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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: gardenqueen on July 04, 2006, 17:06:47

Title: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: gardenqueen on July 04, 2006, 17:06:47
( (
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: gardenqueen on July 04, 2006, 17:08:31
Sorry I posted the pic before I had written anything! :-[

My plants had looked healthy until recently but now the leaves are marked as shown in the pic.
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: Larkspur on July 04, 2006, 18:54:46
Hi looks like mosaic virus to me but perhaps someone else has a different opinion. Hope so, since there isn't much you can do if it is.
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: valmarg on July 04, 2006, 19:13:42
could be magnesium deficiency, and a dose of epsom salts would help.

Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: gardenqueen on July 04, 2006, 19:27:07
Thank you for the possible causes. Having looked them up I am inclined to agree that it is magnesium deficiency suggested by Valmarg.

I will try the epsom salts treatment. What ratio of Epsom Salts to water would I use please?
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: OllieC on July 04, 2006, 20:17:53
IIRC, "Tomorite" has Magnesium Oxide in it, as I'm sure other feeds do too. Might do the trick if you're feeding anyway.
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: greenfingered fiend on July 04, 2006, 23:54:49
If there is one thing I know a bit more about than anything it's Tom's.

I think it's Magnesium deficient too.

Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: umshamrock on July 05, 2006, 10:19:57
mine have the same prob! i just got back from the drug store and am now armed with epsom salts. how much should i use?
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: Apple Dumpling on July 06, 2006, 11:18:17
Dr Hessayon says spray with epsom salts at half an ounce to a pint of water, or use a foliar spray containing magnesium.
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: tim on July 06, 2006, 13:27:36
Don't want to counter the advice given but are we not over-reacting a bit? I regard this as the norm.
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: supersprout on July 06, 2006, 13:30:52
:-[ glad you said it first tim, all my greenhouse toms look like gardenqueen's! :o
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: tim on July 06, 2006, 18:04:36
Referring, of course, to the lower leaves.
If they were like that all the way up, I would think again!
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: supersprout on July 06, 2006, 18:57:19
Definitely the lower leaves tim, the upper leaves are too curly to tell  ;)
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: tim on July 06, 2006, 20:32:13
Something's afoot - never known the top ones go curly.
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: djbrenton on July 06, 2006, 23:11:55
This was common last year on our site and there was no concensus about what it was. Some treated for magnesium deficiency, others with Bordeaux/Dithane. Everyone seemed to 'solve' it anyway. This year I've ignored it and so far it doesn't seem to have affected fruit or plants so I'm continuing to ignore it.

BTW has anyone else noticed this? Around our site, a wide variety of tomatoes seem to be growing less bushy than normal. Last year by now my plants were crowding each other. This year they're taking up less space despite being as tall and productive. It seems to be common so I'm assuming it's weather related.
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: greyhound on July 07, 2006, 00:53:48
I never worry too much as long as the trusses look OK.  I figure the leaves are there to take all the flak.  Some of mine are really curled up, but they have been subjected to some extremes of temp. being outside since mid May.  They've all got plenty of healthy looking baby toms nevertheless.
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: tim on July 07, 2006, 06:12:18
The speckling or the curl, dj?
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: djbrenton on July 07, 2006, 10:07:44
It's the speckling that seems more common the last couple of years.
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: tim on July 07, 2006, 10:27:06
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: supersprout on July 07, 2006, 15:56:46
Tim - curly leaves at the top

but respectable fruit below?
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: valmarg on July 07, 2006, 23:01:13
gardenqueen asked what was wrong with her tomatoes, and the consensus was magnesium deficiency.

Then it all went off at a bit of a tangent - whether to treat, not to worry, I don't worry about this, as long as it's lower leaves, etc, etc.

It obviously was magnesium deficiency.

Now, whether that will affect the crop is the life and death question.  We obviously all grow our own tomatoes of whatever variety.  What we want is SIMPLY THE BEST, BETTER THAN ALL THE REST!!

I think?

Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: gardenqueen on July 07, 2006, 23:05:13
Crikey! I am glad it's not only me that is having problems!

