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General => The Shed => Topic started by: Carol on December 19, 2006, 11:59:21

Title: Whats in a name
Post by: Carol on December 19, 2006, 11:59:21
'I do not believe it' as Richard Wilson would say, but the Christian name JESSICA  is the most popular Christian name for girls in 2006.

I was given as a first name JESSIE and all my childhood and onwards have been laughed at for having this name.  ( I use my 2nd Christian name ).  Now this name is popular and not before time because wonderful people have had that name  ;D ;D ;D   Anyone else hold a name which used to make them cringe.   :D :D :D 
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: manicscousers on December 19, 2006, 13:45:44
marilyn, mum thought it would be shortened to lyn, got mal instead, mum liked marilyn munroe..I hated my name  :(
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Emagggie on December 19, 2006, 14:18:39
You'll go a fair way to beat mine.........I was Christened Ena. ::)
What was worse, Coronation street was 'the' soap to watch (if you had a telly). My first year at secondary school could have been pretty awful if I had been a timid child. When we moved from country to town and I changed schools my Ma insisted I change my name to Margaret (middle name). I asked her in later years why Ena - she couldn't think why!!
Don't think I've ever been called Margaret either. ;D

Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Heldi on December 19, 2006, 14:39:16
Carol! The big slobbering dog next door is called Jessica  heeheehee!!  ;D

The only thing I'm miffed about with names at the moment is that an x factor contestant has my daughter's name...hardly anyone I'd met had heard of my daughter's name and now all the scummy grots will probably call their daughters it. >:(  >:( I don't watch x factor and haven't read the thread about it but I know this woman either won or was close.  Aaaaaaaaaargh!!!! 
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Larkspur on December 19, 2006, 15:00:34
Well I haven't but my wife hates her second name. Her father wanted to name her after his mother-in-law, my wife being her first granddaughter. My wife's grandmothers name was Lily which in this day and age would have been dreadful enough but unfortunately neither the Registrar nor my late father-in law could spell it, so she ended up as LILLY :o :D ;D
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: rosebud on December 19, 2006, 15:28:45
Mary, it sounds such an old fashioned name, i really do not like it never have, when we go to Italy, i always get called Maria which i do like,especially the way the Italian men say it Wowwww!! ;D ;D ;D.
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: cornykev on December 19, 2006, 16:04:44
Yer right Heldi we believe you         notttttt.   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :-*
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: supersprout on December 19, 2006, 16:36:21
The oldest boy in our family has been given the same first name for three generations down the male line. None of them use it - all use their second name.

It's Walter :-X
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Mrs Ava on December 19, 2006, 16:45:00
I don't mind Emma, but I hate being called Ems.  That said, most of my family call me it, and a few chums do, which is fine, but if darling calls me it, I ignore him!  I always knew I was in trouble at school or home when I heard 'EMMA JANE'.  :D

Number one daughter is Jessica.  We had a few possible names when she arrived, but when my darling saw her, he said she is a Jessica and we love it!  We don't shorten it, and neither does she, but some of her friends and teachers to, which makes her cringe.  She will tell you she isn't a Jess but a Jessica!
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on December 19, 2006, 17:29:46
The eldest son in my family has always had Spence for a middle name for the last few generations; it was my great-grandmother's maiden name. It won't continue; I only have stepdaughters who came with names already attached, and my brother has no kids at all.
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: tin can on December 19, 2006, 17:35:22
It appears that my daughter and her partner are related 7 generations ago in the Sephton family!
They are considering getting a dog in the future and calling it Sephton!! ;)
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: ACE on December 19, 2006, 17:40:20
Registered as Robin, but chistened as Robert due to strict grandfather who was at the chistening but not the registration.

I told all the other kids at school I was Rob, as I hated my name and thought it was a girly name.

When I met my wife she was living next door to my mother who always refered to me as Robin so that is what she calls me.

