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General => The Shed => Topic started by: Hyacinth on July 16, 2006, 23:42:43

Title: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: Hyacinth on July 16, 2006, 23:42:43
and going to get hotter, apparently?

My decision's been made. No way is this Englishwoman gonna work in the noonday sun in someone else's garden tomorrow. Already feel as though I'm playing hookey from school, but it's going to be a killer out there.

Noticed that flying ants are starting to appear, black fly's everywhere and no sight of ladybirds. Keeping extra water dishes for the birds in the borders, please can you do the same?
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: Mrs Ava on July 16, 2006, 23:59:14
Ooooh Lish, I am working the next 3 days and think I am going to frazzle! 

Tempers are short here thanks to the heat, I have just been told off by the old man!  >:(

I am going to bed, to quietly swelter whilst he snores.

The joys of summer!  ;)
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: Hyacinth on July 17, 2006, 00:02:24
I'm going to suggest that I go to cut the hedges about 6.30 tomorrow evening - so not quite hookey!

Sleep well, EJ ::)
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: tim on July 17, 2006, 06:41:24
Too hot last night for good sleep!

Now, back to the watering!!
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: MrsKP on July 17, 2006, 07:15:29
I've been lucky enough to have three absolutely gorgeous days off with hot hot sun and little wind.  I've got the best tan i've had in years and I never have problems getting off to sleep (i could fall asleep on a log, but always wake up at 6am without the aid of an alarm clock).

hopefully got more of the same for the next two days cos we've got a long holiday weekend up here and i made it a bit longer !

get it round yees !
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: amanda21 on July 17, 2006, 07:36:50
Too hot outside for me - I used to be a sun worshipper but I don't enjoy it so much now.  92 degrees here by middle of week but thankfully my office is shaded for most of the day so it's actually quite nice at work!!! 

Holiday in Majorca coming up next week - strange how I don't mind the heat there - I suppose when there is the sea and a nice pool to just cool off in when you like it's much bearable.  Although this week I think we are hotter here than in the Med.

Slap on the sunscreen everyone and enjoy.
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on July 17, 2006, 08:03:44
Flying ant were everywhere round here yesterday. It's much too hot to do anything in the garden; I couldn't agree more!
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: Meg on July 17, 2006, 09:20:26
Have got what used to be a huge lump at the end of my lottie inherited it from the previous neighbour. Obviously been weeds rubbish etc. Covered it with carpet and now is wonderful compost. Have used half went to put some round my tomatoes yesterday and it is home to thousands of what looks like flying ants and their grubs.
Should I :
Pull carpet back and let the sun get to them.
Keep it covered in the hope they will find a new place or do you think they have settled for the winter.
I really don't want to be there when they swarm but I don't want anyone else to cop them either.....Help
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: CotswoldLass on July 17, 2006, 10:13:37
It IS too hot!

Had a lovely lazy day yesterday with Lurcher. OH went off to collect his boat and do various trips but Lurcher and I thought it was all a bit too far. We did miss out though as OH and visiting Labrador went river swimming - we were envious!

Gardening is strictly 'tropical hours' now!

Keep cool,

Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: busy_lizzie on July 17, 2006, 11:24:03
Overdid it at the allotment yesterday and suffering for it today.  Despite my protection of hat, sunglasses and sunbloc, think I am suffering from sun stroke today.  Had a horrible night, and lay in bed with a cold wet flannel over my face.  They said it would be 28% today here - Urgh!! The chairman cornered me yesterday trying to get volunteers for today, he wanted people to help him restock the Society Shed  with compost and fertilisers and wants people to carry stuff and weigh stuff out.  Can you imagine what it will be like doing that today?  I have decided to just have a quiet day at home, keeping out of the sun.  :-[  (sunburn)    busy_lizzie
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: CotswoldLass on July 17, 2006, 11:41:09
You take it easy today Busy Lizzie! Sounds like sunstroke and that can be HORRIBLE! Stay quiet, out of the sun, and drink lots of liquids...That's an ORDER!

Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: trojanrabbit on July 17, 2006, 11:45:22
it is home to thousands of what looks like flying ants and their grubs.
I really don't want to be there when they swarm but I don't want anyone else to cop them either.....Help

Sounds like you have a nest in there with loads of fliers not quite mature - they en't going anywhere, and will definitely swarm soon if you leave them. Solution is simple: remove carpet, quickly fork through to turn the nest inside out, then stand back and let the robins and blackbirds feast. :)

Hope this helps,

PS: water for birds - nice thought Lishka. Sadly not going to happen on my allotment as I'm sure it's a lot easier for them to fly 50 yards to the millpond than for me to carry yet more water from it  :P
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: sarah on July 17, 2006, 12:04:36
i am going to out some water out for the birds right now.  i wont go anywhere near the allotment today until the sun has gone down and then i might go and water.  might go for a swim then aswell.  be careful out there people.  :)
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: keef on July 17, 2006, 12:08:52
I went crayfish fishing (for tea) and swimming in the Kennet yesterday - very nice. My tomatoes had to fend for themselve as i just could'nt be arsed watering last night..

Its too hot to work today...forgot to come in and switch the Air con on in the office last night - again.
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: Admin aka Dan on July 17, 2006, 12:09:59
Last Monday, I was visiting a blacksmith who is doing some work for me in Spain, and it was 44C, outside his big metal shed, I lasted about 10 seconds inside, I've no idea how he coped.

Luckily it got a little cooler as the week went on, or I may have melted, I'm not built for the heat.
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: katynewbie on July 17, 2006, 13:05:57

Bizzie...if it is sunstroke, take paracetamol. Simple, but takes temp down a treat!

Am speaking from bitter experience in Egypt, but that's another tale

Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: grawrc on July 17, 2006, 13:43:09
The birds really do seem to enjoy  it!
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: bennettsleg on July 17, 2006, 14:20:05
Was down the plot on saturday, had a break between 1-2 and sat in the shade of the huge buddleia on by boundary line.  Thank god I stopped the site manager from cutting it back to 3ft high (from it's current 18ft). He was most perplexed by my reasoning... ::)

Had a headache for three days now and am sitting at work with the fans going and no breeze from the windows.  We have a rescued budgie with us today - poor little chap is so thirsty and hot, not to mention ruffled from his adventures.

The shower at home's broken, my arms are sticking to the desk, feet are tight and hot... and the bookies are taking bets on it breaching 100F this week.  What's that in centigrade? 35?
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: Hyacinth on July 17, 2006, 14:24:48
Not quite hookey (work ethic too strong) but sun was even stronger and the lady begged me to come home at 12.30 but paid me for the full day - so guess who's cool, happy - and quids in? ;D

Welcome back Dan. Now, what was this blacksmith doing for you then? You travelling around Spain on a donkey, or wot?

Like KP, high temps don't interrupt my sleep - unlike KP I don't wake up at 6. Wish I did. Lots to do outside & would be nice to get the leeks out of their pots & into the ground. And is it too hot to sow lettuce, btw? Don't they need cooler temps for successful germination?
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: robkb on July 17, 2006, 14:53:41

The shower at home's broken, my arms are sticking to the desk, feet are tight and hot... and the bookies are taking bets on it breaching 100F this week.  What's that in centigrade? 35?

It's just under 38 degrees centigrade - or to put it in laymans terms, too bloody hot! Watching tv last night I saw a frozen lake on an advert and actually wished I was sitting on the ice :o

Rob ;)
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: busy_lizzie on July 17, 2006, 15:04:14
Aw!! Thanks CL and Katy.  Will do!!  8) busy_lizzie
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: tim on July 17, 2006, 17:04:31
Donkey, Lishka? It's the gate for his Spanish estate. Hope he can take in boarders?

100F in London, perhaps. Thank Heaven its only 94F in the Cotswolds. That's at floor level in the greenhouse in total shade.

