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Produce => Recipes => Topic started by: supersprout on September 05, 2006, 15:24:20

Title: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: supersprout on September 05, 2006, 15:24:20
I'd like to preserve my lovely beet by bottling (only have a tiny freezer). Is there a way to preserve them without vinegar - or in a sweet and mild vinegar? I don't like them preserved in neat vinegar, find it too sharp. Hope someone can help, I've never tried preserving beetroot, step by step instructions please ::)
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: glow777 on September 05, 2006, 15:33:01

Not exactly what you asked for but last year I just got a bucket with a lid put beetroot in covered with sand new layer etc. 2 buckets kept well up to Xmas when w ran out.

Threw away 2 from about 60 beet.

Heard it can be done with soil instead of sand which I will try this year as It will probably be easier to remove


PS did this instead of vinegar as I don't like/allergic to vinegar
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: supersprout on September 05, 2006, 15:48:37
I might yet follow your advice there glow, but I have this dream of reaching into the storecupboard and pulling out a jar of yummy beetroot something :'( ::) :P
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: calendula on September 05, 2006, 15:48:51
small beets can be frozen or maybe try a red wine vinegar, or a fruit vinegar or any flavoured vinegar to take the 'edge' off - if you like balsamic that could be mixed with another vinegar  :)
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: supersprout on September 05, 2006, 15:51:39
oo that's starting to sound better - do you just pour cold vinegar over cold cooked beetroot?
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: calendula on September 05, 2006, 16:02:55
yes, just cook, rub skins off gently, pack into jars and cover with cold flavoured or mixed vinegar, although apparently it keeps longer if you slice and pour over boiled and still hot vinegar so that might help decide which to use - one book I have says cold will keep up to 2/12
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: supersprout on September 05, 2006, 16:17:08
thank you calendula, does it matter if the beet are hot or not? <stoopid smiley>
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: Dixie on September 05, 2006, 16:30:42
I make an apple and beetroot chutney , its quite sweet and scrummy yummy, I'm not sure if this is any good to you so thought I'd ask before typing out the recipe  :)

Just let me know if you would like the recipe :)
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: supersprout on September 05, 2006, 16:38:55
oh yes please dixie, I can believe that beet would go well with apple :)
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: calendula on September 05, 2006, 17:07:45
thank you calendula, does it matter if the beet are hot or not? <stoopid smiley>

yes, best to cool down so the temperature differentials are closer - apologies you did ask for step by step instructions  :(

and if you like the combo of beetroot and apple try them both mixed in with mashed potato - amazingly wild colour but fab
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: supersprout on September 05, 2006, 17:25:36
Thank you calendula :-*
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: tim on September 05, 2006, 19:09:11
May not be up your street but, once again, my American g/m's pickle -

Cover cooked beet with 1 cup cider vinegar boiled with 1/2 cup brown sugar.

Nicest with orange beet.
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: supersprout on September 05, 2006, 20:00:47
That's exactly the sort of thing tim, thank you too :-*
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: calendula on September 05, 2006, 20:36:50
ooh yes the sugar addition would be really nice - you might want to try raspberry vinegar - I usually make my own just by popping a few raspberries into a cider or white wine vinegar or if you feel flushed use a white balsamic - mmm must be nearly supper time, makes your mouth water  ;D
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: Dixie on September 06, 2006, 08:38:20
Beetroot and Apple Chutney

12oz finely chopped onions
21b cooked beetroot, peeled and diced
12oz cooking apples, diced (weight when peeled)
3/4 pint white vinegar
1tsp pickling spices
12oz sugar
1tsp salt

Put onions, beetroot and apples into a pan with vinegar, tie pickling spices in a  muslim bag and add to the pan.  Simmer til the apples are soft and then add sugar. Stir and boil staedily until the chutney reaches desired consistency.  Add salt and remove spices and spoon into jars.

the apple and beetroot mash sounds wonderful :D

Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: moonbells on September 06, 2006, 09:11:46

I also don't like the too-sharp vinegar of pickled beetroot, and this year has been a bumper crop. I grew cylindra, and they're about 6" long...

As an addition to the storage query, I always find that carrots and beets go soft and rubbery within 2-3 days of being picked. Yet shop-bought ones don't.

Why? I can only think that it's water levels (home-grown tastes better cos it's not forced to grow fast with loads of water) but in that case does damp sand stop them depleting?

Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: calendula on September 06, 2006, 09:38:04
lovely chutney rx - I'm soon to start harvesting my apples so will be making this

beetroot should keep quite well in damp sand but you have to keep the dampness just right - store cool and frost free - vermiculite can be used as well
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: tabbycat on September 06, 2006, 11:13:37
love this thread.... was down at the lottie yesterday, looking at my bumper crop of beetroot, thinking to myself "why did i grow this? i have no idea what to do with it".......

well now I do.... thank you all. ;D ;D ;D

Tabby x
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: supersprout on September 06, 2006, 12:55:43
thank you dixie, looks really scrummy - and simple! :P :D
will give that a go at the weekend, got to wait for my lottie neighbour to turn up so I can get permission to scrump his apples ;)

MB I grow both forono and cylindra - they seem to stay tender and sweet even when they get to sausage size don't they? ;D
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: Sodbuster on September 06, 2006, 20:15:46
Try half vinegar and half water with a teaspoon of sugar per 1 lb jar.  Ours were fine right up until the  last jar  in April.  Even our little grandkids love them
 My mother used to make a raspberry jelly with half vinegar half water and  put chopped beet in - delicious.
Title: Pickled Beetroot Recipe
Post by: Jitterbug on September 06, 2006, 22:04:17
here is a lovely South African recipe that I have used for many years and alto you use vinegar it is not too sharp.  Tastes better than the store bought stuff with a slightly sweet/spicy taste, but at a fraction of the price.  I think it is very good.


2 bunches beetroot, 3 cups vinegar, 1 tsp. ginger, 1.5 tsp cinnamon, 2 cups water, quarter tsp pepper, 2 cups sugar, 1.5 tsp ground clove and 1 tsp salt


Place all the above ingredients, except the beetroot into a pot and bring to boil.  Meanwhile in a separate pot boil the beetroot in salted water until just tender.  DO NOT OVERCOOK.  Drain the water and peel the beetroot, cut into rings or grate (whatever your preference).  Once the mixture comes to the boil place the cut/grated beetroot into it and allow to simmer gently for 20 minutes.  DO NOT BOIL.  Place in clean dry sterilised bottled and seal whilst warm.


Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: supersprout on September 07, 2006, 08:59:59
Thank you so much sods and jitterbug, I did wonder about diluting the vinegar but the books do bang on about 5 per cent ??? will try yours too j., any idea how many beet in a bunch? ::)
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: moonbells on September 07, 2006, 09:44:34
SS, I can't agree with you (yet!) about cylindra as I've not yet eaten any and they're (cough) rather large. I just hope they're as nice as the huuuge Boltardys are!


Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: supersprout on September 07, 2006, 17:19:30
OK 6 x 1lb jars of beetroot and apple chutney are cooling in the kitchen.
How long before it's ready do you think? :P
:o@MB, I think forono and cylindra are the exception to the rule that veg are nicer when small!

Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: calendula on September 07, 2006, 17:40:30
I always leave my chutneys a couple of months unless desperate, always better with age  :)

Can I ask what type of apple you used. I picked hundreds of dessert apples today (Katy) but tend to use those for eating fresh or tarte tatins and all the other apples will have to wait until October for picking, but I'm sure the variety of apple will make a bit of difference  :-\
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: tim on September 07, 2006, 19:47:57
5%? I would say no less than 5.5%??
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: supersprout on September 07, 2006, 21:05:14
What kind of apple?
Erm, the ones my antique lottie neighbour grew from a pip 30 years ago! They're dessert apples - crisp, slightly less sharp than a Granny Smith. Variety unknown ::)
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: Jitterbug on September 09, 2006, 14:32:57
Hi Supersprout

a bunch is normally about 5 - 6 biggish round beetroot.

Good luck.

Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: Sodbuster on September 13, 2006, 09:13:32
Just visited my daughter who found a jar of half vinegar and sugar water beetroot which we bottled  over 12mths ago - it tastes absolutley fine.
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: supersprout on September 13, 2006, 12:41:03
Do you boil and add hot to the beetroot for this one SodB? Just got some beet up so could try your half-and-halfer today ::)
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: Tilia on September 13, 2006, 13:28:54
A friend of mine made a kind of beetrooty jam one year.
We've lost touch now so no recipe I'm afraid  :-\
Not very helpful I know but maybe an idea to play about with if you know how to make jam. There might have been orange in it too...
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: moonbells on September 13, 2006, 13:34:07
Tried the chutney recipe that Dixie mentioned and it's FANTASTIC!

