Allotments 4 All

Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: baggieboy on August 04, 2006, 22:54:00

Title: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on August 04, 2006, 22:54:00
Hi there,

I have just taken over a plot (not sure of size). I am only 28 and despite a couple of my mates calling me Aurther Fowler and Charlie Slater , Im really looking forward to taking on this project.

My reason for wanting an allotment is because i live in a flat with my GF and 2 kids. My 3 yr old son loves watering his nans plants and picking her strawberries , so i thought an allotment would be an ideal way of learning him where food comes from, and let him enjoy the fresh air and stop him from loving junk food.

I am also a massive fan of River Cottage so growing my own dinner appeals to me hugely.

On to my plot , i went to my local allotments and asked about, but was told i would have to go on a waiting list. I asked if there were any plots that needed bringing back to life.

The man explained the only plot that was in need of aid haden't been touched for 30 years  :o :o.........

So i went to look at it.....full of broken sheds, shopping trollys, glass, massive overgrowth. The man said , "If you take this on you must be mad.". Well i must be a nutter then cause i took it on without a moments hesitation. Unfortunatly i haven't got a pic yet but will take one in the morning, when i goto cut down the connifers that surround it.

anyway thanks for reading and ill let you now how it goes. Then ill start asking loads of questions  :)
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: busy_lizzie on August 04, 2006, 23:10:26
Hi! Welcome baggieboy! Good for you for taking over a plot, as, although there is a lot of work attached to having an allotment, you will be so pleased you have got one when you start harvesting great tasting veggies. It is brilliant for the children too and as you say it will be introducing them to real vegetables and not the sellophane wrapped ones you see in the supermarket. Looking forward to see your pics and hearing how you progress.  :) busy_lizzie
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Hyacinth on August 04, 2006, 23:40:52
Hello! Full of admiration, here,  & looking forward to seeing the pics you take.  Your little lad's got quite an adventure playground there - so have you by the sound of it ;D

Good luck with the tree felling tomorrow 8)

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: lorna on August 04, 2006, 23:58:19
Big welcome baggieboy. This is a great place to be. When you have cleared all the dangerous stuff away I am sure your son will love going to the allotment with you. Good luck. Don't forget pics before and then at each stage.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Chocolate on August 05, 2006, 00:03:33
Hi welcome to the site I'm sure you will find all the advice you need here. Mind I'm on the dummy level so dont ask me  :D
Just have an extra Shreddie in the morning and you'll whop those trees no bother ;)
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Hyacinth on August 05, 2006, 00:07:01
Choclat, isn't it Weetabix the man needs? He'll be in shreds enough by tomorrow night ;D
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: katynewbie on August 05, 2006, 00:08:57
 ;D ;D ;D

Welcome! Hope you enjoy it! Take lots of pics, the before and after ones are what keep you going, along with Weetabix, Radox and chocolate!

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on August 05, 2006, 00:18:05
thanks for all the replies. Will post some photos tomorrow. Don't realy goto the pub cause woukld rather be with my family, so can't wait to get started.

Prolly be here this time tomorrow ...ripped to shreds....with visions of killer conifers

peace all
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: MonsterMum on August 05, 2006, 09:19:15
Hi Baggie,

I know what you're saying about friends who take the mick.  I'm only 25 and took my first plot on a few months ago, since then I've had it all!

Like you I have a young daughter and we don't really have a garden, so for me some of the many reasons for getting it was so that she could have some outdoor space to play.  We have created a grass area especially.  It will also teach her where veg comes from, all the different types and hopefully make her more inclined to eat it ;)

Good luck!
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Svea on August 05, 2006, 09:59:54
welcome aboard, you are a hero to take on such a neglected plot. still, at least no waiting around, eh?
i do hope you dont pay rent until next spring, or some such deal

i recommend gardening with gloves on, leather gloves at that. where glass has been involved in the past (i.e. broken greenhouse etc) it is a safer way to work the soil and plant and sow into it.

teach your children about safety too, and the glass! worth it i think

good luck with the clearing, and do take pictures before you start, and as you go along. it gives a huge boost to be able to see the transformation and remind yourself what you started out with!
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Chocolate on August 05, 2006, 12:04:33
Sorry I'm late, yes loads of chocolate those really big bars that you treat yourself  too when your fed up. Mmmmlovely.
Mmm not fed up but I think I'll treat myself anyway  ;D
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Hyacinth on August 05, 2006, 12:43:42
Baggie, loads of us will have seeds to give away to get you started ....ask or look in Swap Shop when you're ready....doesn't always have to be Swaps, you know 8)'re showing REAL promise ;D When we next run a Tasting Session in Watershed, you're invited along ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Chocolate on August 05, 2006, 17:24:50
Not heard of that  ???
Missed it again   will make sure I
float round the Watershed........guesswhat
fell into my pocket at the corner shop whilst
I was paying my papers......well guess!!!
You're right a massive bar of Galaxy...warm it was
my bestest favorite  Mmmmm...dipped in tea  :P :P
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on August 05, 2006, 19:15:31
Hi there just got back from my 1st day and im half dead lol, took some photos to show you
what it looks like. My mom helped me by cutting some of the weeds etc down.

