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General => Top Tips => Topic started by: Amazin on February 24, 2007, 22:40:12

Title: Containers for 'toilet roll tube' planting
Post by: Amazin on February 24, 2007, 22:40:12
I've been racking my brain cell trying to come up with a container deep enough to hold plants started off in toilet roll tubes. Today I found just the thing while tidying up.

Many moons ago I bought some underbed storage packs - the clear soft plastic flat-pack zipped ones you can pick up in any discount hardware store.

I've stiffened the sides with thick cardboard (though I might replace with short planks from pallets). Its like a cheap coldframe - zip it up at night, unzip in the morning. I've put some bubblewrap under it for added protection.

Roll on parsnips, peas; etc    ;D
Title: Re: Containers for 'toilet roll tube' planting
Post by: carolinej on February 24, 2007, 22:53:57
VERY clever!!!!

cj :)
Title: Re: Containers for 'toilet roll tube' planting
Post by: kitten on February 25, 2007, 20:48:49
Excellent idea!  Go to the top of the class for ingenuity!   ;D
Title: Re: Containers for 'toilet roll tube' planting
Post by: cambourne7 on March 13, 2007, 20:09:46
I use a tray which i got some seedlings in many moons ago.

The pots that fit in the tray are 2 inches wide and i pot them up 2/3 press in a toilet roll which i have scooped full of soil first and then pack more soil in.

I stand in the tray and when there all done i give them a light watering, which usualy compacts the soil a little.

Then i plant and top with a little more soil and water again.
Title: Re: Containers for 'toilet roll tube' planting
Post by: purple sprouting on April 10, 2007, 14:54:37
I use a cat litter tray (minus the cat litter of course) and just stack the filled and seeded loo rolls inside - placing it in the cold frame at night.

Got given an old butler sink a while ago - wanted to fill it with herbs and such like.  Anyone got any ideas for keeping the local cats off?????
Title: Re: Containers for 'toilet roll tube' planting
Post by: greenscrump on April 11, 2007, 20:26:33
I put prunings from shrubs etc (esp roses!)in a criss cross stylee across areas I've just sown -  keeps my moggy and the next door moggies off till plants are big enough to block out toilet opportunities   ;D
Title: Re: Containers for 'toilet roll tube' planting
Post by: grawrc on April 11, 2007, 20:53:59
yep I've used shreded rose prunings and holly etc (ie prickly stuff) to keep rabbits off over wintered onions etc. Seems to work. ;)
Title: Re: Containers for 'toilet roll tube' planting
Post by: Jeannine on April 11, 2007, 21:15:02
I have my salad box in a large mesh jail made of panels to my puppy run including roof, this is the only way I could protect it,if anyone comes up with a good idea please let us know.  There is one thing, cats don't like the smell of lemon oil I know that for a fact, perhaps some of those heavily scented lemon pellets from the petshop might be OK in  the herb bed, ,I didn't want lemon flavoured lettuces !!

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Containers for 'toilet roll tube' planting
Post by: purple sprouting on April 13, 2007, 23:58:38
Thanks for the tips about the cats - thinking deeply about the holly and prickly trimmings to keep the local youths off of my plot.  (Getting old and grumpy!!!!!!)


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