Allotments 4 All

Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: Trevor_D on April 14, 2007, 09:28:55

Title: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Trevor_D on April 14, 2007, 09:28:55
No - not what you're thinking! It shouldn't be in The Watershed!

There have been lots of new members recently. I'm one of them. And we all spent several weeks or even months "lurking" as guests before we plucked up the courage to identify ourselves. Is it just my imagination, or has there been an increase in the number of un-named guests recently. As I started this, there were 18 Users, but 40 Guests.

Come on Lurkers! Pluck up courage and identify yourselves! It's like a virtual allotment group here - all sorts of characters & all sorts of advice (some of it even worth taking!). I've learnt lots, anyway! And it's fun!
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Jeannine on April 14, 2007, 09:38:49
I agree with this very much, I spoke to a Hull guest  off site just a few days ago and encouraged her to join the site,super lady with a new lottie near me, kids and folks all ages helping out, it was a real treat to see them, I gave the wee ones a couple of plants, so come on in and join us, the water is fine and we really don't bite !!! You will immediately be made welcome

Having said that, I lurked for almost a year, I am not sure why,I think it takes a bit of nerve in the beginning being the new kid on the block, but that feeling was gone in days!!

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Cuke on April 14, 2007, 10:47:46
Well... I joined yeterday having found the site the day before so I didn't lurk too long I guess :)

My girlfriend and I have gone a bit gardening mad this year after living in the house for 5 years and doing nowt to the gardne all of a sudden this year we've been bitten by the bug! Completely starting from scratch by getting rid of almost everything and working from there! Got a small veg patch at the moment amidst the all the other plans and one of those little plastic walk in green house things to grow a few things in but I've put our name down for an allotment nearby (Upton St Leonards near Gloucester) and we're apparently 2nd in the waiting list so fingers crossed come the end of the year I should get one and then the experience I'll have gained growing veg in my little bit of garden at home this summer will be used next year on a much bigger scale! :)

I'm trying out tomatoes, cucumbers, sweetcorn, salad peppers, chives, runner beans, letuce, cauliflower and carrots this year so with any luck at least one of them will produce results! lol

so... any tips always welcome from all you experienced bods out there!

Also... does anyone have any idea how long I can expect to wait for the allotment considering I'm 2nd in the list? I kind of imagine people don't give them up all that often, esp now the gorwing season has started....

Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Jeannine on April 14, 2007, 10:50:54
On ours they tend to give them up when the annual rent becomes due,about now actually XX Jeannine  Welcome
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Cuke on April 14, 2007, 10:55:10
lol yeah thats what i thought... we've just missed that apparently, it was beginning of the month! doh!
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Jeannine on April 14, 2007, 11:12:59
Yes but don't forget they are given time to pay, they ignore the letter ,weeks passand then the council eventually considers it abandoned, so unless you know for sure that everyone has paid up you still might make it. Good Luck XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Hyacinth on April 14, 2007, 11:40:50
Unfortunate, but true, Cuke :(....if we have the predicted hot summer and there are elderly lotters out there, there might be a vacancy or two before the summer's out...

A&E in Torquay gets overloaded during the summer as elderly tourists wander down to the front from their hotels in the morning then get took badly on the way back up the hill later :-\

Anyway...welcome to Lotties from me!....great site, great gardeners, great info and great laughs...

Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Trevor_D on April 14, 2007, 12:27:13
Welcome to the site, Cuke. Lovely part of the world - I envy you. And it's great when the gardening bugs hits, isn't it? You're growing a good range of veggies there - don't be shy about asking questions, no-one else is!
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Trevor_D on April 14, 2007, 12:27:56
Any more idiot volunteers?
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: goldendaisy123 on April 14, 2007, 19:54:30
Yup another lurker here, although I've only lurked for a month or so and found some really useful tips for my new lottie which i obtained 6 weeks ago. ;D ( I was lucky only 2 weeks waiting for an allotment) :D
After conning both husband and family members to come and dig the plot over a  few weekends we are nearly there, just 12 x 12 ft to go!
I have already planted strawberries, rhubarb, potatoes,  onions - red and white, spinach, carrots and parsnips in the lottie, and lots more in the greenhouse at home - french beans, peas, cabbage, peppers, tomato, aubergine and cucumber.
My main job this week is to obtain a shed - my poor vw beetle is overloaded with manure, tools and boots!
Look forward to sharing tips and news with everyone.
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: manicscousers on April 14, 2007, 19:56:28
and piccies, too, goldendaisy, we likes piccies  ;D

