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General => News => Topic started by: grotbag on March 04, 2007, 15:56:31

Title: horrible weather
Post by: grotbag on March 04, 2007, 15:56:31
Hi all,had planned to spend day over lotty ,but its been peeing down since 7 am.Am bored and fed up ,what are you all doing on a day like this?
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: plimsoll plot2 on March 04, 2007, 15:58:00
online on u tube web site put in allotment and see loads of other peoples plots its quite good on a rainy day
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: Hyacinth on March 04, 2007, 15:59:12
sitting here and looking out of the window....rain's almost horizontal when the wind gusts.

Time to get out my seed box and dream of spring planting....
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: flossie on March 04, 2007, 16:03:29
Sitting at dining table trying to work but keep looking at A4A website :)

Have planted some sweet peppers - they are in the airing cupboard ;D

Thinking about going for a run if the wind drops - feel that I should have a go at  "race for life" but have never run that far ???

avoiding ironing ;)
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: Marymary on March 04, 2007, 16:07:18
Peeing down here too.  I have planted loads of seeds to go in the propagator plus some lettuce & also potted on an early tomato.  Now sitting in front of a roaring fire while OH watches the footie with a cuppa & a rock cake I made this morning.  Not as good as being outside but not that bad either  :)
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: Hyacinth on March 04, 2007, 16:13:56
After just reading the "what's happening" thread I'm gonna go clicking 8) - and if the rain keeps up through the night spect we'll be able to send Dan to the Bahamas to adminsister Lotties from there for a coupla weeks ;D
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: flossie on March 04, 2007, 16:17:11
I've been doing that too Lishka - let's hope that it really helps...
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: manicscousers on March 04, 2007, 16:31:08
been on the plot this morning, it didn't start pi**ing down 'til 11 o'clock..then went transplanting seedlings in the greenhouse while ray tidied up the poly..walked back to the car, got soaked so showered, got changed and went out for lunch, only morrisons but they do lovely dinners, roasts 'n' things, reasonable prices and we don't have to cook or wash up.. ;D
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: angle shades on March 04, 2007, 16:33:00

 I love clicking on the word fleece, and seeing ladies jackets pop up,

I can just see my peach tree nice and cosy in one of those 8) / shades x
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: flossie on March 04, 2007, 16:38:09
Where can I find a "highlighted fleece" - haven't seen that one????
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: angle shades on March 04, 2007, 16:52:12
 :) peach trees grown outside  (in edibles thread) / shades x
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: Blue Bird on March 04, 2007, 16:55:58
Went down to the lottie at 9:00 as managed to get 10 paving slabs from freecycle and got OH to pick them up yesterday so he delivered them to me this morning ( only 2nd time he has been down).  He just dropped them off where I will want them and then he drove off into the sunset (well no sun!!!)

Finished off the 3rd raised bed yesterday so but down weed suppressant fiber and then topped them all off with straw that had just been delivered from the local stables (thought about SS) so the main path running the length of the plot will now be known as Supersprout Highway!

moved slabs into final postion just need to go on a bed of sand when I get some to finish off the path to the front of compost bins - heavens then opened and got drenched ( found out coat is not rain proof) so came home and done Roast chicken dinner for 2 and book work for sons business and looking at the moment at the pile of ironing ugh!!!!
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: kitten on March 04, 2007, 16:58:45
It was quite nice here til about midday, freezing cold tho.   Couldn't get down the lottie as it's far too wet so we sowed our first seeds in modules ;D and hubby washed the car  ;) .
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: cambourne7 on March 04, 2007, 16:59:13
tried to make it out twice but the wind was so bad and the raid i had to stop and come back :-(

also woke up with a sticking cold! having been out watching the eclipe!

so decided to put my feet up and have a lazy day!

Just had my special egg mayo and dinner or rib roast and home made bread and butter pudding is to come later! hehe

Special Egg mayo if anyone wants to know is red onion, mayo, salad cream,  and egg - yum yum non of that cress rubish

Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: Blue Bird on March 04, 2007, 17:09:54
Special Egg mayo if anyone wants to know is red onion, mayo, salad cream,  and egg - yum yum non of that cress rubish

hope it was home grown red onion
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: shirlton on March 04, 2007, 17:45:07
Got up early cos we finished putting the glass in the old GH yesterday and I had all the stuff outside ready to clean up before I put it back in. We knew it was gonn arain so had to get it done before it did. Tony decided to clean out his pool filter. Its a huge tank full of grog (some sort of ceramic filter medium)It took him all morning ( he was like a drowned rat when he came in) It only needs doing once a year if you keep the brushes clean. Have been playing games on POGO this afternoon. Crossword and word whomp just to keep our old brains ticking over.
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: cambourne7 on March 04, 2007, 17:51:31
Special Egg mayo if anyone wants to know is red onion, mayo, salad cream,  and egg - yum yum non of that cress rubish

hope it was home grown red onion

No its not ready yet many another month....
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: greenscrump on March 04, 2007, 19:45:03
Today instead of digging I potted on some peppers, did some dreaded ironing and made this devils food cake, flippin' yum  ;D 

Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: manicscousers on March 04, 2007, 19:47:43
looks brill, greenscrump..taste good too?   ;D ;D
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: greenscrump on March 04, 2007, 19:57:39
Will be sampled very shortly......will let you know  :P
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: kitten on March 04, 2007, 20:01:33
OMG i'm dribbling at the sight of it, it looks blooming lovely  ;D  :P
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: gtm41658 on March 04, 2007, 20:02:02
Spent yesterday on the plot having checked the all my beds re-dug ready for covering and planting..OH and kids wanted to go shopping in Reading today so no chance of getting down to the plot...good job too as its been constant water from the sky since 9am....went out for 'T' this evening to local carvery in and thoroughly enjoyed it!!
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: cookie on March 04, 2007, 20:23:39
Has poured all day in Ilminster! When I took the dogs out, the rec looked like a paddy field. Anyone know how to grow rice? ???
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: cambourne7 on March 04, 2007, 20:29:49
nope but i think they have some at the eden project :-)

no help from me then :-)

i will just get my coat
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: greenscrump on March 04, 2007, 20:53:13
It was sooooo worth the two hours work and 3 bars of Green & Blacks.   BURRP!

Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: cambourne7 on March 04, 2007, 23:40:29
not speaking you now  :'(

unless you have sent me a bit in the post  ;D
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: kt. on March 05, 2007, 00:40:17
I had another tidy up in the shed. Dug over my last 2 beds. 7 of 8 dug over now. Last one still has leeks and cabbages in. They have to be going soon to make way for my spuds.... 2 hours later it started raining so I came home.
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: triffid on March 05, 2007, 00:49:57
Looked gorgeous, greenscrump... (briefly ;D)
:P Green & Black's.... 
but not till Easter!

Filthy weather all today. Couldn't see the world outside the window for the rain torrenting down it.
Am considering planting the lottie with kelp.
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: flower on March 05, 2007, 00:56:24
filthy weather here too in Durham so stripped the living room got builders coming in  next week and then had a fab drive over the pennines spotted deer  many diff birds  and just chilled really but hey i deserved it i had a shocking back ache from digging for 6 hrs yesterday ::) :)
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: vee on March 05, 2007, 15:06:45
Was going to plant broad beans in cells and wash some plantpots today, but instead I've been sucked into the wonderful world of A4A again ::)

Yesterday was wall to wall rain, so my plans for making another raised bed were put off again. Did manage to get some nice paving slabs from next doors skip, so not all a waste of time ;D
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: Deb P on March 05, 2007, 15:11:23
I also didn't bother going to the lottie on my day off today, still raining, so I just know the brick path I want to lay is going to be a water filled ditch at the moment... :'(

Just having a lunch break from a bit of seed sowing, but have run out of windowsills to put unheated propogators on! Will have to do a bit of juggling.... ;)
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: cornykev on March 05, 2007, 20:27:43
Spent yesterday morning over the lottie, got my early spuds in before the rain really come down. The rain then forced me down the pub, watched spurs win again, had loads of ciders, couldn't get home because of the rain so had to stay for a few more, ended up irish dancing, don't know where that come from. ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: grawrc on March 05, 2007, 21:28:35
The weather here has been so lousy (at least when I've had time to do anything) that I haven't been to my lotties since early January, except to bring home some produce. I'm getting withdrawal symptoms.. Where's all this global warming? ;) All I get is wind and rain and hail etc. :(
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: Amazin on March 06, 2007, 22:45:04
Deb P,

Don't know what depth your windowsills are, but this might help:,com_smf/Itemid,91/topic,7679.0
Title: Re: horrible weather
Post by: cambourne7 on March 07, 2007, 07:45:24
just heard more rain and local flooding is forcast  :'(
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