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Produce => Wildlife forum => Topic started by: Georgie on January 27, 2007, 17:45:53

Title: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: Georgie on January 27, 2007, 17:45:53
Thought I'd start a new thread for this year, hope no-one minds.   :)

Okay, I know my birds like a feed around 11am and again at 2pm.  As I was out this morning I decided to go for the 2pm slot.  I put a chair by the window, got the binoculars and bird book, found pen and paper, got myself a drink and settled down.  Then the ruddy cat went out the cat flap and sat immediately under the bird feeders for the next half an hour!  The form asks us to record how many adults and children took part but there is no space for cats!   ;)   ;D  Guess I'll have to try again tomorrow.   ::)


PS.  Here's the link for those who want it:
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: lorna on January 27, 2007, 18:54:26
Georgie. I know I shouldn't laugh but your post just cracked me up. Sorry!!
I had the usual gathering, just two blackbirds. seven collared doves, two greenfinches, nine sparrows, fourteen starlings, one wood pigeon. Still trying to entice more of the finch family with niger seed. Maybe I will be lucky this year.
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: Georgie on January 27, 2007, 19:42:43
LOL, I thought it was funny too.   ;D  Blimey Lorna, you did well, how on earth did you count 14 starlings at once?  Mine squabble dreadfully.   ::)

G x
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: kenkew on January 27, 2007, 20:34:49
Georgie. I know I shouldn't laugh but your post just cracked me up. Sorry!!
I had the usual gathering, just two blackbirds. seven collared doves, two greenfinches, nine sparrows, fourteen starlings, one wood pigeon. Still trying to entice more of the finch family with niger seed. Maybe I will be lucky this year.
No Partridge in your pear tree?
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: Georgie on January 27, 2007, 20:39:52
LOL@Ken.   ;D

G x
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: lorna on January 27, 2007, 20:51:17
kenkew. Oh I wish :)

Georgie. I moved the feeders a little bit away from each other. I have counted up to 20 when I have thrown out some bread as well.
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: Georgie on January 27, 2007, 20:58:02
Hey everyone, Lorna has learnt to count up to 20!!!

 ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

G x
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: lorna on January 27, 2007, 22:21:28
Georgie. I don't want to brag but I have always been good at maths :) ;D
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: Grandma on January 28, 2007, 09:33:26
Ah, yes, Lorna - but can you do it with your mittens and socks on?  ;)
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: legless on January 28, 2007, 10:35:26
when the sparrow count got to 11 it was chaos so well done counting that many starlings!
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: Tulipa on January 28, 2007, 10:57:33
OH has decided to prune the apple trees, so I think I might not get my count done, boo hoo! :(

On the subject of starlings, we have one that visits regularly.  I find this strange as I thought they always came in gangs.  I wonder if this one got left behind at some point, it is a bit sad.  And how will he find a mate if there are no others around? :(

Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: lorna on January 28, 2007, 13:54:05
Grandma Oh dear, now you have found me out ;D. My bird feeding station does have long "arms" and the birds often sit on them waiting to dive on the feeders. This morning I also threw some bread over the lawn  and managed to count 15 starlings (honest!!) I had already sent my results in on line and as I have said I don't like to brag about anything ;D

Georgie. How did your birdwatch go? My nyger seed seems to have gone down a bit but I think it is probably the wind blowing the feeder and shaking some seed out. I can't understand it, one of my daughters now lives 2 streets away from me and they have loads of different birds in their garden. They don't even put food out for them.
Other than the greenfinches that visit I have never seen any other finch in my garden :'(

Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: Paulines7 on January 28, 2007, 14:30:49
Lorna, have you any trees in your garden other than the conifers?  The goldfinches do not sit in the evergreens in my garden but the sparrows do.  I have an elder and the finches much prefer that.  You could try growing some of the ornamental thistles such as Coneflowers (Echinacea) and leave the seed heads on.  Once the goldfinches have found you they will come back again.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: lorna on January 28, 2007, 15:16:02
Pauline All the conifers are gone (at last) except for a few behind the sun room and greenhouse. It was too dangerous to try and remove those. Lorna has a small tree iin her garden, no idea what it is but I do see quite a few birds there. There are quite a lot of large trees dotted along the grass verges on this little estate. We can live in hopes just wish my son-in-law wouldn't keep telling me about the lovely birds he gets in his garden. Will have to stop making him cups of tea when he comes round ;D
Hope you are well.
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: Georgie on January 28, 2007, 21:18:45
Georgie. How did your birdwatch go? My nyger seed seems to have gone down a bit but I think it is probably the wind blowing the feeder and shaking some seed out. I can't understand it, one of my daughters now lives 2 streets away from me and they have loads of different birds in their garden. They don't even put food out for them.
Other than the greenfinches that visit I have never seen any other finch in my garden :'(

Well how exciting is this?  1 robin, 2 wood pigeons, 7 sparrows and 7 starlings?