I spent the day demolishing that ugly looking shed. Coulden't face the conifers. Diden't find any hidden treasure..

Am going back in the morning will keep you all updated






Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: katynewbie on August 05, 2006, 19:24:47

Blimey! Got your work cut out there, mate! However, lots of upsides. Don't burn the pallet-type bits of wood, you may need them later (compost bins etc) and there may be all kinds of woody bits that will come in handy!

Well done you for taking it on, looks like you have made a very positive start!

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Chocolate on August 05, 2006, 19:59:01
Flippin' 'eck you'r a good un taking on that lot, you need to be Arnie to get thro' it all. You'll be so proud when its all finished and you'v got you'r first crop in the pot.
Then is there any chance that you can pop round and do mine?  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on August 05, 2006, 20:42:21

We went empty Handed, and came back with carrots, french beans , beetroot, potatoes , tomatoes. Everyone who was there came and said hi, and gave us a bag of veg. What a freindly bunch of people you lot are..Gonna Make a stew on monday with it all, if i got any fingers left
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: weedbusta on August 05, 2006, 21:17:03
mares tail, builders netting, and a bonfire........your my kinda guy!! gardeners ar a friendly lot, you'll find yourself innundated with everyones extra veg, and extra seedlings next year. and once your on your feet you get to do the same. i never go for a walk around the plots unless I'm empty handed, they're never empty for long.  ;) your neighbours will be really glad that someone's taken on the jungle, good luck and enjoy.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on August 05, 2006, 21:26:53
hi weedbusta,

Someone mentioned mares tale today and said when we got to the stage of digging the plot e.t.c, we would have to make sure that it was totaly got rid of.
 Is that mares tale bad news or is it easily treated? i now im way ahead of myself but was just wondering.

Oh forgot to say we found a big apple tree right up the corner on the plot and ive wanted one of them since i was a kid.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: rosebud on August 05, 2006, 22:13:29
Hi Baggie, we shall be interested in watching your progress.
Welcome to A4A when you have finished the day at the allotment it will be your turn to make 400 cups of tea, Lorna,& Lishka, will do the washing up after we have all gone home. ;D ;D ;D ;D      Good luck with the lottie, have the Radox ready.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: katynewbie on August 05, 2006, 22:22:10

Baggie...mares tail...spawn of the devil! Check "search" at the top of your screen and see what folks have said about it.

It is a prehistoric plant though...the only interesting fact about it!

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: weedbusta on August 05, 2006, 22:25:09
Someone mentioned mares tale today and said when we got to the stage of digging the plot e.t.c, we would have to make sure that it was totally got rid of.

ha ha, i don't think you ever get rid of it, theres loads of info on this site on things to try, I've just learned to live with it.  :-X don't believe i typed that!!!! I WILL NOT EVER LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT!!! I HATE IT!!!!

stand by for a load of mentioned 'the devil'

on the plus side, it makes the place look like an allotment, and to be honest it doesn't stop things growing. have a look around the plots and you'll find most people have some. keep the photos of your progress coming.
where in the great wide world is your plot?
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on August 05, 2006, 22:47:18
Place called Wednesbury in sunny West Bromwich .
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Hyacinth on August 05, 2006, 23:03:33
You an Albion man then Baggie? Roy, Robert and I are from Brum - Villa supporter meself ;D
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on August 05, 2006, 23:17:41
yeah boing boing. Can't beleive you lot have got Martin 'O Neil  :o

Signing of the season. Where in Brum are you?
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on August 05, 2006, 23:47:11
Ladywood, though I'm actually 'from' Oxford. Don't support anyone, football bores me to tears.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Hyacinth on August 05, 2006, 23:52:35
And I'm from the Home of The Salmonella Sweeties :o - B'ville. Haven't got a lottie but we've got biiiiiiig gardens in B'ville.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: grawrc on August 05, 2006, 23:56:26
Our daughter's down the road at Cotteridge/King's Norton
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Hyacinth on August 06, 2006, 00:00:01
Good heavens,Ms Controller, we're near neighbours - small world, eh?
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: wivvles on August 06, 2006, 08:52:25
Place called Wednesbury in sunny West Bromwich .

Does the sun shine in West Bromwich? ;D
I was always taught that it was the Dark Side...

Good luck with the plot mate - and in the Championship this year (but not 22 October or 11 March... ;))

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on August 13, 2006, 00:24:04
Hi again, just a quick update...

Been down the allotment almost everyday since we took the plot over last Friday. The difference now is unbelievable , apparently according to one of the committee "The Talk of The Place". He's even been taking photos so he can send them to the local council when our redevelopment is complete , he's that impressed  :o.

