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General => The Shed => Topic started by: wilko on April 07, 2007, 16:42:41

Title: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: wilko on April 07, 2007, 16:42:41
I going to have a rant now  >:( why do people who have average size lawns, no infirmities,and neighbours ? buy those ridiculous sit on mowers, and insist on cutting the grass,just when you've got in from a hard days work, and fancy a cold beer (or two  ;)) in the peace of the garden.
I wouldn't mind, but it the second time this week, she goes round and round, then has to get the 'normal mower' out to get to all the places that monstrosity can't reach, no wonder come August her lawn looks like the Gobi desert.

sorry , I feel better for that though  :)
Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: tim on April 07, 2007, 17:16:14
We have one next door. HE wears ear-defenders.  WE have to come in from the garden!!
Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: telboy on April 07, 2007, 17:53:07
Fully sympathise. My property is bordered by 7 others.
You can understand what it's like on a Sunday when they seem to 'follow the leader' with their overnoisy mowers (why do people buy the d**n things to mow a postage stamp)?
Our village has two play areas suited to all ages up to 18yrs. Do the parents take them there - Oh no! Too much excercise for the couch pots.
I had to retreat to the house this afternoon when the neighbours 12 yr. started banging a plastic piece of play equipment with two aluminium tent poles/the mother started to mow the postage stamp with a godawful machine/accompanied by the 'yapping snapping crapping barking b*stard!!!!
 >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Feel better for that!
Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: Jeannine on April 07, 2007, 18:01:08
My neighbour has decked the whole of his back garden apart from an 8 foot x 8 foot piece, He has just bought a petrol driven big mower to do it whan a £25 Flymo would have been overkill,and why he is doing it he sets his BBQ going which he has placed close to his house under his covered deck,this is right next to our adjoining fence, away from his back door I might add  and very close to mine so  everytime he has a BBQ my smoke alarms go off.We have to close all the windows and doors whan the heat is in the 80's. Oh I feel better mow too.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: Marymary on April 07, 2007, 22:23:38
I was out in the garden the other day & music was blaring from 2 houses up - 2 houses another way someone was practicing drumming, another was obviously using an angle grinder & someone else was using their petrol mower.  I remembered when in the summer the BBC used to give out regular reminders not to have the radio too loud if you had your windows open as it might annoy the neighbours!  How times have changed.
Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: GREENWIZARD on April 08, 2007, 09:42:02
i have screaming i'm not a wean hater but these one are either screaming at one another or crying on top of their thumping sound system
& the other neighbours just shout & swear all the time.....they like nothing better than a good fight
all the other seem to find it impossible to wash their cars without the radio at full blast
Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: MrsKP on April 08, 2007, 09:56:22
I have the family from hell next door (behind the hedge so i can't see them, but i can definitely hear them).  Well they're not really that bad, but if I want to listen to a row, I can have one of my own thanks very much.

I also have a screaming wean on the other side.  Cute little thing it is too when I see her and speak to her and doesn't say boo to a goose (am i THAT scary ?) but she drives her poor older sister to distraction (who has the patience of a saint i might add) and just squeals all the time over nothing.

As payback, I force my neighbours to listen to a Millwall match and as I'm usually down in the veg patch and the computer speaker cables only just reach the window, it's on full blast !  The commentary itself is usually accompanied by much shrieking and cheering whenever we score !

Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: Hyacinth on April 08, 2007, 14:30:50
Reading this, I'm really lucky?

Mostly, nothing around but the sound of the Carillon with the excitement of the organist playing a bum note ::) and the twittering of birds and one neighbour mowing his grass on a summer's afternoon with an old push-pull mower while I'm listening to the cricket on the radio....

Guilty, tho, of disrupting the peace once.....son home on one of his visits, dozing on the sun-lounger with the twitter of oh-so-genteeeeeel chat the other side of the hedge lulling him to sleep, when last night's beer + a veggie lunch caused stirrings in his bowels.......lazily lifting a cheek, he let rip......shocked silence the other side of the hedge before the genteeeeeel twittering recommenced.

Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: telboy on April 08, 2007, 17:19:04
Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: Jeannine on April 08, 2007, 17:21:56
Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: emmy1978 on April 08, 2007, 17:35:11
Nightmare neighbours!! We have old chap who revs the engine of the family people carrier for about 10 mins before the rest of them come out. Seems to apply brakes too, in order to cause revvy/squealy noise. Sometimes he seems to just do it for fun as he doesn't actually go anywhere after doing it. Odd!
Love sit on mowers. Used to do my grandparents (v large) garden in France, then drive through gap in hedge to do next doors! (They do for them when G/Ps in England, so it's fair!) Loads of fun when you're 12 years old!  8)
Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: cleo on April 08, 2007, 17:57:05
I know why folk with small lawns have ride on mowers-it`s because they solved their debt problems with a loan from XXX finance ;D
Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: Meg on April 08, 2007, 19:18:51
Love my neighbours. But... why when we are at the lottie do we have to listen to on the blaring.....peeps on their phones for half an hour. The birds sound lovley if I could only hear them.
Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: Slug_killer on April 09, 2007, 00:22:23
  The commentary itself is usually accompanied by much shrieking and cheering whenever we score !

