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Produce => Recipes => Topic started by: Doris_Pinks on December 03, 2006, 21:43:37

Title: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Doris_Pinks on December 03, 2006, 21:43:37
Might be a bit early but a girls gotta plan!

As I have an OH that works in the catering game, turkey is a bit of a no no in our house at Christmas, he has been looking at Christmas dinners for nearly a week so far! the menu is this, maybe

Rib of beef
Rolled breast of turkey (For thems that are not looking at it 24/7)
Sprouts off the plot (planning to put them on to simmer soon!
Parsnips as above
Squash and carrot puree (with an accent)

Christmas Pud (made last year)

and thats as far as I have gotten, no money in the coffers in our family this year, so everyone is saying keep it cheap! Thank goodness for me plot! ;D

What are you planning????
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Mrs Ava on December 03, 2006, 21:50:51
Don't know.....mother is in charge!  ;D

That said, I will be providing sprouts, carrots, parsnips and kale along with the WI Christmas pudding and Mrs Beatons Christmas pudding that I made at the start of November, and the WI Christmas cake that I made in September and will start decorating this week.

We also provide the sloe gin, redcurrant jelly and the children!  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Curryandchips on December 03, 2006, 22:00:20
Traditional I think, I am the cook anyway.

My father has asked for leek and potato soup, so that should be straightforward.

Turkey crown, beef and smoked bacon with all the trimmings and as many veg as I can muster ...

Christmas pud to follow.

Various liquids to assist ...
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: kt. on December 03, 2006, 22:13:32
Going to brother in laws'. Chuffed to bits. No messing, no hassle & NO DISHES! Only round the corner so dont have to drive. Few bevvies on the cards for a change.
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: rosebud on December 03, 2006, 22:40:39
We are having 10 to dinner.  Mostly all the food   prepared Christmas eve.

Game Soup, or Pat`e on toast.

Turkey crown, Topside beef,Roast pork,Soldiers on horseback.
Roasties,Sprouts , runner beans,parsnips,
Yorkies,& lucious gravy, stuffing balls homemade.

Christmas pud, or trifle, or strawberry flan, all homemade.
selection of red/white wine.
And lots of fun & games.

Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: kitten on December 03, 2006, 22:52:37
We're going traditional, turkey crown for the meat eaters (the smallest one you can find please, butcher) and a veggie option for me (haven't sussed this one out yet tho' so any recommendations welcome!). Gotta buy veggies this year unfortunately as we haven't taken on our lottie yet  >:(   but hopefully this will be the last time!

Always have chrissy pud & cream, followed by mince pies & coffee, followed by some roses/quality street/celebrations, followed by choccie coins out of my stocking, followed by indigestion. But don't you just love Christmas?!

Hey EJ you can come to mine anytime with all those goodies!
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Tulipa on December 04, 2006, 07:55:43
I too would be interested in a veggie option for eldest daughter, I always struggle for her.  I would love to find something that I can make in advance and freeze but I am struggling on this one.

We are having:

smoked salmon/croissants/pain au chocolat for breakfast

starters at lunchtime to put us on till 3.00pm (still thinking about this)

Turkey with all the trimmings (Stuffings, bacon wrapped sausages and bread sauce already made in freezer)
Carot and swede mashed (already in freezer)
sprouts with chestnuts
(veggies are from garden)

Delia's christmas pudding
brandy butter
clotted cream
double cream

mince pies with brandy butter and coffee

Turkey sandwiches in the evening and lots of chocolate knowing my lot!