My 3 Year old son (Ellis) loves it and has been with me the whole time (in his own little safe area). Each night he has got home he's been crashed out 5 Min's later , only to wake the next morning to get his wellies on  :).
  He has also met a new friend , George a 68 yr old Jamaican man. George introduced himself on Tuesday and Ellis couldn't stop laughing at his deep Jamaican accent , he even gave George one of his pringles , something he doesn't even share with me!!. He hasn't seen George since , but he still makes go and look for him  :).

Anyways back to the allotment, I have knocked the ugly shed down and nearly all the weed is gone. I will be taking some photos tomorrow to show you the difference, and not meaning to sound big headed but I'm so proud of what we (me + mom) have achieved.

One last thing, the word 'ALLOTMENT' should come with a warning of its addictiveness. Everynight this week Ive told my GF , "We'll only be an hour", to return 4 hours later to her face of thunder  :-X

Thanks again for reading and ill post some photos tomorrow

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: sand on August 13, 2006, 00:52:38
Hiya baggieboy!

Mare's tail - just learn to live with it, you can never get rid of it, I find I turn a blind eye to it now and concentrate on the veg.  You can spend weeks cleaning a plot and turn your back for a moment to see it pointing up at you again.  Just remember never to put it on the compost heap.

How do you combine footie and allotmenteering?  This is my first season for a long time without a season ticket, yesterday was the first home game I could have gone to...and I chose to spend it in the garden with the radio (but we did manage a draw with Brum).  Miles better, no stress, no spending, the veg looks better, found some lovely fruit to munch on instead of a pie and home grown food for tea instead of a takeaway!  I might feel different if I miss a mega home win but I plan to catch more away games instead.  Who knows I may be back at the Baggies ground again soon, I've been told of a great Seikh pub that serves wonderful curries!

Veggies can be just as addictive as footie, be warned!

sand (a Stokie)

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: redimp on August 13, 2006, 00:54:56
Yup - share my spare time between veggies and footie - same with the boards I visit.  East Midlander here and by far in possession of the best footy team of the lot. ;D
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on August 13, 2006, 01:28:40

the pub your on about is THE VINE or THE SPORTSMAN wouldent advise the latter though ;)

And the chi9cken tikka in the vine is superb
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: sand on August 13, 2006, 09:57:48
The Vine...that's the one.  How appropriate  ;)

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: bunjy on August 13, 2006, 10:24:04
wow....i took on my allotment a few days ago too i thought mine was bad  :o...although i think our sheds were made by the same person!! i will try and take some pics of mine tomorrow

all the best it will be worth all the hard work

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on August 13, 2006, 16:09:45
Ok heres some photos of our allotment today, diden't stay long as was raining but you can see how hard we've worked.





will keep you updated as i go.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: katynewbie on August 13, 2006, 16:27:42

Wow! You must have sweated blood over that lot! V. Impressed!

Carry on taking the pics and let us see how you are doing, it motivates you too!

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Meg on August 13, 2006, 16:31:19
Well done am chuffed for you but.......go slow don't burn yourself out in one. Get a piece of plastic and kill of the weeds the slow way. Pleased your getting produce straight away I always try to welcome with a bag of goodies too it is nice. All the best.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Chocolate on August 13, 2006, 16:44:23
You've have done so well what a difference a week makes. It looks as though the plot has been really looked after in the past.
Do you think chickens or pigeons were kept there at some point, wonder if you'll do the same? I really cant believe how much you've done in such a short time.
Good luck to both of you keep hanging on in there.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Shas on August 13, 2006, 16:46:45
Hi Baggie,
Luv you!! Given us hope for the future!  Thought ours was bad after not being worked for over a year, but not nearly as bad as yours.  Only had ours 3 weeks, so can sympathise with the mares tail.  Have taken before pics, but can't post 'em coz I can't find the leady thing you do it with! Must check grand-daughters toybox, that's where we usually find stuff.
Great fun for kids down the lotty.  Little g'daughter (6 on Wed) goes frog and butterfly hunting.
You'll get all the help and encouragement you need here, along with a lot of laughs.
Good luck mate!!
PS Where's all this rain?  None in Lancashire as yet. Just when I hoped................oh well, can't win 'em all.  Back to the hosepipe!
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on August 13, 2006, 18:39:41
It's been in Birmingham most of the day. when I got to the plot, it had rained about 1/4 inch, and was still coming down intermittently. Everything looked well wet, though inevitably the soil was dry less than an inch down, and the stream was belting through.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on August 15, 2006, 22:22:17
Nee nor nee nor nee nor , wonder where thats going to i thought as i heard a fire engine in the distance.

Straight to our plot that's where :o :o :o.

Went to plot tonight and found that a brother of a plot holder by us, had been with a chainsaw and cut every conifer tree down (what a star). The secretary of the site came up and said as there was no wind we should burn what we could.

