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Produce => Kept Animals => Topic started by: Merlins Mum on November 02, 2006, 10:17:40

Title: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: Merlins Mum on November 02, 2006, 10:17:40
Would welcome any advice on what and how to worm hens.  I have got some apple cider vinegar as I was told by the supplier of the organic pellets I give them that it is a good way of worming them.  They free range for most of the day so I am a bit worried about them getting worms.  If any one out there uses ACV can you tell me how often you give it to them and what ratio to water.
I only have 3 girls (all ex battery) but one is laying a soft shelled egg all the time now.  There is always grit and oyster shell in their run but I don't think they take much as they are free ranging.  Would it be better if I kept them in for part of the day?
Any help and advice welcome as I want to do the best for them. :)

Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: teresa on November 02, 2006, 12:11:18
I heard a cap full in fresh water daily, now how long 1 week or 1 month cannot remember.
Also a crushed garlic clove in the daily water ?
It is said that rhubarb leaves worm them and they will eat it if they have worms seems the chickens know best.
Rhubarb does not affect hens mine have eaten it ( helped themselves through the fence) this was before I knew about it being good for worms. It is said that you should plant a crown or two where they can get free access to it.
Let your girls free range as long as they like, they will decide if its too cold to go outside, put some straw on the floor of henhouse and throw some bird seed in it so they can scrat in it this will help to keep them warm and give them something to do inside especialy in the bad weather.
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: bombus on November 02, 2006, 18:08:29
Hi MM, there is only one licenced poultry wormer available, FLUBENVET you can buy it from  www.  or you can buy layers pellets already treated with FLUBENVET from Marriage feeds and give this to your Hens for 7days twice per year, spring and autumn.A good layers ration should provide all the calcium your hens should need. Hope this is of some help. Regards Bombus :)
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: teresa on November 02, 2006, 18:33:47
Bombus is right the only thing UK gov and I think EU recomends is a vets perscription ( if your vet knows anything about hens/fowl) is FLUBENVET.
Yes I was told I had to have it, its not cheap and the tub will last me X amount of years.
Previous by another vet in the practice I was given cat and dog worming syrup to syringe down their throats each morning for a week.
My 6 girls put up with me and our vets bless them .
I would like to see someone with 1000 hens syringe them each morning.
The layers pellets treated sounds good if you can buy it lose?
Buy a good plant of rhubarb and let them help themselves.

Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: Merlins Mum on November 02, 2006, 20:04:08
thanks teresa and bombus.  I have a couple of small rhubarb plants I want to put in the garden so I will do that at the weekend.
bombus how is the flubenvet administered.
Also would you know if loose droppings means they have worms?
Sorry for all the questions but this is my first time at keeping hens.

Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: teresa on November 03, 2006, 01:02:40
Sorry about the previous post, stressfull day burst pipe in attic house is now drying out and me a bit calmer.
So to Bombas I am sorry did not mean it to come out so abrupt. I am a nice person realy.
flubenvet is a white powder which is sprinkled over the food in the morning feed ( when they are most hungry) and as Bombas said for 7 days twice a year.
loose droppings can be a few things.  like mine if they get too much greens lettuce wiz through mine, but in the summer with it being hot they loved it .or a change in the food, even a fright can do it.  try giving them porrage oats dry in the afternoon see if that helps the droppings.
How long have you had the hens,  If they are new it could just be them getting use to eating different stuff.
If your hens are busy , scratching around they are fine. watch out if they go quiet and puff up the feathers and dont want to leave the house thats a sign they are not well.

Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: bombus on November 03, 2006, 06:53:31
all is forgiven,i've a tough skin ::)
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: OliveOil on November 03, 2006, 07:00:29
I used Flubevet and it works a treat!!!

Its easy to administer - weigh out the doses of flubevet, weigh out 1kg of feed PER BIRD. mix the two together and the feed will last exactly 1 week.
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: Merlins Mum on November 03, 2006, 08:38:52
thanks again for all your help.
I  will give flubevet a go. will order some from the domestic fowl trust.
I have been giving them poultry spice with their pellets but so much of it seems to end up at the bottom of the feeder.  this morning I have given them some cooked tatties and cauliflower stalks and they loved it, so will mix the poultry spice with that in future.  on a previous thread jerry had said he gave his hens mash and cooked veggies warm on frosty mornings.

