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Produce => Under Glass => Topic started by: MrsKP on April 26, 2006, 19:51:44

Title: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: MrsKP on April 26, 2006, 19:51:44
i hope this looks as if i'm doing it right.

Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: tim on April 26, 2006, 19:56:21
Something new every day!

And Strawberries too??
Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: Curryandchips on April 26, 2006, 19:57:55
Your tomatoes are certainly looking better than mine !
Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: katynewbie on April 26, 2006, 19:58:33

Lovely!! They put mine to shame...hope my little ones catch up!!
It all looks very neat and productive, well done you!

Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: MrsKP on April 26, 2006, 20:02:45
the root system on the straws is just wonderful.  they're second year plants and really seem to be a lot healthier this year.  they're all i've got though, so i hope transplating them today doesn't knock them too much.   as i've only got a handful i just went and got a wee bag of straw today ......... from Morrisons of all places, never been up the pet aisle before  ;D

the toms have been on the east facing unheated windowsill and were getting a bit big for their wee pots.  they're in a mixture of john innes No. 2 and multipurpose.  we can but hope and pray.

Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: TEL on April 26, 2006, 20:42:53
Nice to see you are making good of that new green house ;D
Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: MrsKP on April 26, 2006, 20:47:48
hee hee, everything's been moved round about a dozen times.  am dropping EXTREMELY large hints about borrowing mate's electric saw on saturday and then all my darlings will have to move again  ;D  don't think i've got enough gravel though so best get another couple of bags just to be on the safe side.

Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: supersprout on April 27, 2006, 08:15:22
What a lovely sight mrskp, maids are certainly Pretty and also Advanced ;)
Interesting to see the ring culture at work too, where are the blue boxes from?
Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: MrsKP on April 27, 2006, 08:38:27
5 for £5 from local Morrisons, sitting by the tills.  Cheaper than pots and as many times as i've asked no-one is giving away the black buckets for flowers  !
Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: Hyacinth on April 27, 2006, 09:14:09
THANKS FOR THE BLUE BOX TIP KAYPEE  Trip to Morries planned for me, then ;D ;D ;D 

and don't they look neat inside your brand-new newly erected greenhouse? How did the erection go, or have you written about it somewhere else and I've missed it?

My toms (those that I'm keeping in the 'house) are ready to go, so many many thanks for the inspiring pix 8)
Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: MrsKP on April 27, 2006, 20:29:07
you're very welcome Lish.  Hope you're in luck and they've got them on sale at your local store.  From reading threads on here about what various supermarkets have on sale and offer/don't offer free, i think there must be various regionalities about the offers.  I'd offer to get you some but don't suppose you want to wait until the "meet" to get them.  there have been hundreds of these boxes for a few weeks now and covered in dust so i don't know if they've just been sitting oot the back.  ::)  they're not the really thick types which made it slightly easier drilling hunnerds of holes in the base.  ;D

i'm not nearly articulate or funny enough to "do a Deeds" but rest assured there were "words" at various stages of the construction and the base still isn't built which is why it's still on the patio.   and someone's size 11's went straight across the newly dug soil of the final resting place last night when we were building the arch.  my tongue is so sore with being held  ;D ;D ;D

once it's moved, i'm going to gravel that side of the g/h to make misting and watering even easier and the five boxes do fit quite snugly but that's me, i do like things looking neat.   ;D it left me three plants left over, two of which have gone in a very large hanging basket tonight and one still sitting on the window sill with me wondering what i'm going to do with it.  ::) i'm keeping a sharp eye on the weather forecast so i can rush outside with newspaper/fleece if there's even a sniff of frost.

you've just got to get yourself a digital cameral girl.  i need to see some of your stuff.

Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: carloso on April 29, 2006, 16:31:23
i uase buckets 73pence from Asda absolutly spot on have you seen the price of large pots ?????

i now have a sturdy errr 15 buckets (5 came from netto's at 70 pnece each but i got the last) and there all good stuff,
i also bought some 10" * 12" deep off ebay (8 in total) for 50pence each ! so i think the poly tunnel is about full now


ps i drilled holes about 2 1/2 inches from the bottom to form a small reservoir at the bottom for hope fully a little extra drink for the lads !
Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: Hyacinth on April 29, 2006, 18:48:46
A coupla things here.....(don't do the Morries run til tomorrow, but SO like the ring culture inside the blue boxes......I LIKE blue, me, and also like things to look'neat'... seems a good way of utilizing the space in the little g'house, so I'll be going for it).......but...this business of 'free' flower buckets :-\ reckon, like me,  it's an urban myth, KayPee ::) ;D  ;D

Other thing.....all this talk of drilling holes ... ???  Why? I've always got that tool with the pointy end, the one you use to mark where you're going to drill.......put it in the flame of the gas hob.......not only do I make neat and tidy holes in a trice - I also do patterns  ;) ;D ;D ;D

Is that a Top Tip? I thought everyone did it :D
Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: MrsKP on April 29, 2006, 19:07:04
i would NEVER heat my bradawl, it's far too precious, but i do my plastic cups with a BBQ skewer.  i must remember not to use that particular one for the barbie - plastic and kebabs yeuch.