It ain't so bad now apart from xmas, when all my cards have a bloody bird with a red breast on.
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Carol on December 19, 2006, 21:53:27
Well my Mothers name is Georgina (quite nice now)  but not when I was small...   Dad was Joseph so I could ahve been a Josephine.  Hannah is another Family name fashionable now but not when I was born.  Another family name was Fanny - thank goodness that wasn't considered.  But the only time my father had his own way was naming me.  I was named Sandra Jessie for 2 weeks until Dad had to register my birth.  HE didn't like the name Sandra so he registered me as Jessie Carol .  Good old Dad, he got his own way for once.    ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: saddad on December 19, 2006, 22:15:54
My Dad was an Albert Edmund, born in 1920 and Mum an Edna, born in 1930. Think I came out fairly well with David and my boys are Philip and Andrew. One of my Dad's brothers was an Ashworth, shortened to Ash which was a preserved matrilineal name, and a friend at scholl had a brother Mitchell for the same reason. As my FIL had no sons and my SIL had daughters our eldest boy has her surname tucked away neatly in the middle. Having spent some time on the family tree that name was given to a baby whose father can't have been mr Kendrew as he was dead for a good two years!
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: lorna on December 19, 2006, 23:41:04
My Mother's name was Rosa Chancellor. Her father was a bargee and she was named after a barge!! When we were feeling really brave we would use her initials and call her   arsey!!
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Heldi on December 20, 2006, 09:04:16
Humph cornykev!  I wondered out loud to my OH how I know what that woman's name is and he said it was him who told me...he'd seen it on the front cover of a newspaper whilst standing in the queue at the co-op. So there!!!  :P  :P  :P :D :D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: supersprout on December 20, 2006, 09:11:32
My Mother's name was Rosa Chancellor. Her father was a bargee and she was named after a barge!! When we were feeling really brave we would use her initials and call her   arsey!!

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: manicscousers on December 20, 2006, 10:50:33
we've got Theodore, Elsie, Edie,& Roland as family names, so ours are called Paul, Samantha (Sam) and Alan, wonder why ?   :D
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: mc55 on December 20, 2006, 13:00:36
we had an Auntie Fanny and an Aunty Floss - fortunately those family names weren't passed on. 

I disliked my name as a child as I was named after the Beatles Michelle My Bell song once my mum realised she couldn't spell Jacqueline ::) 

My middle name, Claire, comes from my midwife - apparently I was the first female baby she delivered for 6 months or something - the vicar pronounced it Clara, and I was registered without the 'i' ::) ::) ...
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Hyacinth on December 20, 2006, 13:18:11
I hate my first name and gave it away to our Russian Blue cat.....up to that time she only had her Pedigree name, so guess she was grateful for something, anything, specially if it was accompanied with fishy treets....

Got 2 more call me one, friends the other...

Me'n my schizo life cope very well ;D
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Hyacinth on December 20, 2006, 13:22:16

friends have 3 daughters.....first 2 have really pretty names.

the third?

they called her Maud.

think there should be a law making mums'n'dads using the names they want to inflict on their children for 6 months before saddling the poor kids...

and btw....first 2 prettily-named children were really well-behaved....Maud? well....a bit more spirited, so to speak....

Good on 'er! 8)
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: froglets on December 20, 2006, 13:52:46
One of the landed gentry type families near wher I grew up named their pair wee laddie Torquhar, surname Corchorton.  Then he developed a speech impediment.
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Emagggie on December 20, 2006, 16:52:04

..first 2 prettily-named children were really well-behaved....Maud? well....a bit more spirited, so to speak....