The best bit is turkey sandwiches made by OH in the evening... :)

We could do with christmas smilies in this thread, Dan?
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: supersprout on December 04, 2006, 08:08:04
fun thread DP, cheers! (

Xmas pud made last year

tulippa, how about her fave veggie mix en croute? can be cooked from frozen :)

Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: manicscousers on December 04, 2006, 10:19:37
more of the same  :D
turkey crown,
roasties, ray makes yummy ones
roast butternut, sweet potato, parsnip, onions
mashed carrot/turnip
usually can't manage christmas pud, with ray's diabetes, bit mean anyway

mince pies and custard or cream for the guests
go to sleep in the afternoon
just had breakfast and now feel hungry !!
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Biscombe on December 04, 2006, 10:57:42
Nut roast made with my own grown almonds and olive oil!! and cabbage spuds and carrots from the garden! and a saved butternut squash, will have to buy some stuff in, not totally self suficient yet!!! Oh's mum has made a christmas cake and pud which im looking forward to ( I cant cook sweet stuf to save my life!!)
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: jennym on December 04, 2006, 11:06:54
Haven't decided on the meat yet, fancy something different - usually have turkey.
Must have Christmas pudding, with cream AND custard (sounds over the top but it's a sort of tradition here). Normally eat early, at 1pm.
Christmas supper is always fish - love to have a selection of cold cooked fish dishes, things like pickled herrings, smoked salmon, cold trout with lemon and pepper, mussels in a tomato sauce, mackerel pate - all with a good mixed salad and bread and matzos and oatcakes. Makes a lovely change from cold turkey sandwiches.
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: glow777 on December 04, 2006, 11:21:47
Christmas dinner is always the boring tradditional thing but we tend to have it latish around 4:00.

I prefer breakfast this year I think scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, last year we had a lobster the year before a small pheasant etc

Supper is usually cold left overs plus the cheeses etc and rustic bread .... + the christmas pud that never gets eaten at lunch time because we have eaten too much
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: amy_a on December 04, 2006, 12:14:17
Probably traditional turkey but have been looking at different options for Christmas cake as we're not big fans of rich fruit cake and have found a great recipe for a carrot cake that has some fruit in it as well. It tastes great and not as rich and sweet as traditional fruit cake.
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: kitten on December 04, 2006, 12:28:49
Oooh amy_a that sounds good, you gonna post the recipe for us all to have a nosey at?  ;)
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Squashfan on December 04, 2006, 12:35:58
Gosh, now I'm hungry!  ;D We're having veg from the lottie (parsnips, leeks, sprouts, curly kale, tatties, garlic) and then I'll probably make a pumpkin/squash soup to start (also from lot). Turkey, stuffing balls, cranberry sauce and finally some kind of dessert. One year I made a chocolate/orange steamed pudding that was outrageous! Jamie Oliver recipe or something.
Veggie suggestions: a nice veggie lasagna? I like to roast some pumpkin, garlic and parsnips and layer it with lasagne noodles and ricotta, then some passata over it all. Plus a bit of mozzarella in there too. Mmmm.
I do all the cooking and my mother in law does all the cleaning up. It's a system that works for me... :D
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Rosyred on December 04, 2006, 15:37:47
This year was going to be a special one as i've been saving and growing veg to have for Christmas dinner. The meat I haven't decided on yet Hubby would like beef & i'm not sure. Last year we had a big pork with lots of crackling and year before beef.

Veg will be though:
Savoy cabbage, kale, carrots, parsnips, brussels sprouts & roast potatoes all from the lot.

Starter don't usually do one.

Pudding got a Christmas pud & chocolate pud which the school is buying from a little farm up north. Supposed to be very good but we will see.

Making me feel hungry now thinking about it too
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Moggle on December 04, 2006, 16:02:05
I too would be interested in a veggie option for eldest daughter, I always struggle for her.  I would love to find something that I can make in advance and freeze but I am struggling on this one.

We are having:

pain au chocolat for breakfast

This sounds like an intersting veggie option: (

I like your Pain au chocolate idea too - will try to get some the day before.

After the success of our 'romantic' (peaceful) christmas day for two last year, I am determined to do it again. We are having:

Chicken - free range at least and probably organic, with some kind of exciting stuffing - I have a recipe for a couscous stuffing somewhere.
Roast potatoes, parsnip, carrots, and whatever else Riverford put in our vegbox

Christmas pud (Mum's recipe) with super-thick cream, and probably custard too.

