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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: biscuit on April 25, 2006, 20:31:46

Title: Place your bets
Post by: biscuit on April 25, 2006, 20:31:46
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the world of allotments and have only just started out.

I've been busying sowing seeds and carefully labelling all my pots etc. However, the other half was in there over the weekend and one of my lovely labels has gone astray.

Anyone any ideas what these seedlings could be?

Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: ipt8 on April 25, 2006, 20:35:26
They are the only ones you have a packet for and not a label ;D

Er sorry, I dont recognise them. Are they vegetable or flower?
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: biscuit on April 25, 2006, 20:38:20
Ahh, I thought I was being tidy by throwing out the packets - it must be a vegetable as the only flowers I planted were sweet peas.
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Paulines7 on April 25, 2006, 20:57:50
Hello biscuit, welcome to A4A.  You will find some very helpful and pleasant people on here.

Now, regarding your seedlings, I don't recognise them at all.  There is still the remains of the outside shell of the seed on one of the plants on the right so it should be easy to identify.  They are something fairly large such as courgette, pumpkin, cucumber or squash, but I am growing all of those but all the seed shells were a light colour.  Yours is black with a light tip.  I have reproduced the seed as others may have missed it when looking at your picture.  You didn't grow any sunflowers did you?
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: supersprout on April 25, 2006, 21:01:15
Welcome biscuit  :) Sunflowers?
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Merry Tiller on April 25, 2006, 21:05:11
Celery possibly?
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Sucellus on April 25, 2006, 21:09:57
Hey Biscuit. Just a guess, but did you sow any globe artichokes? Purely because the true leaves look slightly serrated.
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: amanda21 on April 25, 2006, 21:29:25
They look a bit like my butternut squash that is just showing through....?
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on April 25, 2006, 21:58:11
I don't recognise the seed, but it doesn't look like any sort of squash (or squash seed) I've grown. If you've only lost one label, can't you work it out? You've got labels for all the others you've planted, the missing one must be your mystery plant.
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Paulines7 on April 25, 2006, 22:16:16
They look a bit like my butternut squash that is just showing through....?

Amanda, my butternut squash had light cream coloured seeds, not black.   :o
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Hyacinth on April 25, 2006, 22:25:41
I'd go Robert's way and process of elimination? Courgette or cucumber's my guess.
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: biscuit on April 25, 2006, 22:32:05
Thanks guys - I'm must admit I went a bit mad and planted a lot of seeds.

I know that it isn't onions, leeks, sweet peas, cucumber, tomatos, beetroot, cabbage, peas, french beans or oriental salad. I don't like courgettes so not that and I've decided against squash/pumpkins this year as I don't have the room.  Just got to try and work out what else I planted ::) Guess I'll watch and see how they start to develop!

Any change they could be peppers or chillis?
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: kitty on April 25, 2006, 22:38:51
what is it?

;Dits a surprise seedling thats what it is...tho i'd go with sunflower!

memo-keep yer packets! ::) ;D ;D ;D

and dont worry.we all do it!........ ;D
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Mrs Ava on April 25, 2006, 22:40:31
Nope, I don't think sunflowers, chillis or peppers.
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Mrs Ava on April 25, 2006, 22:47:37
Veering towards Sucellus suggestion of globe artichoke, or maybe New Zealand Spinach?  Trying to think what has seeds like that...similar to sun flower, but the leaves don't loko right to me.  Defo not squashes.  What about herbs - did you sow any?
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Merry Tiller on April 25, 2006, 23:08:38
not New Zealand Spinach for sure
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Hyacinth on April 25, 2006, 23:21:43
OK, peppers, then? I only grew peppers once, last year, and sent he remaining seeds to someone here......can't remember grow this year....might they have been similar to those of yours, I wonder?
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Merry Tiller on April 25, 2006, 23:29:22
I just noticed the seed case clinging to the leaf on the right, they are Dahlias without doubt, you must have got your seed packets mixed up or something
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: sarah on April 25, 2006, 23:33:28
they could be peppers y'know, the two seedlings on the left look a bit pepper like. the seed husk is a bit confusing though,  its hard to tell.  If the husk was lighter i would say pepper.  never grown chillies though so dont know what they look like, similar to pepper i guess.  Hmm i must know the answer to this riddle...
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Merry Tiller on April 26, 2006, 00:02:00
Sorry, it's nothing like a pepper, it's a Dahlia, I recognised it straight away but was put off by her saying that she hadn't sowed flower seed other than sweet pea but the seed case is the clincher
elementary Dr Watson
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on April 26, 2006, 07:41:11
Peppers have flat, light-coloured seed. It doesn't look like that.
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: biscuit on April 26, 2006, 08:49:15
mm, it is a mystery. I defo haven't planted any dahlias but having looked in my gardening book it does look like it, doesn't it?
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Paulines7 on April 26, 2006, 08:57:15
I don't think it could possibly be a vegetable as none that I know have a flower that would bear seeds the same as the seed case shown and that is definitely from a flowerhead. 