p.s..welcome to the club  :)
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: goldendaisy123 on April 14, 2007, 19:59:20
I'll remember that next time - must pinch back my memory card for my camera from my niece!
Thank you for the welcome. :)
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Jeannine on April 14, 2007, 19:59:44
Welcome to the gang, sound like you will fit right in, right quick. You will find tons of info etc and some pretty decent folks too, a bit crazy,but we always have room for another nut. I shall look forward to hearing all about your new lottie and the smashing stuff you grow and the tips you bring too. XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: lorna on April 14, 2007, 20:04:48
Welcome to A4A and same to any new members who have joined over the past 2/3 weeks.Our numbers are certainly growing and I have probably missed sombody while I was in Kent for a couple of weeks.
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: caroline7758 on April 14, 2007, 20:50:59
Can I give a polite nudge to any new members to put their location under their name if possible- not compulsory but it helps when you ask a question to know where you are, even a county is enough. (and some of us are just nosey!) ;) You do it by going into your profile- click on "forum profile information" then put it in "personal text". :)
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: cornykev on April 14, 2007, 21:12:35
A big Enfield welcome to both newbies.  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: SueSteve on April 14, 2007, 21:41:25
Hi Cuke,
We just got in at Upton!! Perry Orchard! Our plot is now 4 days old!
We put our name down for Saintbridge and Upton, but were 19th in Saintbridge and 10th in Upton, another lady started 2 days ago in Upton, the plot next to ours, so they are still placing people. I dont think there are any left at Perry Orchard now.
The Stanley is just round the corner, but we were told that they have problems with Rats, so didnt want that!
Good luck,
Abbeymead, Gloucester
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: tricia on April 14, 2007, 23:45:46
Can I give a polite nudge to any new members to put their location under their name if possible- not compulsory but it helps when you ask a question to know where you are, even a county is enough. (and some of us are just nosey!) ;) You do it by going into your profile- click on "forum profile information" then put it in "personal text". :)

Just made several attempts  to update my profile Caroline - the function doesn't appear to be working.

Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Trevor_D on April 15, 2007, 07:24:53
Don't forget to click on "Update Profile". I couldn't make it work until Tim pointed that out .

Welcome all to the asylum!
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: MrsKP on April 15, 2007, 08:24:50
Unfortunate, but true, Cuke :(....if we have the predicted hot summer and there are elderly lotters out there, there might be a vacancy or two before the summer's out...

A&E in Torquay gets overloaded during the summer as elderly tourists wander down to the front from their hotels in the morning then get took badly on the way back up the hill later :-\

Anyway...welcome to Lotties from me!....great site, great gardeners, great info and great laughs...


just cos you nearly killed yourself with a bucket, no need to get all maudlin !  ;D

welcome to the newbies.  you'll learn loads in here.  there are experts by the bucketful here and when they don't know, we just make it up as we go along !

hope you have fun here and out on the plot (there are also loads of us back garden plottees - it's taken me a year to get from 21st to 3rd on my list - and i'm still waiting ...... i can feel a tune coming on).

Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Grandma on April 15, 2007, 09:36:30
Welcome to all ex-lurkers  :) This is a great place to be - tons of lovely people, heaps of good advice and loads of laughs!

And for those who are still undecided about taking the plunge - it isn't even essential to have a lottie!  ;D ;D ;D There are quite a few in here who, like me, only have a garden and (maybe) a little veg patch and/or grow a bit of fruit. In the beginning, I thought I had 'gate-crashed'; I apologised and was ready to back out but was told I was welcome even if I only grew my 'crops' on my bathroom windowsill!

Be warned, though - A4A is highly addictive  ;)
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Jeannine on April 15, 2007, 09:38:30
Is it?
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Grandma on April 15, 2007, 09:49:54
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D @ Jeannine.  :-*
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: ellkebe on April 15, 2007, 10:00:50
Does anyone reckon there's an A4A A group someone, rehabilitating past members back into society? ;D
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Garjan on April 15, 2007, 10:10:08
Hi all
I am a lurker for threequarters of a year, asked a few questions every now and then, but will introduce myself properly.

Started allotmenteering about 7 years ago. I shared with a friend and had a third of my present plot and no knowledge to speak of. Every year she gave up another third, so 5 years ago I was gardening a 150 m2 plot.
Over the years I got more experienced and my older neighbour is a great adviser. My crops were mostly okay, but some results were disappointing or downright failures.