never thought of holding a reservoir carloso - b*ggar !  what a good idea lmao!

there must be some stores that give the buckets away cos people say so on here.  but every time i ask, they look at me a bit funny as if i'm trying to steal something.

i can hardly type here Lish.  I've been outside since about 10am putting the greenhouse in it's final position.  just got everything back in and watered - it was beautiful and sunny all day and all the poor wee things had been out on the patio dying for a drink.  i'm absolutely flippin kn@ckered.

not complaining though, if it had been windy and raining, the g/h woudn't be finished  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 


Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: DenBee on April 29, 2006, 19:19:44
Our local florist sells those buckets for 10p.  I bought a few the other day.  Along with the blue plastic crates Tim had on a photo a while back (same price) and white plastic crates with slatted lids for 50p.

Lovely photo.  Looks like a lot of hard work gone on today.

I now do have a greenhouse, all constructed.  And some day, you never know, OH might help me put the glazing in.  ::)  :)
Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: MrsKP on April 29, 2006, 20:56:16
thanks DenBee.  All showered and just jumped into nice warm jammies out of the drier.  I must have got more than a touch of the sun today, cos as soon as i came in i was frozen.  nice and toasty now.

When i think back to last august when we moved here, and all we had was an overgrown hedge and a green rectangle sloping alarmingly from right to left, i think we've done quite well.  still got to tidy up the odds and ends but we're nearly there.

Good luck with the glazing, just a wee tip - wait for the wind to die down before you start.   ;D
Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: katynewbie on April 29, 2006, 21:21:58

WOW!!!!!!! Remember when there were just the raised beds and a shed with a problematic window?!

It all looks great Kay Pee!! Pat yourself on the back and have a wee dram!!

Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: Hyacinth on April 29, 2006, 22:45:23
It all looks amazing!! You've done SO well in such a short time......innit exciting?  ::)     And can I see runners coming up, too?

btw....thanks for naming the pointy tool - no probs for me using one for making holes.....I've got 2 others 8) ;D
Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: machman5 on April 29, 2006, 23:03:14
Hi all,
Just been reading through and I've gotta ask, what does Imao mean?   :-\

Also MrsKP - your garden's looking good, makes mine and my g/house look like steptoes yard!! -  is the arch in the pic the one you were talking about in another thread and can someone tell me how to do those arch shapes under the fleece

Donna :D
Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: Hyacinth on April 29, 2006, 23:28:21
Hiya - think I can give you your answers..

Laughing I disagree Off..

The arch in the pic - seems identical to the Home Bargains ones - cept KayPee paid about a fiver :o for hers at Asda (I think)..

The arch shapes under the fleece - may well have been cloches from either the £ shop OR Aldi......but you can make your own by getting some lengths of cane then fitting old garden hose over them....

Hope this helps - Lish  :)
Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: machman5 on April 30, 2006, 00:08:09
Thanks for all that Lish,

I might try that thing with the hose and cane, bought a roll of fleece about 5 years ago and still not used it!!

by the way, or btw (worked that one out already!) I 'lmao' quite a bit lately just reading stuff on this site, you all seem like a great bunch!

Ta again,
Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: MrsKP on April 30, 2006, 06:39:52
Hi Donna, Lish is spot on.  lmao is laughing my @ss off whichs seems not to get through the bad language filter !!!!  , roflmao is rolling on the floor laughing my backside off which i do lots when reading about all the doings on here  ;D

the fleece tunnels are indeed of Lidl stock and underneath the fleece is a polythene sheet as well.  Once the last frosts have gone, i'm intending to replace the keeping warm sheeting for netting so i can actually see my babies grow.  got a while before that happens though.  the pigeons are using them as trampolines just now  ::)

Steptoes yard is exactly how i'd describe my garden!!  There is an as yet uninstalled birthbath (sink) out there somewhere so they're still having to use the bucket !!!  I'm sure a stuffed bear will turn up if i look hard enough  ;D ;D

Runners aren't out yet Lish, but i was trialling the frames to see how they'd cope with the very strong winds we get (nothing to do with the OH  :o :P) and they're holding well.  i've only got a couple of runners germinated yet though as the second sowing seems to be stalling !!!!!  might have to have a poke in the tube to see what's going on !  the fleece us up to protect the sweet peas which are climbing up the twine inbetween the bean canes.  All tips that i've got from A4A.

What you can't see much of  is the 20' x 12' patio so we've got somewhere to sit, but it's sinking !!!!  you can see the broken wall just by the g/h where it's kind of dropped .............. but repairing that is a job for next year !  That bit of lawn to the left of the g/h is actually the upstairs neighbours garden which has been empty since we've moved in, so is ....erm ......... my dumping ground for all sorts  ::)  Really must tidy it up as i think it's been sold now, although still no signs of life.

a big  thanks goes out to all the very friendly and helpful people on here so have helped make my bomb site what it is today  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: pretty maids all in a row
Post by: saddad on May 09, 2006, 17:16:21
Those florist buckets are great, even if you have to drill your own holes, a local florist closed down and we got over 200 for free, needles to say they were snapped up in a week from by the site hut under a "help yourself " banner!
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