teresa I had heard hens liked porridge but will try giving it to them dry.  I've had Henrietta about 8 weeks and her droppings are fine but they were more or less from the day I had her.  got yet anothere soft shell from her this morning. :'(  the other two have been with us 3 weeks on sunday but they hadn't come straight from the cages as john the rescue co-ordinator had taken them in from previous rescues so have no idea how old they are or how long they have been having a better life.  as he has 150 hens plus, I doubt if he can remember either, lol

If you think of anything else I would be grateful, thanks again one and all

Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: teresa on November 03, 2006, 09:55:40
Cooked vedges are great, mine love pasta sister in law cooks porrage for hers. Someone told me to chop a onion fine up hers love that ( there was a reason will find out) any left overs bread, cake ,fruit etc. and bacon rine chopped.
I know layers pellets contain everything they need but they do enjoy the extras for a change, I have 6 pt milk carton I fill with water in the evening so when I change the water in the mornings they get room temp water instead of ice cold from the tap.
Have you tried woodshavings in the nest box for Henrietta, may be softer for the shell less egg?

Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: Merlins Mum on November 03, 2006, 14:29:47
thats a good tip about the water, thanks teresa, will do that tonight.
can understand about the onion as they are very good for us so why not for hens.  I've also heard you can give them garlic which also makes sense.  mine wont be getting bacon rind as we're veggies but will be trying them with some bread and a little milk.
they have straw and wood shavings in the nest boxes but Henrietta seems to lay her eggs at night and so is on the perch.  when she did lay one in a nest box that got broken too as you only have to touch them and you've lost it.  if they are still whole, I use a table spoon and I just roll them into that. 
they have a forsham ark so the floor area is covered in a perch section, if that makes sense.  this means they can't actually walk on the floor.  sounds a bit odd I expect but if it was constructed like a house it would make it all rather crowded.  it is supposed to be big enough to house 5-6 laying hens or a trio of orpingtons but tbh I wouldn't put more than 4 hens in.

I gave them porridge oats with just a tiny bit of hot water mixed in at mid-day and they loved it.  will try tomorrow without the water.
thanks for your help teresa


Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: slyfox-mal on November 03, 2006, 19:02:42
Diatomaceous Earth  its had good things said about it  also kills mite and alsorts of other stuff  have a read about it  cheers mal
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: Leonnie on November 03, 2006, 19:58:25
Yep, Diatom (diatomaceous earth) is what I used, my hens never showed signs of having worms. You don't need to withdraw eggs whilst they're being treated. You can use it as a powder sprinkled in their nest boxes and dust baths and it keeps mites etc away. Brilliant stuff. btw, you can use it to worm other animals too including dogs and cats.
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: RW on November 04, 2006, 01:45:52
It seems difficult to tell if hens need wormed - done mine once a year with some flubenvet but dont know if they need it.

Interesting to hear about Rhubarb - I thought it would poison them but will give it a try.
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: OliveOil on November 04, 2006, 10:12:33
There is no need to withdraw eggs with flubevet.

I've read some contradictory stuff re: dichotomus earth... so I'll give that one a miss.

Having children and a dog that like to eat chicken poo... I will always worm my girls as you cant be sure if your chooks have worms without looking at the poo under a microscope - or getting your vet to do it. The last thing i would want to do is pass on worms to my family or friends who buy my eggs.
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: Merlins Mum on November 04, 2006, 10:17:40
"Interesting to hear about Rhubarb - I thought it would poison them"
that's what I thought RW, particularly as I knew a chap who used a solution made from Rhubarb leaves and water to kill aphids and of course the leaves are poisonous to us too.

Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: teresa on November 04, 2006, 10:35:32
Well last year my hens got to the rhubarb and must admit thought they had had it but no all fine. Thats when I started looking into it took a while, asked a friend who's doing a organic course ( the chap doing it is very cleaver by all accounts) well he said its great as a insect killer cooked up in water and diluted into a spray kills bugs but ok for us.
Doing the spray use old utencils do not use what you cook for your fam :o
One thing he did say was during the war the gov said it was ok to eat rhubarb as well as the leaves. He remembers a lot of people dying after eating the leaves.
but hens seem to know what they can eat and what they cannot for some reason? and will only take what they need.
This year on a poultry site again it was mentioned about rhubard and said let them eat what they want and plant a crown or two next to their runs so they can help themselves.
Of course UK gov will not agree because EU wont just like the jeys fluid but ?
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: Merlins Mum on November 04, 2006, 11:27:34
oh please don't get me going on the EU >:(  I am so fed up with them dictating to us what we can and can't do.
I guess hens are no different from other animals and birds who instinctively know what they can and can't eat.  A lot cleverer than us on the score.
I can remember not long after I was married I thought about cooking some rhubarb leaves for OH as he loves rhubarb.  Never did get around to it and then someone told me they were poisonous.  Ooops close call ;D

Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: teresa on November 04, 2006, 11:50:52
Ooops close call indead one way to get rid of someone you dont like,
Oh MM the EU, our gov reg's and vets tell me about it.  In USA they give cat food to hens as a quick pick me up if not well thats banned in UK I nearly got chucked off a site for mentioning it the lady who replied was a GOVERMENT VET  got my fingers slapped.

check this site out its US but they LOVE their chickens.

Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on November 04, 2006, 18:08:23
Rhubarb contains oxalic acid which is fairly poisonous; in the body it forms calcium oxalate which is insoluble in water. The fine crystals clog up your kidneys and kill you that way. The story about people dying from eating rhubarb leaves during WWII is perfectly true, as the leaves contain a lot more of the poison than the stems, and the stupid government failed to check up.
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: Merlins Mum on November 04, 2006, 18:58:39
teresa, thanks for that site  :)

Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: glow777 on November 04, 2006, 19:26:23
I will always worm my girls as you cant be sure if your chooks have worms without looking at the poo under a microscope - or getting your vet to do it.

You could tell with ours - some of the worms when straightend (not with fingers) were 5" long - flubenvet sorted it out - now if only theyd lay
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: teresa on November 04, 2006, 20:00:15
- now if only theyd lay

Play music from morning till night that what they did years ago in battery houses to encourage laying  wonder if it realy worked. I am surprised mine are laying at all with all the B... fireworks going off every night.

MM someone listed a first aid kit for hens very good, thought I had saved it but lost it. enjoy the site.
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: Marymary on November 04, 2006, 22:53:44
Anyone know what the symptoms of worms in chickens are?  I've never wormed my chicks but I've never seen any sign of anything in their poo.
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: RW on November 04, 2006, 23:52:57
A signs of worms includes less eggs - but less egg can be the cause of many things. The eggs are always safe to eat even if a hen has worms. The best way to look for worms  is to examine the poo. It seems most people give flubenvet as a preventative method.  A saver method then Rhubarb may be Chives & Onion although this is not proven.
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: OliveOil on November 05, 2006, 08:51:35
this is how you know they have worms! (
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: Marymary on November 05, 2006, 18:25:35
Thanks for that Oliveoil.  Glad I'm not eating my tea!!!!  Never seen anything like that though so maybe I shouldn't worry.  Not getting any eggs though. 
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: teresa on November 05, 2006, 19:05:22
OO thats a good pic,
a dead tapeworm?
Tapeworms, round worms and others makes you cringe.
No eggs and a drop in weight in hens with tape worms also and incress in eating what I have heard. Sever cases can cause death, so treating hens twice a year as a preventave measure is done by all.
Strong links to onion family, I read yesterday 1 chopped clove of garlic per bird for 7 days works. EU wont sanction it so UK wont interesting what you learn on the net.
Has anyone put lime down on the ground where hens have been ment to cleanse the ground ?
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: OliveOil on November 06, 2006, 07:33:12
its a round worm  ;D
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: Merlins Mum on November 06, 2006, 08:55:28
teresa, are you saying you are using galic to worm your hens.   If so where did you read this on the net, am very interested.

Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: teresa on November 06, 2006, 09:37:50
Hi MM,
No have not used garlic only just found out about it. They also use it for lice and mites perhaps the odour comes throw the skin. I have heard said if you eat garlic abroad you wont get bitten by a mosqutio.
check this link out, its like a ebook on illness, US different treatments they use. Its at the bottom of the list but lots of interesting stuff on it. Ok frost bite most likely wont effect us here in UK but shows what others put up with to raise there hens.

enjoy the read

Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: teresa on November 06, 2006, 14:14:23
MM it says your inbox is full?
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: Merlins Mum on November 06, 2006, 14:26:54
Ooops sorry teresa, it shouldn't be now :)

Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: Heldi on November 06, 2006, 17:17:37
Oi ! You lot!  When  logged on this morning I was just fancying a tasty boiled egg for brekkie,then I read this thread and it put me right off..espesh the picture LOL!

Very good thread though, loads of info and great links. 
Title: Re: What should I use to worm my girls
Post by: Merlins Mum on November 06, 2006, 17:38:04
lol, I was glad I'd already had my brekkie when I saw the pic

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