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Produce => Wildlife forum => Topic started by: budgiebreeder on March 22, 2004, 15:44:14

Title: Chaffinch
Post by: budgiebreeder on March 22, 2004, 15:44:14
Has anyone else noticed how many more chaffinch there seem to be this year?Perhaps it's just here but i have never noticed so many in my garden.
Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: gavin on March 22, 2004, 18:14:20
Goodness - lucky you!  Haven't seen one in the last three years - and then, only on a bike ride far into the depths of the country side.

And to think 30-40 years ago, it was the commonest bird in the UK?

But - we've got long-tailed tits back in the garden today and yesterday, and in the allotment.

All best - Gavin

Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: Garden Manager on March 22, 2004, 18:29:31
I had one appear in the garden recently for the first time (I think :-\).  We'd put some leftover birdseed on the lawn for the ground feeders. A short while later appeaered a chaffinch, who thouroughly enjoyed what we'd put out. Havent seen it since though.  :(
Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: budgiebreeder on March 22, 2004, 20:12:19
Strange Gavin but i've noticed long tailed tits are back as well.I usually get a few chaffinch but this year there seem to be quite a number,yes they were the third most common bird a number of years since.
Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: Carol on March 22, 2004, 20:30:51
Strange you should say that Gavin, cos in Scotland the Chaffinch is still the most common bird.  Its about the only small bird I get a visit from with upwards of 30+ at a time along with the greenfinches and a couple of Bramblings.  Now as for Long Tailed Tits, I long to see them hereabouts especially feeding at my feeders.  Maybe one day.  
Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: eileen on March 22, 2004, 22:42:15
As another Scot I agree with Carol as I get plenty of chaffinches around my area too. :D

Carol - I'll swap you a LTT for a bramling - haven't got any here at all so far this year.  :(

Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: Carol on March 22, 2004, 23:10:47
I have seen a LTT, Eileen, but a few years ago now.  They seem to be on the increase though so maybe if I am still here in 10 yrs I will have them at the feeders.  The Bramblings were as usual with all the finches and I had to study the swarming bodies of finches to pick them out.  I must get around 60 finches when the weather is bad.  I am also lookin g forward to having a Nuthatch and GSwoodpecker one day.  Do you think I will see that?  Vexed that the Siskins havent turned up yet, but they will come soon, they usually do.

Meanwhile, I study my pheasants and their antics and the daily visit from the Heron.  Will it never learn that it cant get fish out of my pond.  The blasted fish are still hibernating.  Or have they all gone????
 :o :o :o
Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: gavin on March 22, 2004, 23:29:41
Anybody else remember Lapwings/Peesies?  I've seen ONE in the seven years I've been back from Senegal.  

It's scary comparing my wee lad's bird-watching notebook with mine at about his age - wouldn't be so bad, but the sheer effort that's gone into my son's is FAR greater.

Ach, I'm getting angry - Sleep well, all!   Gavin
Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: eileen on March 22, 2004, 23:34:17
I hope they're still hibernating!

Herons can devestate the fish population in a pond in no time at all can't they? I take it your pond is netted?

I don't have fish in mine as I have no pumps or filters they are both simply wildlife ponds. With no fish to eat it's one guaranteed way to keep the herons away.  ;) ;)


P.S. Don't know about the nuthatch but treecreepers are a strong possibility. Fingers crossed you see a GSW soon.

Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: Carol on March 22, 2004, 23:43:53
Gavin and Eileen,
Quite a Scottish 'blether' this eh?  We could type in Scots eh?

Gavin,  The peewits are doing their stuff just now, hooping and swooping in the field behind my house.  Not at the moment, its night time.  Enjoy watching them from my kitchen window.  That same field is usually used by a pair and produce chicks, so fingers crossed this year again.

Eileen,  My Pond is not netted, but the silly bird stands on the small wall looking into it, sometimes it stands on the plant pots a peers in.  My fish are 3ft down and he can't see anything, well I can't.  If he still persists when the fish come 'up' from their sleep, then we will net it.  

We are late tonight again. eh?  

Byeee 8) 8)

Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: Hugh_Jones on March 22, 2004, 23:52:37
Eileen, I have news for you.  Herons don`t only eat fish, they are also partial to all small amphibians and reptiles, which includes frogs, and if a pond has no fish they will quite happily take whatever else is available.
Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: Carol on March 22, 2004, 23:56:18
I wonder if I have frogs in my Pond,  Maybe thats what he is after eh?   Where are you?

Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: Beer_Belly on March 23, 2004, 07:40:51
This mad one is still terrorizing my parents


Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: Ceri on March 23, 2004, 08:23:56
He is a beauty.  I've seen a couple this year - and I've got a pair of blackbirds.  I also get loads of starlings that descend on my back lawn (read mud patch for lawn) have a peck about and ascend again en masse.  I was told its a sign of leather jackets on the lawn and the starlings are doing some good - scares my cat though!
Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: kenkew on March 23, 2004, 09:37:02
Look out, look out, there's a heron about.
This is a chick from last year just testing his wings.

Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: Gardengirl on March 23, 2004, 13:17:17
Here in Herts we have loads of Chaffinch this year.  Also have plenty of Siskins which I can't remember seeing here before.  Have also had some beautiful Goldfinch which again are  visting us for the first time.

The Heron has been circling around for some time now, but so far my fish are safe at the bottom of my pond which is about 3/4ft deep in the centre.
Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: eileen on March 23, 2004, 14:06:35

I do know that herons don't just eat fish I'm not that  thick. ::)
I was simply saying that I hoped Carol's fish hadn't been taken by a heron.
Our herons are simply not interested in my little ponds as they have the whole of the River Almond to feed in just a few hundred feet from my  back garden.

Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: kenkew on March 23, 2004, 14:21:35
This calls for another Brucie....
Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: Mrs Ava on March 23, 2004, 17:57:21
Well, I discovered a few weeks ago that we have chaffinches visiting our garden.  Wrens are another constant visitor.  I am terrible with birds, only recognise a few.  I know we have blue t*ts, or at least I guess they are, could be long tailed, but wouldn't know....also have sparrows, are they house or hedge.....couldn't tell ya.  Have crows come in and eat the bread from the lawn, along with starlings by the flock, and a few robins to make me christmassy - I recognise those for sure.  Blackbirds are few and far between.   ;D
Title: Re:Chaffinch
Post by: budgiebreeder on March 24, 2004, 15:10:45
If you do want a good book to help you identify your birds EJ may i suggest "Birds of the British Isles"edited by Jim Flegg.
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