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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: alit on April 24, 2006, 21:01:42

Title: courgette seeds
Post by: alit on April 24, 2006, 21:01:42
How long do courgette seeds take to germinate.  i sowed mine same time as i sowed marrows and squashes.  The others have already germinated.  i sowed them on the 30th March.
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: plot51A on April 24, 2006, 21:33:30
I find they are usually pretty quick. Sowed 3 courgette varieties + 3 squash varieties last week - went away on hols for 5 days - came back, all had germinated, (luckily only just as they were in heated prop. and needed whipping out!) - all except the Blue Hubbard squash, none of which have showed at all. Thats life  ;D

Would give up on your courgettes and sow again!
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: Hot_Potato on April 24, 2006, 21:44:30
I sowed the only 3 seeds that were in the unopened packet I had (Unwins) it usual to have so few by the way?......8 days ago on the 17th April.....I put a plastic bag over each little pot and kept them on my (non sunny) windowsill and so far no sign of them altho in last 24 hours - the soil has started to 'lift' and crack I felt I just had to 'help them along' a bit so put them into a warmer cupboard (not the airing cupboard) at lunch-time...when I looked just now - a big crack and heap of soil has appeared on one of them and the others have 'advanced'.....will be keeping a close eye on them and as soon as I see the slightest bit of 'life' I'll remove them from the cupboard!

My Dr. Hessayon book says - germination takes 5 - 8 days so mine are taking a bit longer!
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: Paulines7 on April 24, 2006, 21:47:25
I was worried about some of my courgettes and squashes that hadn't germinated yet had been in for a while so I gently removed the top part of the soil this evening until I could see the seed.  All but 2 were beginning to shoot so I covered them up again.  Tomorrow I will put two more seeds in with those that hadn't germinated.  Good luck.

 ;D ;D
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: MollyBloom on April 25, 2006, 00:31:24
I've had great success with germinating courgette seed this year by putting them into a warm airing cupboard and checking at least twice a day to see if they were starting to show above the compost. 100% success rate! Once they germinate, that extra heat will have them reaching the ceiling in a couple of days if not removed to more normal heat and light conditions! I suspect that your seed has rotted off if you sowed it 3 weeks ago - maybe you kept the compost too wet and cool? It's not too late to try again.
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: Tora on April 25, 2006, 09:42:34
I chitted all cucumber/ courgette seeds first and then potted them in compost. That way I had much better results. Thoroughly recommend it! :)
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: Svea on April 25, 2006, 09:48:54
looks like it's time to do my own monster seedlings - which i havent started yet!

monsters because they produce a volcano of earth when they poke through the soil, and grow to outrageous proportions on day 2 :)
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: Hot_Potato on April 25, 2006, 11:08:50
Svea - that sounds sooooo exciting....can certainly see on checking today that's there's much activity going on....big mound of compost & just caught tiny glimpse of 'something lurking' in one of the pots in between the cracks!!....will check again at teatime.

Off out now so they'll have to stay in the warm for a bit longer
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: alit on April 25, 2006, 11:12:12
Thank you everyone for your advice.  it certainly sounds like mine were too cold and i will  buy some more and start again.

Tora, please could you tell me what is chitting.  do you mean making a 'nick' in the seed case.  i did this with some squash seeds but then thought i had damaged them so threw them away and used non-nicked seeds. (if you know what i mean!!!)

Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: supersprout on April 25, 2006, 12:30:59
Hi alit, when I chit my squash I mean putting them on damp kitchen roll or cotton wool to sprout :),com_smf/Itemid,57/topic,18633.0
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: Tora on April 25, 2006, 13:22:25
Yes, that's what I do ;D I just put seeds (initially soaked overnight) on damp kitchen paper, cover with cling film and put them in a propagator. It took only 2 days for my butternut squash to sprout (and the seeds were 4 years old). They are now growing fine in pots of compost. :D
Regarding nicking seeds, I don't really think that helps germination but you probably could try sowing them anyway.  :)
Good luck with your courgettes!
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: Svea on April 25, 2006, 13:31:14
FYI, most of the seeds i do get put in seed trays or small pots on the window sills, right above the radiator. i guess they are all happy with bottom heat to really get them going - i usually have to move plants to the only cold sill i have pretty swiftly...
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: Hot_Potato on April 25, 2006, 21:00:37
Well I feel thrilled to bits - when I got home this evening, first thing I did was check the courgettes in got 3 fab looking germinated seeds with strong looking stems standing about half inch or more above compost.....what a difference 24 hours in a warm cupboard made!!

have taken off their plastic bag hats and transferred them to non-sunny windowsill  (assume that's right) - hope they continue to make good progress - first time I've ever grown them from seed myself....have grown my courgettes last couple of years from plants I've been given so this is very exciting  :)
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: supersprout on April 25, 2006, 21:07:16
Hi H_P, great to hear your courgettes are up and away! Hope you well and truly have the seed sowing bug now. I have just grown toms for the first time from seed this year, can relate to huge excitement! ;D

Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: Hyacinth on April 25, 2006, 22:29:23
The chappie who wrote the book 'Square Foot Gardening' recommends soaking all large seeds (chitting as Sprottie says) before planting.I'll be doing this with my french/runner beans. Doesn't half bring them on and up quickly.
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: Hot_Potato on April 25, 2006, 22:48:47
How long would you soak runner beans for then you mean overnight or longer?

It's is an amazing feeling isn't it when you see that miraculous growth almost in front of your eyes!
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: Hyacinth on April 25, 2006, 23:18:51
Just overnight in warm water to sow in the morning. You're right about this growing lark being amazing - those Thai basil seeds I painstakingly counted out to share were like dust - and they'll grow into sturdy bushes by summer. Ain't nature grand ::) 8)
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: suhayb on April 27, 2006, 00:14:09
My jaw now hurts from smiling and chuckling all through this thread!

I can really sense everyone excitement.

Poking in through the compost to see if a seed has geminated!?!?! tut tut!
Been there, done that!  ::)
The only other similar experience i had was when i was 8 or 9.  I remember sneaking down stairs with my brother at 1 o'clock in the morning, and rummaging through all the wrapped presents a week before xmas.
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: flowerlady on April 27, 2006, 08:46:48
Brilliant thread, been there done that, aren't we all sad  ::)  ;D

Still have to start mine off, somehow time has got the better of me  :-\
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: Merry Tiller on April 27, 2006, 08:52:25
Plenty of time yet
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: flowerlady on April 27, 2006, 08:58:48
Oh good, 'cos the pile of seed packets on my desk is daunting! :D
Title: Re: courgette seeds
Post by: Merry Tiller on April 27, 2006, 09:06:07
Yes, I know what you mean, just don't panic. I find that most of the beginners I know tend to sow seeds at the earliest possible date as indicated on the seed packet, enthusiasm I suppose, most of the old hands tend to get a feeling for when the time is right, experience, weather conditions etc.
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