Good on 'er! 8)

Believe me, she'd have to be.......from one who knows  ;D
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: sally_cinnamon on December 20, 2006, 17:07:47
An ex-bf of mine had Tarver as a middle name - he used to put it on his CV cos he thought it would get him noticed.  Hmmm, yes....   :-\

I don't really like my name (Not sally, but Nina!) cos when people ask my name and I tell them I always get "Lina? Mina? Gina? Dina?"  No Nina ! Annoying.
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: lorna on December 20, 2006, 17:20:56
Am I one of the few who really like their name? (hate m iddle name Irene) When people ask how come youngest daughter was named after me Charlie would tell them we couldn't think of anything else ;D
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Mrs Ava on December 20, 2006, 17:41:35
I like mine Lorna......don't know if I would like it had I been a boy.....Nathaniel was the name of choice!
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: valmarg on December 20, 2006, 18:51:51
To paraphrase P G Wodehouse in one of his Jeeves and Wooster tales, 'there have been some terrible crimes committed at the font'.

Me. I'm more that happy with my Christian names - Valerie Margaret (hence my signature valmarg - my husband's 'pet' name for me).

As my sister and I were born towards the end of WWII, and dad was away 'doing his bit'.  His names were Robert Oliver.  My sister is more than happy to be Sheila rather than Olive.

Personally, I am more than happy with Valerie, rather than Roberta, which was a possibility!!

The diminutive name of Robert is Bob, and the diminutive name for Roberta is Bobby.

I went to school with a girl called Roberta, and far from the attractive 'Bobby', she was known as Bert (wether she liked it or not, and I think the or not was her preference!!)

Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: cookie on December 20, 2006, 20:35:51
My first ever boyfriend was called Keilson, never heard of it before or since!
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Gardengirl on December 20, 2006, 21:26:11
I heard from a cousin of mine today saying that his daughter has given birth  and they have called her Persephone :o  Poor little thing to be saddled with a name like that IMO of course ;) (Apologies to anyone who has this name)  I have never heard of it, sounds like something from the Bible or such like.  Aparently she is to be called Sephy, so what's the point :-\
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on December 20, 2006, 21:34:21
She's from a Greek myth. She was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, and lives peacefuly in the country, away from the other deities, uintil she was carried off and raped by Hades, god of the underworld. Life on earth came to a standstill as Demeter searched for her daughter. Everything was dying, and in the end Zeus was persuaded to send Hermes to get her back Hdes was forced to release her, but he tricked her into eating  a number of pomegranate seeds before she left. As a result she was forced to spend that number of months with Hades every year. The number of months varies in different versions of the story, according to the number of months regarded as being part of the winter in that area.
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Gardengirl on December 20, 2006, 21:39:48
Thanks for that Robert - I wish I was as clever as you ;) ;D
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Curryandchips on December 20, 2006, 21:46:43
I think Persephone is a lovely name, but I can understand the peer issues ...

My daughter is called Jennifer, my wife chose it, the name is a modern derivative of an early English name - Guinevere ... (my middle name is Arthur, as it happens ...)
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Carol on December 20, 2006, 22:35:39
I have one ancestor born in the late 18th Century in Cumberland who was named EZEETA   I think thats quite a nice name but never ever seen it written down again as a persons name.  Wonder where it originates, not even in Google. 
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on December 20, 2006, 23:05:53
I can find Izita and Ezita as names, but they seem to be rare.
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: valmarg on December 20, 2006, 23:21:20
Hows about Ezeeta Oates.

Anyone listening to Wake up to Wogan of a morning will be familiar with:-

Mick Sturbs
Tess Tickle
Eileen Tudor-Wright
Edna Cloud

and many, many more.

And many more very contrived, but nonetheless humerous!!
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: triffid on December 21, 2006, 00:12:31
I think Persephone is a lovely name, but I can understand the peer issues ...

If she gets really unlucky she could end up being called 'Percy-phone' or worse at school  :(

But it's a very pretty name (pronounced properly!) and she'll probably be ok. There's a far greater diversity of names used (specially for girls) these days. 
My kids' classes are full of wonderful names that may sound unfamiliar to the English ear but are lovely nonetheless. Nabiha, Keertika, Rujiha ... and then there are ones taken from films etc (we know a Trinity and two Nikitas**). So Persephone hardly stands out in such a crowd!