It is not a fruit seed so that rules out pumpkins, peppers, squashes etc. 

I think Merry Tiller who said Dahlia has a good chance of being correct.  I have never seen dahlia seeds but imagine they would be shaped like that.   :D

Please keep us up to date Biscuit and post a picture when these plants flower.  What an interesting thread to start off your introduction to A4A.   ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Jules on April 26, 2006, 10:45:35
I have a fiver on a dahlia! Like MT I recognised it straight away, perhaps the seed company mixed them up!  I used to grow them and they are a very distinctive seed-hope you keep them they are such a lovely flower...

two sheds
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Mrs Ava on April 26, 2006, 12:58:32
Could well be the seed companies fault.  I once purcahsed salvias from Thompson Morgans, grew a lovely tray of them, but quickly realised I was growing pelagoniums!  Contacted them and apparently there had been a thingy up on that production line, I wasn't alone, and I received the correct seeds, so don't rule that out.
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Nobbyman on April 26, 2006, 13:02:33
Deffo Dahlia's!!!

My dahlia seedlings look exactly like that!!

Nobbs xx  ::)
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: fbgrifter on April 26, 2006, 14:59:05
Before i'd got to the end of this thread, i already knew that this was a dahlia....will take pictures of mine to compare....
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: fbgrifter on April 26, 2006, 15:20:44
As promised:



Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: sarah on April 26, 2006, 15:45:16
thats pretty convincing i have to say.
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: kitty on April 26, 2006, 16:25:21
merry tiller wins-
grifter and nobby tie for second!
phew-you realise that was going to run and run..well-it still will i spose-let us know biccy!

hahaha! ;)
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Merry Tiller on April 26, 2006, 19:42:56
You're welcome 8)
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: biscuit on April 27, 2006, 07:45:39
Wow - you lot are brillant. Virtual deerstalker and pipe goes to Merry Tiller......

I defo didn't plant any dahilas but I'm planning on keeping them and I will see how they develop.
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Merry Tiller on April 27, 2006, 08:49:24
Let's see a photo when they're in flower
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: flowerlady on April 27, 2006, 09:03:31
;D  Would be hilarious if they turned out to be something else  ;D

... will look forward to the photos too  ;)
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Hyacinth on April 27, 2006, 09:06:14
...and I want to see Tiller in his deerstalker and with his politically incorrect pipe too.....time to change your avatar Tils?

Isn't it grand when the seed companies get it wrong.....years ago my family bought a pack of T&M runner bean seeds - planted loads in station against all the poles (they love runner beans)........and each bean plant grew and thrived while they went on hol.....and morphed overnight into sprouts (they hate sprouts) :o....... ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: flowerlady on April 27, 2006, 09:08:32
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Merry Tiller on April 27, 2006, 09:12:23
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Hyacinth on April 27, 2006, 09:23:06

Nice one Tils  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: alit on April 27, 2006, 20:22:41
definately not chilli peppers
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Merry Tiller on April 27, 2006, 21:04:29
definately not chilli peppers

I know, they're Dahlias ::) ;D ;D
Title: Re: Place your bets
Post by: Hyacinth on April 27, 2006, 21:30:36
Tils says they're Dahlias...

The Strange Case of the Seed wot Growed in the Night...

solved  8)
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