Allotments 4 All

Allotment Stuff => Swap Shop => Topic started by: CityChick on March 25, 2007, 18:31:02

Title: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: CityChick on March 25, 2007, 18:31:02
Okay all you "pass the parcel" addicts.... parcel one has returned to me and is ready to go again (thanks for all the offers of help btw).

To be honest, I've lost track of who said they wanted to play next time, so....

The first ten people to PM me they want to play in round 6 are on the list (I think its round 6 :-\  I'll call it round 6 until anyone tells me otherwise :P)

If you've played before, I should have your details, but I'd still like a PM to confirm you want to play in this round.

If you've not played before you need to PM me your real name and address so I can add you to the list for round 6. 

Any questions, feel free to ask.

If you're not in the first ten, don't worry, parcel 2 is due back soon ;)

Okay.... GO!!

Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: Jitterbug on March 25, 2007, 21:19:06
Hello CityChick

I would love to play again will send you a pm.

Many thanks for organizing it - this is really fun !!

Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: mikey on March 25, 2007, 21:51:00
City Chick ....

put me down for PTP No. 6
this is addictive  ;D
PM on it's way

thanks for all your work organising, much appreciated

Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: CityChick on March 26, 2007, 09:33:02
Three more places left for this round...
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: Dizzymac on March 26, 2007, 13:14:35
Sorry to seem thick :-[  but I'm new to this site. What is involved in the Pass the Parcel. and how do I PM you if I want to join in?

Cheers D
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: Jeannine on March 26, 2007, 19:04:22
Hi Dizzymac,pass the parcel is a give and take  mail swap of seeds.
As you become more familiar with the site you will see that we swap a lot of seeds between I may need a cucumber of a kind I want to try or perhaps can't find in a shop,I ask if anyone has any and in return I offer what I have to swap.

The pass the parcel is a Round Robin plan , the seeds start at the organisers house, it gets sent to the first person on the list, who takes out a few of what he/she wants puts something back in and sends the parcel to the next person on the list and so on till it gets back to the first person again. We usually take out a few rather than  a full packet of something.

It is very much a trust and honour set up  a give and take idea.

You never know what may be in the parcel and that is what makes it fun

Places go pretty quick, so you may not get on the first one you asked for,I think I got on my third.

While you are waiting, there are lots of swaps going on so if you have an access of something I am sure someone will be interested and you may get something you need in return.

Welcome to the forum

To PM someone, which is a private communication. click on there name/picture and a screen will pop up, at the bottom it will offer you choices, one is to send a personal message to that person.

Good luck with your seed swapping,  I am in to Tomatoes, squash, fancy beans and melons  myself as a sort of speciality you might say, but always keen to see what is out there.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: Dizzymac on March 28, 2007, 17:49:49
Hi Jeannine

Thanks for the information, I'm sure I'll get to grips with this site one day!!! Might even get round to putting a picture on here.

I  seem to end up with lots of tomatoes, I'm trying out the Black Cherry one from T&M this year

Cheers  :)
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: CityChick on March 30, 2007, 09:15:22
Sorry for the delay in getting back to this.  (I had a silly fall at home and learnt the hard way why you shouldn't run up stairs with things in both hands :-[  ::) I've had a rather sore wrist for a few days, but well on the mend now.  At least I can type now and open seed packets again ;D)

The first ten people who got back to me were, in alphabetical order:


As usual, this isn't the order the parcel is going round in - just to keep you all guessing ;D

Sorry for those who didn't make it, but I'm sure there'll be another one as parcel 2 should be back soon...

Lisa :)
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: Jitterbug on March 30, 2007, 10:04:52
Thanks CityChick

I do hope that you are well on the mend as you are going to need both hands with Spring here and all that sowing to do.  You be careful in future.

 I know once I fell down the stairs and was lucky as other than being rather shaken up my dignity was more bruised than anything else and my favourite slippers were ruined!! Alto I think it was the worn slipper that made me slip in the first place.

I look forward to the next parcel with baited breath......


Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: CityChick on March 30, 2007, 10:39:08
Hmmm... slippers were partly to blame here too!  Dangerous things those slippers ;D
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: flowerlady on March 30, 2007, 11:04:48
Also as good as flip flops !!  Hope you feel better soon  ;) 

... just had a thought you will have to ask someone else to do the digging !! ;D
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: norfolklass on March 30, 2007, 11:14:00
thanks CC! ;D

and I'm glad you're on the mend. I don't have to watch out for slippers but my cat likes to play chicken by dashing in front of me when I'm least expecting it. she's been accidentally kicked across the kitchen floor a couple of times, so you'd think she'd have learned by now ::)
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: dawn34 on March 30, 2007, 14:36:37
who ever invented stairs needs shooting really we moved froma flat to a house and we didn't have a stair carpet, i had socks on and was carrying my daughter who was 10months at the time, yes i slipped with her in my arms and we fell top to bottom, my main concern was my daughter not letting her get hurt she was fine, me a hospital job twisted knee, very painful and physio later.. stairs who need them.
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: sutton girl on April 03, 2007, 15:44:21
as i am quite new to the site i would love to get in on the seed swap  but have to tell me what i have to do and who you send your address to so you can get the seeds sent to you will there be a list inside to let you know who to send them to next
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: manicscousers on April 03, 2007, 16:43:15
have a look on the next post, jeannine's starting a pass the parcel  :)
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: sutton girl on April 05, 2007, 17:44:19
Hi  Citychick want to play pass the parcel please have to help me as i dont know what pm means
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: CityChick on April 05, 2007, 17:55:15
Hi sutton girl,

PM means "personal message".  If you look to the left, near people's names, there is a picture like this:


When you click on that (below someones name) it'll take you to the place to send a personal message.

At the moment all the "pass the parcels" have gone, so its too late to in join now.  (They go off with a list of names and addresses to pass them on to, so once they've gone its too late to join in that particular round.)

Keep an eye on the swap shop though - if there is enough interest when an existing parcel comes back the organiser might send it round again ;)


Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: sutton girl on April 05, 2007, 17:56:41
thank lisa
Title: Where's the parcel 6 Now ??
Post by: Jitterbug on April 07, 2007, 19:39:29
Does anyone have any idea where PTP6 has gotten to??

Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: coznbob on April 09, 2007, 08:13:41
Been so busy have forgotten to post on this!

Parcel has been received and is winging its way to Dorset as we speak! ;D
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: Jitterbug on April 09, 2007, 20:49:11
Oooh goody - can't wait!! ;D ;D ;D

Title: PTP 6 has landed and is off again...
Post by: Jitterbug on April 13, 2007, 10:10:22
The parcel arrived safely - although slightly battered.  Have now given it a nice new envelope and it should last a couple more journeys.

Many thanks to CityChick for organising it and the others A4A members who so generously swap/give seed so that others who would not normally try certain seeds get a chance to give it a go.

Anyway... the parcel is on its way to a very flat part of the country renown for its sausage and Haslet.... ;D ;D


Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: mikey on April 14, 2007, 10:45:32
safely arrived this morning in 'Sausage and Hazlet' country.

What's this  'very flat part of the country'   ??? ..... we live in a Mountain Range (relatively) 55 metres above sea level, makes your head spin  ;D
the 'flat' bits are South of here.

Will rummage the parcel and get it on it's way on Monday ... hope you all have a great weekend


Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: Jitterbug on April 16, 2007, 13:38:18
Sorry Mikey - never been there and had to ask someone how I could describe your part of the world - and they said FLAT!!  You must remember I am an import from SA.


Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: mikey on April 16, 2007, 17:53:24
Sorry Mikey - never been there and had to ask someone how I could describe your part of the world - and they said FLAT!!  You must remember I am an import from SA.


where or what is SA  :P ;)

is that South:
or Ashford ............

hee hee ..... just kidding I know it's really South Aberdeen

Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: mikey on April 17, 2007, 15:02:34
Tally Ho !!

PTP No. 6 is on it's way, just put in the Village Box and Postie will collect at 17:15 hrs.

Should be with ......   sounds like a Danish man crossing a Stream, in the 'exotic' Borough of Camden  ;)  tomorrow morning.

Help please ... I took 4 seeds of 'Cardoon', from the Treasure Trove, on the packet was written ... collected from '***** Heath College' Jan 07, what is the full name  :-\

Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: flowerlady on April 17, 2007, 17:07:08
Just got home after a few days away ... getting exciting now not far from me  ;D
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: blisters on April 21, 2007, 15:20:18
Parcel received this morning ;D

Very happy bunny, sorting through the millions of seeds inside.

