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General => The Shed => Topic started by: Yellow Petals on January 15, 2007, 17:56:29

Title: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Yellow Petals on January 15, 2007, 17:56:29
Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Updated Monday January 15, 03:10 PM     
LONDON (Reuters) - Tumbling temperatures and gale-force winds are expected to hit Britain mid-week in a foretaste of things to come in the second half of what so far has been an abnormally mild winter.

The Met Office said winds could gust up to 80 miles per hour in many areas from Wednesday through into Thursday with possible disruption to travel followed by much colder weather over the weekend.

It even warned of a possible threat of snow in northern and eastern areas before a return to drier, brighter but still frosty weather next week.
It advised travellers to take heed of the latest weather forecasts before they set off.

The Met Office, which earlier this month predicted that 2007 could be the warmest year on record globally due to the El Nino weather phenomenon and climate change, said it expected more frequent cold snaps over England in the second half of the winter.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: busy_lizzie on January 15, 2007, 18:04:05
I do hope we have snow this year.  I know if isn't very good for the road users, but we do need a proper winter. I hate this blurring of the seasons. Plants and birds just don't know where they are.  My sister lives in London and the snow drops are out in her garden, and I have one bright eyed little daisy sticking it's little head up in our lawn. I do hate the wind though, so not looking forward to that. Our front drive fence is about to topple over. It's been propped up for now but anymore wind and that will be that. busy_lizzie
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Mrs Ava on January 16, 2007, 15:38:35
nuts.....I am on garden clearance both days.  Better wrap up!
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: ACE on January 16, 2007, 16:34:10
I have to be out in it this week, I have a deadline to finish an old fashioned herb garden. They want to film it this weekend, so I shall look very windswept and interesting ;D
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: okra on January 16, 2007, 21:48:52
Lotties would benefit from some heavy frosts
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: mc55 on January 16, 2007, 21:54:54
these reports always seem to do the rounds every winter - usually the Mail or Express whipping everyone into a frenzy, but the Met office is a little more reliable.

Hope it comes to nothing - I've just negotiated terms for a weekend exchange:  he gives me two full days labour at lottie this w/e, I have to go to Scotland mountain biking at a future w/e.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Amazin on January 16, 2007, 22:16:28
Remember last year when Spring came SOOOOOO late?

I reckon there's still plenty of time for things to chill down. We usually get snow on or around my birthday, which is February 8th...

...and no, that's not a hint.


That's a hint
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Carol on January 16, 2007, 22:58:06
I left a meeting about 9 o clock and it was snowing!!!  my wee car skidded down the hill with the snow on the road.   Now that wasnt forecst for tonight here in the Borders.

 ;) ;)
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: supersprout on January 17, 2007, 06:35:32
I have to be out in it this week, I have a deadline to finish an old fashioned herb garden. They want to film it this weekend, so I shall look very windswept and interesting ;D

Hope you've got some pics for us too ACE :D
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Garden Manager on January 17, 2007, 10:56:40
I do indeed welcome a change from the wet and windy weather we have been having rcently, but as it looks like it will go from one extreme to another, i personaly dont feel it will be an improvement. I dislike really bitterly cold weather just as much as wet and windy weather. It wont be so bad if its nice and sunny though.

As far as out winter climate is in general, I would much prefer either a totaly mild one or totaly cold one. This mixture of cold and mild spells that pases for winter these days does noone any good, particularly the wildlife. It will be particularly bad this this winter as it has been so mild for so long. A cold snap now i feel will do more harm than good.

On a personal level i am in no way ready for proper winter weather in the garden. The bad weather of late has left me with a backlog of jobs to do, including sorting out the greenhouse for winter, somethign i have been meaning to do for 2 months, yet havent had the chance! I still have not cleaned and insulated it, something that  this time last winter i had already done (the previous November!).

