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Produce => Drink .... => Topic started by: ted72 on July 05, 2006, 23:01:13

Title: smoothies advice please
Post by: ted72 on July 05, 2006, 23:01:13
Hi there all.

I have tonnes of strawberries to use and I was thinking of investing in a smoothie maker or suchlike from money I have been given for my birthday.

Just wanted to know if you guys would recommend or would a blender do the job just as well, understand you can put ice cubes etc would they work in blender.

Also would be grateful of any yummy ideas for alternative smoothie ideas, apologies if repeat a question been asked previosly.

Many thanks in anticipation

trina x
Title: Re: smoothies advice please
Post by: OliveOil on July 05, 2006, 23:08:38
Yes any blender will do!!! Though i do have a Kenwood Smoothie maker and its no better than an ordinary blender. Also the pour tap which is the biggest design feature is useless on it as ice/fruit gets stuck when you open the tap so dont look at that as a good feature - more a pain in the neck.  Look for something that will fit lots of liquid and something ease to clean.

I'll post some recipes later - coming from Oz we lived on smoothies!
Title: Re: smoothies advice please
Post by: supersprout on July 06, 2006, 01:25:12
I'd recommend a blender any day rather than a smooothie maker, easier to clean, cheaper and more versatile, plus all the things that OO just said about lumps ;) worth checking the latest consumers' association/Good Housekeeping reports?
Title: Re: smoothies advice please
Post by: Meg on July 06, 2006, 12:49:05
I am with the blender people. Go to you library and get a recipe book from there. Loads of yummy ideas can't think of one off the top of my head mind you. To be honest I think eating them as they come is far better for you!!!!!!
Title: Re: smoothies advice please
Post by: sally_cinnamon on July 06, 2006, 13:01:11
Yep, I'm also a blender fan - and i think its the glass ones that are better at handling ice?  Even a simple old hand held blender does the trick - thats what I use at home most of the time (easier to clean!).  As for recipies I find that everything goes!  Use yoghurt and a splash of milk to thicken at the end, added to ....
Strawberries and bananas
Peaches and orange juice (tinned peaches are fab too!)
Pineapple cruch (milk not necessary for this one)
Kiwi and summer berries (frozen or fresh)
Carrot apple and ginger

The list is endless!  I do a lot of smoothie making in my job so can email you a little recipe booklet if you'd like?   ;)

PS  Would love to see those Aussie ones OliveOil!  ;D
Title: Re: smoothies advice please
Post by: tim on July 07, 2006, 11:42:16
Funny you should mention that - No1 Daughter has one every morning for breakfast.

And the liquidiser copes well with the blocks of ice. Ear muffs essential!!
Title: Re: smoothies advice please
Post by: flossie on July 07, 2006, 21:31:30
I would love to have a go at these.  We have a hand held blender do you experts think it will be ok with ice cubes?  Is it ok to put them into a food processor?
Title: Re: smoothies advice please
Post by: ACE on July 08, 2006, 17:36:48
Look at the vitamix tnc. It blends everything but it is really expensive. I have one and  have never regretted the price. Makes loverly hot soup from fresh veg and great ice cream from fresh fruit, ice and cream. Don't bother about the dry jug as you would not use it.
Title: Re: smoothies advice please
Post by: sally_cinnamon on July 12, 2006, 14:40:05
I would love to have a go at these.  We have a hand held blender do you experts think it will be ok with ice cubes?  Is it ok to put them into a food processor?

Maybe bash them with a rolling pin first and see how your blender/processor copes with that...?  (Bash the ice cubes, I mean - not the blenders!!!)
Title: Re: smoothies advice please
Post by: tim on July 12, 2006, 16:32:13
flossie - no expert but:

1. I very much doubt that a hand-held would survive.

2. A processor cannot give you as smooth a finish.
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