What's the record for the UK?
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: CotswoldLass on July 17, 2006, 17:21:31
Oh Tim, mention the Cotswolds and I just sigh......CLx
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: jennym on July 17, 2006, 17:26:33
I am confused sometimes by the weather forecasts - how and where do they get these temperatures from?
The weather forecast at five to one on the wireless today gave a warning of ultra high temperatures of 37 degrees for Wednesday. We've beaten that here today in the Lea Valley, so lord alone knows what it will be on Wednesday. I just think myself lucky I can start work when I please, so its 4.30- 5 am starts for me while this weather lasts.
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: sarah on July 17, 2006, 17:31:54
i will be glad when thursday arrives and the weather breaks. this heat makes me a bit funny in the head. i dont like it one bit.
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: Mrs Ava on July 17, 2006, 17:55:16
phewie, blimey it was hot hot hot in the sun working today.  I feel a little spacy now, and the choc ice didn't help at all!  :D Working again tomoz and Wednesday.  Factor 60 and plenty of water.  Thing is, I am going to step aerobic class tonite!  Madness.
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: cookie on July 17, 2006, 19:49:05
Have just come from the beach at Seatown (Dorset) ran down the beach and straight in !!!  Thewater was lovely, the first time I've felt cool all day!!! .Lovely 8) 8)Barrie took his beachcaster.and caught     12 mackerell, guess what's for dinner
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: ruud on July 17, 2006, 21:52:35
Do you know what hot is were i work the air temp. is over 60 celsius so i suppose i now what is hot is,But serious now wenn you are working in such a hot surrounding like i do keep drinking i have seen colleaques who were walking just as having a little bit more alcohol than the can cope.They  just dont drink enough.So wenn you go out to your allotment just take something to drink with you./
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: Mrs Ava on July 17, 2006, 22:45:11
I always have 2 large bottles of water with my Ruud, and try to move into the shade for periods of time.  I am going to be outside all week this week, but according to grandad, the weather is going to break around Wednesday/Thursday time, so maybe things will cool down.

Mackerell cookie, one of my fave fish!  Haven't had them for yonks!  First time I had them was when I was a nipper, camping with the folks in North Norfolk and a chap went on one of those sea fishing cruises.  Came back with an icebox full and he didn't know how to clean them, so mum did them all for him, and as payment, he gave her half the catch!  Mackerell supper that night, and they were delicious.  Something so clean and fresh eating freshly caught fish! YUM!
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: sarah on July 18, 2006, 07:18:04
i had the best swim last night just as the sun was setting. the sky was a dusty pink and the sea was a milky blue.  as i was swimming along i bumped into a (spawning?) sea bass.  :o
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: supersprout on July 18, 2006, 10:46:47
Blissful sarah ;D
The last time I swam in the sea was at Wells-next-the-Sea. Have you ever been there?
My chum and I walked a long way then realised we must have hit the skinny dipping area :o I hadn't bought my cossie but it was sooooo hot I thought I'd go for it (only a short run across the beach to the water). Stripped off (chum guarded clothes) and ran all prawny and carefree into the sea :D And ran. And ran. The water was only up to my ankles ??? was about half a mile out before I could cover me modesty! :-[ :-[ :-[
Should be called Wells-nowhere-near-the-Sea imho :P ::)
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: katynewbie on July 18, 2006, 10:50:45

Lol, what a good story! I have been to Wells and know exactly what you mean!

Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: sarah on July 18, 2006, 11:39:54
Blissful sarah ;D
The last time I swam in the sea was at Wells-next-the-Sea. Have you ever been there?
My chum and I walked a long way then realised we must have hit the skinny dipping area :o I hadn't bought my cossie but it was sooooo hot I thought I'd go for it (only a short run across the beach to the water). Stripped off (chum guarded clothes) and ran all prawny and carefree into the sea :D And ran. And ran. The water was only up to my ankles ??? was about half a mile out before I could cover me modesty! :-[ :-[ :-[
Should be called Wells-nowhere-near-the-Sea imho :P ::)

o dear i am laughing so much :D sounds rather monty python to me!!

never been there (is it near bath and wells?) i swim most days in the summer as i live near bournemouth beach. not the most exciting place to swim but a godsend in this sort of weather.
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: supersprout on July 18, 2006, 11:55:08
lol it's on the North Norfolk coast - flat  ;)
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: tim on July 18, 2006, 12:05:11
Bournemouth? Branksome Park? School there 1928. Review of the Fleet. R101 went over to crash in France. Pine woods. Sand dunes & swimming!!