I shall try the epsom salts solution and see what happens! I thought it was something to do with the new variety I have grown, Dobies "Red Cap". I have them on a bench and they have only grown to the eaves of the greenhouse and appear to be cropping well. Although I did find some tomatoes with black ends today. Never had that before, must be the heat, and trying to keep the flippin' things moist

Must say the plants are a bit unusual in that there are no leaves to nip out between the branches from the main stem. Instead the tomatoes are growing directly from there!
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: gardenqueen on July 07, 2006, 23:08:39
I meant to mention it's only the lower leaves that seem to be affected.

Why am I going to all this trouble when it's only my husband that eats the blinking things!   ???
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: amphibian on July 07, 2006, 23:38:52
Must say the plants are a bit unusual in that there are no leaves to nip out between the branches from the main stem. Instead the tomatoes are growing directly from there!

It's a determinate (bush) variety.
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: djbrenton on July 07, 2006, 23:56:32
gardenqueen asked what was wrong with her tomatoes, and the consensus was magnesium deficiency.

Then it all went off at a bit of a tangent - whether to treat, not to worry, I don't worry about this, as long as it's lower leaves, etc, etc.

It obviously was magnesium deficiency.

Perhaps it's obvious to you that it's magnesium but there was NO concensus. It's one possible answer. As I pointed out, some treated it as other than magnesium deficiency ( which last year was my suggestion ) and still seemed to solve the problem. For information, magnesium deficiency generally presents as an overall yellowing of the leaves, not this patchy yellowing that tends towards blotchy browning in some cases. Magnesium defiency wouldn't just go away on it's own, yet this year this blotchy yellowing doesnt seem to spread when untreated. I've seen this in around 30 greenhouses this year, and whereas last year I recommended epsom salts, this year I've advised no action and so far everyone seems to have found it not continuing beyone a certain point. I'm inclined to think it's weather related and doesn't affect newer leaves that grew after a particular weather point. Sorry to be so vague but this particualr problem doesn't fit in to any of the standard problems and doesnt affect the plant to the degree that magnesium deficiency does.
By all means treat them to some epsom salts, it can't do any harm, but you might be better advised with nitro chalk to treat what's possibly blossom end rot.
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: tricia on July 08, 2006, 00:01:34
gardenqueen - if you found tomatoes with black ends it is most likely 'blossom end rot' unfortunately! This is a disease which will spread so the affected plant should be burnt. It will soon spread to the rest of the plants if you leave it. It is supposed to be caused by inadequate and/or irregular watering. This happened to all my friend's plants last year - and he has already lost one plant with the disease on the not yet fully grown tomatoes this year :(.

His greenhouse is unattended two days a week, which in the hot weather we've had recently was too long to leave tomato plants without watering. He's going to try using 2 litre coke bottles filled with water and upended into the soil of the pots in the hope that the 2 litres will suffice during his absence.

Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: gardenqueen on July 09, 2006, 16:55:05
Oh dear! Never had blossom end rot before. I must admit it has been an effort to keep the plants well watered. Hubby will have to have bought in tomatoes instead then.  :'(

Thank you for all your advice.
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: djbrenton on July 09, 2006, 17:34:47
If you remove any affected fruits and give the plants some calcium you have a chance of new fruit.
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: tim on July 09, 2006, 17:41:41
Please - it's NOT a disease - just a malfunction at the blossom end. And it will NOT spread.

Careful watering & calcium feed & spray at 3 day intervals.

And you can eat the bits that haven't gone leathery.
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: gavin. on July 09, 2006, 17:59:05
now is this blossom end rot or blight then?


If it is blight then I'm in trouble as I found these in my greenhouse where I've got about 25 plants. The bottom part of the biggest tom was a bit squidgy.
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: tim on July 09, 2006, 18:39:31
Now that's a good one,Gavin!

E&OE - that is NOT BER.  But if it were blight, surely your plants would all be collapsing by now? And in no time the lot will have gone?

That is something I get most years. Don't like it, but I don't panic.