**Cause you really want to name your baby daughter after a ruthless fictional assassin, don't you?  ::) 

Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: saddad on December 21, 2006, 07:51:02
We have a great selection of names amongst my children's peers.... my altime favourite was Sequoia (?) as in giant Redwood and her sister Tsunami Strange parents or what?
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Barnowl on December 21, 2006, 12:18:57
I think Persephone is a lovely name, but I can understand the peer issues ...

If she gets really unlucky she could end up being called 'Percy-phone' or worse at school  :(

But it's a very pretty name (pronounced properly!) and she'll probably be ok. There's a far greater diversity of names used (specially for girls) these days. 
My kids' classes are full of wonderful names that may sound unfamiliar to the English ear but are lovely nonetheless. Nabiha, Keertika, Rujiha ... and then there are ones taken from films etc (we know a Trinity and two Nikitas**). So Persephone hardly stands out in such a crowd!

**Cause you really want to name your baby daughter after a ruthless fictional assassin, don't you?  ::) 

Surely Nikita was named after Kruschev  ;D
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: triffid on December 21, 2006, 14:24:34

My kids' classes are full of wonderful names that may sound unfamiliar to the English ear but are lovely nonetheless. Nabiha, Keertika, Rujiha ... and then there are ones taken from films etc (we know a Trinity and two Nikitas**). So Persephone hardly stands out in such a crowd!

**Cause you really want to name your baby daughter after a ruthless fictional assassin, don't you?  ::) 

Surely Nikita was named after Kruschev  ;D

Ok, ruthless fictional assassin and political leader   ;) ;D
(though I'm not sure that the parents of the Nikitas we know will ever heard of Krushchev. I'd guess they weren't born till 20 years after the Cuban missile crisis!)
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: manicscousers on December 21, 2006, 18:50:48
possibly from the song by elton john, 'nikita', I quite like that, not sure about tsunami, though  ;D
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: jennym on December 22, 2006, 00:11:37
.....first 2 have really pretty names. the third? they called her Maud....

But I like Maud! think its a lovely name.
I remember trying to choose names for girls and boys when I was expecting my children, I dearly wanted to have a girl and call her Rachel, but it didn't come about, firstly because I had sons, and secondly because my sister commented that I couldn't possibly call a girl Rachel in case someone with a strong London accent called her, and it would be "Ry-Chawl" which sounds horrible, and that put me off. Not that I've got anything against cockney accents but some names just don't suit the way you speak.
The worst cases of naming I came across were both at work, both were customers, and feel that they must have been through hell as children. One was called Wayne Kerr, one was called Dick Tickle.
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Emagggie on December 22, 2006, 00:15:16
A girl in our class in junior school was named Pat Balls  :o Didn't think anything of it then (young and innocent) but have wondered in the past what on earth possessed her parents to call her Patricia.
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: greyhound on December 22, 2006, 10:43:38
I like Maud, too.  I was at school with a Maureen whom we always called Maud, and she preferred it to Maureen.  Mauds can also rejoice in being the star of a beautiful poem by Tennyson.

I like Walter, too.  A dashing and romantic name from Arthurian legend, not to mention the chivalrous Sir Walter Raleigh.

Wasn't there a pianist called Wayne King?
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: saddad on December 22, 2006, 10:53:24
We had a low ability group with James Bond and Stewart Granger in it... supply staff always felt they were taking the rise...
Sadly James was candidate number 006 when he did his GCSE's!

Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on December 22, 2006, 12:58:39
Whan I was working with people with moderate learning disabilities years ago, some of them discovered they could change their names by Deed Poll without paying anything. So I had Elvis Presley and James Dean as clients.
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Hyacinth on December 22, 2006, 13:06:58
I like Maud, too.  I was at school with a Maureen whom we always called Maud, and she preferred it to Maureen.  Mauds can also rejoice in being the star of a beautiful poem by Tennyson.