G x
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: lorna on January 28, 2007, 22:23:06
Georgie. Really jealous of your robin.
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: Georgie on January 28, 2007, 22:28:22
Sorry, Lorna, but I'm not sharing!   ;)

G x
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: Carol on January 28, 2007, 22:54:10
Guess what landed during the count, a Heron.....  took off pretty d**n quick when the curtain twitched tho.   I did have other birds as well but no tits at all and only 1 Starling.   ;) ;)
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: Georgie on January 29, 2007, 20:42:11
I was just about to input my results and I see that my OH has been 'doctoring' the form.  In the 'other species' column he's added:  Dodo x 4, Vulture x 3, Pterodactyl x 2 and Reliant Robin x 1.   ;D

G x
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: flossie on January 29, 2007, 22:04:22
Well done that man - gave me a   ;D after a hard day
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: kenkew on January 30, 2007, 22:10:58
For the first time since I put 5 nest boxes up 3 years ago I have bluetit interest...I'ts only Feb in 2 days but there is interest.
First time I've seen bluetits in over a year in the garden.
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: Trixiebelle on January 31, 2007, 20:24:02
When it's Birdwatch time, the feathered beings in my garden KNOW how to recognise the signs:

ME peering through the window clutching a pad and a pencil (Ay up ... she's at it again!)

ME putting out more bread/seeds than normal (Don't fall for that one .. it's called 'entrapment' in police circles. Let's hide)

ME opening the net-window to the RSPB Birdwatch site (ERE! Come and look at this! Bill Oddie's after counting our tail feathers. Let's all fly around and confuse Trixiebelle)

And thus .... a map of UK birds is made by results submitted by humanoids.

Birds all over the United Kingdom with access to the internet (of which there are many) tune in to the results of the research in the Spring of 2008 and plummet out of their nests because they are laughing so much!


The high number of sparrows in the North East give a 'high five' to the low number of starlings, laugh at the humanoids and they all return to their nests and watch Deal Or No Deal on CCTV

Never underestimate a sparrow OR a starling.

Thrushes are a bit more truthful but you never can tell.
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: Debs on February 03, 2007, 23:23:14
Everything seemed to go into hiding when I settled down with no.1 son to

'watch the birdies'

2 sparrows ( usually a dozen or more) 2 collared doves, 2 woodpigeons, 1

magpie, 1 robin, 2 blackbirds.

However today, 1 week later, I have seen the above as well as loads of

starlings, 2 bluetits, 3/4 great tits  ::)

Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: Joolieeee on February 04, 2007, 17:20:42
we have the usual suspects, lots of greenfinches, dunnocks, robins, blackbirds, magpies, blue and great tits.  We were speculating that the lack of cold weather so far has kept the shy birds away - we've only seen a couple of long tailed tits rather than a dozen last year, no grey wagtail this year either.  Must be because they don't have to travel so far to look for food (we back onto the allotments). 

Then low and behold with the frost this morning, looked out and there was a bullfinch in the garden.  Happy happy :) :) :)

Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: manicscousers on February 04, 2007, 19:28:45
don't know why but apart from all the above, we have had approx 4 chaffinches and a wren, loads of starlings,and thrushes   :) love it  ;D
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: Georgie on February 04, 2007, 19:31:36
I had a 25kg sack of bird seed and 100 fat balls delivered yesterday so what's the betting I never get a bird in my garden again?   ;)  ::)  ;D

G x
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: manicscousers on February 08, 2007, 19:41:42
we've, in the last few days, had a SPARROW HAWK, a jay and a peid wagtail, never seen them before in our garden !! :o :o ;D
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: lorna on February 08, 2007, 20:28:01
Georgie.. did the snow bring the birds? I worry about my blackbirds as the starlings seem to bully them. Today I put some food by my back door and hey presto the blackbirds found it. All the snow has gone now.
Title: Re: Birdwatch 2007
Post by: Debs on February 09, 2007, 19:03:51
Saw a woodpigeon which was sitting on the lawn, didn't liik too well.

Got binoculars out ( like you do ;)) and saw that it must have gorged itself on all the food I'd put out, and seemed to have a whole peanut  protruding out of its throat. Left it alone, and the greedy b***er go tback up on the bird table to eat more!!

Still didn't look too good and spend periods resting on bird table before flying off to hide on ground under conifers.
Dog went in to garden and chased it out - flew into neighbours garden.
Hope its ok  :-\
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