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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: sawfish on February 08, 2007, 12:09:48

Title: Not for 2007
Post by: sawfish on February 08, 2007, 12:09:48
What didn't you like or didnt grow?

I wont be growing..

Salsify (boring taste)
Scorzonera (boring taste)
Kohl Rabi (boring taste)
Fennel (horrible taste)
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on February 08, 2007, 12:37:16
Wastes of space (IMHO)

celery (too much trouble)
capsicum (tough as old boots)
potato Maris Bard (pest magnet)

Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: saddad on February 08, 2007, 12:38:22
Going to try celery again but I am fairly certain it will fall into the too much trouble cat..
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Larkspur on February 08, 2007, 12:47:03
Courgettes ;D. I've decided that I have had my last glut of them and the eventual begging attempts to give them away, prior to composting them :D.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Barnowl on February 08, 2007, 12:48:23
I grew a self blanching celery in an enclosed bed.  Modules in the GH, then cold frame, then planted out at about half to 2/3rd the recommended distance. Little maintenance except watering and they proved no problem at all (except ended up with more than we needed). I think the close planting helped keep the weeds down. We have quite sandy soil.

Not white like the real thing but perfectly crisp until harder frosts came.

Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Deb P on February 08, 2007, 12:52:42
Going to try celery again but I am fairly certain it will fall into the too much trouble cat..

I've somehow managed to grow celery quite well the past few years, in my raised beds at home. Haven't tried at the lottie yet of course, interesting that Barnowl also had success in an enclosed bed- ? That's what they like?

Not much I won't be bothering to grow this year except the varieties of tomatoes I didn't think much of last year......
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: quizzical1 on February 08, 2007, 13:02:33
Beefsteak type of tomatoes. Very few produced per plant (in the greenhouse). Took up too much room per plant, and found them to be tasteless.
Think I'll stick to mainly cherry toms(going to try Sweet Million this year) for taste this year, with one or two Shirley or some such for slicing in sandwiches.
Still got a few containers of last years toms cooked up and frozen for adding to bolognese etc.
Hopefully we will have enough top do the same again.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: manicscousers on February 08, 2007, 13:17:33
melothrie tiny little cucumbers, couldn't pick/eat them quickly enough
only having one courgette this year, too many last year , freezer's still full..growing more squash instead
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on February 08, 2007, 13:24:22
Courgettes ;D. I've decided that I have had my last glut of them and the eventual begging attempts to give them away, prior to composting them :D.

we used to feel the same about courgettes. You get tired of eating them, and they end up huge. But as soon as we started making courgette soup, we couldn't get enough of them - the bigger the better.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Mrs Ava on February 08, 2007, 13:25:49
Celery and fennel - always failed, and for the amount I use, I might as well buy it at the farm shop.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Hyacinth on February 08, 2007, 13:26:22
I won't be growing chillies this year - bags full in the freezer 8)

Some tomato types I've tried I won't be growing.

That's it, really.

Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Garjan on February 08, 2007, 13:51:55
No peanuts this year. Took too much space for a long time. And considering their price in the supermarket I prefer to buy them and use the space for something else. Probably some more kale.

Definitely not more than four pumpkin plants. My 10-year old daughter already accuses us of cruelty.

And I think there will be no peas or mange touts. All the seeds I've sown indoors so far just seem to disappear into the soil never to be seen again. And I don't have mice in my living room!
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: bennettsleg on February 08, 2007, 13:57:34
celeriac - tiny and such a let down, autumn raspberries as i'm never around when they fruit, would rather pump up on summer raspberries and stick some in blueberries.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Blue Bird on February 08, 2007, 14:01:51
Like most ............... celery / courgettes and all this grown under glass as have not got green house!!!!
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: sweet-pea on February 08, 2007, 14:36:34
I won't be growing runner beans this year as I prefer climbing beans, and I have the seeds of 13 varieties! to find space for this year  ::)
There are also a couple of squash varieties I won't be growing as I didn't like the texture of the flesh last year.
I'm also growing only 2 tyoes of potato rather than 4 like last year, to make room for other things.
Not growing chillies as I have plenty in the freezer.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: cornykev on February 08, 2007, 15:37:40
I know its a favourite but no to Brussels, next door lottie does them and they take up so much room and are in the ground for such a long time and the white fly, even after he dug them up they were still in the soil. I was going to give celery a go didn't realise so many struggled with them last year. ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: daisymay on February 08, 2007, 15:44:29
Wastes of space (IMHO)

potato Maris Bard (pest magnet)

Oh no! this is one of the varieties I have gone for this year... they obviuosly don't live up their hype!