Anyway if cold weather is on the way and we get a series of cold snaps, I just hope 1 of them will be in the first week in february, when i will be somewhere a lot warmer (on holiday)!
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Mrs Ava on January 17, 2007, 15:44:06
Well, here in Essex it rained all morning.  I worked on getting wetter and colder.  At 12noon the boss told me to knock off for the day and by the time I had got home, had a cuppa and started to warm up, the sun was out and the sky was blue.  According to our local weather, we in Essex are going to wake to torrential rain tomorrow along with gales of up to 70mph.  The rain will then hang around until Sunday, when the temperature will drop and we might have snow!!!  :o
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: ACE on January 17, 2007, 15:55:35
Beautiful day down here, I don't know what all the fuss was about. I woke up to the birds singing, had a little shower about 7.30 then worked in the sunshine all day. I bet I shall pay for it tomorrow :(
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: cornykev on January 17, 2007, 17:08:37
Cats and dogs most of the day, where are you Ace. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: manicscousers on January 17, 2007, 17:24:28
beautiful afternoon here in wet normally wet wigan, spent a few hours putting in fruit trees, bit cold but we soon warmed up  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: cambourne7 on January 17, 2007, 17:25:18
weather here is great :-) blue sky no wind and rain finished about midday :-)
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: triffid on January 17, 2007, 17:27:06
...  where are you Ace. ;D ;D ;D ;D

Washed away somewhere off Alderney, if the member map's right  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: MrsKP on January 17, 2007, 17:28:38
was snowing here last night when i went to bed ... was all excited !

woke up this morning to wind rain and no snow .... back to normal then.

I love the seasons in their rightful place but hate all this guess work.  That's nature I suppose !

Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: cambourne7 on January 17, 2007, 17:34:18

Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: MrsKP on January 17, 2007, 17:37:41
that's what i thought !  and it was settling too.  was terribly disappointed this morning.

Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: ACE on January 17, 2007, 18:19:09
where are you Ace.

I Would have thought my choice of waistcoats might have given you a clue ;D

Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Tulipa on January 17, 2007, 20:41:23
I get it!! ;D ;D ;D

(I knew anyway)
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: MrsKP on January 18, 2007, 06:59:55
The snow's back !

Started 20 mins ago.  ;D
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: ACE on January 18, 2007, 07:29:39
Blowing a hoolie, I have to go out,   I might be some time.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: flower on January 18, 2007, 08:40:12
We got the snow yesterday on and off ( county Durham  england) and woke up this morning to find it had settled its not that windy yet but by heck its cold plus its very dark here so i reckon more snows gonna fall soon
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Grandma on January 18, 2007, 09:06:51
OMG! Sounds even worse outside than the '87 hurricane - and apparently the highest wind-speeds aren't due until around midday. Just heard on Radio 4 that 90mph+  gust recorded on the Needles (Isle of Wight). Thinking of your greenhouses/polyunnels/sheds - and keeping my fingers crossed for you all.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: MattyJC on January 18, 2007, 09:17:24
Crazy winds here, was meant to be going to the isle of wight for a funeral today, but its cut off, about time they built a tunnel!
I lost my plastic greenhouse in the winds last Thursday, along with a trellis and a wall...lets hope there isn't too much damage today


Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Garden Manager on January 18, 2007, 10:36:19
Been keeping an eye/ear on the latest reports from around the country. It certainly sounds bad. We have high winds and some bits and pieces of rain, but doesnt seem as bad hare as predicted. From what they were saying on the forecasts, i half expected a few branches down off our trees at least. As yet nothing (thankfully), so it cant be as bad as that one night in december when one of our fences got flattened and glazing blew out of the greeenhouse.

I think i am more concerned about the cold snap they are threatening us with next week. Just how bad is it going to be? Is it going to be just a few days of cold and frost and then back mild again (like we had in November and December) or are we in for the long haul this time (like last winter)? It wont be so bad if the days are nice and sunny (takes the edge off the cold). The worst thing would be to go from overcast and mild to overcast and bitterly cold!
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: moonbeam on January 18, 2007, 10:38:58
Started  snowing here in Dundee and its lying in places would have rather had a very hard frost but mother nature decides what we get not us.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Garden Manager on January 18, 2007, 10:54:03
Started  snowing here in Dundee and its lying in places would have rather had a very hard frost but mother nature decides what we get not us.