And if we decide we need more dessert I think we might make Jamie Oliver's chocolate baked tart.
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Melbourne12 on December 04, 2006, 16:55:26
Cheese straws and champagne late morning, whilst opening the pressies.

Then late lunch, which will be:
Roast loin of pork stuffed with Agen prunes and Bramley apple
Assorted varieties of steamed potato (from the lottie)
A few roast potatoes for the traditionalists
Carrot & parsnip mash (sadly not from lottie)
Sprouts (lottie)
Leeks (lottie)

Fresh fruit salad

Port, nuts, and cheese
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: norfolklass on December 04, 2006, 17:15:07
organic and free range boned, rolled and stuffed turkey breast – just ordered from the butcher!
and plenty of the following:

carrots, brocolli, sprouts, leeks
roast spuds, and a tray of roasted peppers, parsnips, courgettes and red onions

so that there's loads left over for bubble and squeak the next day  ;D

sadly, none of the veg are home grown yet but fingers crossed for next year!
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Tulipa on December 04, 2006, 17:55:18
Moggle, thank you so much, that looks perfect and I can do the mushroom filling the day before so it is ready.  If you were here I would hug you, you have solved my problem brilliantly, she adores mushrooms! ;D

I am one happy mum now... ;D
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Doris_Pinks on December 04, 2006, 19:13:58
Ooooh Moggle they sound great! Would be nice made small and put on a bed of lettuce as a starter! Hmmmmmmmmmm  still looking for a starter ;) ;)

So interesting to hear what everyone is having, keep em comming, oh and a confession, in our family, the Christmas Pud is served with ...........................Thick Double Cream, Brandy butter, Custard AND Ice Cream!  :o :o:-[ :-[  Luckily I am not too keen on Christmas pud! ;D
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: lorna on December 04, 2006, 19:14:14
Don't know meat we are having as I am invited for all meals next door (Lorna JNR) I haven't a worry in the world ;D I do know it will not be turkey as Lorna doesn't like it. Whatever she has planned I know I will enjoy.
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: SueK on December 04, 2006, 21:02:20
We'll be at the MIL's for Christmas, but will be taking our own nut roast - Rose Elliot's pine nut & cashew nut roast with lemon and parsley stuffing.  That really is our favourite and, now that we have a food processor, is fairly quick to make, double up, freeze, etc.  Everything else will be traditional.

Having said all that, we will probably also be taking another veggie option for our youngest, who will only be a year old on the 21st: the OH wants to try him out on the nuts first, but I've got a portion of Rose Elliot's lentil loaf (contains cheese, onion and mushrooms as well) and mushroom sauce in the freezer as he likes that.

My OH doesn't go for a lot of the Christmassy dessert flavours or alcohol in his food, so I'll be making a Bakewell tart for him, but I'm half inclined to make a pumpkin pie as well as that went down a treat recently and would be OK for the youngest. 

Ah, the joys of being a vegetarian.  I don't think I've eaten a peanut for five years, what with the two boys coming along.  And don't get me started on haggis! :)
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Phee on December 04, 2006, 21:14:04
You lot are bonkers....  Christmas NEEDS turkey (unless you're veggie - then I can just about forgive you)

So... with the turkey we'll (me and boyf, future MIL, her husband, boyfs nan and boyfs bro ... EEK!!  ;D ) be having ....

Sausagemeat stuffing
Sage and onion stuffing
Roast potatoes
Roasted Parsnips

Homemade Christmas pudding (made yesterday) with Sherry sauce
Homemade Christmas cake (made in October)

And all that washed down with a tin of Cadbury's Roses!!