  So i did every single conifer tree. Two other plot holders also came and helped us. But apparently someone had phoned the fire brigade saying they could see 13ft flames  :o :o :o.

Anyway fireman Sam came and wasen't amused , at least by the time he came all the trees were burnt ;D ;D.

He gave the fire a quick check and said make sure it's out by the time you go..

Another job done
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: LILACSPLASH on August 15, 2006, 23:29:13
yours is like mine was.... apparently 10 years in the making!, all I can say is you'll be a payed up member of the pyro club before it's clear :o it's not what you can see that should worry's what's burried and what you dig up that you should worry about :P
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on August 15, 2006, 23:46:47
Did find a dead fox tonight as well. Looked like he had got trapped and died, goodjob my little boy dident see it he would of been broken hearted. He woulden't even let me near a centipede i found , incase the shovel hurt him.

The fox did look like he'd been there for a while tho . 

What did you find buried then  :)
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: shirlton on August 16, 2006, 18:04:22
That allotment looks just like our Tracy's (Bunjy). even down to the old shed.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Chocolate on August 16, 2006, 22:06:04
Flippin' heck Shirlton I'm so glad mine wasn't as bad as Baggieboy!!!
Mind, bags I your chicken run Boy, you've set me off I've got to have
one of those, with six lovely chucks in it.
 :D :D
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on August 28, 2006, 21:59:04
Hi there again.

Been going to the allotment with my mom and son (Ellis) for a couple of hours a night now. Last bit of rubbish needs moving and the last few bits of wood e.t.c needs burning. Then the fun begins , loads of diggin and then some  :o and then some more. Also gonna dig the old boundaries up and the path in the middle.

Saw 2 kittens today which my son thought was cool but im not gonna feed them ever because it will encourage them to keep returning

After the last of the rubbish is removed etc and it's all been dug ill start to plan out the raised beds and paths e.t.c. Anyway thanks for reading and heres some photos from today.

Ill post again in a few weeks.

From the front of allotment


Our Apple Tree


The rest of the Allotment team . My Mom and my 3yr old son Ellis


Another from different angle


The rubbish on the right is the last little bit to clear


And another veiw with the last bit of wood n stuff


This is a little room in one of the tin sheds at the back. The plan is to cut a skylight in the roof And turn into a room with desks in for mine and my brothers kids to draw and paint the different things we grow.


Another room witch looks as though it was used for keeping birds in


And finally the potting shed at the back.


Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: lorna on August 28, 2006, 22:29:53
Baggie. Brilliant, what a difference when you look at today's pics and then go back to the pics you posted on 5th..Lovely phto of Ellis and your Mum. .Good luck.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on August 28, 2006, 22:48:35

Totally loving it Lorna, and good thing is when i'm there i don't smoke half as much.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: lorna on August 28, 2006, 23:05:32
Good for you (re smoking) I only smoke between 2 to 4 a day but still keep trying to give up completely. Meant to say in last post you have got plenty of space (most important) to set up your break area. Teapot, kettle etc etc.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Hyacinth on August 29, 2006, 08:12:46
Lorna, hadn't you noticed in that last pic? Baggy's already GOT a teapot ;D

Well, I've just looked at all the pics again and many many congratulations to you, your mum and little Ellis - you make a winning team 8) Incredible, the work you've done there & what brill outhouses you've got. Lovely idea to turn one of the rooms over to the children too. Have a happy autumn digging - you gonna save some of that rubbish to be burned for 5th November? All the children'd just love that ;D
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: pete10 on August 29, 2006, 08:58:03

 Great work Baggie . Done in real quick time .
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: lorna on August 29, 2006, 09:07:19
Lish . I told my optician these expensive glasses are useless ;D Sorry Baggie!!
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: TheGrowingFamily on August 31, 2006, 16:21:38
Well done.
What a fantastic job you and your mum have done and in such a short period of time.

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: ann hunter on August 31, 2006, 18:39:23
I am full of admiration for you and what you have achieved in SUCH a short time, WELL DONE!!!
My little girl was about the same age as your son when I first got an alottment, she now has a small lot (on mine) of her own and is really knows alot about plants and beasties and things. And a first rate scrumper as well!!!
Look forward to watching the progress.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on August 31, 2006, 23:35:49
thanks for the kind words
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: MrsKP on September 01, 2006, 19:35:41
inspirational mate.  you've all done superbly.

well done !

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on September 12, 2006, 21:18:36
Thanks for all the kind words.

Just wanted to let you all now , that one of the allotment team turned into a little man today and started nursery. I have been worried sick for weeks worrying about him, but i shoulden't have . Ellis you done me proud yet again.

When he came back he stuck his picture of a ' Cow on his allotment ' on the fridge and got changed. Instead of watching the T.V he came down the allotment.

Will update you all with the progress of the lottie at the end of the week with some more photos.

But for now heres the greatest friend iv'e ever had this morning.

