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General => The Shed => Topic started by: emmy1978 on February 15, 2007, 17:44:12

Title: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: emmy1978 on February 15, 2007, 17:44:12
Please, please sign up to this. (
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: Blue Bird on February 15, 2007, 18:02:15
Hi emmy have signed and wish them all the luck in their quest
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: ACE on February 15, 2007, 18:06:29
I am sure the government has better things to spend 'our money' on.

There are now hundreds of these things going around like this (
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: TEL on February 15, 2007, 18:48:40
I am sure the government has better things to spend 'our money' on.

Yes but when has this ever botherd them ??? PS signed both
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: tim on February 15, 2007, 19:13:22
This is SAD, SAD - in every way.

Having flown with The Arrows in the '60s, I know how folk feel. And they (The Arrows) do bring in a huge amount of goodwill & trade, Nationwide, whilst honing their combat skills.

BUT - as with the Manor Park hugely emotive petition, or the Pay to Drive one - who the Hell, these days, gives a d**n about e-mailed, or foot-slogging petitions??  Certainly not this Government. But yes - if you have to leave your mark -  build a Stadium. Given a referendum, who would wish our (including Charity & do-good & the NHS) £630 millions to be spent this way??

So sorry if this sparks a nasty - do hope it doesn't.

Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: cambourne7 on February 15, 2007, 19:29:46
done and have emailed local bbc radio station
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: tricia on February 15, 2007, 19:35:47
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: emmy1978 on February 15, 2007, 20:02:30
Ace, I agree to a point but like Tel, feel that it hasn't stopped them doing more wasteful things with our money. I think the Red Arrows are part of our cultural heritage and a representation of our fantastic armed forces. Having worked with foreign students of virtually every nationality and seen their reaction to the displays I can assure you they are totally unique and should be SAVED!! :'(
Tim -when did you fly with the arrows? I am so impressed and jealous!!
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: Froglegs on February 15, 2007, 20:45:08
A bit less pollution to worry about.
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: MrsKP on February 15, 2007, 20:55:13
Done.  Another bit of our heritage disappearing down the chute !

you'll hardly recognise this country in a few years.  it's being erased little by little.
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: Froglegs on February 15, 2007, 21:05:23
noise and air
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: tabbycat on February 15, 2007, 21:17:20

They seem hellbent of wiping out anything that has any tradition behind it, that makes us proud to be a part of our country, or that is in anyway connected to showing the world how fantastic our armed forces are.

I love the Red Arrows - they used to fly over the house sometimes on practice runs for the Yeovilton Air Show.

Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: Marymary on February 15, 2007, 21:25:56
Till last year I wouldn't have cared one way or another but one day last summer they flew over our house - twice - & they were absolutely amazing - really left us speechless.  I think they were at the Lowestoft Airshow & were taking off & landing from somewhere near here.
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: emmy1978 on February 16, 2007, 11:05:53
Froglegs, it's worth the noise! The pollution you've got me on but I do feel that the amount of pollution being produced by the States, the developing world and major companies and organisations ( selllafield eg) and the millions that hop on planes for their hols every year is probably more of a problem and less justifiable.
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: manicscousers on February 16, 2007, 13:48:03
I'm puzzled, there are going to be 7 concerts for global warming this year..noble objective..most of the groups and bands travel by jet, plane, limousine, big can they say anything about planetary problems when they don't help the planet ?..or am I wrong  ;D
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: emmy1978 on February 16, 2007, 14:27:18
No Manics, you are dead right. Bit like the concerts for poverty that don't do anything to combat poverty.
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: louise stella on February 16, 2007, 22:43:11
Sod the pollution and cost - what's that compared to the spectacle of seeing nine perfect planes entertain thousands of people every year - for free!

Plus the PR all over the world is priceless!

I have a friend whose son joined the RAF after loving them as a boy - and he must be just one of thousands! 

Why do we just accept that things have to be run down to "save money"????? - save money for what? - to pay already overpaid ministers even more of OUR hard earned money!

No contest!

Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: Froglegs on February 16, 2007, 23:32:39
Sod the pollution and cost - what's that compared to the spectacle of seeing nine perfect planes entertain thousands of people every year - for free!

Plus the PR all over the world is priceless!


Priceless!....... :-X
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: Froglegs on February 16, 2007, 23:36:00
Froglegs, it's worth the noise! The pollution you've got me on but I do feel that the amount of pollution being produced by the States, the developing world and major companies and organisations ( selllafield eg) and the millions that hop on planes for their hols every year is probably more of a problem and less justifiable.