Actualy snow is better for the garden than a frost. Snow acts like a blanket, protecting the ground to a certain extent from frost. Then when it melts the moisture penetrates the soil gradualy rather than runnig  off and washing it away as you get with torrential rain.

Of course snow is not good if you have to travel anywhere, and as we all know it takes very little snow these days to grind the UK transport network to a halt!
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Tulipa on January 18, 2007, 11:03:08
ACE, just heard on the news about gusts of 99mph recorded on the IOW, hope you are ok and not out working in it!  Hope your herb garden is ok! :(
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: CotswoldLass on January 18, 2007, 11:05:05
Wind's a-howlin here in Hampshire. Dustbins flying round as it's collection day today!

We effectively live in a wood so it is a bit of a worry. Last week a 60- footer came down at the bottom end of the garden. Southern Electric got the power back by late afternoon, which was brilliant, but I could do without a repeat.

We're parking the cars away from the trees, just in case.......

Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Barnowl on January 18, 2007, 11:23:35
Don't we need a cold snap to get our garlic to subdivide?
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Curryandchips on January 18, 2007, 11:27:47
Yes Barnowl, otherwise you just end up with one very large clove - it was mentioned somewhere that if you replant these large cloves, you end up with very big heads of garlic the following year - I must remember to try this.

Weather bad here in the midlands too, I am too worried to visit my plot, I have visions of mass damage ...

Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Mrs Ava on January 18, 2007, 11:40:36
Blimey ole riley, it is howling here in Essex!  My boss gave me the day off, he didn't fancy going out either and as I was due at Hatfield Peveral which is a trip down the fast A12, he felt it best I stay home safe and sound.  I haven't heard the forecast for tomorrow yet - hope it is dry so I can earn a crust!

Keep safe people, it sounds like madness out there.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: manicscousers on January 18, 2007, 11:53:04
it took us 1 hr, 25 minutes to do a 10 minute trip, we had a flood to the top of our tyres going for our grandson, then the canal broke it's banks on the way back so another horrendous flood on the way for school, he was going for the breakfast club at 8.10, actually got in to school, 9.20..blowing a gale but beautifully sunny now   :)
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: windygale on January 18, 2007, 12:09:28
ok ok, its the last time im going to tell you all, :o stop picking on me, ::) or talking about me behind my back, >:( or i'll stay here for a long long time, ;D and all your greenhouses, polytunnels, trees will be blown down  ;) mind you i think i've over done it, its making the tiles rattle, the ariel bang and it has that eerie hum,somebody's black bins just gone down the road,
 i may calm down in time, if i stop eating the sprouts,
take care :D
windygale ;D
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on January 18, 2007, 12:18:39
It's howling (literally) in Birmingham as well. Torrential showers and trees tossing about everywhere. I'm stuck in college, and I'm going stright home to bed when I finish, so I've no idea what damage, if any, to expect on the allotment. Most of the really wobbly-looking fencing flew down last week, but it's blowing harder now.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: tim on January 18, 2007, 12:38:20
But you can use your hose pipe - if you're with Thames??
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: MattyJC on January 18, 2007, 12:50:43
We can indeed Tim, just as soon as the rain stops I think I will go and hose the car off and maybe get a sprinkler on the grass :)
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on January 18, 2007, 13:16:16
OMG! Sounds even worse outside than the '87 hurricane - and apparently the highest wind-speeds aren't due until around midday. Just heard on Radio 4 that 90mph+  gust recorded on the Needles (Isle of Wight). Thinking of your greenhouses/polyunnels/sheds - and keeping my fingers crossed for you all.

actually the Burn's Night Storm of 1990 was worse, in terms of fatalities, about 100 as opposed to about 20. This was the one that nearly did for Gordon Kaye when he got hit in the head by some flying debris. The highest windspeed was in the other great storm of 1989 (over 120 knots -140 mph at Frazerburgh). I suspect we always get reminded about the 1987 storm because of poor Michael Fish, and whisper it softy, because mainly affected the South of England and London.................
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: cambourne7 on January 18, 2007, 13:24:10
Will got up at 11.30 and lay in bed for another hour and did not heat a peep outside but when i eventualy got up found all the bins making there way down the road so got them back and hidden away just sat down with a cup of tea amd noticed that the plastic cover off my 4 shelf greenhouse thingy has been blowen off ( it had been tied to the bottom ) but it looks like the plastic has shreaded!

