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Produce => Non Edible Plants => Topic started by: janebb on April 25, 2006, 17:37:21

Title: When should I move a camellia?
Post by: janebb on April 25, 2006, 17:37:21
We have a camellia at the back of a border but is totaly hidden by a huge ceanothus .  I would like to move it into a pot.  When is the right time to do this?
Title: Re: When should I move a camellia?
Post by: ipt8 on April 25, 2006, 20:41:29
In the autumn when it has stopped growth. The roots will be active now so dont disturb it now.

In the early summer you could dig all round and under it with a fork to wrench the roots. This makes new roots develop within the rootball you will be potting later in the year. Usually its done 12 months previous but I think if you do it in the early summer and do not pot it untill late it would be OK. BUT you have to use your own judgement, remember you can see the actual plant and see if it is healthy, I/we cannot. :)
Title: Re: When should I move a camellia?
Post by: Hot_Potato on April 30, 2006, 00:27:33
Please advise me about a camelia I've been offered.....a friend has decided he doesn't want his anymore!  ???

He's had it about 8 years and it's been repotted once I believe since it was given to him as a very young shrub (from a cutting)'s now quite tall, between 5 & 6 ft. high and rather cylindrical.

Every year until the last couple or so, it's had beautiful pink flowers but the last two at least, it's deteriorated and most of the leaves are now very yellow and dropping off and the flowers are tinged with brown (might be some frost damage there)'s always stood in the same place.

I feel sure the plant is starved in some way - don't they have to have a special feed now & again and maybe it wants re-potting - he says it's potbound.

It just seems so awful to think he's going to 'chuck it'....but I haven't a very sunny spot for it - only have a tiny patio - what would I have to do to 'save' this once magnificent shrub please?
Title: Re: When should I move a camellia?
Post by: Tee Gee on April 30, 2006, 15:06:43
This might give you some ideas; (
Title: Re: When should I move a camellia?
Post by: Hot_Potato on May 01, 2006, 15:10:09
thanks for that link Tee Gee....some very helpful info in there!  :)
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