Justifiable.......... :-X
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: emmy1978 on February 17, 2007, 10:55:42
Aaaagh!! I'm not an eco-terrorist!! Having devoted my teenage years and early twenties to Greenpeace and various other environmental/ nature organisations I can tell you froglegs that there are many ecologically switched on people who are into saving this fantastic organisation.
Your qoute makes me sound as if I cackle remorselessly while pouring nuclear waste into the sea.
Over-fishing of the oceans, cutting down of the rainforests, civil wars in Africa, the refusal of the west to share technology with the developing world, forcing them to use ancient inefficient systems -all causing the near extinction of thousands of species of animal and plant-life. These are the planets main problems. Not to mention all the people who!! I hope you don't have one froglegs!!  ;)
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: RSJK on February 17, 2007, 13:16:11
Emmy what I would like to know is that quite often you see a Greenpeace spokesman on the news speaking from a great big office filled with computers, air conditioning  (no doubt) etc, what is there office being run on, I take it solar power is it.
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: emmy1978 on February 17, 2007, 13:24:21
Unfortunately not Richard. I found vast amounts of hypocrisy going on, among management and volunteers. There was always talk about everything going solar/wind powered but to my knowledge ( and I've been out of the loop a while now) never got done, probably financial more than anything else. I did a lot of work for various charities and became very disillusioned very quickly.
I was very young and dedicated but it's not really enough and once reality bites it's not nice.
Still, Greenpeace great organisation, not perfect but unfortunately nothing is.
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: emmy1978 on February 17, 2007, 13:26:36
I also didn't realise how side-tracked this issue would become. I think maybe because I live somewhere where there are regular display, the reds have become part of my being and I would hate to see them disbanded. I do think they are a real asset to us as a country, and we need to resist attempts to strip us of these cultural markers.
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: Bambi.1 on February 17, 2007, 13:27:40

Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: RSJK on February 17, 2007, 13:35:25
Like everything else good about this country, this present government wants to get rid of it, think Blair is still hoping to become president of the United Europe and will do everything in His power to try to forfill it.
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: emmy1978 on February 17, 2007, 13:59:20
Bambi- thanks. Richard, I agree. I've been thinking on whole Greenpeace office thing. I wonder if it wouldn't take a huge amount of solar energy to run an office, especially a large head office. I'm sure they are as green as they can be in other respects but i was only lowly foot-soldier so wouldn't really know!
At least they are out there trying to raise awareness to the main issues, they never claim to be the solution.
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: MrsKP on February 17, 2007, 17:27:47
now i'm offended.

i drive my car with pride whilst i cackle remourselessley.

Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: kitten on February 17, 2007, 22:14:42
Done!  I love the red arrows  ;D
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: Froglegs on February 18, 2007, 10:38:33
Aaaagh!! I'm not an eco-terrorist!! Having devoted my teenage years and early twenties to Greenpeace and various other environmental/ nature organisations I can tell you froglegs that there are many ecologically switched on people who are into saving this fantastic organisation.
Your qoute makes me sound as if I cackle remorselessly while pouring nuclear waste into the sea.
Over-fishing of the oceans, cutting down of the rainforests, civil wars in Africa, the refusal of the west to share technology with the developing world, forcing them to use ancient inefficient systems -all causing the near extinction of thousands of species of animal and plant-life. These are the planets main problems. Not to mention all the people who!! I hope you don't have one froglegs!!  ;) have 2 which are a necessity, 9 jets making pretty lines in a blue(well it would be blue if they stopped filling it with pretty coloured chemicals) sky are not.And the cost it must take millons to keep them in the air, scrap them and the money saved could buy a fleet a air ambulance, i know which i would prefer to see in the sky. ;D
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: tim on February 18, 2007, 11:18:52
Like this, Froggles?
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: Froglegs on February 18, 2007, 11:39:35
The one's i had in mind Tim .....well they fly. ::) ;)
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: cornykev on February 18, 2007, 13:43:35
Done it
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: emmy1978 on February 18, 2007, 14:56:18
Thanks all who have signed. This petition not started by me, sent to me by my mum to sign and thought this'd be good place to get extra support. Didn't want to get into environmental slanging match with the lovely froggie. Love the planet but love reds too!
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: Froglegs on February 18, 2007, 18:15:58
Thanks all who have signed. This petition not started by me, sent to me by my mum to sign and thought this'd be good place to get extra support. Didn't want to get into environmental slanging match with the lovely froggie. Love the planet but love reds too!

No not a slanging match but a good old difference of opinion. :) and as ya called me lovely lets just agree to disagree.... :-*  ;D
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: emmy1978 on February 18, 2007, 19:01:57
Froglegs... :-* ;)
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: MrsKP on February 18, 2007, 21:33:22
think i heard somewhere that everyone who had signed was going to get an email from the lovely horrid prime minister.

i hope i heard wrong !  don't want anything from that man cluttering up my in box.  i hope it goes straight to trash.

democracy and debate are great.  dictatorships should be destroyed.


Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on February 18, 2007, 23:21:07
He's done at least as much to undermine whatever democracy we had as his role model Thatcher. It's the people who signed the anti-road charging petition who are going to be emailed, so you can relax.
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: CotswoldLass on February 19, 2007, 08:24:54
If there's a way  of showing support for a cause, I'll use it. This government should go, the  Red Arrows should stay...CLx
PS Tim, again Sir, I salute you!
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: Hyacinth on February 19, 2007, 08:37:16
I've already signed, and is that right that I can expect to have the opportunity of conducting a 'meaningful exchange' with Ower Tone? Cos if he's going to invade my puter he's going to get one 8)

Actually, I'm really enjoying being an Armchair Activist....hmm, today's Big Decision....shall I give my support to the petition asking for elephants to be sold in pet shops ::)  they've 100 signatures already.....
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: Froglegs on February 19, 2007, 10:17:54
If there's a way  of showing support for a cause, I'll use it. This government should go, the  Red Arrows should stay...CLx

How about we kill two birds with one stone?....put Blair in one of the jets and send them all off into the sunset(if ya can see it ) never to be seen again. ;D
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: CotswoldLass on February 19, 2007, 11:52:59
Waste of a perfectly good jet...
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: MrsKP on February 19, 2007, 19:55:20
Mr Bliar sent me an email today about ID cards.  biggest load of spin/tosh i've ever had the misfortune to read.

the man really does believe his own hype.  wish he'd buggar off over the pond now and leave us in peace (rather than pieces).
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on February 19, 2007, 21:35:36
He's living in never never land. That would be OK for most people, but we can't afford serial fantasisers in government.
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: MrsKP on February 19, 2007, 21:39:53
Sadly I work for the man so have to hold my tongue, especially in replies directly to him !!!  Him and his big brother state would hand me my P45 before I even started in my new promotion job !!

Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: angle shades on February 20, 2007, 19:58:12
anyway, back to the Reds  :)

petition signed, we see the Red Arrows most days, from my lottie we watch them
practicing, Lincoln cathedral in the background.

I've grown up with them, and would miss them :) / shades x
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: emmy1978 on February 21, 2007, 22:30:19
Right angle shades, am planning move to Lincoln immediately. Thought I was lucky living in Bournemouth where we see them every year. Grown up with them too and would also really miss them. Thanks for signing!  ;D
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: Froglegs on February 22, 2007, 08:21:07
Did not realize they were that old :o about time they were put out. ;D ;D ;D to grass then!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

 ...... taxi!!!
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: emmy1978 on February 22, 2007, 13:24:43
Yep, get your coat!  :D
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: tim on February 22, 2007, 18:35:04
'That old'? I go back to the Red Pelicans - since we live by their then base!!
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: Froglegs on February 22, 2007, 21:59:40
Who ???
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: MrsKP on February 22, 2007, 22:16:51
it only takes a minute girl to ...........

google ! (

Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: Froglegs on February 23, 2007, 18:44:31
Thanks Mrs KP interesting site. :)
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: MrsKP on February 23, 2007, 19:00:31
wasn't it just?

there's just so much history out there that i've not got a clue even existed.

many thanks to Tim (and google).

Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: emmy1978 on February 26, 2007, 11:49:08
Just caught up with this. thanks Tim, had no idea of that history. Fascinating.  :)
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: tim on February 27, 2007, 10:41:13
And their mascot - which often attended parades, especially those for the Queen Mum, CFS's Commandant-in-Chief, was Fred the Pelican from Birdland in Bourton-on-the-Water.
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: emmy1978 on February 27, 2007, 14:12:59
Did I read something about him recently? Did he die? Can't remember but it rang a bell Tim. Did you fly with the arrows/pelicans? I'm fascinated to know, because I'm a nosy bu**er!  :)
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: tim on February 27, 2007, 15:24:26

Fly? - unromantically, only as make-weight. Gives one a very stiff neck - the G force!!

Still live in Little Rissington.

Did fly the Jet Provost.
Title: Re: Save the Red Arrows
Post by: MrsKP on April 10, 2007, 21:04:31
A response from our Tone !

The e-petition asking the Prime Minister to "continue funding for the Royal Air Force Aerobatics Team - The Red Arrows" is on-going. This is a response in advance of the closing date from the Prime Minister, Tony Blair.

Thank you for signing the petition on the No.10 website calling for the maintenance of the Red Arrows. It is a sign of the place they hold in the national affections that so many people have joined you in signing it - one of the highest numbers since the e-petition service began. That's why I wanted to reply personally. It's also why I am replying before the petition officially closes, in order to reassure people who are clearly concerned.

I am pleased to be able to give you good news. There are no plans to change the funding for the Red Arrows, let alone to disband them.

It is important, of course, that the MOD looks at the full range of its spending plans as part of its routine financial planning, to ensure that taxpayers' money is spent where our Armed Forces most need it. Obviously it is this review which prompted fears that the Red Arrows might be scrapped.

However, like you, the Government recognises just what an important role the Red Arrows play in our national life. As the world's premier aerobatic team, they have thrilled millions of spectators over many years. I was lucky enough to see their extraordinary skills myself only last year at the Farnborough Air Show.

More importantly, the Red Arrows have maintained public support for the Royal Air Force, encouraged recruitment, acted as ambassadors for Britain in the world and promoted British industry for many years. So I am pleased to assure you that this government fully intends to keep the Red Arrows flying.

Thank you for signing this petition, and I hope you get a chance to see the Red Arrows yourself soon.

Yours sincerely,
Tony Blair

Power to the peepul !!!!

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