Is this any help?
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: gavin. on July 09, 2006, 22:03:11
thanks Tim

being mildy obsessed with my tomato plants at the moment means I am a little oevr-cautious when strange things happen. Also this is the first year I have grown them which doesn't help. (cant buy experience eh?)
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: tim on July 10, 2006, 08:38:50
You're wise to watch it!
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: gardenqueen on July 10, 2006, 11:57:17
Do I use the epsom salt spray as well as a calcium feed? Also, can I get calcium feed in a garden centre?

I noticed that Supersprout is growing her tomatoes in very small pots, with masses of room on top of the plants for watering. My plants are in large clay pots and although I left ample room for watering, the roots have filled the pots! This has made watering difficult so I have had to put deep saucers underneath each plant and water from there. How does everyone else plant up their tomatoes?

Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: supersprout on July 10, 2006, 13:45:29
The space at the top was an accident gq but is very handy, so will attempt next year. NB giant bag of spent hops underneath small ring pot of compost! ;D
They are doing well in spite of overcrowding among the squash. Will give them more space next year :-[ :)


Onions drying in the middle ::)
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: tricia on July 10, 2006, 20:37:22
Supersprout - how envious I  am of your lovely big GH :). My poor effort is a very small lean-to backed on to next door's fence which means it doesn't really get enough light. I have three tomato plants in pots in the 90cm width at one end, two cucumbers at the other, six capsicums on shelves in between (170cm length in all) and three aubergines on the floor. I dream of having a decent sized GH, but it will have to remain just that for lack of space.
Oh well, a neighbour's son has just brought me chocolates for being a bit too boisterous when he came home at 3am last night   8), so that is some consolation :D.

Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: gardenqueen on July 10, 2006, 22:18:02
Wow! What a productive greenhouse!  :o :o Like Tricia, I too am envious of your greenhouse. I only have 4 tomato plants and 6 Chili plants and it's pretty full!

Think I will try, next year, to make sure my pots have plenty of room for watering.
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: tim on July 11, 2006, 06:13:25
Crafty drying, Sprouty! Great, those trays?
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: supersprout on July 11, 2006, 06:38:44
Aww thank you for your kind words - the greenhouse has been such a pleasure (thanks to ebuygumbayer Melbourne12 and family :-*). Early days for figuring out trellising arrangements- that and spacing are a big learning curve. It's my first ever g'house and these are my first ever solo toms {excited beyond reason} ;)

You got your neighbour's son well trained tricia!

The trays were a gift from an allotment fairy tim - they just appeared in the g'house one day ???
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: barrowbob on July 11, 2006, 11:30:16
. How does everyone else plant up their tomatoes?


This year I have cut grow bags across the middle, stood them on their ends with several small holes around the base (used the dibber from the rooting powder tub), folded over the tops of the bags and put my supports strings through holes in the folded tops - seem to be doing OK and they're fairly easy to get in about to water.
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: amphibian on July 11, 2006, 20:02:59
. How does everyone else plant up their tomatoes?


I grow them in big poly pots, they are nice and deep, I support using a cord tied to a cane parallel to the ground.

I als grow some plants in florists buckets, I have pinched these out at only two trusses.
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: tim on July 12, 2006, 10:52:43
And then top them up with more compost as they grow, bb?

String? I know that that's the professional way, but tried it for the first time last year & it was a disaster!!
Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: Tinkie_Bear on July 13, 2006, 10:45:11
OK one of my toms, San Morenzo (I think) has BER - not sure about the calcium and spraying, please could somebody be kind enough to tell me what I need to go and buy and what I need to do with it? It is only this plant that has problems, all the others are growing like mad and making beautiful fruits. I have taken off the affected fruit and thrown them away.

Thanks in advance

Title: Re: What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Post by: tim on July 13, 2006, 11:35:58
Not too sure where you can get things, but you need soluble Calcium - it's in powder/granule form.

2g/litre, I think - 2 or 3 sprays over a week.

DON'T throw out the marked fruit - just cut off the funny bit. If it is BER.
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