Sky is very dark now and the sky is moving very fast - so glad i am home!

not thinking about the allotment  :'(
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: lorna on January 18, 2007, 13:52:17
First real damage here. I had just walked back down back garden after inspecting the greenhouse and heard an almighty crack. Turned round and two panes in the front of the greenhouse blew straight across the garden. One was completely smashed but the other one is still in one piece. Glad  I wasn't up that end when it happened could have been nasty. One large window had also blown out of the front of the garage. The fence between young Lorna and me (fencing panels) is leaning in one part but it appears to be the metposts have moved in the wet ground, probably saving the panels from being destroyed. What ever happens I am NOT going out there to try any repairs until the wind drops,
Stay safe people.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Larkspur on January 18, 2007, 13:57:29
I have just watched branches off my neighbours 30' high Leylandii ::). being ripped off by the wind and being deposited into someonelses garden. I'm only glad my equally high willow tree is still standing but I'm quite sure my shed won't be at the allotment :(.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: fluffygrue on January 18, 2007, 14:11:57
Pretty apocalyptic here in Manchester too.. Extremely windy with a bit of rain - no trees broken yet, and I'm glad I staked the apple trees I planted last week.

It's meant to ease off this evening/tomorrow morning, and then it's going to get very cold. Frosts! Woo!
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: robkb on January 18, 2007, 14:14:48
Just got a call from my wife, apparently my two plastic greenhouses have blown over (the concrete slabs on the bottom shelves obviously didn't help), so that's my sweet peas gone and seed potatoes mashed before they've even been planted >:( >:(  

And here at work the high buildings in St Thomas's Street are effectively turning the whole street into a massive wind tunnel - bit scary trying to walk to the station!

Rob ;)
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Mrs Ava on January 18, 2007, 14:18:45
Two fence panels down.  Had to rescue the kids mini trampolines as they were begining to move and I had a horrible sensation that if they were to fly, they could kill!  Plant pots, some with plants in (!), all over the garden.  Lots of willow down, but so far, touch wood, the greenhouse and shed are okay.  The conservatory on the other hand is creaking rather ominously!!  :-[

My darling is in London at 6pm he has to ride home on the motorbike.  I think I would rather he stayed in London tonite!  :-\
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: supersprout on January 18, 2007, 14:29:40
lol@windygale, don't take it personally :o ;) ;D
Emma Jane, fingers crossed the wind dies down as promised later this afternoon :-*
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: triffid on January 18, 2007, 14:49:00
Just been out in the garden dodging rolling flowerpots and flying twigs while we tied guyropes to our fence. It would have been laid flat by now otherwise and probably three gardens away.
Neighbours have a brick garden wall, and that's just gone over  :o

Don't dare try to get out and go to the allotment but I fear for my poor shed. Will see tomorrow, if the weather stops bullying us.

Sympathy to robkb for the seed spuds and sweet peas. Fingers crossed that some are recoverable. Let us know...

EJ -- as SS says, hopefully the wind will have died down by this evening.

Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Hyacinth on January 18, 2007, 14:51:34
damage so far...3 glass panes out of the greenhouse, sure more will follow, but nothing to be done til the gales have call from one of my ladies just now....big old tree next door is down, smashing through my lady's garden & demolishing all the trellises and arch....sounds like devils in torment are living in my chimneys....not liking this at all!
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: cambourne7 on January 18, 2007, 14:54:49
I have heard there is damage on the allotments but dont know if my plots affected  :-X

EJ - DO NOT LET HIM GET ON THE BIKE!! its not going to be safe.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: tabbycat on January 18, 2007, 15:06:32
Really howling here in Surrey too.

Am upstairs watching the acacia tree in the back garden fall to bits in the gale. They are brittle trees at the best of times but this one died in the summer as it just couldn't compete for water with my neighbours conifers.