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: MrsKP on September 12, 2006, 21:25:35
oh don't you start and all.  Heldi's aready had me bawling all week !   8)

seriously though, your little lad has obviously got a good role model.  keep up the good work and congrats to Ellis.

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Hyacinth on September 12, 2006, 21:34:08
Wonderful! I've been looking for news of Ellis and thanks for that. What a great photo, eh? And a pic of a cow on his allotment roflmao..  he's got big plans! Most peeps are content with some chooks or a duck, but no, not our Ellis  ;D

Oh Baggie,  you're a happy man tonight 8)
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: spacehopper on September 13, 2006, 09:35:33
just seen this, great news that you have a plot...the kids will love it!
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on September 13, 2006, 12:42:24
There's a site at Nuneaton with goats, but I've never heard of a cow on a plot!
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on September 13, 2006, 12:55:35
He loves animals. He wont even let me dig until he's checked no worms are there, but i think he's gonna have to lower his ambition on this one.

Only cow i'll be having , is on my plate with roasts veg and gravy  ;D
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Heldi on September 13, 2006, 15:53:13
Aw congrats to Ellis on starting nursery  ;D

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on September 13, 2006, 19:32:38
I occasionally threaten to put a cow on the balcony. If you marry a Madingo woman, you're traditionally supposed to give her either an ounce of gold or a cow. If she starts saying she hasn't got enough gold (as if she could wear it all at once!) I threaten her with the cow.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on September 30, 2006, 17:44:00
Hi there i gotta keep this quick , as my pc has decided not to like me no more. Been doing loads down the allotment . Put plastic sheeting on the building at the back as a green house alternative. Also put a fence up.

Ellis and my mom doing good even got my GF down there digging. We put a fence up at the front

We even planted some herbs , winter onions , and raddishes. And someone gave us some leeks so fingers crossed.

Ill update you more when my pc is fixed .....heres some photos






Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: MrsKP on September 30, 2006, 17:48:45
WHAT a difference !!!  fantastic progress.

Well done to all of you.

If you need any help with the computer just shout !
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on September 30, 2006, 17:51:36
thanks mrskp

think the MB is messed up keeps random freezing even after a reinstall and had the same prob last year... Least i took out extended warrinty
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Hyacinth on September 30, 2006, 17:54:14
And I've just checked back at your 1st pix posted - August 5th? after your first day there?  (and I'd advise anyone who can't remember to go back to p.1 & have a look..)   WOW!!

Congrats to you all 8) ;D
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on September 30, 2006, 18:01:56
thanks ,

really is a buzz and and half when i look back on them pictures.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: lorna on September 30, 2006, 18:05:01
Like Lish I remember the first pics you posted on 5th Aug. Fantastic results, you must be so pleased. Glad Ellis is enjoying  the plot as well. What a team you have got..I have just spent 5/6 hours clearing my greenhouse, cutting the lawn and one or two other jobs and although I am willing to carry on the body is weak!!!! Look forward to some more great photos from you.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on September 30, 2006, 18:11:10
Im thinking of being the charlie dimmock of allotments only im a man and not got them boobs.

So give a shout if you wanna hand lorna   ;)
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: saddad on September 30, 2006, 18:16:01
That is certainly some transformation well done Baggieboy....
You'd be welcome on our site anytime... even without the other assessets...
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: MrsKP on September 30, 2006, 18:29:35
any other hints baggie ??  OH says it was his processor when his froze, but give us a bit more of a clue !
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on September 30, 2006, 18:38:34
Last year kept getting random resets , freezes.  And had to have a new mother board and new processor.

Keeps freezing now between every 10 min or 10 hrs not when a particually program is open. I even reformatted it and left it ,and it froze .

I phoned my extra warrenty company who said leave it in bios  and see if it freezes and it did so i think it must be a hardware problem. So ill give them another call later
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: MrsKP on September 30, 2006, 19:04:42
is it freezing and shutting down ?  or just freezing ?

possibly an overheating problem on the processor.  OH has regularly had to put more "compound" on either the bottom of the heatsink and fan or on the bottom of the processor to cure it.  processors get weally weally hot !

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on September 30, 2006, 22:39:17
The compound goes between the heat sink and the processor. It doesn't wear out though; it sounds as though it's a case of an extra fan, or maybe a new PSU with more fans. I don't think much of the cheap ones that come supplied.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: MrsKP on October 01, 2006, 01:16:00
OH has DEFINITELY had to replace it (the compound) before  but if you know what it is already, you'e sorted roflmao
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: mc55 on October 01, 2006, 17:11:19
wow, your progress is very impressive - well done, great pix.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: weedbusta on October 01, 2006, 18:42:17
take a bow, it's well deserved. you'd never believe it was the same plot. great pics.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: supersprout on October 01, 2006, 19:07:16
Lovely plot and well done for your hard work baggieboy :o :D is that you running down the path btw? ;D
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on October 01, 2006, 21:37:58
 ;D ;D

i wish it was mate, i'd love to be his age. Come to think of it i'd love to live my 21st year again . What a year that was