Then last autumn I discovered A4A and I got so much more information about varieties, sowing times, companion planting etc. You really got me inspired again and my plot looks really good now. I started to label my sowings (I have been known to weed nicely germinated seedlings) and this year I even keep notes.

As for location: I'm in the centre of the Netherlands. Most of the times your weather (South England) will arrive at my place two or three days later. So I use A4A also to see if I need to protect my plants or when the rain will stop.
Being in the Netherlands, I do get envious about your bargains, swap the parcel and black buckets, though!

Thanks for all the great advice (and the really efficient search button, Dan!).
And yes, A4A is addictive.
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: KeithR on April 16, 2007, 08:02:42
Can you be a closet lurker.

I joined some time ago but because of serious illness to my wife ( thankfully sorted and well on the road to recovery) I have not looked at the site for many months.
When I joned I found the posts invaluable and then asked what I thought were stupid but never the less important questions. I have always recieved good and humerous answers and was made to feel most welcome. I is a great site.

For Cuke I have an allotment on the Stanley in USL (plot B11) if you ever want to pop down for a chat please feel free.

Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: milkybardave on April 16, 2007, 09:14:27
Hi all

Found the site last week & lurked for approximately one day, joined and asked my first "stupid" question, fantastic response and a warm welcome from everyone!  ;D

I'm a back garden grower ( still trying to talk the missus into a proper lottie), Only started this year though, so I think that when I wow her with fresh veg & salad from the garden, my job will be a lot easier!

I have two small (2m x 2m) raised beds at the end of the garden & am trying a little bit of everything this year.

Am hoping to be able to post some pics soon.

Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: emmy1978 on April 16, 2007, 10:16:41
Hi to newbies, still feel like one myself. I say it all the time, but this is a great site.
 I've been and lurked on others when i first got my lottie, but have to say A4A is the most user-friendly and just pure friendly. So now I am monogamous!
You think you're asking a real stinker of a basic question, but everyone has been a beginner to gardening and someone always wants to help you out. Asking daft questions can save you a whole seasons disasters, the really daft thing is not to ask.
It is like a big gardening family, people here have so much knowledge to share about plants, livestock, bees and can make you pee yourself laughing.
Oh, and you get to see what Tim is having for his tea. Which is the real reason I log on!  ;D
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Geoff99 on April 16, 2007, 10:25:00
And another one...

Hi there, we joined the site a few days ago after browsing for a couple of weeks. This is a brilliant site with loads of great ideas and advice. We started on our allotment last year at about this time, and had a load of produce over the summer and last winter.  No one warned us about how prolific a single courgette plant can be! I have finally rid the plot of most of the twitch now (or so I believe) so we can extend our planting this year. We had a great time last year starting from knowing very little and are looking forward to this year. All the best from Geoff and Sharon living in Derby UK.
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: emmy1978 on April 16, 2007, 10:26:58

Be warned, though - A4A is highly addictive  ;)

Is it?

 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Be warned!
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: newbies on April 16, 2007, 11:49:28
Hi all,
I also spend a lot of time lurking, and reading everybody else's posts.  I log on when I eat my lunch at work, sometimes post a question, always get a really good response. 
I love this site, and it really is addictive, can't go a day without having a lurk.
I got my overgrown plot about September last year, and have worked steadily ever since.  A family emergency held me back a bit, but we are back on track now.  I have growing potatoes, toms, onion, raspberries, beetroot, peas and plums.  Not a lot at the moment, but next year will be better.

Did I say, I love the site???

Love to you allxx
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Trevor_D on April 16, 2007, 13:02:00
I'm glad I started this! Welcome all you ex-lurkers! You'll soon all be as hooked as the rest of us!

It is like a big gardening family, people here have so much knowledge to share about plants, livestock, bees and can make you pee yourself laughing.

Couldn't have put better, Emmy!
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: sally_cinnamon on April 16, 2007, 14:20:45
I'm glad I started this!

Agreed - what a great way to encourage new peeps to sign up proper, fab thread TrevorD!

And welcome to all the newbies, as everyone has said, this site is v.friendly, and if you can't find the answer to your questions on here then, well, there IS no answer!

Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Leopoldo on April 17, 2007, 18:39:55
I'm delurking. I don't know if there are lots of other allotment sites out there: I found this one a couple of months ago, and have kept popping back. I must join, I thought, and now I have.