Don't want to wait for it to mature - it's wonderful already! Going to have to do several more jars of it, with some to eat fresh...

Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: supersprout on September 13, 2006, 14:07:46
snap MB, delish and fresh tasting straight outta the pan :P ::)
thank you Dixie, that one's in our family cookbook now :)
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: Lazy Daisy on September 13, 2006, 16:07:16
Doing the beetrood and apple tonight only trouble is only have one jar.
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: moonbells on September 13, 2006, 16:32:34
Doing the beetrood and apple tonight only trouble is only have one jar.

One quantity filled two of those barrel-shaped 800g sauerkraut jars!

If you only have one jar (depending on size!) then I recommend halving the quantities! Or just eating it...

Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: Lazy Daisy on September 13, 2006, 16:37:22
Eating it sounds pretty good to me
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: Lazy Daisy on September 14, 2006, 09:58:22
Well did the beetroot and apple thingy last night and it went somthing like this.

Jars - only got one, empty that mayo jar also.
Sterilize - seem to remember something about this. Bung em in the dishwasher on number 1
2lbs beetroot and 12 oz apple - erm no scales, ask 'im in doors what he thinks. No idea.
12oz sugar - same thing, look in cupboard, not enough sugar send 'im in doors to shop.
12oz white vinegar - ha ha know this one, have got a measuring jug.
Mixed spice - muslim??? old hanky of 'im in doors tied in a knot.

Off we jolly well go. Boil the beet. Peel. Very red hands. Peel apples and follow instuctions to the letter. Had some beet left over so sliced them into white spiced vinegar for 'im in doors.

Well the outcome was pretty good. 2 jars of the stuff. Bit sweeter than I thought, remember no scales. That must be the answer. Brought some today with pate and french bread for lunch

Pickled beet lasted about half an hour, 'e had it with his lancashire hotpot I made for tea.

Well very pleased with myself. I have never attempted anything like this before and shall try again.  I don't think mine will last though being in just jars. Will let you know. ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: supersprout on September 14, 2006, 10:12:46
LOL enjoyed that a lot daisy, hope im indoors is well content! ;D
I need some new scales, what did you get ::)
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: Lazy Daisy on September 14, 2006, 10:22:48
Thank you supersprout. I have never had any scales. I do a lot of cooking but never baking or preserving or similar so have never had the need. Might invest in some. Will ask google about preserving, jars, sterilising etc and have another go.
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: supersprout on September 14, 2006, 10:59:18
Lots of info here, moonbells has been doing some digging and found a very good site on canning and bottling etc. :D,com_smf/Itemid,91/topic,23765.0
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: davee52uk on September 14, 2006, 21:40:02
Echoing an earlier entry. I just put the beets in a plastic bin and covered them in soil. They kept all Winter even when it was frosty. I just kept them in my shed.

Also in Spring I take out the biggest two or three and replant them. They then go on to produce seeds in late Summer.
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: Squashfan on September 15, 2006, 16:30:24
useful thread, as I have two giant cooking apples and some beetroot to use up!
My fav recipe is this:
5-6 beetroot, boiled, peeled and diced.
1 small onion, diced
8-10 fresh sage leaves, sliced
1TBL olive oil/butter
2-3 TBL yogurt/creme fraiche

saute onion in olive oil until soft, then add sage leaves. Let cook a few minutes. Add beetroot, heat through (if cold). Turn heat off and stir in yogurt (creme fraiche is less likely to curdle and can stand heat, but yogurt will get lumpy if you don't turn the heat off)
Serve as a side dish or dump over pasta. I tend to eat most of my beetroots this way. Also, steam the beetroot tops if they're tender enough and eat those as greens. Yummm.
Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: moonbells on September 18, 2006, 11:05:22
5-6 beetroot? Yikes, if I did that with the cylindra, I'd be eating it (and the rest...!) for weeks!

moonbells  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Preserving beetroot - NOT in vinegar?
Post by: supersprout on September 18, 2006, 11:30:52
did you rate the taste of cylindra moonbells? :)
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