Thanks for all the kind words as well everyone

Put the gate on today as well
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Barnowl on October 02, 2006, 10:56:38
Incredible. I'm amazed you've achieved so much already.  :)

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: vee on October 02, 2006, 15:42:09
Only just read this thread and I'm so impressed with what you've done. You should be really proud of yourselves.
I only wish you could take on one of the neglected plots on our site!
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: busy_lizzie on October 02, 2006, 17:37:59
Hello Baggieboy,  I have just been catching up with your progress and I am amazed and so impressed at what you have managed to achieve.  Well done!  :D busy_lizzie   
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: tommy in york on October 27, 2006, 17:04:51
Hello there.  I am a new member, and have been fascinated by your good work.
The original state of your plot was horrid.
With all your hard work, and that of your family, you are turning it round into a very neat and productive plot of land
Keep up the good work Baggie Boy

Let me know how it goes.

Boing Boing!!!!!

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on October 28, 2006, 02:03:17
Boingboing m8 and thanks....

Not been around for much as my pc problems are still being ' sorted '.

Lent my moms pc for now. As for allotment i planted some Winter Cabage , Garlic , some more raddish (don't like it but got a buzz last week when i dug one up). And some type of lettuce  ;D (sorry dont now which one).

I have also attempted some mushrooms , which are fingers crossed are going to plan. My Uncle has helped us get connifer stumps up so we can lay a dividing fence.

Will post some more when pc is sorted
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: manicscousers on October 29, 2006, 05:54:41
Hi baggieboy excellent pictures it will help later on when you look back on the work you have achieved.....we had to take on a new plot last october 05 when we were thrown off our 11 year old one to make way for a new club...we took over a semi marsh and were also told we were mad....nobody else would touch it......we decided to go down the raised bed the plot size down on paper and tried to get the best out of the plot from there......we have some pics in allotement movement if it is of help....the beds are all made out of pallets...the posts also came from the pallets cut in half...treated and bashed into the ground......the beds are various lengths but all are 4' allow for working the beds and havesting.....yes you will be harvesting  ;D we had another plot years ago and just divided it into three for the crop rotation...but it was never seemed to be getting anyware....the raised bed system suits us you can pick a bed to work then move on to the next.....the bed system keeps the siol and added compost were you want it....some say you wast land with extra paths etc.....but each to there own.....god i'm begining to sound like a fanatic  :o
especially since its 6am.....anyway all the best with the plot it is hard work at the early stages.....we are in the middle of digging a 2' 6" drainage ditch at the moment so we know how you feel ...all the best
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: cornykev on November 01, 2006, 20:17:39
:) Unbelievable baggie only just read your adventure its like reading a book, pictures and all. Got my Lotty last year it was six foot high with weeds but not the rubbish tip you inherited though, well done mate wish I'd taken pictures. Council came and rotervated the ground the weeding took forever, and I know what you mean about one hour turning into four and where have you been all this time they just don't understand, good luck mate.   ::)

                   May the corn be with you.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Pigface51 on November 02, 2006, 13:15:54
Excellent work there baggie...

...I expect the mares tails will come back to get you though (see other threads) - they have exceptionally deep roots - but at least they have the advantage of being something worth cutting down and composting!

One word of advice, if you think there has been birds kept in the shed/greenhouse thing then give it a very good scrub with a decent disinfectant...won't want you, or ellis or anyone else to catch something nasty....

Best wishes, Pigface
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: tommy in york on November 08, 2006, 16:59:27
when are we having more photo updates young baggie boy?

Would love to see what your lot is looking like now!! :)
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on November 09, 2006, 11:31:00
Will try to take some soon m8, had 2 tonne of muck droped off and had to shovel it all over the fence  :'(.

We have moved the door on the shed and we are gonna make a small patio area for a cup of tea etc soon. Will take some more photos soon
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: southernsteve on November 09, 2006, 12:54:11
Excellant pics. Well done with all the hard work, it's worth it in the end, or so I keep being tiold.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: daisymay on November 09, 2006, 13:52:27
only just read this thread..... you are putting us to shame baggie - we have had our plot for 18 months and have still not managed to even dig it all over once!

You are truly dedicated to your allotment and more importantly your children, very inspirational stuff....

keep the pictures coming  ;D
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: saddad on November 09, 2006, 20:03:56
I look forward to the new pics Baggieboy...
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on March 29, 2007, 21:26:04
Hi there,

Not updated this thread for a few months , so as we have been spending longer down the plot due to the lighter nights thought I should let you now how it's been going.

Since my last post the plot itself dosen't look too different heres a couple of veiws of it tonight at 7pm.




We've also put together a compost bin.


Winter Onions seem to have really picked up in the warm weather.