Am praying that it's just going to be the little branches that come down and not the whole tree! Asked OH to get a tree surgeon in to cut it down a month or so back, but he was selectively deaf at that point as it will cost a fortune..... so will new double glazing if it falls on the house! :o

Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Larkspur on January 18, 2007, 15:57:32
I cannot believe it :D, screwd up my courage and went up to the allotment only to discover that my shed (that thing on the left) IS STILL STANDING ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: kitten on January 18, 2007, 16:09:43
It's v windy here in Lincolnshire, and part of our back fence is swaying dangerously despite hubby putting in another stake by the side of it at the weekend.  Oh well, at least we're inside safe and sound.  EJ - I'm really worried about your other half getting on a bike in this, let's hope it settles down a bit before he sets off  :-\
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: manicscousers on January 18, 2007, 16:13:06
this is getting to sound like the Vicar of Dibley   ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: ACE on January 18, 2007, 16:15:54
Well it got a bit blowy here, loads of trees down on the way to work, a bit of my trellis has gone awol.
I live on the site of an old windmill, so I suppose it was the windiest part of Cowes. But where I was working it was sheltered and sunny and I had a lovely productive day, paths in,300 herbs planted and all gravelled over, a few little extras tomorrow to make it look pretty, a quick makeover for me saturday so I will look as nice as the garden. Then struggle to the bank with the cheque 8)

Oh and EJ don't worry about other half. If he is the seasoned rider I think he is he will be alright.  To all the rest of you that are worried, motorcycles are only dangerous in the wrong hands.

Mind you I remember when motorcycles were dangerous and sex was safe ;D
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: kitten on January 18, 2007, 16:48:17
this is getting to sound like the Vicar of Dibley   ;D ;D ;D

No, no, no, no, no, no it isn't  ;D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: lorna on January 18, 2007, 16:51:17
Seems d**n scary all over the country. Part of son's workshop roof has crashed down, luckily it is double skinned so his equipment isn't get damaged. Just waiting for landlord to sort.
Emma. Stay safe Mark and to every one else I hope your damage is not too dangerous/expensive. Just be careful.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: manicscousers on January 18, 2007, 16:56:50
No, no, no, no, no, no it isn't , by kitten

it's not the great storm, it's the great wind, no it's not, here' s hoping it's not the great snow or the great frost next !!   ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: cornykev on January 18, 2007, 17:47:39
Howling winds thats exactly what it sounds like, raining most of the morning, Sky's cleared up this afternoon but wind hasn't dropped, still a hosepipe ban in Enfield says Thames Water, in the local rag. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( ;D
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Mrs Ava on January 18, 2007, 17:57:17
I know you are right Ace, and he has biked in worse.  He said it was very exciting this morning!!  It isn't really him I am worried about, it is the swaying lorries and swerving cars that might sway or swerve into him! 

The wind has quietened down here, thank goodness.  Wheelie bins all over the street when I went to collect the kids from school. 

Right, off to karate now.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: CotswoldLass on January 18, 2007, 18:02:48
Writing this courtesy of our very own new GENERATOR !!!!!!!

Another tree down. Another power cut (whole village is out)....

Got to finish law assignment, which I can, as we just B&Q it!

Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Marymary on January 18, 2007, 18:04:15
Really strong winds here in Norwich - actually quite scary - I will be glad when everyone is home safe & sound.  

Bet the insurance companies are preparing for a busy time!
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: cambourne7 on January 18, 2007, 18:57:30
yippe - getting excited now

Snow forcast for monday and tuesday in east anglia!!
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: fluffygrue on January 18, 2007, 19:00:25
I know you are right Ace, and he has biked in worse.  He said it was very exciting this morning!!  It isn't really him I am worried about, it is the swaying lorries and swerving cars that might sway or swerve into him! 