Sprouty - like Weston-super-Mare?
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: sarah on July 18, 2006, 12:31:57
i know Branksome Park, but actually live on the other side of the town in southbourne.  Do you mean you saw the R101 fly over? that would  be  a sight to see.
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: tim on July 18, 2006, 13:08:15

And still nothing to do with the heat, here is the Fleet - as it was - over our playing field. What days!!
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: Mrs Ava on July 18, 2006, 14:26:46
Toooo hot for my wee seedlings on the allotment - popped up today, and they have all frazzled!  :'(
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: sarah on July 18, 2006, 14:38:37
fascinating picture Tim, thank you for posting it.  What a sight that must have been.

sorry to hear about yur seedlets EJ. Maybe a good drink tonight might revive them?
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: bennettsleg on July 18, 2006, 15:33:23
Today: 53C recorded on the busses, 47C on the tube. I was on the tube. It was cooler than my office (31C) because the air was moving every now and again.  Out on site all day tomorrow & public trasnport all the way.  Roll on the rain and lots of it!
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: froglets on July 18, 2006, 16:35:27
Startred a list for Tatton Park or Thursday - Verbascum, buddlia, echinops.  Now thrown it away and list reads - hydration pack (2litres) sun block, wet ones, sun hat, alarm set for 2hrs to redo sun block or go sit in car with air con running.

No fun in this weather for us redheaded pale Scots types who can get sunstroke from a 100watt bulb.
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: Garden Manager on July 19, 2006, 14:16:51
Far too hot for me. I like the warm and sun but this is just too much!  I like to be active and busy (especialy in the garden) but these days I have to stay under cover during the day and not venture outside until about 5pm! (then stay out until dark).  Fortunately my work is flexible enough to allow this. Currently though I am taking some time off to watch the Tour de France on Eurosport, so with it hot out there I am not missing much by staying indoors!

My poor plants are suffering though. The tomatoes have to be watered twice a a day (if I can manage it), they usualy get watered once a day but if left all day they look very sorry for themselves  by the evening.  I also have plenty of young plants about that need plenty of attention too. One problem I have though is that my existing salad crops (lettuce especialy) are starting to go over. I have started some more of but off course its too hot for lettuce seed to germinate  and the young plants I got going before the heatwave are suffering badly for it (despite watering). Looks like (as usual) I will go from glut to drought, and run out before more are ready to crop. AND I LIKE MY SALADS AT THIS TIME OF YEAR! arrghh!

I think most of my gardening activities at the moment consist of watering and more watering plus a bit of dead heading and potting on young plants here and there. I know that there isnt much else to do in the garden at this time of year, but its getting bit boring!

Bad news on the weather fromt is that whilst it will get  abirt cooler, the humidity will rise (negating any benefit of a drop in temperature), and things wont really get any more comfortable. There was a forecast of storms to clear the air but I dont thing they will be coming to much in the end.

SIGH! Summer eh? And they say this will be come the norm over the next few years. God help us!
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: Daisy_Jane on July 19, 2006, 16:16:42
It's 33 degrees in the office at the moment (and rising). Horrible!

Fortunately my work is flexible enough to allow this. Currently though I am taking some time off to watch the Tour de France on Eurosport,

Garden Cadet, I am very envious; I am restricted to watching ITV3/4 and yesterday after watering the lottie etc didn't get home 'till 7.45 so missed the most exciting day of the tour  :o  Must set the video tonight ......
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: Garden Manager on July 19, 2006, 16:45:03
It's 33 degrees in the office at the moment (and rising). Horrible!

Fortunately my work is flexible enough to allow this. Currently though I am taking some time off to watch the Tour de France on Eurosport,

Garden Cadet, I am very envious; I am restricted to watching ITV3/4 and yesterday after watering the lottie etc didn't get home 'till 7.45 so missed the most exciting day of the tour  :o  Must set the video tonight ......

Dont miss it! Cracking stuff today!
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: CotswoldLass on July 19, 2006, 18:43:45
Had a lovely afternoon yesterday - OH and  took Lurcher and guest Labrador down to the River Wylye where we all went swimming. Today it was 35 degrees here. OH's 80 year old aunt came for lunch with his bro and sis-in-law. All lovely until Auntie got a touch of heat-stroke. Lots of ice in towel (back of the neck and forehead), plus water instead of G&T did the trick!

