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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: paddy on January 08, 2007, 11:35:49

Title: parsnips
Post by: paddy on January 08, 2007, 11:35:49
Hi all , has anybody tried starting parsnips off in toilet roll inserts, my parsnips are a complete disaster this time and this is something i have heard of but never tried.
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: Froglegs on January 08, 2007, 11:50:33
News papper would be better as it would rot a bit quicker letting ya parsnips grow on into the ground. :)
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: glow777 on January 08, 2007, 12:07:38
yep they work ok but I tested a few ways this year and pre germinating is the way to go IMO

do a search for parsnips for Feb/Mar last year theres a few useful threads
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: manicscousers on January 08, 2007, 14:37:30
we're going to have a go at starting them off in rootrainers so's we can see if they germinate  :)
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: sweet-pea on January 08, 2007, 14:55:50
I had great success with my parsnips this year for a change.  I used a new method to me.  Basically, I made a deep hole in the ground first with a bamboo cane, wiggling it around, and then made it bigger with a thicker stick.  I then filled the whole with compost, packing it down. On top of the compost I sowed 3-4 seeds and lightly covered with some compost, and watered them. I then left them, and at least one of the seeds at each station germinated, where there was more than one, I removed the weaker ones leaving just one seedling per station.
I am now digging up fantastic parsnips, 3-4inches in diameter at top and coming out at around 14-16 inches long (although still a lot left in the ground), and they are beautifully straight :-)
I'm going to try a variation on this method with my carrots this year too.

SP x
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: SMP1704 on January 08, 2007, 15:28:20
Same here Sweet Pea - I also used 'Parsnip Pits', with 3 seeds per pit, in addition to the compost, I mixed in some sharp sand.

Also had brilliant carrots earlies were Amsterdam Forcing and then Autumn King - dug whole bed over with compost and sharp sand.

I fleeced the early sowings of carrot and parsnip - parsnip took ages to germinate but once they got going there was no stopping them :D
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: SteveJ on January 10, 2007, 14:40:02
I followed Sweet Peas method last year after hearing about it on A4A, and it worked a treat.  My 'snips  are similar in size to SP, with lovely long tap roots and no forking. 

However they are now beginnning to start to regrow due to the mild winter, so i need to get the last ones out of the ground before they get too woody.
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: saddad on January 10, 2007, 14:52:29
Have used root-trainers and had success but be warned if you wait for a true leaf they will already be out of the bottom!
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: paddy on January 10, 2007, 15:58:51
After reading all the information i think i am going to try some seeds in toilet tubes and some like sweet peas way. I have struggled with germination in the past but i am so impatient that if my seeeds have not germinated within a matter of minutes of sowing them i am brushing the soil for signs of life ( not really that bad). Many thanks for all the feedback
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: Andy H on January 12, 2007, 19:44:47
I had great success with my parsnips this year for a change.  I used a new method to me.  Basically, I made a deep hole in the ground first with a bamboo cane,

first few years I used iron bar and had massive snips but this year was a bit of a failure, complete opposite. :( :( :(
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: busy_lizzie on January 12, 2007, 19:51:08
I made a long hole and filled it with compost and sowed about three seeds in it, but unfortunatley only 4 parsnips seedlings came up out of 24 sites. So this year I intend giving the toilet roll holder pre-chitting seeds a go.  My lottie neighbour did it last year and he had a great crop which made me very jealous. Did think that the hot weather might have had something to do with my failure and perhaps I didn't keep the areas watered as much as I should have.  :-\ busy_lizzie 
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on January 12, 2007, 22:23:57
Mine never got started, and that was down to the cold spring.
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: Merry Tiller on January 12, 2007, 22:28:35
This year I never bothered with the crow bar method, I  just sowed them in rows as per, the parsnips have been OK but not as big as normal
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: Ricado on January 12, 2007, 22:30:18
have nice sandy soil here, good for germination of everything, including parsnips.

Two good years already, perfect germination.

A handy tip, when sowing i mark the line, draw out a small drill with a cane, then to ensure even depth, run your thumb and forefinger from one end of the line to the other to even out peaks and troughs in the drill.  Then space seed evenly, rake over to cover and lightly firm with the bottom of a rake.
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: nickhitch on January 12, 2007, 22:42:05
tried toilet rolls last year with little success,,the few that did grow however were a good the end made a V shaped drill in well dug soil,dropped 3 seeds together every 9inches and covered with general compost...had excellent germination and just left the strongest plant to grow on and pinched out the other 2.....i found it was an excellent to germinate carrots as well so long as the compost was kept well watered and not allowed to dry out..
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: cornykev on January 13, 2007, 18:01:52
We used a long piece of timber  moving side to side to get the depth for the drill then covered with potting compost, my mate got his building trowel out and smoothed off like he was screening a floor. Laugh I nearly fell over but the parsnips were big and delicious and still have loads in the ground so who's laughing now.    ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: cornykev on January 14, 2007, 11:03:10
Forgot to say we planted carrots and beetroot the same way.    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: tuinman on January 14, 2007, 13:11:21
Hello folks

I heard that if you put some seeds in a little plastic bag with a little wet sand, they germinate and you can just pick them out and plant them. I think i'll try it this year, would be great not to have to thin the carrots.

