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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: Garden Manager on May 16, 2004, 14:42:39

Title: A different way to grow carrots
Post by: Garden Manager on May 16, 2004, 14:42:39
This subject has been mentioned before, but I have recently discovered an alternative way to grow carrots if you have trouble getting them to germinate in the ground.

I heard this 'second hand' through an aquaintance.  There is a chap on our estate who because of stony soil, starts his carrots off in large pots of general compost, then when sufficently grown plants the contents of the pot into the soil. Apparently he grows excellent carrots this way. The lady who told me about this has also tried this method for the first time this year with apparent sucess too.

Encouraged by this information, I decided to try a modified version of it. Instead of pots (which have to be removed risking soil disturbance to the carrots) I am trying toilet roll inners with 2/3 seeds sown in each one. I hope that once they germinate and start growing I can plant these in the ground as a whole, therby reducing soil disturbance, the roll inners will then rot away.

What do you think of this?  I know many of the experienced hands here dismissed the idea when i originaly suggested it, but i now have a recomendation from an 'experienced hand' who uses the technique, so maybe not so daft after all!?
Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: tim on May 16, 2004, 16:09:26
 Could be - but easier, surely, to use a raised bed? = Tim
Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: rdak on May 16, 2004, 17:32:01
Go for it- have been reading a John Yeoman book which mentions this way of growing. He thinks it is a myth that root veg cannot be transplanted and has successfully grown carrots this way. Let us know how you get on.
Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: tim on May 16, 2004, 18:11:44
Do you mean plant the whole potful, Richard? Or individually??

My way is to sow a row & then spill a patch at the end while closing the packet. All those germinate!! Like this .....= Tim
Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: Doris_Pinks on May 16, 2004, 18:17:36
Have put in 4 rows weeks ago, not a sign of a carrot! :'( If I don't get any this year I shall graciously admit defeat ;D Tho might give your idea a go Richard!
Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: Garden Manager on May 16, 2004, 19:33:23
Thanks to those who gave encouragement. :)

Tim, first point, the original idea given to me was to say, sow 5/6 seed in the top of a large pot (like roses are sold in) then when grown enough, plant out like any container grown plant. Carrots then grow in clumps rather than rows which is fine with me. Only one snag as i can see, there is still a chance of root disturbance when you take the pot off to plant (unles this chap plants the pot as well  ???), since there is no rootball to bind the compost. Hence my modification of the idea.

Second point, I have tried carrots direct sown in one of my raised beds before and had no luck (admitedly the siol is better in them now than them). They just dont seem to want to grow direct in our soil. As with many things i grow on the veg plot i prefer if possible to get them growing first before i let them loose in open soil ( the only thing i dont grow in cells/pots is beetroot, which does OK direct sown, though the above method would probably work for them as well).

Hope this clarifies things
Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: tim on May 16, 2004, 19:47:44
I'll stick to brassica!! = Ti m
Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: JerryB on May 17, 2004, 08:31:58
If you are willing to take some words of 'wisdom' from an allotmenteer with under a months experience under his belt try this....i have had trouble before getting carrots and other small seeds to germinate in poor soil so..... dig out a little trench with the back of the rake, put in about 1" of potting compost to line the trench, sow seeds onto the compost and cover with another 1" of compost. Nice clean, warm and crud-free soil providing them with a cosy place to start life! Idea is that when they hit the soil finally they will be strong enough to cope with it! Tried it already on my plot (stoney, cr@p filled and poor soil in Wiltshire) and they appear to be coming up pretty well!!!
Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: tim on May 17, 2004, 09:25:16
I'll take it from anyone, Jerry!! = Tim
Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: Garden Manager on May 17, 2004, 13:02:40
If you are willing to take some words of 'wisdom' from an allotmenteer with under a months experience under his belt try this....i have had trouble before getting carrots and other small seeds to germinate in poor soil so..... dig out a little trench with the back of the rake, put in about 1" of potting compost to line the trench, sow seeds onto the compost and cover with another 1" of compost. Nice clean, warm and crud-free soil providing them with a cosy place to start life! Idea is that when they hit the soil finally they will be strong enough to cope with it! Tried it already on my plot (stoney, cr@p filled and poor soil in Wiltshire) and they appear to be coming up pretty well!!!

