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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: delboy on April 16, 2006, 22:59:00

Title: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: delboy on April 16, 2006, 22:59:00
I have 8 plants now on my allotment, but 5 are producing growths that look like turning into flower stalks.

Should I cut or pull them out to help the plants concentrate on producing more stalks now/saving strength for next year?

These plants were all grown from seed last year and planted out by October 2005.
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: slippy fly on April 16, 2006, 23:30:35
It says here to remove the flowering stems  ;D
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: supersprout on April 17, 2006, 02:01:22
Hi delboy, my mum always cut off the flowering stems to 'save their strength'. If my two rhubub ever get big enough to flower, I will too :)
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: petemason on April 17, 2006, 08:35:01
Mine looked like this for the first time ever last year..........


I just sliced the flower stalks off and it produced no differently.
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: delboy on April 17, 2006, 08:55:58
Slippy Fly

What an amazing site that is!

Off with those flower stalks..
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: MollyBloom on April 17, 2006, 09:05:40
Yes, unless you want to save seed for propagation, you need to take off the flower shoots to let the plant's energy go into producing leafy growth.
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on April 17, 2006, 10:38:12
A strong rhubarb crown will usually throw up one or more flower stems; take it as a sign that your plants are doing well, and break them off as soon as you see them. I spotted one on mine yesterday, but I was watering them with the contents of the pee barrel at the time, and didn't feel like pulling it off till it had had time to dry!
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: Rhys on April 17, 2006, 12:27:24
I grew my rhubarb from seed last year and they have flowered too, glad I know to cut them off now.
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: Columbus on April 17, 2006, 16:38:49
Hi Delboy, Hi Robert,  :D

I was watering them with the contents of the pee barrel at the time

Serious question - are you talking human pee? directly onto the rhubarb?
Is this a good thing?  ???

I just normally pee into the compost heap. It will be a year before it gets into contact with plants.

Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: cleo on April 17, 2006, 17:05:59
Yes pull those flowering stems out. I still smile when I see posts about pee,when I first joined this internet game I  was quite shy about posting,there were these ladies talking about peeing......................... :)
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: amanda21 on April 17, 2006, 17:08:29
Don't the the answer re the pee but can I ask another?

I was give some bits of rhubarb in January and they were the first thing I planted on my plot.  I have three plants growing now about the size you could just get a bucket over I guess.  Anyway - they seem to be sending out nice pink stems and leaves every day but can I cut and use them this year or should I just let them grow?  If I cany cut it this year, do I have to cut it back at all in the autumn?

Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: David R on April 17, 2006, 18:19:03

Do you pee in a barrel at the lotty, or save it at home and transport it? This fascinates me; there are no toilets at the lotty, and I normally have to pee whilst no-ones looking. Normally this is against the compost bin, (as it provides a screen), but storing it in a barrel would be a seriously good idea.

tell me more
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: supersprout on April 17, 2006, 18:22:28
Hey amanda, if it's their first year it's probably a good idea to let them grow and 'gather their strength' (that's my ma talking again!).

David R - glad you asked the question, I was too shy :-[ :)
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: delboy on April 17, 2006, 18:53:39
Is the new info on this thread a sign that it has gone "off pisste"?
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: cleo on April 17, 2006, 19:12:57
Let them grow Amanda
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: cowellen on April 17, 2006, 19:34:06
:-\ there is rhubard growing along the edge of my plot - it was stickin out of the black plastic,
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on April 17, 2006, 19:36:58
I go in a bucket, and sling it in the barrel, which also gets any comfrey liquid I make. By the time it goes on the rhubarb or whatever it's well and truly gone off or whatever the term is. But I also wee directly onto plants, and it's never hurt them. Anything rather than waste good resources.

Incidentally if that's your boundary path I'd suggest moving the rhubarb away from it; a flourishing clump takes up a lot of space when it gets going. That' looks like a fairly new planting to me.
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: cowellen on April 17, 2006, 19:39:25
so the sprouts the dog pee'd on will be ok then - phew  :P
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: bennettsleg on April 18, 2006, 08:45:10
I grew my rhubarb from seed last year and they have flowered too, glad I know to cut them off now.

Just ordered a load of seed; Do they require any special care to grow?  Ma always says plant them on an old compost heap (which I plan to do so) but can I scatter them and they'll grow or do I go the long way round of into a seed tray etc?
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: David R on April 18, 2006, 09:37:53
thanks Robert,

A good idea, and one i shall be trying. If nothing else, peeing into a bucket or bottle can be done in the privacy of ones own car!
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: Rhys on April 19, 2006, 10:26:27
I grew my rhubarb from seed last year and they have flowered too, glad I know to cut them off now.

Just ordered a load of seed; Do they require any special care to grow?  Ma always says plant them on an old compost heap (which I plan to do so) but can I scatter them and they'll grow or do I go the long way round of into a seed tray etc?

I sowed the seed in 3 " pots. On the packet they may say to plant in final position in Sep - I didn't though - just waited until they were big enough and put them straight in the ground.
I'm hoping to eat my first crop next week maybe. ;D
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: RSJK on April 19, 2006, 10:55:43
Rhys, if this is the first year for them , the general rule is not to pull any on the first year let the plant get established for another year.
Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: carloso on April 19, 2006, 12:06:12
i took all my plants out and left them in the frost, Not unusal as thats what everyone else does

anyone on here ?

Title: Re: Rhubarb Flowering
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on April 19, 2006, 12:28:49
It's probably OK to do that, but get them back in early. I find they don't like being moved after they've have started growing in very early spring. This is long before they emerge above ground.
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