It was the literary influence that got her the name.

Still think it's pits :(
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: grawrc on December 22, 2006, 15:01:06
I have had the pleasure of teaching Val Garrity and Hazel Nutt.
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Plum on December 22, 2006, 16:35:19
I taught a girl called Sam Yule
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Hyacinth on December 22, 2006, 16:42:15
Friend named her daughters Flavia and Lavinia.....our children shortened them to Flav and Lav  ::)
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: greyhound on December 22, 2006, 17:27:31
Keef and I know a bloke named Innocent.
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: weedbusta on December 22, 2006, 17:50:13
my husband really wanted our first born named after him, Robert. (nae chance!!) So the minute he was born i said he's being called Andrew, hubby was so beside himself at being a dad he agreed.  8)

when our second son was born he'd wizened up a bit. so 'Callum' is gaelic for Robert, everybody's happy.
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Grandma on December 22, 2006, 21:54:20
A friend of mine really agonised over finding the 'perfect' names for her children. The first born, a boy, was duly named Miles. The second, a girl, was Emma.  So where's the problem? I hear you ask. Amongst their peers the two kids were referred to as Piles and Emmaroids.
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Emagggie on December 22, 2006, 22:38:19
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Hyacinth on December 22, 2006, 22:43:24
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: tim on December 23, 2006, 09:23:54
Can't match that, still laughing, having suffered from both, but No2's (a nurse) Godfather advised her to settle for nothing less that a Consultant.

She took his advice!!! His name begins with C.

And now, instead of TLE, she's TLC. Poetic or something?
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: euronerd on December 23, 2006, 10:54:12
I don't know about anybody else but don't certain names carry personal associations from your very early days? Walter was our milkman, grumpy, stooped and smelly. Arthur the window cleaner was rotund, bouncy and a prankster. Jean was the first girl I ever fell in love with (at 7). Barbara ditto (but slightly later). Bertha was tiny, grossly overweight, very loud  and extremely old. BTW is there nobody here called Hortense, given the subject of this forum? ;D

Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Deb P on December 23, 2006, 11:32:48
As a midwife, I have a pretty good idea of the nations preferences for their newborn......confidentiality forbits me to discuss it of course (but boy could I tell some crackers!), but a midwife friend of mine now working abroad still tells the tale of Mr Kerr, who could not see the problem of naming his firstborn son Wayne............ :o ;D
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: gingerninja38 on December 23, 2006, 12:04:49
i have an aunt called fanny mary - she goes by francis wonder why?!
also uncles named maurice, mervin, noel and raymond. you never hear these names now adays
a cousin called zenco and my daughter is called kennedy.
we have a tradition of unusual names as you can see!
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: saddad on December 23, 2006, 14:20:41
At school there was a girl in my class called Judith, who chose to be called Gladys which I never really understood. I've taught a boy called Innocent and we have a girl called Mercy, recent immigrants fron Nigeria... we also have lots of poles but I can't even spell those except Kamil...
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: mc55 on December 23, 2006, 16:44:28
hmm, one of our friends names is Jonathan, but for some really strange reason he's known as Doug or Douglass when he's in trouble.

Also knew a girl who decided at 18 that she no longer liked her first name, Victoria, so changed it to second name, Katherine (but shortened to Kate) and so was called by different names depending upon when they had been introduced to her .. her family were just plain confused and used both.
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Hyacinth on December 24, 2006, 09:25:03

Also knew a girl who decided at 18 that she no longer liked her first name, Victoria, so changed it to second name, Katherine (but shortened to Kate) and so was called by different names depending upon when they had been introduced to her .

I've got 3 names and all 3 are in use by various groups of friends/family. It all happened quite by chance over the years but it's stuck. So mail addressed to 'A' has got to be from a cyber friend or cyber now RL friend, any addressed to the second initial's from family, while the third which can be either the third initial itself or the initial denoting the contraction of it!, is from RL friends. And then there are the ones addressed to all three that's gotta be Official, usually to do with some money one of the Govt. Agencies think I owe them.....these get thrown in a drawer unopened. Sorted!

