounce Linda and it came out Ninda, Ninda then got shortened to Ninny and Ninny now grows her crops! Now work out the rest of our family names OH Keefy (quite simple) Tubsy and BeeBee!  ;D
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: coznbob on April 25, 2007, 23:01:17
Ok, its not fair....


Everyone I know thinks I am nuts, but we really do need it down here!

Spent my time down the plot tonight watering and covering the peas from aerial attacks by the bloody birds.

Really will throw a temper tantrum soon if I hear anymore stories of downpours!

Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: ninnyscrops on April 25, 2007, 23:24:39
Now now Coznbob calm down what you need is a real cool shower!  ;D
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: greenscrump on April 26, 2007, 07:48:46
Still no rain  :'(  BBC and Metcheck forecast heavy showers in the early hours but not a drop .  As a recent immigrant to Sussex (from reasonably dry N Kent) should  I expect drought conditions thru out ??
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Grandma on April 26, 2007, 09:14:27
Must have had a short, sharp shower earlier this a.m. Some of the bigger plant leaves were still hanging on to their few precious droplets when I went out about 8.00a.m. - but it's made no difference at all to the soil; it's still ash-grey, rock hard and with ever-widening cracks.  :'(

Sun's out now - and there's a brisk, DRYING breeze.

That'll help a lot, won't it?  >:( 
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: coznbob on April 26, 2007, 13:17:11
OK, must have been a bit frustrated on last post, sorry, I'll calm down now. :)

Thought it was xmas when coming out of Tesco's and it was raining. Stopped soon after, just enough to tickle the soil... oh well ::)
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Tin Shed on April 26, 2007, 13:48:21
Rained at 4 am here this morning. Was on the lottie by 9 am and it was hardly noticeable that there had been any rain at all. People are now watering ground for several days in a row in order just to do a bit of digging. Have to jump on the spade to get it into the soil at all - a few days ago the soil was still darker and slightly damp underneath, but this morning it was all as dry as a bone.
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: Grandma on April 26, 2007, 16:46:58

Had exactly one hour's rain - (proper rain, some of the time) - from 13.05! Nowhere near enough to do any real good of course, but better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick.

Hope the rest of you dry folks got some, too  ;) :) :-*
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: cornykev on April 26, 2007, 17:00:31
Had our first proper rain, quite heavy for about 40 mins.  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: greenscrump on April 26, 2007, 19:16:12
Not yet ...... I think it fizzles out on its way from Hastings   :(
Title: Re: We have RAIN - of a sort!
Post by: ninnyscrops on April 26, 2007, 21:50:44
It worked Grandma - all that threatening to paint the door and wash the windows, someone was listening!   :)

greenscrump you really didn't try hard enough - have another go - put the washing on the line, get the paint pots ready and put the gazebo up!!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D
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