The thing I'd be more concerned about is that driving anywhere at the moment is taking about 4 times longer than it should, owing to all the trees/lorries blocking roads. :/

Seriously, if you looked at the traffic information at, you wouldn't bother trying to drive anywhere. Still waiting for my other half to get home, mumble.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: cambourne7 on January 18, 2007, 19:13:28
i sent my hubbie shopping so he would miss most of the traffic hes back now with dinner  ;D
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: king spud on January 18, 2007, 19:18:30
Went down the allotment this afternoon when the wind had abated a bit to check for damage , all ok apart from the locks on the shed door having been smashed off in the last 24 hours, nothing taken but who in the right mind would be out in  them conditions and in the dark as well,
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: manicscousers on January 18, 2007, 19:19:10
idiots !!   :)
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Carol on January 18, 2007, 19:45:58
I just do not believe it but this part of the UK  Scottish Borders has escaped all the mayhem.  Woke up to snow lying this morning but all was still (no wind)  There was a slow thawing off the snow throughout the morning and there was a lovely sunset.  We have had no wind at all today.  I am truly vexed for you all suffering the gales today and hope that you all havent suffered too much damage to your properties.   :) :)
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Mrs Ava on January 18, 2007, 20:12:03
He's home safe and sound.  Phewie!  The wind has dropped a lot thank goodness.  I saw that forecast also Cambourne for the snow.  For the sproglets sake, I hope it does and it settles.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: kitten on January 18, 2007, 20:36:56
Yippee, chuffed for you EJ, I can sleep soundly tonight!
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: grawrc on January 18, 2007, 20:47:14
Light snow in Edinburgh but no gales thank goodness. We had plenty over the last couple of weeks though. At times I thought the roof was going to blow off or the windows implode... Winds of 85 mph at New Year.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: cornykev on January 18, 2007, 21:03:14
Winds dropped here as well, you can stop pacing now EJ darlings home and big brothers on. ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Tulipa on January 18, 2007, 21:09:55
Sadly OH lost a colleague and good friend today in the storms, his poor family. :'(
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: kitten on January 18, 2007, 21:17:03
Oh tulippa, I'm so sorry to hear that, and here we all are moaning about a few fence panels x
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: supersprout on January 18, 2007, 22:20:13
Tulippa, so sorry to hear your news.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: cambourne7 on January 18, 2007, 22:21:41
Sadly OH lost a colleague and good friend today in the storms, his poor family. :'(

Tulippa thats really bad certainly puts a little repairable damage into perspective!!
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: MrsKP on January 18, 2007, 22:33:56
tragic tulippa.  i'm so sorry.  :'(
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Mrs Ava on January 18, 2007, 23:22:43
Sorry to hear your news Tulippa.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Tulipa on January 18, 2007, 23:35:51
Bless you all, thank you, I don't know what else to say, it is just so sad when anyone goes isn't it.  We were all just lucky enough to have known him.  My heart goes out to his wife and family, our loss is nothing compared to theirs, I just keep thinking of them.  He went off to work and never came back.

Makes me feel I must never get cross with hubby for waking me up much too early ever again! ;)

I am sorry for posting because I stopped a nice long thread short, I was just so upset about him!  You are all entitled to feel upset about your fence panels, plants etc too, it is all your hard work and the plants are precious too, don't worry...

At least the wind has dropped now and we can get a good night's sleep...

Night night.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Hyacinth on January 18, 2007, 23:40:04
Puts my garden damage into perspective...I'm so sorry about the life cut short and feel for his family :'(
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: triffid on January 18, 2007, 23:45:23
Sorry Tulippa, words aren't much good at times like these. Go and hug your hubby and get a good night's sleep; our thoughts are with all the families who've lost people to the storm today.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Yellow Petals on January 18, 2007, 23:52:59
Sorry for your sad news, Tulippa xxxx  and I echo everything in Triffid's post.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: lorna on January 19, 2007, 08:22:41
Tulippa. So sorry to hear your sad news. My thoughts go out to your friend's family, also to you and your husband I know what it is to lose a friend although my loss was  under different circumstances.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: robkb on January 19, 2007, 09:47:19
Tulippa, so sorry to hear your news... kind of puts things into perspective.

EJ - very glad to hear your OH got home okay.