And the purple sprouting broccoli is looking tastey  ;D. How big should the florets be before I cut them?? ???


Here is a picture of our home made green house thingy, this is where our toms will go. The lettuce in the corner of the pic we put in cause it seems determined to grow whatever the weather  ::)


And my favourite place on the whole plot.......the potting shed. Been starting plenty of things off in here. The cauli , some toms , leeks, have all started showing.

cause it joins onto our green house part it gets plenty light and always feels warm.



What we will be doing in the coming weeks

We have a number of things on the to-do list. A couple of parts still need a good digging , and we also gonna build another bean support.

The front of the plot next to ours is going to be used for dropping off free straw/manure each year so we asked if we could take on the back of it . We  have been told yes but not got it in writing yet , but when we do we plan on building our own poly tunnel. The water pipe for which I have already got off ebay.

I will also be using the blue water pipe to make a brassia protection area.

Oh and we also plan on actually growing some veg  ;D

Thanks and i'll keep you updated.

P.S when should I cut my purple sprouting broccoli and where should I cut it ??

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: manicscousers on March 29, 2007, 21:30:01
the purple sprouting is ready as soon as you looks the photos, spring's definitely here  ;D
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: flossie on March 29, 2007, 21:33:07
What great pictures; everything is so orderly.  It seems incredible that the picture as taken as late as 7.00pm tonight.
The potting shed is really impressive, I bet that you've spent a few happy hours there.  I would say that the PSB is certainly ready to eat.  It would be such pity if it went "over the top."
Thanks again for posting the pics - really enjoyed looking around your plot :)
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on March 29, 2007, 21:43:11
Truth is I have a PSB dilema  :-[

I have never tried it before and both me and my gf love brocolli. I was only given 2 plants , 1 of which hasen't produced nothing yet so I only have that 1 plant.

If I cut it now is that it ? no more broccoli, or does it develope again in a couple of weeks?

Do I just eat the purple bit or some of the stalk?

And finally do I just cut and eat it myself or could I freeze it and wait till i've got some more?? ???

sorry but im new to this
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Amazin on March 29, 2007, 23:40:31
I grew PSB for the first time last year and after picking the first sprouts the rest (side shoots) came thick and fast. Be careful though - it tastes great raw. You might have to get your gf down the lottie to stop you from stripping the plant bare on the spot!

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: sand on March 29, 2007, 23:49:04
Wow, looking good, I was wondering how things were going in baggieland.

Pick the PSB!  Cut each floret down to about 6" taking in some stalk and a few small leaves.  We find the best way to cook it is in an asparagus pan but it does cook well in a steamer, but try not to cook for long as it can disintegrate quickly.  

Best way to eat it is all on it's own with a portion of melted butter to pour over it or dip each floret into - asparagus style with butter dripping off your chin.  Absolutely gorgeous, can't wait for mine to be ready, another week or so I reckon.  

I've also seen it served with a soft boiled chookie egg to dip into - interesting!

It's beautiful.

Keep us posted, Sand
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on March 29, 2007, 23:54:53
thanks alot , can't wait to pick some tomorrow  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: tim on March 30, 2007, 07:09:25
As said - wow, what an achievement!

But the PSB ?  To me, a very unusual variety. Certainly all those side shoots should be picked now, but it doesn't look as though there will be much of a follow-on?

Get as much of the stem as you can - the meaty bit - but it's best to take the shoots where they break -  then you know they are tender. If they don't break, it is best to skin them before cooking.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: tim on March 30, 2007, 09:07:15
Waited too long to 'modify' so start again........

Unusual PSB? But like a batch I had this year - very disappointing.

I know that this is WSB but the same principles apply.

Yes - just been picked!!
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: legless on March 30, 2007, 09:25:48
wow just seen thgis thread. that's awesome! what an acheivement, well done!
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Old bird on March 30, 2007, 10:24:23
We good luck!  You are certainly going to need a fair bit of energy for your plot. I like your wall though that can be really useful! 

May I, as an oldie, offer advice and suggest that you tackle a smallish bit at a time.  Sometimes when you have a disaster area as large as yours! you may run out of enthusiasm, steam and energy, yet if you have a smaller bed or two growing stuff already this will give you encouragement to carry on!  Even if you don't get it all planted this year you will be well ahead from where you are this year - next year - if you see what I mean!

Best of luck with it though.

Old Bird

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: dawn34 on March 30, 2007, 14:15:06
oh my god what a task you have there and i thought my hubby was moaning about ours, wait until he gets home and i'll show him your pictures, you must be a mad man to take on that one but good luck to you and hope you enjoy it.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: manicscousers on March 30, 2007, 14:30:06
should develop more side shoots if you cut them off , enjoy it  :)
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Trixiebelle on March 30, 2007, 14:45:23
What a fantastic thread and a job well done Baggie  ;D Makes me want to take on yet ANOTHER derelict lottie and clear it! Noooooooooooo ... don't let me!