Not much shrieking and cheering  then ! I just wind up th Hi-Fi and go down the pub for the evening.
Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: MrsKP on April 09, 2007, 09:09:03
I've had my moments this season.  Very sporadic I must admit.   :P

Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: bennettsleg on April 09, 2007, 09:36:36
emmy1978 - sounds like your neighbour's fan belt is slipping, our tank does the same.

Spent a weekend in Wales with my uncle a few weeks ago and it was quite astonishing to see all those sit-on mowers.  The lawns were big and immaculate.  What's wrong with flowers? Or a veg plot?

We're quite lucky (for the forseeable!) next door left have nearly grown up kids, next door right are offices with planning permission for 5 enormous properties due to be built within the next 4 years.

In our building we're all childless with no dogs: downstairs: we're awaiting our new neighbour (always a nerve racking time), top floor are retired and very quiet, upstairs are nice and quiet, too and a very welcome change from the Sing-Along-With_Elvis/Robbie-at-2.30am-With-Your-Drunken-Mates (and take it from us: no one sings Elvis like a drunken Detetctive Chief Inspector & a Detective Sergeant sing Elvis).  Two years of that.  Two years of phoning them to keep the noise down becuae you've been woken up, of being on their doorstep in tears because you're exhausted and can't sleep, knowing that you won't get to sleep for several hours even after they stop, two years of Friday/Saturday nights wondering "is it going to be tonight".  All because, and I quote, they "have stressful jobs and need to unwind". They've moved to the other side of town and I feel for their new neighbours!

Yes I eventually reported them to the council, and the next time they had mates over there was no music, but there was deliberate whooping and hollering that woke us up.  Selfish b'stards...

Day time noise is bad, but more manageable, night time noise.....

Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: Trixiebelle on April 09, 2007, 09:52:29
I live next door to a teenager who plays the drums ... VERY BADLY!

I bought Alfie a violin for his birthday. That'll learn 'em  ;)
Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: weedbusta on April 09, 2007, 15:58:33
ive got yappy crappy 'slippers' on either side of me. the nieghbours love to let them out in the garden anytime from 6 a.m. until 11.30 p.m. often going out for the day and leaving them there. i've yet to see them being walked properly.

 i think other people refer to them as yorkshire terriers, but if i could get close enough they really would be a pair of those large furry slippers you only see for sale at christmas.  ;D
Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: OllieC on April 09, 2007, 16:16:52
We have students next door. Quiet as mice last year, a new crop this year clearly grew up in houses where the doors were hard to close & the stairs ran away if you didn't stamp on them in time or hard enough.

Fortunately our gardens are all so small that nobody's got a ride-on. You couldn't even turn round without using reverse!
Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: Blue Bird on April 09, 2007, 16:39:25
Must admit very lucky only have 1 week per year when the couple at the back of us go away and leave their sons on their own For that week it is very loud music parties and general fooling around

have been known to climb up onto fence and shout at them a couple of times but other than taht week it is very quiet.  Mostly retired couples who respect other people

Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: manicscousers on April 09, 2007, 18:04:28
well, getting in t 'rant' mode, we'll start with the noisiest..

behind us, garden backs on to us..they've got 2 dogs, moved in last year, leave the dogs in the conservatory with the windows open, both yap non stop and it echoes..when they're in, they have the music on so loud we can't hear anything we're listening to, and it's 'rap'
wierdest, lives next door to us, attached, he's got a petrol mower, mows three times,.. washes the gutter out while we're out, the grid's on our side so the moss 'washes' out over our path..washes his 2 cars 4 times a week, even in the rain, cleans the wheels with...wait for it...a toothbrush..drives ray mad..whe it's snowing, he scrapes the path, even though it's still snowng..anyone got  wierder one ? ;D ;D
Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: weedbusta on April 09, 2007, 20:49:25
my brothers neighbour uses a feather duster to remove cobwebs.....................from his conifers.
Title: Re: why oh why oh why!!!!!!!!
Post by: Jeannine on April 10, 2007, 10:11:18
I laughed at the last two posts, the first one needs a life for sure, maybe for Christmas instead of a card you can dirty his path, real treat for him.

XX Jeannine
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