All things being equal, it will be on it's way to Norwich on Monday.
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: gerbera on April 28, 2007, 09:37:16
Do we have an update on the progress of Parcel 6? ???

I'm waiting patiently... :-[...just thought I'd bump the thread! :)

Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: CityChick on April 28, 2007, 10:07:16
I've checked who it went to after blisters (sorry creckless, not you just yet).  All I know is they haven't been logged in since 24th...
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: norfolklass on May 01, 2007, 13:40:53
sorry folks, have been on holiday so haven't been anywhere near a computer (bliss!)
the parcel was waiting for me on my desk when I got in this morning – will have a good old rootle through it this evening and get it back in the post tomorrow.

I'll be 'poynt'ing it on its way to someone daring and adventurous ;D
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: norfolklass on May 02, 2007, 15:55:44
finally finishing rootling at 12:30 this morning (OH was watching Liverpool win (hurray!) so didn't even notice the enormous piles of seeds on the floor ::))

just got back from the post office so it should arrive with the next swapper tomorrow or Friday.
thanks again CityChick ;D
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: CityChick on May 02, 2007, 17:41:13
Super! Just a couple more people to visit then and its coming home... ;D
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: gerbera on May 03, 2007, 13:40:37
;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D

The parcel has arrived!!!!

WOW!  :o

Its massive!

Such an amazing variety and quantity of seeds to sort through. Will get on with the job....and add my spares....then send it off to the town where Elton John can often be found admiring the talents of 11 men  :o  ;)
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: thewoodle on May 03, 2007, 14:29:13
Wow, all this pass the parcel sounds so much fun, what a great idea! We've moved our family to Denmark (from Southampton) a couple of months ago now, and I hadn't really had time to miss England until I went on "Allotments 4 All" just now. :'(
Maye I should find some Danish gardeners to start a "pass the parcel" with. I'm looking forward to seeing how my seeds from Southampton fare in windy Denmark...

Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: Amazin on May 04, 2007, 01:26:45
Just to say, although the parcel has long been and gone from Camden Town, I've been offline for some time, so a huge thank you to City Chick for all the hard work and effort!

Mikey, I took some cardoons too, they were from the Reaseheath College.

For me, there are three great things about this whole idea:

First, the chance to try something new - for instance,  I was toying with the idea of getting some cardoons and runner beans but wasn't sure, and now I have the chance to give 'em a go.

Second, the (rather scary!) level of excitement and anticipation waiting for that parcel to arrive.  Not to mention the thrill of sorting through what seems like hundreds of packs in all shapes and sizes. It brings out the big kid in all of us!

Third, the trust in each other to give and take. Even though we don't know each other and might never meet

We're not such a bad bunch really, are we? (blimey, fetch the Kleenex!)

Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: Jeannine on May 04, 2007, 08:09:12
Well done Amazin,  your post is really important I think they are  super comments, especially the last one, Trust is fast vanishing from this world sadly and here it is very much  in evidence.

I agree we are a great Kleenex, bog roll for me XXX Jeannine
Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: mikey on May 10, 2007, 21:36:03
Mikey, I took some cardoons too, they were from the Reaseheath College.



thanks for the info, always nice to know the origins

Re PTP's .... agree 100% with you, great fun and somehow we seem to get to know each other better.
I'm sure the trust and sharing bit, plays a large part, the idea would fail if just one person 'did a runner with the loot'

I love to read the comments on each parcel's progress, child Phsyciatrists would have something to say about us all  ;) ;D

Many thanks to the respective organisers, to the contributors and the nutters who are biting their nails in anticipation  ....


PS and thanks to all of our 'Posties'

Title: Re: "pass the parcel" number 6
Post by: flowerlady on May 10, 2007, 22:38:05
;D :D ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D

....then send it off to the town where Elton John can often be found admiring the talents of 11 men  :o  ;)

 ;D ;D ;D  ... I've got it   8)  !! Simply fantastic contents ... what fun  :D :D :D

... just wish I had a bigger plot ... thank you all for being such great participants  :-* :-* :-*

And I wholeheartedly support all the previous comments ... and huge thanks to the organisers  ;)
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