I will not be doing sweetcorn  :'( as the woman next to us plants an entire allotment of an african maze variety that she grind to make flour (we think - she must do it is completely inedible otherwise)  and I am sure it cross pollinated with ours this year - it was horrible, a real let down!
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: kitten on February 08, 2007, 15:48:59
That (Maris Bard) was one of the varieties we were considering too, perhaps we'll think again! x
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: theothermarg on February 08, 2007, 16:33:10
vegetable spaghetti  it grew very well amonst the sweetcorn looked impressive
then i tryed one ,gave some away then composted them
margaret ???
i,v already got maris bard but you know this game , nothing grows the same 2years running
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on February 08, 2007, 17:07:16
That (Maris Bard) was one of the varieties we were considering too, perhaps we'll think again! x

I grew Maris bard for the last two years. Both years it was got at with eelworm quite badly Also the damage encouraged some of the tubers to rot, some in the gound, and some on storage. Also last year, after properly chitting etc, only about half of the tubers came to anything, the rest presumably rotting in the ground. The other potatoes I grew -Charlotte and Nadine were both OK - no eelworm, and all tubers producing potatoes. Yields weren't great, but whose were last year?
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: kitten on February 08, 2007, 17:13:27
Thanks for the info rubarb thrasher, charlotte is one of my faves so we'll prob try that, and take a flyer on the others.  It's all part of the fun I guess  ;D
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Rosyred on February 08, 2007, 17:50:22
Growing more this year didn't have enough last year as I didn't realise you lose quite alot to pests.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on February 08, 2007, 18:06:28
Thanks for the info rubarb thrasher, charlotte is one of my faves so we'll prob try that, and take a flyer on the others.  It's all part of the fun I guess  ;D

just a couple of thoughts kitten

you might not have a problem with eelworm on your plot anyway, especially if it's been cultivated for some time

Charlotte (i don't think) is reported to be particularly eelworm resistant. Maybe they all went for the Maris Bard last year (and left the Charlottes alone) and this year they'll go for the Charlottes instead. A bit like the supposed control for carrot fly, where you grow some very susceptible carrot variety to keep them away from the rest.

I may be worrying over nothing, and anyway it's too late, i've already bought them
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: angle shades on February 08, 2007, 18:31:43

courgettes, can't  keep up with them

pumpkins, take lots of room,

sweetcorn, waste a lot (chickens have a feast!)

no chillies, have dried them and frozen them, will not have to grow again for years ::)

btw maris bard is one of my favourite spuds, please give it a try, great flavour / shades x
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: cornykev on February 08, 2007, 19:11:18
So how do you stop eelworm ? :-\
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: angle shades on February 08, 2007, 19:14:19
:) slugs seem to nibble mine ,just cut the nibbled bits out :) shades x
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: manicscousers on February 08, 2007, 19:37:02
cornykev, I've been told the eelworm is mostly on ground that's been under turf, don't know about yours..we've had it last year but eric says after a couple of years, it'll be better  :)
also, you can get eelworm resistant seed potatoes   
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: MrsKP on February 08, 2007, 19:56:23
cabbage, brocolli, caulis, swede - lack of room dictated poor crops and little return
celery - not that fussed about it tbh

Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: OliveOil on February 08, 2007, 20:00:17
Wont be growing butternut squash - was v disappointed but have loads of other squashes to grow instead.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on February 08, 2007, 20:04:46
So how do you stop eelworm ? :-\

Eelworm may only be a problem for me, and not for any of you

A good link on the problem is here ( 4 of my 5 potatoes this year are on the resistant list