Hmm yes that is a nother way to try some time, Thanks Jerry

Thought it would be a good idea to try 'my' method first, at least  in containers you can protect young seedlings form slugs and snails, which I guess are as partial to carrot seedlings as any other seedling  (>:().  

However as i say I am open to all suggestions.  I love carrots, shop ones are nice but home grown would be even nicer  ;D
Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: gilgamesh on May 17, 2004, 16:08:35
I wonder if the "peas in the gutter" method might be worth trying for carrots and other root veg - you might get less root disturbance that way.
Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: Doris_Pinks on May 17, 2004, 16:53:37
Thats funny you say that Gilgamesh, that is what I was thinking about, today, to start mine! Am a bit worried about disturbing the soil when they go into the ground tho...................but thought it was worth a go ;D
Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: Garden Manager on May 18, 2004, 16:42:38
Peas are another 'problem plant' for me.  Managed a few a couple of years ago, then nothing last year. Ran out of time/space this year so havent bothered. Still i like both carrots and peas to eat so I wil persevere. Might have some spare old guttering to try peas in next year (that was the problem, could grow them in pots OK just not direct, however coudnt grow enough in pots to satisfy demand).

Isnt it strange some people cant grow the crops they like yet would have no trouble with those they dont! I grow tomatoes well yet until recently I never ate them (except in soup!  ;D). Lettuce likewise.  

Hang on this could make a great new thread(s): Favorite crops to grow, what do you grow the best, what do you find difficult to grow etc....
Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: Doris_Pinks on May 18, 2004, 16:53:34
Always do my peas in guttering now Richard, after having them all pinched from the lottie by a mouse bird or whatever! Can also get them to a size that they are more able to fight off slug attacks!!  I have trouble growing peppers, chilli peppers fine, but other types, pretty hopeless!  Never had luck with carrots, fennel, and spring onions, all of which I of course love :'(
Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: derbex on May 18, 2004, 17:09:08
I tried peas in gutters this year, and it didn't work very well for me. Too much water perhaps, they've done ok in the ground and in modules for me before.

Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: Garden Manager on May 18, 2004, 18:05:14
Always do my peas in guttering now Richard, after having them all pinched from the lottie by a mouse bird or whatever! Can also get them to a size that they are more able to fight off slug attacks!!  I have trouble growing peppers, chilli peppers fine, but other types, pretty hopeless!  Never had luck with carrots, fennel, and spring onions, all of which I of course love :'(

My sentiments exactly doris.

One question, how the heck do you get the gutters down to the lottie?
Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: Doris_Pinks on May 18, 2004, 22:23:17
Hubby asked the same just yesterday! They happen to slot perfectly into the back of my little hatchback!! ;D
Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: Garden Manager on May 19, 2004, 16:25:04
Wow Doris! Some hatchback!

An update on the carrot front. I sense failure due to the hot weather  :(. The tray with my carrot tubes has dried out. I have now watered but not holdng my breath.  :(.

Perhaps i'll try another method next, possibly the 'compost in drill' direct sow method.

Its strange i direct sow things like beetroot no trouble (in fact seeds of this sown last week are now up  :)).  Perhaps i should 'bite the bullet' and do the same with carrots.

It's not too late is it?  :-\
Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: tim on May 19, 2004, 18:09:05
Depends - some you don't think of sowing till October!! = Tim
Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: SueM on May 19, 2004, 19:54:55
Don't understand what's happened to carrots these days! About thirty years ago my first garden was on solid Suffolk clay (in the 1976 drought I weeded with a pickaxe). My carrots were sown straight into the awful stuff, germinated like mustard and cress and grew to enormous size. No fly either.

Now I'm on nice light Scottish loam which they ought to love but they've gone all prima-donna. Germinate with great reluctance, grow about 2 inches long and attract every carrot fly in the area.

They just don't make them like they used to.

Title: Re:A different way to grow carrots
Post by: Garden Manager on May 20, 2004, 18:28:09
Thats modern breeding for you  ::)
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