I got my 10 rod allotment in late winter, promptly fell quite ill, and have only got round to doing anything with it the past couple of weeks (I'm still recovering from bug nastiness). So, I've hacked out all the brambles that had taken over a quarter of it (unused plot for six years) and discovered gooseberry bushes (probably beyond salvation; we'll see) and a blackbird nest (four out of five still doing nicely and I've left bramble cover still up for them), cleared a skip load of crap from it (it's amazing what people dump on disused plots - I just wish there wasn't so much glass or UV brittle plastic) and probably will discover plenty more when I strim down the perennial weeds...

Next stages are to build a compost heap from pallets (I've found a ready source, but they don't fit in my car), cover half the plot to save on weeding (and I need to track down some material for this, otherwise I'll just keep strimming), then dig out 4 by 12 ft beds on the other half, one at a time, water composting the evil couch as I do so. Potatoes in first. Some beetroot, carrots, peas, beans, herbs by mid-May I hope. If I can get five beds done, hurrah. If I can't, well, the seed'll keep for next year.

I'm in Suffolk btw (will add) and a photo might be forthcoming sometime soon.
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Barnowl on April 17, 2007, 18:44:06

Next stages are to build a compost heap from pallets (I've found a ready source, but they don't fit in my car),

Hi Leopoldo, welcome!

Might I suggest investing in a roof rack - we started last year and have found mine invaluable.
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Trixiebelle on April 17, 2007, 18:46:32
Hello lurkers  ;D

I joined this site over a year ago but STILL consider myself as a 'newbie'!

But then again, I've had my allotment site for 4yrs and consider myself as a 'newbie' there as well  :)

Welcome  :)
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: lorna on April 17, 2007, 18:48:33
Welcome Leopoldo, glad you have joined our happy site. We love to see pics so don't forget to keep your camera handy. Good luck
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: New Plot on April 17, 2007, 19:57:40
I am a recently joined newbie and have thoroughly enjoyed reading all the posts.  All of the info is so helpful and gives me great ideas.  One day I might have photos I feel proud enough to post but at present my lottie is in its very early days. 
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: manicscousers on April 17, 2007, 20:04:57
welcome all of you,
 new plot, don't worry if your lottie's a bit of a mess, we've all been there, our beautiful 8 year old organically run one was taken off us 2 years ago and we had to start all over, we'd love to see piccies so when you feel like it, put some on and give us all some hope  :)
leopoldo,welcome,  hope the bug bu**ers off  :)
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Jeannine on April 17, 2007, 20:23:40
Welcome from me too, hope you are soon over the nasties Xx Jeannine
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Teej on April 20, 2007, 09:48:11
Just noticed this thread - I'm still a lurker really although I do make the odd post too.  I've just checked when I joined & it was June 2005 so I've obviously been reading since then!

I don't have a lottie :( but approx half the planting area in our garden is my "veg patch" & I've also just been given a 6x8 greenhouse - my existing one was 6x4 so I can't wait to get going on this new one!

Since we got our garden reasonably sorted I've been growing my veggies - normally chillies, peppers, courgettes, toms, cukes, salad, radish, french beans & a few "guest stars" - mini sweetcorn the first year which was fantastic but took up far too much room really.  This year I've given up the toms as they were shocking last year & I'm trying potatoes, baby cauli, melons, aubergines & mini cucumbers for the first time.

I'd LOVE a real lottie but will have to wait until I have more time to look after it - i.e. when we can afford for me to work part-time!

So far I've found this to be a great site - full of really helpful people always willing to give you the benefit of their experience (I sat at home the other night & made 20 newspaper pots the other night after finding info on here).  I've also done a couple of seed swaps & given some other seeds away - and now I've got a bigger greenhouse I'll definitely have the biggest Tigger Melon!
Title: Re: Calling all lurkers
Post by: Marymary on April 20, 2007, 10:31:27
Welcome to all who have joined recently from me too.  I remember I lurked for ages before taking the plunge & now I am a total addict.  [When the site went down yesterday I wondered what on earth I would do if it dissappeared for ever].  I have looked at other boards but they are nothing like this; helpful, supportive and fun.  I just love the way everyone is always so nice to each other, in this world of ours niceness [and generosity] sometimes seems in short supply  - though like all the best families we do have the occasional dust-up!
PS I wonder if some of the guests are members logging in from other computers if you see what I mean.
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