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Photo Gallery => The Gallery => Topic started by: jammyd on March 07, 2004, 20:55:51

Title: Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: jammyd on March 07, 2004, 20:55:51

Anyone know what these little blighters are? I moved a piece of carpet that was covering some bare ground and found a number of these critters. They're about 10-15mm long and have lots of legs.

Also, are they friend or foe??? Never seen 'em before!

Many thanks,
james  ;D
Title: Re:Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: Hugh_Jones on March 07, 2004, 21:29:47
Millipedes, and they eat the roots of plants.
Title: Re:Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: flowerbaby_uk on March 07, 2004, 21:56:53
yep squash em cos baddies  ;D
Title: Re:Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: jammyd on March 08, 2004, 10:33:01
Yikes - so they're bad boys, are they....  >:(

Anyone know a good way of getting rid of them (which doesn;t involve chemicals...)

thanks all!
jams  ;D
Title: Re:Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: kenkew on March 08, 2004, 11:05:56
Depends on quantity. Just a few then the order of the boot should be ok. If it's a serious infestation you might have to resort to dustings seedlings with Lindane. 'Non poisonous' slug pellets will help to deter them too.
Title: Re:Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: tim on March 08, 2004, 15:20:26
I believe it is correct that anything that 'scuttles' is good. = Tim
Title: Re:Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: jammyd on March 08, 2004, 17:03:03
Hello Tim, I'd hate to kill anything that was good for the plot, but they seem to have set up home where I'd planned to plant my parsnips - hope they won't nibble too many!!

james   :)
Title: Re:Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: Hugh_Jones on March 08, 2004, 17:50:23
Tim, I think you`re getting confused with centipedes. The millipedes pictured don`t scuttle, they move slowly and usually curl up when disturbed, and can be either the colour shown or black.  Centipedes are reddish brown, move very quickly, and are ferocious eaters of the soil `baddies` such as millipedes.
Title: Re:Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: Palustris on March 08, 2004, 18:28:07
Beat me to it, Hugh, Agree Millpedes, hens love these but not the black ones. Old rule used to be that if it moves quickly it is a friend if it moves slowly then it is a foe. If you do not like Chemicals then try hollowing out a potato, the millipedes will move in and then you can dispose as you will. That is the theory anyway.
Title: Re:Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: tim on March 08, 2004, 19:46:32
Dear, oh dear - you aged lot!! I don't know a millipede when I see one??
I said that scuttlers are GOOD? Like centipedes (which, I reckon are nearer yellow than reddish-brown) and like what Eric's old rule agrees with?? That includes the nippy beetles. = Tim
Title: Re:Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: jammyd on March 08, 2004, 22:06:00
Thanks for all your help, folks - I'll definitely try the potato trick  ;)
There were a couple of centipedes around the millipedes - I guess it was an all you can eat buffet till I came along!!

Title: Re:Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: gavin on March 08, 2004, 23:15:54
Poor maligned beasties - they're not really baddies are they?  Not through and through baddies?

I've never had that many to have to worry - so I'm the wrong person to say anything; the few I've seen, it's been live and let live (and turned up for the birds to get).  

A few disjointed thoughts - they digest rotting wood and leaves, and are part of the long chain of creatures who build fertile soil; so it figures that there's be a lot under your carpet.  But they can also be a pain in the seed-bed, I believe, nibbling away at roots - is this when there are too many of them, and they're hungry?

I'd liek to know more - let us know how the potato trick goes?

All best - Gavin

Title: Re: Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: rachie78 on November 21, 2010, 18:28:33
I also have the same problem but where do i buy Lindane from ? have tried averything else!
Title: Re: Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: Palustris on November 22, 2010, 08:53:52
Lindane was banned about 10 years ago as being one of the worst poisons that man has created to spray on the land. It killed everything living, including us!
Title: Re: Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on November 24, 2010, 16:55:34
Millipedes are largely detritus feeders, and do very little harm. If you're worried, use the potato trick rather than poisons. The latter will probably kill a lot of useful creatures as well.
Title: Re: Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: Digeroo on November 24, 2010, 18:04:25
Is it just me but I cannot see pic of the beasties?
Title: Re: Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: Susiebelle on November 24, 2010, 18:20:32
nor me digeroo - and I would have found it useful as I always get these two mixed up!
Title: Re: Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: Jayb on November 24, 2010, 18:35:44
The photo appears long gone, original post was 2004  :o
Title: Re: Wee beasties - help!!!
Post by: Digeroo on November 24, 2010, 19:05:02
Aha well spotted.
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