I could cheerfully sit all day looking at photos of 'allotments from start to finish'. Wonder if there's a market for a book in there somewhere?

When I see pics like this though I want to PM the poster and say "you know what thing on the right hand-side of the photo? You didn't throw it away did you because you could have used it X, Y, X" etc  ::) I'm a bit of a Mr. Trebus when it comes to allotments!

Hope you have a fantastic growing season  ;D And Easter hols now, so Ellis can help ya!

Trix X
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: greenscrump on March 30, 2007, 18:26:02
Wow again - what an achievement  :o Well done you - and happy growing !

I agree Trix - I love before and after lottie pics
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on March 30, 2007, 19:34:30
Thanks all , just got back with the PSB think my gf thought I was bringing a bag full home.  ;D. She said is that it  >:(

So i just put some mushrooms filled with blue stilton wrapped with bacon in the oven, and i'm roasting the PSB with some butter for a few mins and arranging them around the mushrooms  ;D that's the plan anyway .

Wish tim was cooking it his food photos always make me hungary ;)
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: flossie on March 30, 2007, 19:41:03
Sounds delicious please lay a place at the table for one more :P
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: manicscousers on March 30, 2007, 19:48:49
I love home grown veggies, they just melt, especially cauli and broccoli  ;D
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: sutton girl on March 30, 2007, 20:25:20
Welcome Baggiboy, pics look good and well done for taking a big challenge like you have done, will be interested to see how it go's  i think your mates will be jealous when the see what you have grown  :) :-*
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Amazin on March 30, 2007, 21:48:25
I stir fry my stem broccoli with worcester sauce. Mmmmmm!
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: cornykev on March 31, 2007, 20:44:29
My mate on the lottie gave me the leaves off his PSB and they boiled up to a lovely cabbage.   ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: Hyacinth on April 01, 2007, 13:10:05
With PSB, best to take the top bits first - encourages the plant to bush out, then, when you take the side shoots take a close look at the stalks near the main should see some little buds there? Leave 'em..they'll grow 8) And agree with CK....the leaves cook beautifully too. :)

Baggie, I've been reading and looking at your pics all over again, just now.Wotta difference from when you started. Hope young Ellis is still having a good time then....when do the chickens arrive? ;D
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on April 04, 2007, 03:12:22
I'd love chickens but computer says no ( well other people do). The PSB I picked i got to try a tiny bit as Ellis clearly hated the mushroom/bacon/cheese, but kept nicking my broccoli  >:(. Least it must of tasted nice  :)

Other bit of news , was gutted to go in potting shed and find most our stuff , dug up by a mouse  >:( so set a trap and got the little fella.

My gf said it was cruel...........just before tucking into her lamb dinner  ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: shirlton on April 04, 2007, 09:12:48
Well what can I say Baggieboy. From one Brummie to another. Bloomin welll done mate. yer deserve a medal. We took our new plot on last autumn next to the one our daughter Bunjy has. They are both coming along fine. I really love your potting shed cum cafe cum. studio . I noticed the van gough in the
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on April 10, 2007, 20:14:23
Hi again ,just a quick update. When I said we had asked about the back half of the plot next to us and was told we could have it.

We was  asked the weekend if we would mind taking it all on  ;D. Without hesitation we did so we now have a new plot.

It needs a bit of digging but nothing like the jungle our other one was. Heres a couple of pics.



GF Dug the one part yesterday as the other plot is raring to go (fingers crossed).
Going to spend most the day down there tomorrow as it's supposed to be another hot one.

This allotment thingy has now turned me into a begging , scrounging , skip scanning addict  ;D

Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: manicscousers on April 10, 2007, 20:16:44
brilliant, baggie..more space for more stuff  ;D
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: baggieboy on May 22, 2007, 22:49:51
Hi again , have been going down the allotment when we can and went down tonight with Ellis. Had a few seedling disasters (leggy) but were slowly getting there.

The other plot we took on we have been digging/weeding it as we have needed the space (got potatoes , corgettes , squash and some braccias in)

Had a bit of disaster with runner beans and our kinghorn wax beans, but we put that down to the weather.

Picked a cabbage tonight and Ellis drove me mad to take a picture of him with it. I took a couple more while i was there as well.


Some beetroot i stuck in one of the them lidl colapsable boxes.


Photo ours (ignore the weeds  ;D)


And the top bit of our other plot.


Already leaned some big lessons so far ....

1) Next year I will remember i'm not gonna eat 50 lettuce in 1 week.

2) I will 100% be covering any area up we have dug until it is needed.

3) I will keep more notes on what I am doing etc.

4) I will NOT start my runner beans off in march.

that's about it for now.
Title: Re: Hello To You All...
Post by: manicscousers on May 24, 2007, 15:00:24
brilliant piccies, that cabbage, and the little lad carrying it, looks great  :)
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