Alan Roman sells seeds of a "trap plant" (, a similar species, which secretes the chemicals that trigger eelworm hatching, but don't feed them, so that they die. No idea if it would work, it's experimental. Also it would mean taking part or all of the plot out of cultivation for some time (no idea how much)
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: tinker on February 08, 2007, 20:31:58
I will not be growing peas this year! they take so long to shell only to find them  full of maggots! Its seems such a waste of energy and time.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on February 08, 2007, 21:03:16
My veg spaghetti were no use last year either. They've been better in damper summers, but they're never anything like as good as butternut squash so I won't bother this year. I'll just be doing pumpkin, BS and cucumber.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: telboy on February 08, 2007, 22:31:21
Possibly Pineapple,
but I'll let you know!
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: cleo on February 08, 2007, 22:55:48
Cleo will not be growing tomato `Moneymaker` ;D
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Mrs Ava on February 08, 2007, 22:58:24
Oh go on Cleo, we all know what you think of it.  ;) ;D
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: cleo on February 08, 2007, 23:00:46
I`d rather spend my life upside down in a tub of comfrey liquid EJ ;D
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: jennym on February 09, 2007, 01:54:32
No spaghetti squash for me this year either, had FAR too many this year, want a break from them.
Also may finally take out a very thorny version of Oregon blackberry that's in the big fruitcage - but only if I can get some cuttings growing well alorng the allotment boundary fence. Have suffered enough I reckon, have spent days removing thorns from fingers recently  ;D and have a thornless one coming along nicely.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Wasp_Box on February 09, 2007, 13:18:56
Hello all,

New to the board - seems a friendly, helpful place.

Well, I'm not growing:
Scorzonera - too much faffing about and not tasty enough.
Kohl Rabi - not that tasty.
Celeriac - I nursed them like newborn babies and was rewarded with a shrivelled walnut of celeriac.
Broad beans - I'm the only one in the Wasp Box household who likes them  :(
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: cornykev on February 09, 2007, 14:29:26
A big welcome to the nut house forum Waspy, happy digging.    ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: artichoke on February 09, 2007, 18:21:12
Tinker, I agree with you about normal peas, but I am very fond of snap peas and mange touts. Do you like them? You get a much earlier harvest, the pods are delicious, the maggots don't have time to get to them, and if they get a bit mature they swell up and you get normal peas instead. My favourite crop (except possibly for broad beans).
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: sawfish on February 09, 2007, 19:27:41
I agree artiochoke broad beans rock! They're my absolute favourite.

I'm growing over 100 plants this year.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: tinker on February 09, 2007, 21:00:38
Artichoke I have never grown sugar snap peas or mangetout i do like eating them though! Perhaps I will grow some in the space I have left by not growing normal peas, thankyou for the advice
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Wasp_Box on February 09, 2007, 21:30:58
I agree artiochoke broad beans rock! They're my absolute favourite.

I'm growing over 100 plants this year.

Yes, go on, rub it in...

My favourite crop (except possibly for broad beans).

More, more. Pain is good.

Well, I'm not growing:

Broad beans - I'm the only one in the Wasp Box household who likes them  :(

And I really like them!

Hmmm, I suppose I could grow a few.. just for me.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: kitten on February 09, 2007, 21:39:11
Go on wasp box, you know you want to.  I'm sure you can squeeze in half a dozen plants (even if you have to hide them behind something else?)  ;)  ;D
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Marymary on February 09, 2007, 21:50:44
I agree artiochoke broad beans rock! They're my absolute favourite.

I love broad beans & I love artichokes - thought this was a new variety & was about to ask where to get the seeds.  :-[   Silly me   :-[
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Wasp_Box on February 09, 2007, 22:16:50
Go on wasp box, you know you want to.  I'm sure you can squeeze in half a dozen plants (even if you have to hide them behind something else?)  ;)  ;D

Get thee behind me!  :)

The trouble is, I do 99.9999999% of the cooking in the Wasp Box house and I try to make sure we all like everything. Cooking an extra thing for me adds an extra job I don't need (but then again... beans, beans!). The SO does take the boy to see her parents now and then however, so.....

I agree artiochoke broad beans rock! They're my absolute favourite.

You're all at it. Stop you brutes.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: kitten on February 09, 2007, 22:33:45
I now have visions of you waiting til your other half leaves the house and secretly eating your broadies behind closed curtains ....  :-\

Just go for it, you can always steam on the top of a pan whilst cooking the rest of the dinner, thereby not creating another job!   ;)
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Mike J on February 10, 2007, 19:47:55
Many of the usual suspects so far.

I'll not be growing normal peas as too little return for the effort - or am I doing something wrong? (will continue with mange tout and sugar snaps though, excellent cropping). Gave up on celeriac, salsify and sprouts last year after disappointing results the year before, and chard which no-one would eat (similarly cabbagy things!)