Strangest happening was when a distant v. elderly male rel. died. He had moved to London for the last 20yrs of his life & Lived in Sin ( :o) with a lady there, much to the disapproval of his sister. But 'Uncle Jack' passed away. His sister was too poorly to attend the interment, but later when she was better and the headstone was up, I offered to take her..we found the cemetary and then, following the map,  Jack's plot....his sister looked at the headstone in silence, then burst out "and she couldn't even get his name right!"  His sister had never ever known that her brother, Jack, was actually Christened 'John'...
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on December 24, 2006, 09:44:03
My wife is Namissa, which is Madingo. The older girl is Olakumbi, which is Yoruba, and the younger is Minata, which is Fula. Including me, that's four languages in one family, does that break all records?
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: saddad on December 24, 2006, 11:03:32
Probably not Robert, but a brave try....
When I first met my wife at University in 1980 she spent months trying to work out my name... went to Uni with several friends from school who all called me Ken/Kenny, a shortening of my surname as there were three davids in our class through school. Her friend, who had come into the sixth form called me David....
poor girl easily confuused!
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Lillypad on December 26, 2006, 13:45:06
 "so she ended up as LILLY"

So did I when I got married! I always have to spell my surname out and many people insist on spelling it LILLEY. I made sure one and only child had straightforward Christian names with no unusual spellings.

My maiden name was quite unusual and I always had to spell that out as well.
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: tilts on December 26, 2006, 15:51:01
My mum didn't want my name shortened ~ Lynne ~ she did have a problem as i got older with one of my friends who called me Lynneeeeeeeeeeeee!
I certainly have a problem now with my surname Tiltman ~ imagine the grandchildrens fun ~ caught the grandsons repeatedly saying titman! or making jokes about breasts :o!!!!!
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Emagggie on December 27, 2006, 09:40:00
Maiden names.......oh dear, my tale gets even worse!!!! First name officially Ena, sir name....Hogwood  :o and what's even worse I lived in Hoo.So given that many folks spoke with an estuary accent, I was   
Ena 'ogwood from 'oo.
Married name is very common I'm pleased to say. ;D
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Grandma on December 27, 2006, 13:24:17
Not a lot of people know this - so I'm only going to tell you on condition that you promise not to tell anyone else.  (If you didn't believe my earlier post re Miles and Emma - which I swear is true - you sure as h*ll ain't gonna believe this one - which I also swear is true.) Having suffered throughout my maiden days with the surname of Pyle .............. (remember what you promised and please don't laugh) ............. I managed to fall in love with and marry a Crapper. Thought about hyphenating the two - either way round! - but lost me bottle. You will not be surprised to hear that one of the first things I did after my dear husband died in 1980 was to change our surname by deed poll. Best thing I ever did for my offspring, they tell me.
Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: louise stella on December 27, 2006, 13:38:47
Maiden names.......oh dear, my tale gets even worse!!!! First name officially Ena, sir name....Hogwood  :o and what's even worse I lived in Hoo.So given that many folks spoke with an estuary accent, I was  
Ena 'ogwood from 'oo.
Married name is very common I'm pleased to say. ;D

Would that be Hoo in darkest Kent by any chance?

Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: louise stella on December 27, 2006, 13:56:12
My son is Harry and our surname is Wales - so he is HArry Wales!  (I never saw that one coming!!!! ).  A friend calls him Harry prince of wales!

Title: Re: Whats in a name
Post by: Emagggie on December 27, 2006, 14:15:08

Would that be Hoo in darkest Kent by any chance?



Oh yessssss, Ratcliffe 'ighway. Come to think of it even the 2nd line of my address wasn't the most beautiful  ;D
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