And let there be no more talk of beef, or pork or other non-christmas meats  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Carol on December 04, 2006, 22:38:33
Been invited to Bro in laws for the first time ever..............  this is their usual Xmas food

Smoked salmon or prawn cocktails

Turkey with trimmings
Roast tats.
Roast parsnips
Chestnut stuffing
Brussels with chestnuts in
Brocolli (for niece)
Gravy and probably other vegs.    (His OH was a school cook)

Home made Christmas pudding and brandy butter
or  Pavlova Cake
or  Fresh Fruit Salad

Cheese Board to finish with   Port

We usually turn up at their house at the Cheese Board stage and give them a hand to eat it, but this year we were invited for the whole dinner.

 :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: lorna on December 04, 2006, 22:46:55
Crikey Soph, we usually eat the Cadbury's when we are waiting for the dinner to cook ;D ::)
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: greyhound on December 04, 2006, 23:25:15
Indian takeaway. 8)
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: tim on December 05, 2006, 09:35:32
1. More people are using Crowns. So much tidier & easier.
2. And eating 'next door' - we are! 'Bronze bird' I believe.
3. Veg en Croute - great idea. Who did the veg pasties recipe a while ago - it's in my file but no time to look it up now. Next door No2 D is veggie too, so ideas are helpful.
4. Mushrooms? No1 D buys them every time she shops. She HATES them! So we have to find a way of using them before they've quite given up hope. And we're not keen!!
5. Goat's cheese? Love it, but she hates it!
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Barnowl on December 05, 2006, 15:13:55
You could take the legs off, bone and stuff them, tying them into a sausage shape. They can be served as an accompaniment sliced crossways into roundels of dark meat with a stuffing centre or frozen for later.
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: tim on December 05, 2006, 15:18:42
What - the mushrooms??
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Mrs Ava on December 05, 2006, 17:04:57
Oh Tim, you mean you haven't seen the famous Barnes running mushrooms?  Similar to running ducks, but the rain drips off them better!  ;)
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Barnowl on December 05, 2006, 17:15:08
Sorry, I thought everyone knew about the running mushrooms. Very disciplined, no need for a sheep dog because they answer to the whistle and they have good sturdy legs suitable for stuffing with turkey.
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: tim on December 05, 2006, 17:46:08
Just shows my age!!

By the way, don't forget Nigella's thing about using an aluminium baking dish to save washing up?
No - we do not have a machine!!
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: muddy boots on December 05, 2006, 19:10:15
As there's just the two of us, cheating again this year and having Chrissie lunch at local pub with a group of friends!

Me : Venison & Cranberyy Pate
        Turkey & Trimmings (only cos don't trust anyone else to cook fish   
        Ginger baked pears with chestnut creams
OH   Caesared King Prawns
        Rib of Beef
        Same pud
And  Cheeseboard
        Coffe & Minced Pies

All with appropriate alcohol of course!

Other days, salmon steaks, roast duckling and, yes, can't resist it, our local free range bronze turkey, legs removed for later

SS mentioned Goose, used to have one every year for ages.  Lovely, lovely idea!

Might just go overboard and order one - got nearly two weeks off - plenty of time for sampling goodies ;D
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Marymary on December 05, 2006, 21:48:17
Christmas Day which is also my birthday always starts with homemead gravlax with scrambled egg & scotch oatcakes plus fresh orange juice & Champaign.
Lunch is usually very late & an attempt to satisfy carnivores & veggies & includes:
organic goose
nut roast - for the last few years I've bought one from M&S
veggie sausages
quorn roast
roast potatoes
roast parsnips
bread sauce
Homemade Christmas pud
brandy butter

Don't usually eat much at tea time but a bit of cake for supper!
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Phee on December 06, 2006, 16:03:44
Yeah that's all very nice... WHAT ABOUT THE TURKEY ??  :o ;D ;D
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: trojanrabbit on December 06, 2006, 16:20:44
Oh, coq!
Sorry, very bad pun  :-[

This reminds me however, that with all the excitement, we still haven't ordered meat.
We had been discussing turkey, but the possibility of venison had not been discounted - straight from the farm just up the road in Barnsley  8)