Will persevere with parsnip and carrots though (good in 2005, v.poor in 2006 - to do with the drought I think).

Will grow more squashes though, sweetcorn and beetroot and continue with staples like potatoes (all types), runners and climbing french beans, onions, shallots and garlic. Will also start fruit - Autumn Bliss great last year. Bought some half price blueberries and an olive from Woolies last week, and will keep checking Lidl/Wilco's for deals.

Will also try chillies this year though from what you are all saying you only need to grow it one year to have several years supply stached (stashed?) away.

Ooops - seem to have strayed away from the main question, sorry........ oh dear, just seen the new topic  "new for 2007", and seen other stuff I'll continue to grow, and now have some ideas for some new things also.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on February 10, 2007, 20:08:39


I agree artiochoke broad beans rock! They're my absolute favourite.

You're all at it. Stop you brutes.

wasp_box - why don't you just eat them raw at the allotment??
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Biscombe on February 10, 2007, 22:04:15
The only thing I won´t be growing is tomatillos, don´t like the taste and the plants took up tooooo much space.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Laney on February 10, 2007, 22:35:36
I won't be growing any brassicas at all this year as they just attract the butterflies.  I'm away for two weeks in August and I can't face coming back to nothing like we did last year.  They completely devastated my broccoli. :-[
I'm not bothering with beetroot either, as although it was dead easy to grow, only
one of the kids like them.  I think they are gross!
I won't be growing Alicante tomatoes either, as they were terrible for BER.  My other two varieties were fine, just the Alicante were a pain.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: cornykev on February 11, 2007, 09:24:24
I'm growing broadies and I don't really like them, ;D ;D ;D but someone had given me the seeds so I thought I might as well throw them in.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: angle shades on February 11, 2007, 09:28:06

use them as green manure CK / shades x
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Froglegs on February 11, 2007, 10:15:38
Red onions they allways bolt. >:(
Red brussels they just don't look right on ya plate. ???
Raab looked nice in the picture...........thats all i can say :-[
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Mrs Ava on February 11, 2007, 13:01:20
Wasp, I grow a few plants just for me.  My own little contraband.  ;D
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Wasp_Box on February 11, 2007, 16:53:58
Wasp, I grow a few plants just for me.  My own little contraband.  ;D

I think I'll have to pop a few in - can't stop thinking about broad beans blanched and then stir fried with onion and bacon *delicious*.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: cornykev on February 11, 2007, 16:56:38
Wasp your making my mouth water. :P :P :P ;D
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Trixiebelle on February 11, 2007, 17:33:13
Red/purple sprouts - rubbish!
Carrots - I spend enough money on seed (that never grows) to buy a hundredweight of the damned things
Celeriac - in 2 minds about this. Maybe a specially prepared bed would work?
Broad beans - never grow them anyway. Horrid! The Devil's earwax.
Late peas - lived up to their name ... so late they never showed up

Maybe we could have the alternative thread ... 'New for 2007'? Things we're growing for the 1st time? I'll start it  ;D
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Deb P on February 11, 2007, 17:41:22
Maybe we could have the alternative thread ... 'New for 2007'? Things we're growing for the 1st time? I'll start it  ;D

Ummm, there already is one, started before this thread I believe.....,com_smf/Itemid,91/topic,27837.0
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Trixiebelle on February 11, 2007, 17:42:51
OOPS! Sorry! Started it already ........  :-[
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Deb P on February 11, 2007, 17:46:12
Oooh, you're so eager..... ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Trixiebelle on February 11, 2007, 17:48:29
I just can't help myself  ;D Oh well!!!!!
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: sawfish on February 12, 2007, 10:54:10
Another thing I wont be growing is those Munchen Bier rats tail radishes. They're HUUUGE and the pods taste of grass but less tasty.
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: Deb P on February 12, 2007, 11:45:19
Another thing I wont be growing is those Munchen Bier rats tail radishes. They're HUUUGE and the pods taste of grass but less tasty.

Oh dear, I'm having a go at those this year..... :-\
Title: Re: Not for 2007
Post by: chuff on February 12, 2007, 19:48:36
I'm not going to grow compost this year :-[ the majority of things I put in last year was put in to late, so i didn't do very well on the veg side but the compost heap is looking very healthy ;D
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