Rob ;)

ps. greenhouse is repairable, just needs a new ; seed spuds also recoverable, but all mixed up; sweet peas and over-wintering globe artichoke plants trashed, but in the big scheme of things it really doesn't seem very important...

Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: CotswoldLass on January 19, 2007, 09:49:49
So sorry too Tulippa - what a tragedy. Our thoughts to all those killed or injured through this. CLx
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Grandma on January 19, 2007, 09:51:59
So sad, Tulippa. Makes us all count our blessings.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: froglets on January 19, 2007, 11:03:09
Add my best wishes to all the others.  I kept thinking about those poor lorry drivers in the awful conditions, with an eye on those that I was crawling past.  It took me 5 hrs to get from Preston to Crewe last night, via Runcorn in the end, but it was just 5 hours of radio 4 and some cd's, not injury or worse.

We still have flooding and a lot of power outages, but it looks a lovely day out there now.  Not going anywhere today though, no way, no chance, uh uh.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: vee on January 19, 2007, 14:36:02
Two of our fence panels blew down yesterday, but then I read Tulippa's post and it puts small things into perspective. What sad news.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Tulipa on January 19, 2007, 15:13:31
Thanks so much everyone for all your kind thoughts which I shall pass on.

At least the wind is back to normal now and everyone can travel safely. :)

Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: simon404 on January 19, 2007, 17:13:24
Sorry to hear your sad news Tulipa. My fence is down but luckily it's next door's, only one pane of glass blown out of the greenhouse and it landed in one piece! Then I looked up at the top of my plot and realised an ash tree had gone over, well it was about dead so not surprising really - plenty of firewood now anyway and luckily it missed my shed!


Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Garden Manager on January 19, 2007, 19:04:01
Seemed to have missed the worst of it here in Dorset - despite reports of problems not far away. Stayed  inside all day listening to the storm and all the news and travel reports on Radio 2. It certianly was nasty in some places yesterday. Thankfully no damage (someone was smiling on me yesterday thats for sure). I did half expect more fence to go down or glass blown out of the greenhouse, or even worse one of the row of old pines at he back of the estate to come down into the garden. But not even a branch came down!

All of that pales into insignificance compared to the human cost of the storm. I had heard about the casualties, and of course its terrible but until i read Tullipa's news they were just people. Hearing that one of the casualties was a close friend of an A4All member, puts it all in perspective and makes it all far more 'real'. I dont know quite what else to say. Words are inadequate at a time like this

All I can do is send my condolences and sympathies go to Tulipa, her family and their friends family.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: cornykev on January 19, 2007, 21:28:37
Winds have dropped today, sun came out ,done some bits over lottie, but my thoughts are with you Tullipa and your friends family.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Mrs Ava on January 19, 2007, 22:41:42
What a gorgeous day today.  How quickly things change.  I was working on my garden clearance and when I stopped for lunch I turned my face up to the sun and enjoyed feeling it's heat on my face.

I popped to the plot, and the only real damage is the brassica cage had blown down, and the mask on my scarecrow was nowhere to be seen.  I shall get up there properly next week when I am not working and get things straight.

Lots of tree debris down on the common, and road signs and cones dotted around on the A12.  I thought we were due gales again tonight, but it is all still out there at the moment.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: CotswoldLass on January 20, 2007, 10:11:25
we're still without power (since Thurs arvo). Writing this courtesy of generator. Luckily my OH didn't 'deck' the guy in orange (see Scam post). CLx
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Blue Bird on January 20, 2007, 15:29:56
Sorry about your sad news Tullipa - Winds still very strong here on the Wirral but only just stopped raining at lunch time.  Went to check on the  lottie 1 green house in bits but other wise just things scattered,  Lets hope that is the last of the high winds hope everyone one else is having a better time now.   ???
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: cambourne7 on January 20, 2007, 15:51:41

I have heard that the allotments have been tashed and am going to head up tomorrow or maybe later today if i feel up to it.

dont have a good feeling about this!

Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: cornykev on January 21, 2007, 14:23:57
Lovely sunny day today, still a bit windy, but gets the washing dry.   ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: ACE on January 21, 2007, 14:47:14
I spent an hour yesterday putting up my bit of trellis without having to cut down the climbers that were on it. Then about  2.00am I was woken with what sounded like an express train coming past the house.

It looked like a bomb had dropped in the garden this morning, I can only think it was a mini tornado going past last night. It even blew some of my henge over.

New trellis and arch put up today, looking very bare but the climbers should reshoot later in the year. The henge is looking as if it has been there from the stone age so I might leave it as it is.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: cambourne7 on January 21, 2007, 16:34:27

Hubbie went to the plot for me today as i did not feel up to it.

My shed has been blown over and the roof has blowen off

i think the shed may be salvagable next saturday
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: ACE on January 21, 2007, 16:59:34
It looks repairable, I might be temped to screw it down next time.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: kitten on January 21, 2007, 17:02:01
Oh dear Cam, sorry about your shed - on the upside it looks repairable as you say.  Just a pain, another job you didn't intend on having to do!  And don't be lifting it by yourself or you'll have us lot to answer to lol  :o  ;D .  Hope you get it fixed soon (and feel better soon too!) x
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: cambourne7 on January 21, 2007, 17:06:53
no i will rope in a couple of peole to help  :D
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: cambourne7 on January 21, 2007, 17:16:22
It looks repairable, I might be temped to screw it down next time.

dont think that will help

this is the plot behind me and this was screwed down

going to come off the drugs and see if its the side effects of these making me feel crap
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: kitten on January 21, 2007, 17:23:15
Was that sofa there before the gales, or did it fly in from somewhere else nearby lol  :o
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: lorna on January 21, 2007, 17:23:48
I do hope you can repair shed Cam.   My neighbour over the road had some fencing panels
smashed. He was going to dump them. I asked if I could have the battens from them. So I now have plenty battens to make some more trellis with. I spent over an hour chipping the putty out of the garage door window frame ready for John to board up. I already had three boarded up due to kids breaking windows. Still quite windy here and certainly colder.
Be safe people.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: saddad on January 21, 2007, 17:29:41
Noticed that next door's old apple tree has come down... not onto either greenhouses thankfully!
Sorry to hear about the loss Tullipa.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: supersprout on January 21, 2007, 17:34:44
Hubbie went to the plot for me today as i did not feel up to it.
My shed has been blown over and the roof has blowen off

So sorry cambourne. With a few willing helpers, hope it gets shipshape and windproof again before too long (
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: cambourne7 on January 21, 2007, 20:05:47
> sofa was already there  ;D

yes will bribe them with some of hubbies deserts

Home made apple pie ( inc hand made pastry ) with the apples soaked in grand manier and home made  calvados ice cream.

that usualy works perhapse with a main course of Carbonnade of Beef with Wholegrain Mustard Croutons and to start with parsnip soup laced with chive cream.

but food after work!!
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: supersprout on January 21, 2007, 20:27:40
I watch and learn cambourne!

Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Mrs Ava on January 21, 2007, 22:42:59
Blimey Cam.  Those gusts were something else.  And I did have to giggle about the sofa Kitten.

Nice use of recycling Lorna.  We have lost 2 panels, which the old boy must get replaced - I bet fencing companies are rubbing their hands together - and I have been trying to think what I can use them for....iedas ideas.
Title: Re: Britain braces for gales and cold spells
Post by: Garden Manager on January 22, 2007, 10:13:14
Blimey Cam.  Those gusts were something else.  And I did have to giggle about the sofa Kitten.

Nice use of recycling Lorna.  We have lost 2 panels, which the old boy must get replaced - I bet fencing companies are rubbing their hands together - and I have been trying to think what I can use them for....iedas ideas.

My local Focus store is already there. Had a large stock of fence panels in since the storms back in December.

On the subject of fences, I still havent sorted out the boundary fence which came down in that December storm. Neighbour did a rough repair to stop his dog getting out into our garden but now he is talking about replacing the fence with a brick wall,  and since the boundary is jointly owned we would have to contiribute to the cost. NICE!!! :-< . That story though is for another discussion thread.....
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