Guess we'd better decide and get on that tomorrow then! ;D
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: cookie on December 06, 2006, 20:40:51
We are doing something rather different this year!
 After being married for 25 years, and doing all the cooking for 23 of them,we are joining up with 17 friends and doing a traditional lunch between us. I am doing pud and cakes. My friend Caroline has written a play to be performed after lunch, entitled,
 Bold, Frank brought this, and Mirth :D :D :D
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Trixiebelle on December 07, 2006, 15:48:17
Christmas Eve:

Lots of nibbly things with coleslaw, ciabatta, crisps and mulled wine. It's my mother's birthday on Christmas Eve so everything has to be 'just so' or she throws a strop. She's never really got over being upstaged by the Baby Jesus on her birthday  ::)

Christmas Day:


Oatcakes, bacon sandwiches and chocolate!


Turkey crown (organic from the local farm shop)
Fresh pork stuffing
Pigs in blankets
Fresh cranberry sauce
Home-made bread sauce
Red cabbage with apples, onion and red wine
Carrots in orange juice, cider and garlic
Roast potatoes & parsnips
Mashed potatoes and celariac
Sprouts with chestnuts, butter and black pepper
Rich gravy with a dollop of sherry in it  ;D
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: muddy boots on December 07, 2006, 18:54:01
Cookie, that sounds absolutely great.  My first  breakaway from Christmas with my parents was just that and I couldn't understand why I hadn't done it before.  Was such a gorgeous day :D  There were five trees in descending size, then we had cocktails, food included lovely starters,  beef, turkey, lamb, duck, (cos we had all requested and donated what we wanted to eat) then chrissie pud and other stuff, little table pressies with each course (which we all had done without the rest of us realising - pretty amazing) and choccies and liqueurs after, with folks then dropping in while we all watched the film on tv - the day of the jackal (sp).  Tottered home mid evening thoroughly sated and happy  ;D
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: moonbells on December 18, 2006, 14:17:56
Locally-raised goose from local farm
chipolatas and dry-cure bacon from local farm
sage and onion stuffing (tho onions bought, as crop failed again to do much)
roasties (Salad blue pots - great fun!)
mash (Sarpo Mira)
potato croquettes (bought, I'm afraid)
marrow (still have several Long Green Trailing in store)
runner beans (the few Enorma I got this year, frozen)
roast parsnip (Tender and True)
bean salad (Opera French beans, cream, onion, garlic)
garlic-glazed carrots (Autumn King)
braised red cabbage (Red Jewel)

Pudding - making Summer Pudding this year, with home-made bread and lots of frozen fruit, and with a scoop of my Rumtopf* in the middle. And cream!

Almost managed to get everything from somewhere within walking distance.


*cracked the Rumtopf at the weekend. Wow! I can heartily recommend it to anyone! I put in strawberries, cherries, raspberries, whitecurrants and halved Victoria plums, a couple of lb of sugar and a whole bottle of dark rum. It has made 3 litres. 1 litre is going to M-I-L, we served some to guests at a party last Sat and the rest is for us for Christmas :-)

Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: Doris_Pinks on December 20, 2006, 18:31:42
YUM Moonbells, our turkey arrived today from the local farm, is now sitting in my fridge and is rather larger than anticipated!!!! Tomorrow it go's under the knife to get the crown!!!
Beef to be picked up from other farm saturday, rest of stuff is here..............hurray!!!!!!  Ready to rock n roll!
Title: Re: What are you having........for Christmas??????
Post by: HappyCatz on December 21, 2006, 20:36:49
Am working on Christmas Day [yep, someone's got to do it!] so we will have a late lunch.  Am planning on Chestnut Bourginion Pie with roast potatoes, parsnips, carrot and swede mash and sprouts.  Will also be serving my homemade pud as per tradition for afters.  Hope everyone has a very happy time xx
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