Tomorrow I'm off to friends' who have a pool...OH is turning green!


Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: MrsKP on July 19, 2006, 20:36:10
Well that's the end of my summer hollibobs !  bin off since Friday and have loved every minute dawn to dusk out the back.  I've shaded and reshaded the greenhouses, have watered everything about a million times, have created some staging in the new g/h so had to rehouse the strawberry pot.  have even worked out a shading system for the mini-g/h.  i've washed the windows inside and out, have sown some alstromeria and some more beetroot.  my back is a really disgusting shade of dirty brown but the rest of me is a nice shade of two weeks on the med golden!

back to work tomorrow  :'( :'(
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: MattyJC on July 19, 2006, 21:06:31
Just got back in, had to paint and re felt gramps-in-law shed, just before I went out the temp in the shade was 34.8 degrees, I think it must be the heat making me mad to do these jobs...still I'm sure the dizziness will wear off soon!!!!

Thunder clouds are brewing, hope it clears the air tonight.

Matt   8)
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: Mrs Ava on July 19, 2006, 21:58:43
Well, this afternoon came over quite grey, and there has been a light breeze.  I reakon a storms a-brewing in this part of Essex.  Had a look on metcheck (which I know we take with a pinch of salt) and it forecasts rain from 9pm until dawn....well 9pm has come and gone and it is still dry, but I am keeping my fingers crossed for some rain.  My poor poor garden is looking really really wilted now! :'(
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: ruud on July 19, 2006, 22:29:55
It is half past eleven nighttime and it is still 28 celsius,i think i make myself comfertable and sleep outsibe in the garden under the party ternt and stars of course,inside the house it is to hot
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on July 19, 2006, 22:49:47
So far not a drop, despite massive thunderclouds building this afternoon. The stream at the bottom of the plot is mysteriously running again. It's been totally dry for a couple of weeks, while a second stream which joins it at the bottom of the site has ben down to a trickle. That one's still trickling the same as yesterday, but my stream is running at its normal winter level. Unless a major watermain has burst somewhere, I can't explain it at all.
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: Garden Manager on July 20, 2006, 09:43:40
The clouds built up and threatened a storm yesterday evening here, but apart from a couple of heavy but breif showers nothing materialised. The rain that did fall merely cooled things down a little. It did not do the garden any good at all, i still had to water!

For a while it did feel a bit fresher and was perhaps a cooler night than the one before, but this morning it is getting hot and sticky very quickly.
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on July 20, 2006, 13:20:47
Apparently the temperature here in Birmingham reached 35 Centigrade yesterday. Lasty night was horrible; we couldn't sleep at all. It was better first thing this morning, and it did rain a bit last night, but it's pretty stifling again today.
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: CotswoldLass on July 20, 2006, 14:07:26
Some rain last night - even the sound was lovely. Not much to show for it this morning though except damp garden cushions!
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: Roy Bham UK on July 20, 2006, 21:35:51
 In sunny Brum :o Minimum temps in our bedroom last night were 20ºC (68ºF) :o we had the ceiling fan on all night (I know we shouldn't but eh!) :P I think our house is a little too well insulated. ::) 8)
Title: Re: It's too darned hot!
Post by: pete10 on July 20, 2006, 21:46:05

 Well shocking this heat is seems no let up ,Rain Saturday fingers crossed ,Had a small bit last night
 but not enough . :(

                             The Thames Valley  is roasting  :P
Title: Re: It's tooooo darned hot!
Post by: bennettsleg on July 21, 2006, 09:30:08
In sunny Brum :o Minimum temps in our bedroom last night were 20ºC (68ºF) :o we had the ceiling fan on all night (I know we shouldn't but eh!) :P I think our house is a little too well insulated. ::) 8)

Shouldn't worry, we have a fan on all night every night.  As a ground floor flat we can't open the french doors and huge sash windows while sleeping so would rather have the fan on with windows locked open 3" and the bedroom french doors on chains than roast and wake up feeling awful! I am thinking of putting the fan on a timer so that it's off while we're asleep as I do worry that we'll wake up to even hotter flames!
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