Has anyone tried this?
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: louise stella on January 14, 2007, 13:25:51
Hello folks

I heard that if you put some seeds in a little plastic bag with a little wet sand, they germinate and you can just pick them out and plant them. I think i'll try it this year, would be great not to have to thin the carrots.

Has anyone tried this?

You can do the same thing - using Vermiculite!

Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: supersprout on January 14, 2007, 13:28:48
Hello folks
I heard that if you put some seeds in a little plastic bag with a little wet sand, they germinate and you can just pick them out and plant them. I think i'll try it this year, would be great not to have to thin the carrots.
Has anyone tried this?
You can do the same thing - using Vermiculite!

Thank you both, will definitely try with outdoor sown carrots - it's been years since I had a good year for direct sown carrots, have been driven to sow in modules :(
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: artichoke on January 14, 2007, 17:46:40
I pre-germinate mine in the airing cupboard in damp cloth inside a plastic bag. But you have to move them on into soil pretty quickly or the baby tap roots snaps off.
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: kitten on January 14, 2007, 18:01:26
Once they have tiny shoots on, do you plant them with the shoot up or down? I know this is a silly question, but i've never done it before!  ::) x
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: saddad on January 14, 2007, 18:09:35
Dunno but after last year's disaster I want to know too!
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: cornykev on January 15, 2007, 14:37:57
Cropped some Parsnips yesterday but gave them away to another lottie who has helped me a lot over the last year or so, I've got so many I don't know what to do with them, bit of a pain really.     ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :-*
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: theothermarg on January 15, 2007, 15:58:45
when i tried the pre-growing methods they were fine until planted out then something ate um  :( :( the holes filled with compost seems good last year i just kept resowing until the row was filled alright in the end more by luck than anything
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: HO on January 15, 2007, 16:53:28
First to SteveJ. We always leave our crop until they have been well frosted but more importantly they are shooting leaves well, usually late March. Something to do with the conversion of starch in the roots to other sugars at that time. Noticeable difference. We then freeze. As to germination, has anybody out there who does not have sandy loam managed to consistently for perhaps five years germinated well? If so please let me know the way as I have grown them for thirty five years and usually get enough to last the year but sometimes have to sow twice because of poor germination. There ought to be be a saying something like "as unreliable as a parsnip".
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: Tee Gee on January 15, 2007, 16:56:11
Well put HO!
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: Tinkie_Bear on January 15, 2007, 18:54:18
I used the stick in the ground method as I have heavy clay, actually I used a broom handle and waggled it arround.  I filled the hole with compost and sand to get a nice light mixture, I then put 3 seeds in each hole - I did not pre germinate.  Not all of them came through but where I had 2 in one hole I pricked them out and to my amazement they took.

Here are the ones I lifted for xmas dinner.  Some were a bit scanky but were fine when peeled.  The biggest was 12" round !! Not bad for a new girl if I say so myself! 

( (
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: real food on January 15, 2007, 19:16:36
Parsnips are the one crop where it is important to use fresh new seed for a good germination.
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: cornykev on January 15, 2007, 20:17:59
Lovely parsnips new girl.    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :P
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: glow777 on January 16, 2007, 07:52:29
I would like to grow parsnips like they grew on "grow your own"
eg big 12"+ parsnips that can be extracted (from a position slightly off camera) that require no digging at all to extract and come out of the ground with no soil attached or disturbance to surrounding veg

which is funny cos mine seem to take a lot of digging to get out in one piece
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: Laney on January 16, 2007, 11:39:23
Thanks for all the great ideas!  Parsnips are my favourite veg so I have to give them a go this year.  I'm going to try the stick in the ground trick I think.
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: urbandruid on January 16, 2007, 11:58:04
Up until late year I was convinced that I hated parsnips.  I tried them roasted with xmas dinner at mum's and I was instantly converted!  They smell wonderful when peeled and have an amazing taste.  I've missed out on so many parsnips all this time!

Gonna pre-germinate (see blog ( and try the big hole method once I'm sure there's not going to be a frost.
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: kitten on January 16, 2007, 12:12:10
Gonna pre-germinate and try the big hole method once I'm sure there's not going to be a frost.

Me too!  I've never grown them before but 'snips were at the top of my list as we all love 'em, so after having read the advice on this forum i'm going to try this wiggling stick method and pre-germinating too.  x
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: sweet-pea on January 16, 2007, 14:52:38
I'd never have thought of pre-germinating carrots.  Last year was my best year so far with carrote, but still not that great a crop, so I think I'll give the pre-germination a go this year.

As for which way up you put the germinated seed in, I'd put it in with the shoot downwards as I'm pretty sure the root emerges first.  Although I recon it probably doesn't matter too much as gravity will probably make sure things grow in the right direction.

SP xx
Title: Re: parsnips
Post by: cornykev on January 16, 2007, 14:53:30
Same with me Urban only recently tried them roasted and loved them :P. Glow 777 weren't they lovely parsnips ;), I  dig them up they look massive :o untill you scrape off all the caked in surrounding mud and ooh half the size ???, my parsnips did very well but no where near as big as Tescos sorry I meant Mrs Kleins.    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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